Author Topic: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||  (Read 13825 times)

Offline Huskystar

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2013, 07:39:24 am »
Jessica Beck.

Jessica's fear was slowly coming back. What if there are... More... She thought. "Daydreaming with all these hunters around isn't good at all.And your name is nice too!" She couldn't even bare to say thanks, she didn't want to speak a word... Only few soft, white snowflakes drifted from the sky, ruining the foxes cover. I need to turn into my bear form... She thought, backing away. "So, Jess ,would you like going with me and introduce you to my other forest friends? I'm sure they'll be pleased to meet you!" Alina said. "Maybe after..." Jess whispered, in a shaky voice.
Finally, Alina noticed the danger lurking in the shadows...
"What do we do now? I can't see how many are there, let's hope it's only one." She whined. There cover was easily visible now, and they had bright, sleeveless orange jackets... "I'm going to turn into my bear form..." She whispered, her heart in her mouth. She hid into the trees, and turned into a large,  brown Grizzly Bear. With a huge roar, she leaped forwards. Surely, the hunters were taken by surprise, and some of them were aiming at her. "There's more than one..." She sighed, seeing at a great view while she was on her hind legs.  
After a couple of long seconds, Jessica returned to her four paws; her hind paws aching. She ran up to one, dodging a bullet by a center meter, and she knocked one down. Her roaring made the skinny mans hair breeze back. Her brown eyes gazed over to his gun, and she snatched it of him. She let 1 paw of the man, and he scrambled away. She heard a shot, and darted forward, and it missed. She roared loudly, her sharp teeth showing.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

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Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2013, 08:39:57 am »


Alina didn't wanted Jessica to fight alone.She leaped into the air and instead of  polar fox landed a puma.Soon,she joined the fight.A hunter grabbed a rifle and was ready to shoot Jessica but Alina launched herself to the man.The hunter instinctively used the gun as a shield between him and her.Alina grabbed the middle of the rifle with her mouth and pulled harder and harder.Finally,the man let go of the gun and filled with fear,he ran desperately towards the town.Alina didn't ran after him and she threw away the rifle in the snow.

(short because I must get prepared for school)


Offline Huskystar

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2013, 04:45:08 pm »
Jessica Beck.

One of the hunters pointed his loaded gun towards Jessica's fuzzy, brown fur. She didn't notice while she was attacking another hunter off, she spun around. Seeing the gun, it made her freeze in her place, but then a puma leaped in front. She watched as the shifter tugged on the gun; she was about to help when Alina finally got the gun off the nasty hunter. Only 1 hunter remained, and Jess only had to give a scary glare, before he ran off. She turned to the puma, turning into her human form. "Good job!" The brunette congratulated, leaning against a snowy tree. Her hands tugged her coat near her face, as the cold wind buffeted her face. She thought, We might as well go, they may come back with more people... She decided to share her idea with Alina, "We might as well get out of here, they may come back... With more people. What about the springs?"

She searched in her bag, trying to find her scarf. "Rather chilly isn't it!" She giggled, still looking in her large bag. Finally, she found a beautiful white scarf, polka dotted with red spots. She flicked it out of her bag, and swung her back over her shoulder again. She wrapped the scarf around her neck, and waited patiently for Alina's answer.

Hurm, will we be safe in the Spring? She asked herself in her mind, starting to day dream again. She was day dreaming again, about the hunters surrounding them, and shooting both Alina and her. Luckily, she shook herself out of the dream, and looked at the puma.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

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Offline Arkayy

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2013, 05:32:45 pm »

 During the journey into the city, Ray had curled up tightly, dozing off inattentively to his captor's conversation with the others. He glance back at the forest with a worried expression deep in though. I hope we get there soon. The sooner we arrive, the sooner I can escape. He sighed in thought glaring at his stomach, And it feels like I haven't eaten for weeks. The fox sighed then abruptly jumped when the cage was dropped on the floor. All around him, there were people of all ages gathered around him, staring him down uncomfortably. His ears flicked as he heard one girl squeak, "It's so cute! Can I pet her??" My fur bristles at the comment as i think, Her?! How the heck do I look like a girl to you? I may have my.... feminine tendencies one in a while, but I am not a girl!!! And no one is petting me! Ray barked at the crowd outraged but it didn't seem to faze there opinion. One of the hunters smirked and relunctantly opened the cage, lifting him out to give to the girl. The fox's ears flattened annoyed as the girl stroked his back.
   "If you want him, it will be two hundred." the hunter smirks slightly, seeing her adoring expression. The girl blinked, grimacing and held the fox back out to him with a sigh, "That's way too much. I don't have that sort of money. All I have is a twenty." Ray perked his ears and gazed around, seeing the crowd become uninterested in him because of his price. The man bit his bottom lip, watching them leave and sighed, "Fine. I'll take that i suppose. I have nothing else to do with the little sucker." The fox grumbled under his breath then yelped as he girl squeal yet again with excitement and dropped him to reach in her purse. His ears flattened as he heard the other hunter's mocking laugh like before. The two quickly exchanged a transaction as she picked the fox up yet again and raced off towards her home. "You'll be my first pet! I will feed you, and groom you, and play with you, and..." Ray sighed shaking his head thinking, A little longer. I just have to keep calm and put up with it. I don't want people freaking out and knowing what I am. That would cause even more trouble. I'll just sneak away when she isn't looking. He kept quiet while going through the plan in his head and stared at the girl, seeing she was still rambling on, "Ooh! And we can play dress up!" His eye twitched repeating to himself out loud in a whisper, "Just a little longer..."

(Sorry for the delayed post >.< I accidentally deleted it and had to rewrite it but ragequited at first.)

