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Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2013, 05:31:06 am »
Accepted, if your done. c: Also, apply to as many characters as you wish, but don't exceed three. ;o;

Offline Kasai

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« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2013, 05:36:30 am »
[Yes he is done ^3^ And I'll wait to see who else you get, but I'll add in a female if we're lacking before the RP starts =) ]

Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2013, 05:38:43 am »
Oh okay. c: and yes, I hope more females join. We have one more spot in the main council. xD

Offline silverMarie

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« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2013, 06:18:23 am »
Name: Katalia
Nicknames/Alias: Kat, she doesn't care what you call her.
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Years old
Rank: Main Council
Mate?: None
Pups?: None, but it isn't a great time to have any even though she would love to have some of her own someday.
Infatuation?: None at the moment.
Description of your character: Katalia has white fur and honey brown eyes. She is a medium sized wolf, just slightly smaller than the average female. Due to her smaller size she is more agile and quick on her paws, she often uses her speed to outrun her enemies. She is often very kind to others, never turning aggressive towards anyone, she believes that being in a calm state helps them understand. When she is not in her more serious attitude she is almost 'puppy' like, she loves to run and play with the other pack members, if they want to of course.(This is terrible T.T)
Sample post:
(I hope you don't mind that I use one of my posts from another RP. o3o)
Merldae's floppy ears perked up slightly when she saw the hunters going to go get the pack's meal "I want to go!" she beamed as she leaped off the log and followed behind them. She fell back with and oof when one of them stopped abruptly and faced her "You can't come with us, you are still too young." he said "But-" Merldae was cut off "No buts, we don't want anything bad to happen to you." Merldae growled "But something bad happened to my mom didn't it?" The hunter lifted his head and looked at her with sad eyes "We're sorry about your mum..Just go play with the other pups okay?" he looked back at the rest of the group "Maybe when you're older you can come with us, but not now." he spun around and ran to catch up with the others "Hmpf." Merldae growled. Merldae slowly walked around the camp, peering into the empty dens just holding that her mother was still here and that she was just hiding, but she knew better she was never coming back. Merldae went to the den she and her mother shared and laid right where she normally would with her mother, she stared outside and watched the birds fly by. She wondered what would have happened if she and her mother never came by this place, what if they just stayed on their own? Would her mom still be here? She often wondered and wished that they never found this pack or just wished her mom didn't go hunting that day. A thought came to her mind, What if she is still out there? But she's just lost?, Merldae jumped up and went to the tree's edge and sat "Maybe if I sit here she will smell me and come back!" she yipped, she wagged her tail and waited.
Photo unless described well enough above:

Other?: "Escape to elyaris and earth beneath my paws"
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 06:50:24 am by Auriakuri »

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Offline ShadowClasher

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« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2013, 06:40:54 am »
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 12:46:27 am by Kirigishi »

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

Offline W00gi

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« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2013, 06:42:15 am »
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 10:16:59 am by taywolf »
Life is just a loop, untill you get too tiered to continue

Offline LasVagas

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« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2013, 11:45:03 am »

Name: Sampson (Sam-son)
Nicknames/Alias: Sammy Boy, Sampson.
Gender: Male
Age:Three years young.
Rank: Subordinate
Mate?: Not available.
Pups?: He is currently unsure of this. His history bear's much.
Infatuation?: He is quite shy when it comes to these things. He will never be disloyal to his alpha and thus, he attempts to put such things at the back of his brains.
Description of your character: Sampson is a very well built young wolf that loves to show of his strength by play fighting, mostly with males, but can take on the stronger females if they are willing. He can look very serious, but this is not to be confused with his true colors. He is basically a puppy in a adults body when he is excited or playful, but this soothes down to his adult stage when he is responsible for something, annoyed or just plain bored.

Sampson is quite disappointed by the fact that the original alphas departed, and left their daughter in charge and is quite unsure of if that was a good idea. Sampson had a older dog in mind, and he would of prefered it that way since he is older than the alpha herself. Even though, he respects her and aids the pack to the best of his ability when out attempting to hunt and scouting.

