Author Topic: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Inactive since 09/05/2013]  (Read 11447 times)

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2013, 01:42:18 am »
No one really is doing anything with Uta, so i'm not posting for lack of inspiration. XD))

Offline okami129

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2013, 03:33:41 am »
((I was just waiting on Tangler. Didn't want to leave her behind.
And don't worry, Wifuh, I'm working up an escape plan idea. Some time we must all have a chatango meeting to share ideas anyway.))
She had to raise an eyebrow at the words of the swan. Was she really talking about that scientist? "You do know why you're here, don't you?" 629 began to speak. "It's not like they care about YOU, they just want your wings." Even if she knew the girl was nearing closer, she didn't move, just shifted so she lay on her side. "If they did care about us, do you think they'd put us through this?" She gave a huff of annoyance as she thought of it, but technically half of the children have become bad examples anyway. There's two possibilities one could use when stuck here, when it comes to speaking they could either learn from it or throw it away, she however just chose not to talk around those humans. "I bet they lie to us too, that there is no outside world and this is our reality, kinda sick of a thought anyway."
153 had perked a curious glance towards the hawk. He seemed surprised when the canine shifted from human to beast. Was that it? 153 gave a chuckle at that. With a calm sigh, he returned to staring at the wall. Once again, he began to speak in a calm even tone. "You seem easily startled, wonder what's itching at you." He became more curious about the boy the less he replied. Was this just fear? Or maybe there was something else behind it, whatever the reason he was displeased that the boy wouldn't reply for this long.

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2013, 09:19:59 pm »
Ah I see ;u; I had forgotten some people were on holiday! And an escape sounds cool! Maybe we could all meet up in game and chat about ideas there sometimes? Maybe there's like a group of humans who want to expose the government for testing on human children who have a hand in the escape, or maybe the country is in a war with someone else and the facility is bombed?))

"Shut your face Dog!" snapped the Security officer, raising his baton to strike the child across the face but Doctor Wu held up her hand and the officer let his fall, a sneer across his face while he cracked his knuckles aggressively. It was clear to tell by his muscular figure that he had also been gifted with a genetic fusion from the Chimera scientists, Lea knew that this particular one had been given a minor fusion with grizzly bear genetics, and the result had been drastically increased strength and endurance. With all these mutated children, the scientists thought it necessary to craft lesser chimera's who would be paid to do the basest of work, namely disciplining those who got out of line, and protecting the scientists from the stronger Chimeras on the site.

"That is hardly necessary, Brutus." said Doctor Wu coldly, not even looking nor speaking with 082 as he smiled up at her with that placid grin of his. "Ah. Meridian." she added as the slightly overweight man re-appeared, a black, plastic suitcase in hand which he handed over to her. Wu deftly opened the case with a snap and set it down on the floor, her dark eyes moving over the contents of the box before she reached in and took out a small vial with some clear liquid inside it, marked with some sort of bio-hazard marking, and from there she brought out a standard medical needle. The metal pointed glinted wickedly in the bright light of the room and Wu slid the point through the lid and drew out the needed amount, flicking the end to prep it while explaining to Meridian what it would do.

"This should help the dog battle whatever is ailing him, and will help him sleep..." she looked down at the subject with her cold eyes "Keep still." Wu ordered before sliding the needle into the dogs shoulder and administering the drug. When the last of the liquid had been siphoned out, Lea put the supplies away and locked the case shut. "I hope that is all that is needed from me?" she asked with  a raised eyebrow and Meridian nodded, a paisly smile on his face. "Oh yes, you've really saved my skin Lea." he said, dabbing his forehead with his handkerchief again before bustling out of the room. The security officer made to follow, but Doctor Wu paused at the door and looked back. "Best restore the elder to his former position." she said without emotion and left the room and the group without another word, heading back towards where her own subjects were waiting.

Brutus watched her leave before turning around and walking back towards 081. "The Doc told me to put you back." he said, an evil grin on his face. "But I don't feel like it." he snarled and slammed his weapon into the side of 081's head. "Maybe next time you'll think twice, before speaking out of turn." he laughed, sliding the baton into place by his side before turning around and slamming the door shut behind him, the deadbolt locking into place.

