Author Topic: Rid of FH bullies one by one.  (Read 5958 times)

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Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« on: June 02, 2013, 07:16:56 pm »
I recently just read a topic, that got me thinking.

I know it seems long, but all I ask is you please read most of this and just think twice about how you judge others on FeralHeart and in real life.

Okay, so, of course, there is always going to be online bullies. Over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you get it. My question is, but why bully others on an online game when you're both here for the same reason? - To get away from that drama in reality. There shouldn't be any of that on this game, isn't there enough in real life? Everyone wants to be themselves on here, and make their own unique characters. Just because someones character isn't your definition of 'beautiful' or 'pretty' it doesn't give you the right to tell them to change. It's just like in real life. You can't change how you look in real life, but you can in FH. If they thought their character was ugly and they didn't like it, they would change it. They feel happy with their character because they made them and they are unique and one of a kind.

It's the same thing with RPs, people make fun of other peoples RPs because they don't like them. I've seen unicorn RPGs, Reptile RPGs, and even bacon RPGs (I'll admit, I giggled at that one.) But I didn't say anything rude to their face, because trolling or not, it would be rude. Maybe they wanted to try something different. Maybe for once you should join a unique RP other than a lion, cat, or wolf RP. That's pretty much what FeralHeart consists of. I've joined prey RPs before, and though I was hesitant at first, it's a lot of fun! RP's that don't involve cats or lions or wolves are quite rare. It makes you feel better when there's other people out there that have the same tastes as you. You eventually don't care what other people think, all you care about is having fun with your other RP buddies that like the same thing as you.

Last but not least, excluding...This is one thing that gets on my nerves because I have to deal with it almost everyday, in reality AND in FeralHeart. FH is a big community of people that should all care and respect for each other. I've seen people say that a certain person cannot join their group because they simply don't like the way they look. "So what if you don't like the way they look?" Is all I have to say. When in small groups of people on their OC charas or something, they tend to ignore someone if they don't know who they are. Maybe they just want to be friends. All I have to say is stop ignoring them and ask them how they're doing. Trust me, it'll make their day just to hear that someone actually notices they're there and maybe you'll make a new friend out of it. I can guarantee this is the best way to make friends on FeralHeart. I have one friend that became one of my best friends because I stood up for her. She was being publicly bullied in FP, so I befriended her. We ended up hanging out everyday and RPing just the two of us, because I said we could be outsiders together.

Thanks for reading, -Splatty

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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2013, 07:28:38 pm »
I understand your pain. This situation also happens to me, but not physically..Mentally. People just sit their still, talking to other friends. When your just their, alone. And when this happens to me, I just quickly log out of Fh and into the forums. Some people sometimes just don't like you because the way you act and rest of your personality. And that's the part I don't understand. I know were not friends and all, but just talking to someone that you don't know or just don't like; doesn't mean you can just bully them. And right there bugs me. And sometimes when I their, talking to my friends; and seeing them pop on the game , and just standing their..Like uh "Hi' That's probably how I feel. But then again, I understand your pain, Splatty. I really hope this phicsally and mental (If you have mental bullying..(If people be talking to you in whisper and such)) stops.

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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2013, 07:47:28 pm »
I like how you brought this up Splatty, this is one of the things that can't just be ignored. If everyone had a dollar for every time someone got abused because of their looks, it would add up to more than a trillion. I've tried to join a realistic wolf RP before and everything about me was realistic but they said I couldn't join because apparently they hated how my character was 'overweight'. Think about it, everything about me was perfect except my characters weight was slightly above default. The same thing goes for real life. I was bullied because I was underweight in 4th grade. I lost my temper and shoved the girl into a locker and ran away. The biggest lie is "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" That is not true. I've heard of people who have been tempted to commit suicide because they were being bullied and teased. Words cannot be taken back, and they can hurt the soul. Treat others the way you would want to be treated. If someone punches you do you think that person would want to be punched too? I like seeing new RPs and stuff like that. But I've seen someone advertise an RP and other people put that user down. It made me so mad to think others would put someone down because their creative idea was stupid. It's wrong to do these things and I hope that if a bully were to look at this post that they would think twice about their attitude towards others.