Moving onto the brutes history:Sampson was born at a breeding sanctuary in Canada with several other siblings to play with. Him and a few others of his siblings were to grow up in the wild to improve the chances of more wolves becoming one in the Alaskan fields. A few months past and the siblings had parted from one another. They each roamed the forests and snow fields in attempt to find a pack and settle down. By the age of one and a half, the young wolf had found a large pack snoozing late at night. A few of the alpha's daughters where awake and chewing at small voles they had found underground. Sampson approached them and they immediately became cautious of the young male in their fathers territory. Sampson thought this was a great start, for he could have a pack of his own. One of the brave she-wolves tenderly walked towards him and they sniffed each other for a small while, both fascinated by the new wolf. He stayed with her that night until she was ready to mate, and in the early morning, the she-wolves father had awoken and saw the pair together. He immediately went into a dominate, defensive mode over his daughter. Sampson was not about to find  out if their was going to be a fight, for he urged himself and his mate to run away. The she-wolf was unsure and stayed put but the young male had to leave, unless he wanted to be torn to shreds.

A very short while after that, perhaps a few weeks of running, Sampson came over the pack in which he now calls home. At this time, the old alphas where ruling, but after a few years, this soon changed and the young brute wondered if it was a good choice to end up with this new pack.

Sample post: Sampson made it to the lake and he slowed down his speed. The soft, white sand sinked his paws into its warmth as he neared the lake. The blood on his body had now hardened in the wind, which dried it. Sampson knew that it was going to be hard to remove the stains, but he could not constantly look like he had been in a pool of blood. Reaching the edge of the lake, he took in a shaky breath and walked into the cool, clear water. He moved deeper, wading over small laps of waves until his paws Left the ground as he swam. Kicking his legs lightly, Sampson moved outwards in order to get in good depths of water to dive down into. The young brute had loved water, ever since he was a young puppy. He used to play in his water bowl when he was with the humans at the zoo, pretending to swim, and at this, his mother had always called him a 'water baby'. Dipping his head downwards to see the water level, Sampson saw that it was all clear to dive. The hunter dipped his head back down and heaved his body downwards, the tips of his hind paws still wiggling at the surface.

Sampson continued to enjoy the water and it got warmer as he got used to the waters feeling. Popping his head back to the surface and sneezing, the hunter had realized that the dusk was approaching. He looked up, still remembering to kick her back legs, and closed his eyes. He loved her home and the surrounding area of the land, and he had rarely appreciated it, but looking at the sky turn to orange, he realized how lucky he was.

Other?:Escape to elyaris, Earth beneath my paws.

Name: Eclipse
Nicknames/Alias: She prefers Eclipse
Gender: Female/ She-wolf
Age: Four years
Rank: Subordinate
Mate?: Not available
Pups?: She has bared no young.
Infatuation?: She is the sucker for softness in a male, but She would never let a thing like love get in her way whilst she is attempting to survive.

Description of your character: Being quite self-conscious, Eclipse has developed quite a timid personality when she's around people she doesn't really know. It takes her a while to warm up to people and feel comfortable in the presence of other canines. Around dogs she would consider friends, Eclipse is quite outgoing but she still feels a tad nervous when she first meets up with them. Trust is an important part in this girl's life. If she doesn't feel she can trust you then she just won't talk to you about personal matters.

Loyal: If she manages to feel totally comfortable around another canine, Eclipse's loyalty to this dog would be overwhelming. Eclipse is the kind of person who would do anything for the people she cared about, she would literally take a bullet for them if she was ever in that kind of situation. In a relationship she expects the same sort of loyalty back and if she feels you don't care for her as much as she cares for you, she'll tell you where to go even if it's going to hurt her more than it hurts you.

History: Eclipse was born in a quiet pack with her mother, father and brothers. She had quite the normal puppy hood and decided, at the tender age of 1 year, to go her own way with her brothers. She stayed with her brothers for about two years until tragedy struck. The three dogs were scaling the mountains and because they were of a sturdy breed, neither of them expected what was about to happen. They traveled in a line with the youngest brother at the head of the pack and the eldest in front of Eclipse. Being at the back of the troop, she called out to her brothers as she began to fall behind. Her single bark startled her oldest brother and he stumbled. He lost his footing and fell. To this day Eclipse blames herself for the death of her brother and after the incident she decided to leave, not wanting to risk the life of her other sibling. She has traveled alone for a long while before she stumbled across a pack. She stayed there for over a year and she never regretted any moment with the pack.
Other?:Escape to elyaris, Earth beneath my paws.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 02:43:56 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2013, 03:08:03 pm »
Wow so many beautiful applications. c: All accepted! We can also start, ill have to post later, however. xD