109 was quiet. She didn't believe the other girl of course, Doctor Wu had always been kind to them, and she promised that one they she and 113 would leave this place. It had always been 109's secret wish that they might actually get to go and live with Doctor Wu at her home. Lea had often told them about it, a small but comfortable house in the countryside, surrounded by forest. 109 didn't really understand what all of that was, but she wanted to see it anyways..."Even if it is a lie...I think I'd rather go on believing that there's something in this world worth dreaming about." she said finally with a small, sad smile. "We need to have faith that there will be a better life for us one day, don't we?"

113 crossed his arms and glared at the other male now. Why did he keep talking to him? Why couldn't he just be quiet and leave him alone? "...We're not supposed to talk with dogs." he muttered finally, looking down at the ground with a hard expression and his wings flared in agitation, their span so large that they easily touched the walls on either end of the room and that seemed to worry the boy. His pale eyes suddenly becoming fearful as he noticed just how small this place was. He was just like 109 and had Claustrophobia, Doctor Wu had told them that it was a natural thing for winged creatures to develop, and he was starting to feel it now more than ever in this brightly lit, airtight room that almost seemed to be squeezing in around him. "Ngh. How do you stand this place?!" he asked, squeezing his eyes shut and placing his gloved hands over his face, trying to imagine his own room, or better yet the Flight Arena, with its impossibly tall walls that stretched on seemingly forever.

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2013, 12:16:40 pm »
082 was upset when he didn't get any treats. He pouted, letting the doctor do her thing. He jumped a little when the needle went in his shoulder. Exhaustion overwhelmed him, his brown eyes going hazy as he stared at his brother. 081 struggled against his chains, snapping at the man who left him there, snarling and snapping as he did so. When his head was hit, nausea rushed him, going dizzy and nearly falling. However, the changer still struggled. "Bastard," He cried out, watching as they left.

It took him awhile to calm down, for fear of waking his brother. He wasn't a fan of drugs. Drugs and experiments, nothing good came from them. But if this was 'supposed' to help his brother than maybe he'd be alright with it. At least just for now. 081 slid to the floor, watching 082's stomach rise and fall in even breaths. If he stopped breathing, nothing would hold him back from tearing apart the next person that walked through those doors.

"I can't tell you the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone" - Ed Sheeran

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2013, 01:07:55 pm »

Number: 101
Name to be given: Lupo
Gender: male
Age: 12
Animal: wolf
Personality: Lupo is friendly, but a little bit shy. He can be very angry.
Likes: at the moment nothing
Dislikes: all the officers and Co
-Description encase you have no image-
Hair color: grey
Left Eye: darkgreen
Right Eye: darkgreen
Mutation: Looks like an wolf that looks only a little bit like an human. Like an wolf with unnaturally long legs and long arms. big claws on the hands. He can walk on four or two legs. I can post an picture, If you like.
Extra: /

Offline okami129

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2013, 04:48:42 am »
Really dude? Really?
I'm mostly going to point out what you did wrong in pm but I believe we had this discussion elsewhere.
On a happier note I got back from the anime convention and m ready to rp again like normal, even got a picture of Tiger.))
629 was a bit taken aback at the swans reply. Though it was possible that there wasn't a world out there being able to dream about it? I guess that's one way to stay sane anyway. Her tone now became curious as she looked at the swan with her ears perked and her head cocked. "Could you tell me about it?" That was simply her only request, after all from observing the avian girl she seemed to be friendly enough even for a dreamer. "About the outside, you know?"
153 frowned at the words of the hawk. Well wasn't he rude? "Hmph." He shifted to his side so his back faced the avian boy, giving a huff of annoyance as he now stare at the wall. Well, after a long amount of time from the waiting, he heard the hawk speak again. This time, the avian was asking a question, probably not directed to him in general. He didn't budge from laying there, just opened his mouth to answer plainly. "Simple, we don't stand it, we just get over it, we have no choice." He paused a moment before adding. "And aren't you being a hypocrite? Telling me not to talk yet asking me questions?"
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 03:12:09 am by Okami129 »

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2013, 03:15:41 am »
-Rolls this back to top page- BUMP! I got out of lazyassidis and now I'm cured! I'm rping like mad! oDo))

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Offline Genesis9

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2013, 04:34:25 am »
Huzzah :'D Time for an emergency revival!!))

            109 smiled widely and her eyes misted over as the always did whenever she thought about the world beyond. "It's beautiful." she said simply to begin, taking a deep breath as a sense of peace flowed through her. "There are no ceilings, and air goes on and on without end. Doctor Wu told us about it. She said the ground is soft and green, and the world is full of plants and animals, and water so deep you can swim around in it. She said the air is fresh and moves around you as though it's alive, and that there is something called the 'sun', which keeps you warm during the day, and at night, it goes away to be replaced by the stars, little lights so numerous they are uncountable. Can you see it?" she asked, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again and looking at 629 with a content expression. "Out there, we will be free. One day." she said, sounding so sure that is seemed there was no other outcome.

"I didn't ask you to answer!" said 113 hotly, though he felt embarrassed by the dogs observations and promptly pursed his lips together to make it clear he wouldn't say anything further. In truth, the male wasn't as scary at all. He was unusual if anything, but 113 found it very hard to be afraid of him after he had started talking. In fact he sounded pretty smart for a dog, using all those technical words. He didn't even know what a 'hypocrite' was, and 113 was starting to think that the dog had actually made up the word when suddenly the door slid open behind him and he tumbled out into the hallway. "Ah! Doctor Wu!" he said in utter relief, spanning his wings the full length of the hallway to stretch them out, happy to be out of there. Lea smiled and glanced inside towards where subject 153 was situated. "I trust nothing went wrong while you were in here?" she asked, her voice cool and soft. 113 shook his head slightly and shrugged. "It was fine." he murmured and with that Doctor Wu slid her key card through the slot and the door shut tight. "Come, let's go and find 109." said Doctor Wu and she took 113's hand, the pair walking a bit down the hallway until they reached 629's room. Sliding open the door, 113 craned his neck to make sure 109 was OK and he let out a quiet gasp to see her on the ground with the dog. For a second he was almost convinced she was wounded in some way, and even let out a shout of surprise before 109 looked over her shoulder and smiled.

"Oh! Are we ready to go?" she asked, her voice slightly disappointing, as if she wasn't quite ready to leave yet. "I guess I'll talk to you later. It was nice meeting you." said 109 to 629 with a friendly expression and she got to her feet, moving smoothly from the room before the door slid shut quietly behind her. "You shouldn't waste your time speaking with such animals 109." scolded Doctor Wu, but gently as the eleven year old girl took her other hand before they continued on their way to the Flight Arena. "I'm sorry. But she seemed nice." said the white-winged girl absentmindedly as she started humming that little tune of hers again while they moved through the pure white halls. "Did you really talk to that dog?" asked 113, his voice disbelieving as he looked over at 109. "Yes. We talked about the outside. I told her what I thought it looked like. Didn't you talk?" she asked, shooting him a curious look and 113 looked away. "No." he lied, holding Doctor Wu's hand tightly as 109 shrugged and skipped a little bit, coming to a halt as the three arrived at their destination.

The flight area was the largest underground room that could be found in the facility. It stretched the length of  a football field and was just as high, the white ceiling so far up the corners were lost in shadow, and both 109 and 113  laughed and shouted as the ran forwards, stretching their wings wide and gliding off the floor a bit in euphoria. "Oh wow!! WOW What are those?!" asked 113, pointing up towards some large rings that were hanging from the ceiling. "I asked for our staff to have a few obstacles for the pair of you to grab onto. We'll be working on your flying a lot more now, so I deemed it acceptable to have something to fly towards." called Lea the far end of the room as she walked up onto a slightly raised platform that had a long table with a microphone to call through, along with a multitude of video screens and computers. Sitting down at one of the chairs, she pressed a button and the lights on the far end snapped on. "tch-tch-tcH-tCH-TCH!" and 113 held up his hands to shield his eyes from the blinding glare before they adjusted.  There were multiple runways painted onto ground, along with gentle slopes to help the flyers take off. There were even a few diving boards that 109 constantly had to use to get up into the air. 113 started beating his wings, eager to get up and try to grab at some of those rings. "Ah- a moment children! If you could come back over here 113." Doctor Wu called and the boy and girl hurried back to the main desk, taking a seat on the ground and directing their attention to a large tv screen that Lea was turning on for them to watch.