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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2013, 09:48:28 pm »
Agree with everything that's been said here. It's amazing how two screens between two people has the potential to totally change how they treat each other:/

Hopefully this post might make some people think twice before they hurt anymore people. <3

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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2013, 09:53:03 pm »
The internet can be a cruel place where people show little to no humanity or civility to each other. The reason why some people bully online is because no one knows who they are. They get away with it because they can say whatever they want to and not have to worry about getting punched/slapped in the face. I bet many of these trolls wouldn't have the guts to say some of these kind of things to people out in the real world. Since they are behind a computer screen and completely annonomus, they can say whatever they want to anyone and not have to face any kind of concequences.

It's terrible and sad that stuff like this happens in this game. The best thing we can do to slow it down is report anyone who is trolling/bullying/harassing other players. Even then, there were times when I reported bullies but their actions weren't severe enough for them to be punished.... At least I tried.

No matter what website or RPG site you find on the internet, there will always be trolls to cause trouble. That's just the sad truth of mingling around on the wide world of the internet. There will be those who don't care about other people's thoughts and feelings. There will be those who will trash and bash at other people's new ideas. The best thing to do is just ignore them and not let them get the best of you.

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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2013, 10:34:52 pm »
I wrote a thread about the bullying myself, so with three threads like this up now you would think the bullies would have the guts to speak up, maybe apologize for their behavior? Even try to explain their side, but nope.


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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2013, 02:31:41 pm »
It's very, very sad that there's so many topics like this on the forum. More depressing too because there's little kids here, and it bothers me that there's so much bullying with suck young people around.
It gives the game a bad environment to be in, and it just makes people feel bad.
I do agree that it needs to stop and it needs to stop soon.

And this bullying is for petty little reasons too, like the roleplays they make and how their character looks.
That doesn't matter, as long as it's a good roleplay or a well developed character.

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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2013, 02:55:56 pm »
And this bullying is for petty little reasons too, like the roleplays they make and how their character looks.
That doesn't matter, as long as it's a good roleplay or a well developed character.
It all really matters if the person who created that character is satisfied with how he or she looks. It doesn't matter at all if others think your characters not pretty. The only thing that matters is your opinion and your opinion only

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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2013, 03:04:04 pm »
I haven't seen bullies that much on Feral Heart. I don't recall seeing them at all. But if I do, I'll stand up for the victim. Cyber bulling has scarred children and caused many deaths.

"Do they even have a reason why countless sons and daughters have to die?" -Disturbed

This song always reminds me of bullies in real life and on the internet. Some people still don't get the person on the other end is a real person with real emotions that you can really hurt. It doesn't matter if that person has bullied you, has a weird problem or has a stupid character, you shouldn't bully them.

Mostly when I'm bullied, I just hit the block button and wait a day or two then unblock the person. (I don't like people on my block list. xD) And if they keep going then I keep blocking them until they shut up. It doesn't make me the bad guy.

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Re: Rid of FH bullies one by one.
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2013, 03:49:20 pm »
The Internet can be a very mean place sometimes, that's were all the pixel trolls live BC
But really, coming from a somewhat bad childhood I've been bullied many many times. Even got two large scars on my right arm form a bully. But really when getting bullied, you have to always say to yourself "Do you really want to lower your standards to there level or be better then them and be someone greater. When getting a bad comment here, the head would say "Oh she said this, I'm going to say something back to her to get even". No, the right thing to do to a bully here is just block the, or if it's getting way out of hand send screenies of the convo to a staff member to see if they can do something.
It does make me sad that the majority of people picked are just little kids, but take this advise from someone who knows the pain and endurance of being bullied. Im now a adult who's future looks promising with a college degree. It all depends on you to make your future brighter.
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