Offline ShadowClasher

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« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2013, 04:26:54 pm »
(( Thanks, Meowzers. C= I'll have to post a bit later, as well. ))

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

Offline LasVagas

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Re: αℓαѕкαи єѕ¢αρє ; A wolf roleplay
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2013, 05:10:51 pm »

Breathing in the fresh, early morning air of winter, Eclipse stirred as the soft light pierced through a gap in the secluded den. The female Timber wolf licked her maw as she yawned silently, the soft rustle of the snow, picking itself up and swirling around soothing her ears as the morning orders were going to be given out. Her soft, thick pelt shivered as her tired legs refused to move from her sleeping spot.

After a few moment of deciding, the she-wolf rose her front legs, her bones aching in refusal, but she managed and finally had awoken fully to stand properly. Eclipse stretched each of her legs individually as the light grey sky started to turn into a very pale bluish white. She stood with dignity, like her mother had told and she strode out of the opening of her den to greet the new day with a warm welcome. Turning her head slightly, she saw the other subordinates snoozing. She was not surprised, for it was still very early. Her head turned once more downwards to the ground, the cold snow flicking itself upwards and pilling around her soft limbs. She nudged it with her damp, dark nose, the white seasonal flakes dusting themselves onto her snout. Eclipse shook her head in sadness. It was far to cold for the she-wolf's liking. She had to be gone soon enough to help forage for food, and hope to come back with at-least a fish, or perhaps a mouse. The young dog had been copying the foxes in their pouncing action to gain access to prey's tunnels. She very rarely succeeded, for she was not as sly as the sleek, small dogs. Resting her head into the cold substance, she dragged her shoulders and face along the snow with her hind legs, making herself feel much more awake. The snow pasted itself onto her fur, the flakes winning their way to her skin and making the timber wolf shake her body from the coldness. She lay in the snow for a while until the mumble of yawning of dogs started. She hoped today there was going to be some partly-full stomach's.


Sampson breathed in deeply as he stretched out his front legs. He had shortly woken up from a deep slumber, his tongue licking his muzzle as he yawned. The cold air of morning swept its way into the den, embracing the young dog like a cold blanket on bare skin. He rolled his head as it ached to stay down on the floor, the only spot where he was able to stay warm. His neck was was partly lying on a six year old she-wolf, acting as a blanket to her. Sampson always preferred to sleep alongside someone for the extra warmth, especially in such harsh times. Inhaling and breathing out a sigh, the brute rose his head, his eye lids still half way down his enchanting, ice blue eyes. The day had started and Sampson was not going to give it a warm welcome.

Breathing in the smooth morning air once more, he shifted himself onto his stomach and shook his handsome head from a few flakes of snow. He then slowly began to rise onto his paws, his sturdy build aiding himself to awake. The cold den was very weary, the walls enclosing him and packing the subordinates into a tight bunch. A few rustles outside soothed his ears and he decided to crawl upwards and outwards. He was greeted by the evergreen pine trees as soon as a large paw stepped outside. He loved to weave around them for ages when he was younger. He still does, but not when other wolves were looking. He did not want to feel like a child when he was supposed to be a mature adult. Sampson licked his soft maw, his handsome coat shimmering as the tree's broke away above for the tiniest amount of light from the sun to shine upon him.

Sampson felt the urge to play as his body was now awake, but the less mature wolves were sleeping. The mature dog paced further into the snowfall, the flakes sticking to his fluffy legs. He rolled his muscular shoulders forwards as he walked, a blanket of snow attempting to settle onto his fine pelt. The day was new but not welcoming. The food was rationed and it never filled his stomach, in fact, Sampson could not remember when it was full. But he had to push up through the harsh times and aid his pack mates to the best of his abilities, and this meant he had to cut out the puppy play.

(Hope this post was okay. Tell me if it's not! Edit: My characters are not with the others on the main page. =c))
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 05:41:04 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »
