Author Topic: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)  (Read 142093 times)

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #150 on: June 14, 2013, 03:41:13 pm »
(Nu problem.)

   Gavroche's ears perked as he quickly trotted out in front of the now following brute. His tongue lolled happily from the side of his mouth as he spun around to gaze at the tan dog. The pup tilted his head as he stated up at Dusty, walking backwards for a minute until the brute had finished talking. "I know a good place to get some big 'ol rats! The lot of 'em are usually inside the old buildings, 'an they're HUGE! Taller than me, even! But I can take 'em alright! Us little ones may look easy pickin's but we've got some bite!" Gavroche babbled on and on after turning back forward, his voice rather loud as always as he pranced down the street without even shooting a glance back at Dusty. He was lost on his own little world as he blabbered on endlessly.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #151 on: June 14, 2013, 05:15:31 pm »

Teegan gave a smile to Risto as he spoke "I thought you didn't..." he stopped she knew what he meant and she didn't want him to feel unwanted in the group "Nah i like you, i just seem a little aggressive and ignorant when you first meet me. You'll get use to it in time". The tom decided to quickly change the conversation and ask if she thought thee would be any more non-mutated creatures out there like themselves "Yeah i guess there could be, but if there is they're doing a good job of hiding" she barked as she looked at the cat. Her gaze turned to Flak as he spoke about the bleeding stopping as she gave him a nod, then he said "Thanks". She lifted her paw from his side as Risto had finished, and in the blink of an eye he vanished "Thanks" she heard Flak mutter again as she turned to look at him "Your welcome, that's what friends do" she slightly barked as she sat on her hunches.
The figure of a large rat rolled down the hill and rolling towards Flak as Risto passed him it she gave a smile, the cat then vanishing again. "Want some?" she heard Flak ask as he dug into the rats carcass "No thanks" she smiled letting Flak get on with eating. She closed her brown eyes as small gusts of wind blew through her fur, then feeling a small thud against her paw, looking down she say a rabbit "Thanks Risto" she barked with a smile as she ate a small amount of the rabbit leaving it for anyone else. Her vision turned to Risto as he tried to mend his tail "You ok?" she asked letting out a snarl towards dusty as he had a smirk on his face "Mutt" she snarled flicking her tail then looking down to smile at Flak then back at the others.

The fae watched the others as Risto and Teegan helped Flak then stopping as he must of been feeling better. She watched as Risto padded away getting a rat for Flak, then going again and returning with a rat for Teegan. The feline began to mend its tail spinning in a slight circle with a hiss, looking like he was chasing it as she looked at Dusty who began to smirk then hearing the echoing growl of Teegan. She slightly lowered her head then turned back to Dusty and the pup with her head slightly raised.
Micah gave a smile towards Dusty as she opened her mouth the speak then feeling a small thud against her long, white leg as she looked down spotting the small brown pup. She gave him a smile as she didn't bother to reply letting the pup say what he needed as she listened to their conversation. Dusty seemed to be getting annoyed with the youngster as she let out a giggle, "Sure i would love to come, that's if its fine with Gavroche?" she questioned looking at the small pup with a smile. Getting the hint the pup didn't want to go she gave them a nod and padded over to the side of the dumpster than lying down, her chocolate eyes watching the two until they left. Her white tail still continued to wag. 

((Sorry i took so long to post again)).
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #152 on: June 14, 2013, 05:17:14 pm »

Dusty nearly wanted to shut his ears so he could block out the pup's blabbering, but since he couldn't he forced himself to grunt or murmur in acknowledgement. As he was lead by the pup towards the area were there were rats, Dusty tasted the air for the prey. His ears shot up as he scented a strong scent of rat, and insistently dropped low. Signaling with his tail for Gavroche to shut up, he dragged his paws towards the rat. As something shot across the alley, he pounced and batted the shape to the ground to stun it. As the prey let out a squeal of terror, Dusty pinned it to the ground and killed it with another blow.

Gavroche's right, Dusty reflected as he picked up the rat by its naked tail. There are a lot of rats around here. He could hear the squeaking noises of the rats all around the alley, and when Dusty could see the rat he had killed; it wasn't as big as he imagined, but it was a little bigger than the rat Risto caught. He padded over the Gavroche. "Well? Aren't you going to hunt?" he inquired, dropping the rat down to speak.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #153 on: June 14, 2013, 05:28:23 pm »

Risto felt his tongue strain as he stretched out his neck to give it another soothing lick. As he slashed his tongue over his tail, he toppled over from his awkward balance and ungratefully landed on his side. Muttering, he pick himself up and settled down in a sitting position. He nearly fell over again with surprise as a gruff voice asked, "You okay", then followed by a snarl. Risto glanced back to see that Teegan was standing by him, and the snarl was sent to Dusty.

I don't see why Teegan is always sticking around me, Risto seethed. I can take care of myself. Letting her stand up for me just makes myself look helpless. He continued, about to reject Teegan's offer. But he stopped himself. Teegan was just trying to be nice, and Risto didn't know any dog that would actually care for a cat like him. Sighing, he shook his head.

"No, I'm not okay." He replied, flicking his tail again to show her the wound. "My stupid tail get injured from the blast and i can't nurse it." Nodding towards the cobwebs, he meowed, "I'd be grateful if you could give it a quick lick and apply those onto it. It's getting a little infected." Risto explained. When he shot a glance at Dusty, he was glad that the brute had disappeared along with Gavrchoe, leaving the fae by herself.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #154 on: June 14, 2013, 05:57:04 pm »

The female shepherd looked at the cat as he fell again, she looked at his tail as he tried to nurse it and it looked pretty bad as she let out a silent sigh. Her attention turned to Dusty and the pup as he took him somewhere and Micah lay along side a dumpster her attention then turning back to cat, who seemed to be getting annoyed by her presence "Yeah sure i'll do it for you" she muttered, lowering herself to the ground she began to lick the cats tail. After this she grabbed the cobwebs and placed them onto his tail gently nudging it around with her nose, then her paws. "Better?" she asked as she raised to her hunches, her muzzle pointed down at the feline as she waited for his reply.

Micah watched as Dusty walked off, a slight sigh escaped her mouth. Her attention was locked onto the alley for a while, then getting bored she turned her head to see Teegan helping the tom with his tail as she gave a slight smile. Her white head then shooting up as she heard the shriek of a rat, her ears twitched in all directions "Must be Dusty and Gavrchoe hunting" she muttered to herself, then turning her head back around and resting it on her paws. Her white eyelids slowly fell over her chocolate eyes as she went into a light sleep, boredom had began to take over the young fae.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #155 on: June 14, 2013, 07:14:51 pm »
((I'm going to make a new picture just for the fun of it. x3))

Risto felt Teegan's tongue rasp over his tail as he sat still as possible, letting her treat his tail. He felt even more awkward; he didn't except a female dog to actually nurse a feline's tail. Once she had finished, Risto let out a grunt.

"Thanks," he muttered, glancing at his tail. The cobwebs were wrapped tightly around it, and the bleeding had stopped. As he swept up the scraps of the cobwebs, a conversation flickered in his mind. "You're not so bad at treating with herbs." He commented as he padded over to Teegan.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 07:23:05 pm by OreoHeroz »

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #156 on: June 14, 2013, 09:07:25 pm »

        Flak's large ears perked forward as Teegan began to talk to the cat from earlier and help him. "Heh, I'll leave you two alone." He murmured to Teegan, slowly pushing himself to stand on his shaking legs, an obvious bit of pain shooting through his chest with the movement. Letting out a muffled huff, he shook the pain off and gave a subtle nod to the shepherd and feline. As he began to limp off for his normal area patrols, a bright shade of white caught his eye. He turned his head to notice the white shepherd that he remembered helped them fight, but he hadn't seen her since. Tilting his head in confusion as to why she was alone, he decided to confront her, limping over to the dumpster and clearing his throat. "You gonna join to party, or are you one of those dogs who likes to fly solo?" Flak questioned, glancing up at the fae.


            Gavroche immediately shut his trap after Dusty's signal, halting rather quickly on his paws. His gaze traced the brute's which led to a plump rat that barely was noticeable in the dark street. Glancing over at Dusty, he mimicked his actions, dropping to a low crouch. Caught by surprise at the tan male's quick kill, the pup hopped up to straighten himself up, his tail pumping. "Wow! That was awesome!" He barked, loping over to the brute and stopping at his side. He tilted his golden head as Dusty asked if he was going to hunt. "Pff, of course I'm gonna hunt!" He exclaimed, leaping a couple feet away facing the darkness. He raised his small muzzle and scented the air, quickly catching the distinct scent of the many freakish rats hidden by the dark. Gavroche lowered an eyebrow and smirked, glancing back over his shoulder at Dusty. "Watch 'an learn." He murmured, unnaturally quietly compared to his normally boisterous tone. Using his small size to his advantage, he crept around the far right of his targeted rat, though his bright golden and light brown coat did make him stand out a bit against the blackness. He kept completely silent, a skill he had perfected only for hunting and stealing, and stalked closer and closer to the unsuspecting rat. Without further to do, the pup launched himself through the dusty air and tackled the large rat, which was a good size larger than his small stature. The momentum of his lunge had the rat toppled over to its side, monstrous squeals and screeches escaping from its maw as the pup locked his needle-like young teeth into its neck. After a couple of minutes of the rat thrashing for freedom like a rodeo bull, it began to weaken as Gavroche relentlessly kept his death grip on its throat despite its thrashing. With a loud huff, the rat tipped over to its side, where Gavroche let go only to adjust his grip on its throat to cut off its air supply better as it gave in and let out the last choked, quivering breaths of life. Once it had stopped moving, the pup released his grip with a small puppish growl, spitting some of its oddly dark blood out of his mouth. "See! Told ya!" He barked over his shoulder at the brute with a cocky grin.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #157 on: June 14, 2013, 09:54:32 pm »

Dusty was impressed by the pup's skill of hunting, though he didn't show any approval. Letting out a grunt, Dusty turned and padded off, tasting the air. Dung and blood clung in the air as he wrinkled his nose in disgust. How long has Gavroche been here, and how did he stand it?

