Author Topic: The Last of Us [Inactive since 11/02/2013]  (Read 7449 times)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2013, 05:49:18 pm »
Accepted, I think it's safe to say that we may start )

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Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2013, 06:31:00 pm »

Ashlee K. White

Ashlee's light blue eyes scanned the ground for her pup to appear from the shadows, of the building. She saw the furry ears of her buddy, and called him over, "Bubba here boy!" Obediently, the dog walked to her, and sat at her feet. Luckily, even though the infection was spreading fast, and food was scarce, she was able to fit in time to train this pup. She looked on her left shoulder, to see her mouse washing himself calmly, ignoring Bubba's high barking sound. Ashlee without a sign of emotion, grabbed a red collar and clipped it on the metal part of the collar.

Ashlee stopped at a run down, old building, but she could hear the scared mutter of people...
"Bubba, you go that way," Ashlee explained, pointing to the left, Bubba nodded, and headed off. When Bubba reached the other side of the building, there was a hole to see Bubba, so she mouthed "Speak." Bubba barked, and played dead, her normal routine.  Ashlee sneaked in, a sack in grip of her hand. She saw loads of bottles of water on the left, but loads of food on the right. She could only choose one... "Mickey, get the smaller foods." She whispered, and while the humans backs were turned to Bubba, and some of them were approaching him, she headed for the water.

She filled her sack with water, when now and again Mickey would come back, struggling with packets of food. Thats when Bubba winked his left eye, that means Mickey and Ashlee had to go. She got one more bottle of water, and left. Mickey crawled out with a packet of Walkers Crisps on his back. Ashlee snatched the bag off him, and waited for Bubba to return.

When he did, Ashlee heard screams saying
"WHERES OUR FOOD?" And another yelling, "stupid raiders!" Ashlee giggled, and ran off back.

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Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2013, 07:09:12 pm »

Kelly Woods

The beautiful Valley seemed peaceful, and the soft breeze flew through her brown hair. "Dark, Chloe?" She called out to thin air, but they were no where to be seen. "DARK?" She yelled, trying to find her best buddy. "Chloe?" She whispered, almost in tears. She then heard a distant roar, and before she could get her gun, the zombie had eaten her...

Kelly opened her eyes, and sat up in horror. Due to her quick actions,the husky named Chloe, that was sleeping on her stomach was thrown of her, onto the ground. "Oh... Sorry girl..." Gulped Kelly, but the young dog was okay. Phew, it was just a dream. She thought, rubbing her eyes. Her back ached, probably from sleeping on a bench. "Wher-" Kelly shut herself up, as she heard a moan of a zombie. She just hoped that Dark didn't wake up, or Chloe didn't make a noise.

Soon, the zombie was long gone, and Kelly sighed, she looked under the bench and saw her beautiful dog, and best buddy, Dark. She ruffled his fur, and got her back pack. She searched through it, and found a apple, and a hole piece of bread with cheese on it. Thats enough for breakfast, and maybe a bit of dinner. She thought, she was used to the starvation. She took the apple, and got the Cheese sandwich out, she took a bite of the apple, and tossed half of the sandwich to Chloe. "Dark, wake up." Dark opened his eyes, and lifted his head sleepily. Kelly threw him the other half, and carried on demolishing the apple.

After finishing, the apple, she threw the core over the bench and sighed. "Walkies?" She asked her two dogs, who both seemed like pups at the word. Kelly smiled a toothy smile, and picked herself up from the bench, she walked while saying, "follow." both dogs followed with out a single word. [/color]

« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 09:51:17 pm by HuskyStar »

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Offline IlLupoItaliano

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Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2013, 07:35:20 pm »

The last of Manhattan's city lights began to sink away into the folds of morning light, awakening what life inhabited the barren area of the city. The gentle breeze tousled the male's mouse brown hair as he poked his head through a bashed in window, the glass on the floor glistening with his reflection. The room the window belonged to was empty, baring a run-down living room to a family that no longer occupied the residence. Seeming to be clear he pulled himself into the room dusting his pants off as he made it in. It was practically pitch black, but soon his eyes readjusted to the darkness of the room. A crunching of glass behind him made him flinch, instantly brining his hand back to the G36c that was in a sling over his back. Though he was too late when he felt to cool end of a gun barrel pressed against his head. "Four?" A gruff confused voice called out behind him. "Finn, let him go." The gun was removed from the back of his head as Four turned to look at the voice who had recognized him. "Viper," He muttered fingering the cool spot the gun had left on the back of his neck. "I should have suspected you'd be here." The two men standing in front of him began to chuckle and walk further into the apartment. "Yeah, well practically everybody's here. This place's got nothin' though. We only managed to grab medical supplies here and there." Viper came to a stop and began to search a cupbard, leaving Four in the middle of the room. "Right. I'll see what I can manage to grab." Viper nodded, even though he faced the direction of the cabinet and not Four.

What seemed like hours, but turned out to only being twenty minuets, Four managed to scoop up several items of gold jewelry. They weren't big time expensive looking, but enough to make some money off of. "Four! Listen, Red needs you to pick up a package down at central park." Finn called over to him from the other end of the room as he had just finished shoving the last piece of jewelry into the small bag that was strapped to his back. He frowned looking back down at the huge pile of miscellaneous items that would need to be sorted through. "Don't worry about that. We're pulling out of here at in 35 anyways." Four collected his things and quickly bounded out of the same window he came in the apartment. "This package better be valuable." He ran down the fire escape on the side of the building, untied Aero & Argo from a lamp post, and headed for central park.

His pace slowed into a jog, now that he was in an open area.The infected could be anywhere, which always reminded him to look behind him every so often. He pulled the bandana around his neck up to his face, covering everything bellow his eyes. He had seen many of his fellow raiders become infected by airborne viruses, and definitely didn't want to catch the infection. Four scanned the park, yet only a couple of survivors camped out on the not-so-green grass, but know person who was suposed to deliver the package. "Alright boys. Search!" He commanded his dogs letting them off leash, if he wanted to find that package, the only way to make it possible was through his dogs.

Five minutes later, Argo had a lead, barking his head off at the edge of the park. "I'm comin'. I'm comin'." If their was one thing that that dog couldn't do, it certainly wouldn't be barking. Upon reaching Argo, he desperately searched the area where the dog had been standing. "Argo...Where is it...Ah-ha!" The gutter at the edge of the park had a awfully damaged package warped in newspaper jutting out of the gutter's grates. Four gently stuck his hand through in attempt to grab it, but only made it worse when he accidentally pushed it farther. "Damn!" Of course only he would make things more complicated than they needed to by. Now What!? He stood up from the ground, placing his hands on his hips and in a manor of defeat. He really needed to get the package, or else his blood would probably be painting the raider headquarters' wall. Sighing he patted his dogs' heads for praise, thinking about the pros and cons of his situation.

Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2013, 08:40:20 pm »
@Lupo, is today your birthday? ^.^)
Cheyanne Donovan
Cheyanne sat on the damp grass, her bow laid on the ground next to her, she stared at the sky as it began to grow lighter "Good morning." she grumbled to herself as she threw an apple core into a trash bin. Soon the sun's rays hit the damp grass and lit up Central park, it almost made Cheyanne think the infection never existed, until a high pitched squawk sounded from behind her. She grabbed her bow and slowly stood up, she stared at the figure, who was a young male. She sighed and drew her bow and shot an arrow straight through it's head. The creature fell to the ground silently, but it began to twitch on the ground rapidly, Cheyanne jogged up and placed her booted food onto it's head then retrieved her arrow. The creature shot up, Cheyanne gasped in shock, then the creature fell down again, un-moving. Cheyanne let out a sigh of relief then slung her bow over her shoulder.
After a few minutes of aimlessly walking around the park she finally plopped down onto a bench, she let out a bored yawn before placing her weapons beside her. She rubbed her hand along the barrel of her Springfield M1A "I was lucky to find you." she chuckled, she remembered searching a house and saw this bad boy under a bed. The only thing bad about it was that it wasn't easy finding ammo for it, so she never really got to use it. Her head shot up at the sound of a dog's barking, "Maybe I'll use you now." she grabbed the rifle and stood up. She knew there were infected animals, but she had never seen one, only heard of them. With her bow slung over her shoulder once again, she made her way towards the barks, then they stopped. She jogged forward, trying the find the dog, she knew most people would have left in fear, but she wanted to see it for herself. She crouched down when she saw a black shaped standing alone "A Doberman? Good dogs." she said quietly as she raised her rifle. She lowered her rifle when she noticed the dog didn't look infected at all, he had a sleek coat and looked well fed "Wha-" just then a man appeared in her view, he approached the dog then looked around. She watched him go to a gutter, she tilted her head as he went to grab something, she couldn't quite tell what it was. "Damn!" Cheyanne jumped in surprise, "Must have screwed something up." she laughed quietly. Cheyanne stood up, with her rifle slightly raised, and approached him. She stood about three feet away from him "Nice going." she smirked, she had her finger on the trigger just in case he wanted to pull a fast one. "What are you doing here?" she looked at his attire, he didn't look military but it wouldn't hurt to ask "Are you with the military?" if he was she knew she would have to put a bullet straight through his head.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 10:24:38 pm by Auriakuri »