Don't read the failure >.<
« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 06:01:40 pm by Arkanis Void »


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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2013, 05:51:37 pm »
You're gonna rage some more now; in my post Dawn and Cory helped you escape Cx)

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Offline Arkayy

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #35 on: March 14, 2013, 06:00:04 pm »
(._. I blame my internet... Well, scratch all of that.)


Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2013, 06:45:21 pm »


Alina watched as the hunter was running away untill only a small dot could be seen and vanished.She turned her gaze towards her friend who managed to scare off the last one.Jessica shifted into her human form,revealing a beautiful young woman with long,brunette hair.She leaned against a tree and congratulated her."Good job!"."Thanks,but it wasn't much,you did the hard part!"she meowed to her friend.Alina shifted into her human self and shuddered,she tried to warm her cold hands with her breath.She heard Jess talking as she took out from her bag a white,polka dotted scarf:"We might as well get out of here,they may come back....with more people.What about the springs?".Alina ignored the fierce,cold wind that was filling her veins with coldness and replied:"The springs?Oh,great idea!No hunter would go so far in the woods,I'm definetely sure we'll be safe there!".I hope... she finished her sentence in her mind,fearing that she could be wrong.
Jess flicked the scarf around her neck and giggled:"Rather chilly isn't it?"Alina agreed to her by shaking her head in agreement."It's even colder than in this morning.So,are we deided?"she smiled towards her friend,her blue,shiny eyes fixed on hers.


Offline Huskystar

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2013, 07:43:48 pm »
Jessica Beck.

Jess calmly watched her new found friend shift into her normal, human self. She had blonde hair, and light blue eyes, quite pretty! "The springs? Oh,great idea! No hunter would go so far in the woods,I'm definitely sure we'll be safe there!" Alina said, sounding very enthusiastic. It made her feel more relaxed, thinking she knew the forest more than Jess did. Quickly, she shifted into her pure white Lioness form. Her heart pounded, and her paws molded into the thick snow.  
"It's even colder than in this morning. So, are we decided?" Alina asked, facing the brunette. She thought about it for a second, then nodded her head, "Yes, lets go!" She smiled, and thought that the Lioness was her fastest form. She jumped up, and pushed herself to go faster. She weaved through the thin, and thick trees, her tail flipping from side to side. Even though the soft snow had gone, the forceful wind froze her face. Despite her whiskers freezing off ((Not literally)), she carried on. The birds watched her in surprise, wondering if there was more than one lion in the forest.

She reached the Springs, and saw it had no people in it. Maybe a rabbit or two hopped by, other than that it was completely empty. Jess wasn't that bothered to hunt, so she just watched them hop by. Maybe after I will go to the city, get some food. But I haven't got much money.... I need a job... She thought, with a long sigh. Her rump touched the ground, as she turned her head waiting for Alina to come as well. Curling her tail over her front paws, her brown eyes drifted from side to side, and her ears twitched not wanting to hear hunters...  The white clouds floated above, forming a couple of huge, thick clouds. She watched them float by, watching over the hunted forest. Next time I see a hunter, he is not going to get away... Alive. She thought, baring her teeth. When she realized she was actually doing that, she chomped her jaw shut, and giggled a bit. She never really done that, she was probably going bonkers over the fact that hunters were destroying this place of peace. Finally, she stopped, and looked blankly into the distance.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2013, 08:04:55 pm »

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Offline Arkayy

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Re: The Shifters|Remade again||Open!||
« Reply #39 on: March 14, 2013, 08:38:13 pm »


   He circled around in the cage sighing quietly and curled up tightly. As soon as he was about to fall asleep, his ears perked hearing something race closer. "Grab the cage!" he blinked hearing a voice snap out of no where. Ray looked up startled and yelped feeling his cage be lifted up suddenly by a large dark wolf.(Cory) What the hell? He tilted his head questionably and flew into the side of the cage because of gravity. His gaze moved ahead, seeing they were travelling deeper into the forest. I'm so confused... What is going on? And... The fox peered up at the wolf carrying him, Why did an ugly fur ball like that grab me? He shook his head and was again banged against the other side of the cage as the wolf stopped. (Karma XP) His head pounded, dizzy from both trips and laid down with his paws over his ears.
   Ray glazed back up, hearing footsteps trailing behind coming closer. Did they follow us? A growl came from the back of his throat as he glares at the bush anticipating the hunters again. To his surprise, a tan wolf leaped out of the bush to join the other wolf. He was about to breathe relieved but stood, stunned at what he saw. The approaching wolf shifted into in a human before his eyes. That explains it, he thought. Wonderful. I have a feeling this won't end well... "Come on out." She coaxed, backing up a bit, "We won't hurt you." His ears flattened as he glanced over at the other wolf, which had also changed to a human male.  "Thanks for grabbing the cage, you're a good friend." the girl said as he nodded then looked back to the caged fox. She looked at the fox as well, both waiting for him to leave his small cell. He stood in the cage still dumbstruck for a bit, lost on what to do.
   Maybe I can trick them into believing  I'm just a normal animal. Even if they are shifters s well, the less that know me, the better. Hesitantly, Ray stepped outside of the cage, staring at the girl with a false innocent look before barking, "Why did you help me out of there? I... could have gotten out on my own, eventually..." He waited for an answer, staring up at the sky, observing the birds in the sky. The sight made him frown a bit as he shook his head, "Well, it doesn't matter anyways i suppose. I should be going." He lifted his head and started to walk away but he felt a sudden cringe of pain. No, please... Not now! Ray yelped and scurried for the nearest bush. He let out a low whine, laying on the ground and shifted uncontrollably into his ferret form.

(Fixed X3 I swear, every time I use him in rps, there's like a curse that comes with it. I've had so much bad luck today it isn't even funny O.o)