The screen buzzed static, then suddenly it flicked to the footage of 113 and 109's last recorded flight. "You see how you were moving your wing muscles here-113? That's what I want you to do this time, long, powerful strokes. You too 109. It's important also to adjust your primary wing feathers so that you do not develop any drag before taking off..." her lesson continued for just a few minutes before she had them both take their positions on the tracks. Leaning slightly towards the microphone, her voice rang out across the gigantic room as she spoke. "Let's get you both up into the air. Try to aim for the lowest ring. Whenever you're ready." she said and a green light flicked on near the end of the room, indicating it was OK to fly. 113 exchanged a grin with 109 before they both spread their wings and took off at a run, their wingbeats so powerful that 113 was almost lifted off the ground within the first few tries, but he stayed low to the ground to get a little more speed before finally taking off with a crow of excitement. 109 had to stay on the ground longer, her flight pattern required a little more thrust before she could take off, but soon, both red and white wings were up in the air, the two of them laughing in delight as they flew up, higher and higher, and 113 flared his great red wings and clutched tightly onto the ring (which was the size of a large tire up close) and swung from it triumphantly, waving to 109 as soon as she caught her own ring. From such great heights, Doctor Wu looked like no more than an ant from up here, but it didn't bother 113 at all. He loved being up here, with so much space it seemed almost impossible, and he quickly started swinging about on the ring, back and forth, letting the air whip through his feathers and through his hair as he swung slowly through the room, gripping the rope tightly with his gloved hands.

 "Save the play for later 113. We've still got a lot of testing to do."  

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.


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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #28 on: April 06, 2013, 07:00:40 pm »

Number: 174
Name to be given: Vitaly
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Animal: Raccoon Dog

Personality: Vitaly is a very kind and outgoing chimera, though she can be slightly naive. She is eager to help others in any way she can, and will always try and put her best into any project. She is small, so she isn't the best fighter or warrior, but she has found that healing is much more efficient. She has spent many months learning herbs from watching doctors, and sometimes smelling them through the vents. She can fight if need be, and will always protect those she loves in any way she can. Vitaly is always wary though, even though her actions may not say so. She does not trust being alone with any male, no matter how nice or how vile they are, it is just her nature to be this way. Vitaly is very fond of children. She knows she is a small chimera, and that she is rare, but she doesn't let this stop her, but let it make her stronger and more unique as a canine among others. She is friendly, and expresses her personality quite openly.

Likes: Herbs, and loves being alone to examine them in peace. She enjoys water, as well as beaches and sunsets.
Dislikes: Fire, being enclosed in small spaces. Others overgorging themselves (or gluttons to put it shortly) is something that really bothers her.
Mutation: Vitaly has regular raccoon-like ears and a very fluffy tail, both the same colors of a raccoon dog's pelt. Because of her being a raccoon-like animal, she is quite small. Vitaly also has small, sharp talons at the tips of her fingers.
Extra: Vitaly has a medium-sized saddle bag that contains herbs she had 'found' and some other important objects to hide the herbs.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 07:34:34 pm by MEANIE »

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Re: [REMAKE] They don't look at us the same [Chimera/Human rp][Accepting]
« Reply #29 on: April 06, 2013, 07:43:25 pm »
Indeed a unique character, beautiful and lovely, which is one of the reasons I love when people use the unpopular characters. There's still something though that baffles me.
When you say she has sharp claws, what do you mean? Does she have regular fingers/hands with claws for nails or something, and may you be able to explain how they're formed, if they're like natural nails that are shaped in a way that makes them sharp or if they're talons at the tip or on the top of the fingers.
When you say she spent many months learning herbs, the only thing I really want to say is unless you found a logical way to observe them in the lab I'd like for it to be put into future tense, you don't have to with this one though, however here's a possibility to help make her curious about the herbs outside, possibly when she's near a vent she could smell the outside world which could explain her herbal curiosity, for the vents do lead to the outside as well which allows outer world scents to leak in.
But honestly over all everything looks pretty good, and if I'm taking it right the character is a Pacifist? I think she'll help balance things here a bit more and can see she'll be useful for the story soon.))

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