A fresh scent of something tastier flew into his nostrils as he wagged his tail with pleasure. The scent of squirrel grew stronger as he turned and padded of the alley ((if it is an alley)) and turned. He spotted the squirrel rummaging through the garbage in a trash can. He could see the bushy gray tail of the squirrel as it waved in the air.

It probably doesn't know I'm there, Dusty thought to himself as he crept towards the prey. Tail down, he sprang at the trash can, knocking it over with a big bang and sending the contents spilling out. Squirming through the garbage, the squirrel tried to scrabble out with its tiny claws, but Dusty scrambled after it and swiped a massive paw at it, stunning it. As the gray shape flew into the air; Dusty chased after it, his tongue rolling out from the side of his mouth. Just as he lunged for it, a black-and-white figure exploded from the bushes and tackled the squirrel to the ground.

Dusty skidded to the ground as he landed painfully on his side. Growling, he turned to face his opponent. "Why did you kill it? That was mine!" he growled, eyeing the dog carefully. It was a Border Collie--a female one. She rolled the squirrel with her front paw, shrugging casually.

"So? I killed the prey, so it's mine." She retorted, picking up the prey and padding off calmly. Dusty refrained himself from confronting the fae as he watched her trot away in the distance. Snorting, he turned and began to pad back to Gavroche, when something sticky stuck to his paw.

Glancing down, he noticed a strange triangular substance on the ground, with red sauce splattered on it. Giving the object a brisk sniff, he narrowed his eyes. A image flickered in his mind, and he remember the same object that his human used to eat. Red sauce was also on it, along with tiny pieces of prey. He also remembered that his human used to call it "pizza", and the strange name blazed in his mind.

Wondering whether animals could eat the same thing as well, Dusty bent down to give the side a small nibble. If humans could consume it; why couldn't animals as well? But as Dusty swallowed, there was no taste in his mouth as he flicked his ears. He dipped his head and took another bite--bigger than the last one. As the flavor seeped through his mouth, he wagged his tail. The taste of the pizza was delicious, but he wasn't sure whether the others would appreciate the flavor. Shrugging, he scooped the prey in his mouth and trotted back towards Gavroche. Maybe the pup could try the pizza, and if he liked it, then he and Dusty could eat it. That is--if the others didn't like it.

As he approached Gavroche, he spat out the pizza in front of him. Nodding towards the prey, he pushed it closer to Gavroche. "I found some food in the garbage out there," he explained, turning his muzzle to point at the scattered garbage. "I remember my owner eating this, so I think it's suitable for us." He added. "You can try it. I did, and it tasted...okay, I suppose." Dusty murmured. He pushed it even closer to the pup. "I don't think it's poisonous or anything deadly."

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #158 on: June 14, 2013, 10:58:08 pm »

        Gavroche's enthusiasm drooped as Dusty gave an unapproving gesture. Quickly, he shrugged it off and plopped down on his haunches in front of the dead rat, that same overly happy smile on his face as his tongue once again lolled from the side of his maw. The pup sprang to his feet as he watched the older dog chase after the small creature that Gavroche was unfamilure with. Excitedly watching the action, he admired the brute's swiftness from his place, until the stranger appeared out of no where and stole his thunder. "What the h-" The pup's exclamation was cut off as the female landed and spoke to Dusty. Immediately going into defensive mode, Gav curled back his lips to flash his puppy teeth in a childish growl, stepping towards them, but halting once he realized the collie had darted off. who the heck do you think you are he thought to himself, his attention centered in a glare towards where the female had disappeared. Taken by surprise when Dusty came back, he spun around to face him, his tail instantly wagging- until he saw what the brute had nudged towards him. He wrinkled his nose and glared at the odd looking human food, then glanced questioningly up at Dusty. "What the heck is it?" He asked aloud, crouching down so the pizza slice was eye level. With one fore paw, he poked at it, unsure of what to even think of it. "It's human food?" He asked, staring blankly back up at the male once he straightened up again. " 'An we can eat it?..."
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #159 on: June 14, 2013, 10:59:05 pm »

Teegans ears perked as the cat muttered a "Thanks" towards her then going on to say how she is not bad at using herbs to treat someone. She let out a slight gust of air from her muzzle as her head slightly jerked as she looked down at the tom "Thanks, but i don't really have the patience for this stuff" she stopped for a minute then added "I am more of the fighter" she muttered then looking at Flak as he got up and walked towards Micah as she let out a sigh then turning her head to face the tom again. Her pink tongue lolled out the side of her mouth as her tail slowly swayed side to side. A small gust of air blew through her fur.

Micahs ears flicked as she heard another speak, her eye lids slowly fluttered open as she let out a yawn. She lifted to her hunches after turning around, shaking her head. The large black brute stood in front of her. "You gonna join to party, or are you one of those dogs who likes to fly solo?" the brute spoke as her tail slightly wagged "Well i am usually a solo canine, but i guess i haven't really socialized with anyone other than Dusty" she shrugged as she looked at her paw as she dragged it through a puddle, her attention then turning back to the brute.
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