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Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2013, 10:32:00 pm »
Ashlee K. White

Bubba stopped at Ashlee's heels, as she opened the Warehouse door. This is where some Raiders come to camp out, or just see what each other have. She entered the warehouse, and entered a room where there were a couple of chairs. She sat down on a zebra striped one, that she claimed as her own. Ashlee breathed in, and hoped that she had enough water to last a couple of days, she wanted some time to bond with her pup, normally it would be out, in, and straight back out, until she needed sleep. "1, 2, 3 4," Ashlee counted the bottles, hoping for at least 15 bottles, but only got a result of 10. Bubba was sitting at the leg of the chair, and impatiently looking up at Ashlee, waiting for the result. "Well boy, we got 14 bottles of water, 4 packets of crisps, and 2 biscuits, and 3 cheese packets, and 10 dog food cans, from yesterdays and todays earnings." Ashlee explained, and got a small notebook from her pocket. She got a red pen, and uncapped the lid. She wrote:
3 bottles of water MAX. 2 Crisps, 2 dog food, half of 1 cheese packet.
3 bottles of water MAX. 1 crisp packet. 1 biscuit. 2 dog food, the other half of cheese packet.
She stopped there, and sighed,
"The next 2 days done." she sighed to herself, and made the notepad comfy in her pocket, not forgetting to return the pen to its rightful place in her pocket to.

After a little nap, she leaned forward in her chair, and looked at Bubba.
"You know where Mickey is?" Ashlee asked, in a sleepy, dreamy voice. Bubba turned his head, and pointed his muzzle to a mouse, sleeping peacefully on a sack. "Oh." Ashlee sighed, "Wanna go to the park buddy, we can leave Mickey here to get some rest." Ashlee smiled, and picked up her small dog. She walked out the room, opened the door, and headed towards the Park.

She reached Central Park, and let her dog race ahead of her. She raced after him, a smile on her face, she always enjoyed venturing out with Bubba. The wind brushed through her hair, this morning was quite peaceful, until a roar came from in front of her dog.
"Bubba sit." Ashlee calmly said, taking out her sniper with no worry in her body at all. She pointed the sniper at his blotchy head, and shot. BAAAM!! The sniper hit the zombie with no problem, and he fell to the ground having a fit, but soon fell silent. "Good job Bub." Ashlee sighed, it seemed like her dog was getting used to this infection thing. She had attached a bandanna over her dogs nose to protect it from the infection, and she done so herself.

She had a pink bandanna, with light, medium sized, peach polka dots. Unlike hers, Bubba's was blue, with realistic flames coming from the bottom.

She smiled, and saw other survivors sleeping, or walking around. She kept one hand on her sniper, not scared to shoot. She could tell that Bubba was eager to play with the other dogs, but would wait until instructed, but she knew that that word would never come.
"Bubba, snifff." This was the word to see if any survivors had anything she could steal, it was her job! She turned her head, and saw a local raider, (Matthew or Four.) she decided it would be best to leave him, although a local survivor was next to him.

She saw 2 beautiful Huskies, following there owner, she walked by only glancing at the rare dogs. One looked a bit old, it wasn't a great environment for  a old dog like him. Bubba wagged his tail, as he ran to the younger husky (Chloe) but he knew he shouldn't come into contact with other dogs, so ran back to his owner.
"Bubba, what did I say." Ashlee growled, giving a stern gaze at the tiny breed. But she couldn't stay mad at her bezzie, she bent down, and ruffled in between his ears.

