Author Topic: Some Memorable Moments In FH  (Read 1333 times)

Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Some Memorable Moments In FH
« on: January 07, 2013, 07:18:04 pm »
    Now as alot of you know, there has been alot of problems with people in feral heart. Mate begging, trolling, and all the sexual comments that should never be implemented into a game with children. ~However this is not a topic for that, this is a topic for all the good times we have had in Feral Heart, and if your asking why I'm making this topic, its simply because despite all of the problems, people still play the game for a reason.
     I want to hear some of the best moments in the game that you, the people who play online have had. It could of been anywhere, and at anytime, Just give us a story and we'll listen.

Rules are:
1) No Using someones name without their permission
2) No cursing of course, although I don't think this topic will have a problem with it
3) Don't make fun of someone's post, like "That's so girly" Please act like adults, even if your not one yet.~

Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: Some Memorable Moments In FH
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 07:23:28 pm »
Since I made this little topic, I guess i'll start it off.
      I was on my Titan character BlueTyphon, and wondering around the plains looking for something to do, at first someone said that their was a bunch of lions at L Island for some reason so I decided why not try there, couldn't hurt when you had nothing to do right?
Well, first moment I came up to that island, I met a brown lion, who for some odd reason that I didn't know at first call me BlueBerry~ And yes people...she still calls me that to this day.
       Now I was tackled, and pinned as every lion there examined me! Thinking I was the oddest thing in the world yet. Then many or so months later I was still friends with the pride of lions that I joined them as BlueReaper. And have been around the group for many months, since about June actually. Even when it had split apart though, I went with my female friend who now had a tan lion, and will not stop calling me blueberry~

Offline RisingLife

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Re: Some Memorable Moments In FH
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2013, 03:51:37 pm »
One day I was checking up on my mapped warriors rp, one I had been in for monthes, and I found out that my leader had died and my deputy had to leave for the summer. This meant no one was in charge at the moment. So I got on my warrior character hoping no chaos had broken out, and found a warrior, lets call him Shadowheart, was in charge. He had changed his name to Shadowstar and appointed a new warrior as his deputy.

Many people were upset with this for many reasons, and I admit I was one of the people who was angry, but we didn't start a fight. All we did was PM our old deputy (lets call her Fadingleaf) about our distrust in "Shadowstar". Fadinglead decided, since she WAS going to be the new leader, that the clan would vote on who would be in charge. That person would then choose to become leader or not.

So every member of my clan PM'd her their vote, and she posted a new thread. They voted their new leader as ME. Now I think this is memorable not because I became leader, but because my clan wanted me to be it, which I thought was very kind and nice. Im still friends with all the active clan members, even though we never see each other on the map anymore.
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