Author Topic: Nice things.  (Read 2365 times)

Offline nicekind

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Nice things.
« on: March 27, 2013, 01:53:10 pm »
Hello FH! First if this is not in right place then am sorry.
I believe you all have done something nice in FH so maybe you could point them out in here?
But anyways have you done something nice or helped someone out in FH? Or has someone done something nice to you or helped you out.
I guess I will start?
Umm yesterday I was in South Pole with my friend we were basically laying in middle of nowhere. My friend was in a pack so there were many people around, they sometimes rped but it seemed more like a fun pack. But then there came a girl with neon blue markings and neon blue wings and she seemed pretty new.
She said:'' Hello. I just signed up!!''
Everyone ignored her but I checked when was that user made and yeah she had just singed up.
I went to her and said just hi to her and told if she needs anything she could always ask me.
So she had couple of questions with what I helped her out, mostly they were friend questions. (Like how to get friends and stuff)
I think it was a nice thing from me to do because of course it took time to explain but I really think just to say hi to persons who is new in fh is important. So let's notice the things what are happening around us? And maybe share your experiences.?
shhh noone knows me


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Re: Nice things.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2013, 01:58:28 pm »
Yes! This happened yesterday in Introduction.^^ So yesterday..I was  scrolling around FeralHeart until I notice a new member in Introduction, so I decided  to  go ahead and introduce myself, until she had a question, and I answered and she started asking more. After the questions was done.. I was really glad she understood and I think I made a new friend. <3 So this is my explain^^

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Re: Nice things.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2013, 04:04:04 pm »
I've helped out new users in-game, and I've answered questions. I try to be nice and help them with maps and rping.
I know a really nice thing happened to me when I was new- A wonderful roleplay group let me join them (at the time this was a big thing- considering no other rps had let me join them), The leader talked me step-by-step how to download maps, and showed me around the FH world. If I hadn't joined them- I'm not sure if I would still be around, haha. I had gotten tired of being confused and not being able to find someone to help me with maps, so.. yeah- nice people.

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Re: Nice things.
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2013, 05:01:23 pm »

Ok,so i make maps forpeople, no charge, b/c i love makeing maps. I dont know if this counts but i think it does.
Also i help new people when i can and soon after i had got the hang of RPing, i had to help a clanmate who seriously COULD NOT RP, but i helpe them and when i left they where able to at least RP simply.

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Re: Nice things.
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2013, 05:05:38 pm »
I like this thread! Such a cheery topic. C:

Sometimes when I'm roleplaying with a low number of people, I'll give pointers and spellcheck if they want it. I've watched someone new to rping go from two-liners to full 3-paragraph posts.

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Re: Nice things.
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2013, 01:45:49 pm »
I remember the first person who actually offered help to me on FH. It was a couple monthes after I joined, and I was a low semi-literate rper. I kept on seeing these advertisements for "mapped RP's" and I was interested. So I went up to one recruiter and asked if I could join. She asked for an rp sample, so I started hunting right there in local. So she told me what an RP sample was, gave me an example, and gave me a few tips on the ones I sent her until it was acceptable. Then she went through how to download maps for me, and even abandoned advertising to help me out. Then she gave me one of her most literate rper's to 'mentor' me, and he made me re-do each rp line I sent until everyone I typed were literate. Sadly, the rp shut down soon after I joined, and I never got to friend any of the members. But I am forever grateful to those people from the RP, so whenever a new person tries to join my rp, I try to do exactly what they did for me c:
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Re: Nice things.
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2013, 04:04:00 pm »
when I first joined, before I went on multiplayer, I had a mess around on the character creator and all, and checked a few forums as well. so my startings off when it came to making characters wasn't that bad, my first character was a husky pup. a husky couple who took me in weren't much help, I didn't learn much but to rp very simply. so as the rp went on(my first character had managed to get into the most small but dramatic rp I could have dreamed of o.o) my mum died, then so did my dad. so the group that killed my dad took me in. it was a very large and very active pack. very unrealistic. it was all very cool there, I liked it. they taught me how to rp a bit better, and also with the other controls like sprinting and different ways to lay down, and other stuff aswell. I still go on that pack. and yes it is still a very dramatic rp xP. its been through a lot over the past years. including recreating the pack a few times. but its all worked out and I have some good friends from there ^^.

Offline WhiteLightHeart

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Re: Nice things.
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2013, 04:17:40 pm »
Squee. <3 So much niceness. ^^

Let's see... I really try to do nice stuffies all of the time, in particular I try to make sure that when new people in Fluorite approach the group I'm sitting in (or just sit on the same rock as me), I always try to say hey, ask them how they are, and try to make new friends. <3
Like... I always want to show interest in what everyone around me is saying, 'cause I like to make people feel loved. 'Cause they are. c;
I guess it's the little things, and I don't mind going out of my way to do little things for people. Take my art commissions, for example. They take a long time to color, due to the fact that I color -every- one of my drawings with my laptop touchpad, so it's pretty time-consuming. With an already busy life, sometimes I feel rather hard-pressed to finish these up, but I also want them to be high-quality, since the commissioners usually have to wait a little while for them to be finished.
However, my art's been improving, now that I've finished my 7th commission, with about 4 or 5 more coming in soon, and just the happiness it seems to bring the people I draw for makes it all worth it. <3

However, I think it's the people who have been nice to me in-game that have made all the difference. <3
For example, when I was still a newbiecake, I kept hearing stuff about these 'custom maps in Cape'. And I was like "o.o Bro. I wanna find one." So, I went to look for one, and I never found any.
So, I just asked a random person in Fluorite how on earth you get custom maps, and she told me about her own map on the forums, and pointed me to it.
It was a simple map called 'The Gathering Tree', but it was so lovely, and I was so impressed by the time she spent with me (taking time out of her roleplay, even), that kinda inspired me to make my own maps.
In fact, it's because of that little stuff (and much more) that I'm in the process of making a public map pack, myself. <3
Not to mention, the first day I joined my wolf RP, Divided Skies, it was Wolffox who let me in, and by watching her and Starry, I learned how to roleplay, and it improved my writing skills, online and in the real world.
(This is still just the tip of the iceberg, though.)

It's the little things, I guess. <3
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Re: Nice things.
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2013, 04:28:40 pm »
I don't know what good I've done.
But, I do know that one day.

I always try to keep every thing calm and settled, as I absolutely dislike fighting in-game and out of game.
Now, this is ironic. As at times, I can come off as tense and hostile to whoever starts fights.
But anyway, when I was a Newb, I always looked up to everyone else in General and followed their ways, to follow rules, to be nice, and to stop fights.
I never liked fighting. It was always so tense and you pass things you'll regret to each other.

In some rps, I'll meet some people who believe making fun of the newer users is fun and I don't. At times, I'll try my best to help the newer user and as for the ones making fun of the Newbs, I just tell them to stop.
Don't know if that is considered good or not.
I try to respect everyone even if they act rude towards me. They're attitude doesn't stop me. I try to interact with most of my friends and be kind.
And that goes for everyone. In-game, everyone knows that even if you don't like someone, don't be rude towards them, respect them and treat them how you want to be treated. (Sorry for the mushy stuff. xD)

I don't think it's really a good 'deed' or anything, I just wanted to tell my story.

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