Suddenly, she felt some small feet clamber up her back, using her T-shirt for grips, and sitting quietly on her shoulder. She was about to flick it off, but decided to see what it was, as she turned her head, she heard a little squeak. She then saw her little buddy, Mickey.
"Hey boy, how did you find us?" She asked, knowing she wouldn't, and couldn't get a reply from her furry friend.  She looked at her pets, and wondered what they would be doing if she hadn't found them.

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Offline IlLupoItaliano

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Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2013, 01:37:56 am »
{@Auriakuri: Indeed it was(yesterday)! And sorry for the late reply! My internet was horrid due to the snow storm here.}

The click of a trigger made Four freeze in place, listening to the soft sound of footsteps come up behind him. From what he heard, the steps sounded feminine according to the weight that was being forced upon each step and the sound that was produced at each step. "What are you doing here? Are you with the military?" Four turned his body to face his questioner, only to face a girl who seemed to be around the age of eighteen sporting jet black hair. All he managed to answer with was a slight chuckle, advancing on the girl and now well aware of her finger gently resting on the trigger. His dogs who both sat behind him began to growl, dark eyes trailing the female who held the gun to Four. With a brisk gesture with his hand the dogs silenced but still glared at the new comer, chests filled with uncertainty. "What do you think?" He continued to press forward until he walked straight into the tip of the gun, the barrel resting on his chest. "You were the one that approached me." His eyes drifted down to the gun and sucked his teeth while shaking his head. "Ah, c'mon now girly. I don't think you'd do it." Four spread both of his arms out while looking at all the people who were situated in the park. "You wouldn't shoot me. Not with all these people here," he said brining his tone down to a whisper. "To them, I seem innocent, and by shooting me, they will only see you a guilty." Shaking his head again he broke out into laughter, slicking his hand through his hair. Finally recollecting himself, he stared into her honey-brown eyes. "But seriously, why did you have to threaten me with a gun? What if I was just digging for worms or something? I'm guessing you had a thought of a reason, so what do you think I'm doing here?"

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Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2013, 04:25:33 am »
@Lupo, Well, happy be-lated birthday!)
Cheyanne Donovan
Cheyanne watched the man turn around, he had dark eyes and hair the resembled the fur of a brown mouse. He chuckled and Cheyanne tensed up a bit, she trailed her gaze over the two growling dogs "Nice dogs." she smirked "Had one just like em." The man moved his hand in some sort of gesture to silent them, they quieted but their gaze was still locked on her. "What do you think?" Cheyanne raised her eyebrow "Can't trust any strangers nowadays, I haven't seen you around here." Cheyanne almost jumped back when he approached her, the barrel of her rifle touching his chest.  "You were the one that approached me. Ah, c'mon now girly. I don't think you'd do it." Cheyanne smirked "You don't know me." she chuckled "You're not the first person to say that."  she sighed then lowered her rifle, but still kept her finger on the trigger.
He spread put his arms, obviously directing towards the people in the park "You wouldn't shoot me. Not with all these people here," Cheyanne looked at the few people wandering around, trading things, making small talk, and learning about other areas "To them, I seem innocent, and by shooting me, they will only see you a guilty." Cheyanne laughed, "Not if I tell them you were with the military or a raider, they might even thank me." She laughed again, "We don't take strangers well around here." she stopped her laughter "They always mean trouble." Cheyanne took a step away from him, she laid the gun on her shoulder before yawning. "But seriously, why did you have to threaten me with a gun? What if I was just digging for worms or something? I'm guessing you had a thought of a reason, so what do you think I'm doing here?" She chuckled "Like I said, I have never seen you around here, for all I know you could be with the military or even a raider. If you are either I would have no choice but to kill you."
She waved her hand over the small group of people "I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I killed you either." she turned back to him with a smirk on her face. She glanced down at the dogs again "Where did you manage to find such a great breed of dog? Especially two of them." the only dogs she managed to see were 'rat' dogs. She moved her gaze away from the dogs then to the male again, then she craned her head around him to look at the gutter "What do ya got back there?" she pointed with her index finger. "Must be pretty important." She took a step forward then looked at him "So who are you?"

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