Author Topic: Horns/Wings/Accessories?  (Read 27616 times)

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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #80 on: May 15, 2011, 03:15:09 am »
You people who think wings shouldnt be added ARE F***ing WRONG! MY FIRST EVER CHAR CANT BE CREATED WITHOUT WINGS OR A COLLAR! ive never played IT, I AM TRYING VERY HARD TO WAIT FOR AROKAI (THE ONLY GAME WHERE YOU CAN FLY!!!) Ect Ect Ect. Theres plenty of reasons for wings and accessories! think about the poor sad people who want wings on their chars! fine! dont put wings on yours and they can have all the fun! Sickos!
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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #81 on: May 15, 2011, 03:27:28 am »
You people who think wings shouldnt be added ARE F***ing WRONG! MY FIRST EVER CHAR CANT BE CREATED WITHOUT WINGS OR A COLLAR! ive never played IT, I AM TRYING VERY HARD TO WAIT FOR AROKAI (THE ONLY GAME WHERE YOU CAN FLY!!!) Ect Ect Ect. Theres plenty of reasons for wings and accessories! think about the poor sad people who want wings on their chars! fine! dont put wings on yours and they can have all the fun! Sickos!

We don't think wings shouldn't be added, WE KNOW WINGS AREN'T GOING TO BE ADDED. Kovu has already said a big fat NO to wings, and you should suck it up and get over it, no amount of whinging or crying over it is going to get you freaking wings.

Perhaps if wings are so stinking important to your character, you could learn to get CREATIVE, and either RP them, or get yourself a preset. It's not hard, all it takes is a little BRAIN POWER.

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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #82 on: May 15, 2011, 03:30:45 am »
Josie, I really don't want to argue with you, but such harshness is not needed. Nor is the usage of caps. You need to understand that some of the people who play FH do not want wings, as well as Kov, instead of calling them sickos just because you disagree. Personally, I would not mind wings, but I'm not going to go bash everybody who doesn't want them. They're most likely not going to be added anyway. Either way works, in all honesty, in my opinion. Not trying to be mean or anything, but that was incredibly rude. There is also a collar marking, if that's what you mean.
  As i said, I would not mind wings, I won't be upset if Kov decides to implement them, or not, into the game. I would really like fangs, though. xP Perhaps a horn and fang size bar thingy as well. Layered markings would be epic too, but there should be a limit. I wouldn't really like to see somebody running around with 728857 markings on. xD


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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #83 on: May 15, 2011, 05:26:03 am »
yeah dude- XD obviously there should be a limit on layered markings <3 but they should defineately be put in cuz I don't want ALL of my markins the same color ya know? ^_^

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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #84 on: May 15, 2011, 05:40:57 am »
I really wish you all would stop begging for wings or even asking nicely/suggesting them. Its been said thousands of times over that Kovu wants realistic anatomy. That means no HORNS, or WINGS. Jeeze people are getting more effing boneheaded by the hour. No means no people.

Im gonna get karma attacked by wing beggers for this but I dont give a crap. Bite me till I have -10005 karma. I dont care anymore.

Horns cans till be implemented with realistic anatomy, I hope you know. I've seen a firm 'no' to wings, but not horns yet.
I see where your coming from but what I meant by that is you'll never see a horned canine or feline in the wild or anywhere else. Which means, to me, its not realistic for them. That post was out of retaliation. I'd rather no one respond to it really.

Besides, I never said horns wouldnt be a good addition. Just no wings. This whole wing thing is tired and beyond tedious, as we both know. xD

"That means no HORNS, or WINGS."

It's a game, there are NEON PINK animals running around, and we all know neon pink is not a NATURAL fur coloration. so, yes, Horns SHOULD be possible. so don't say 'you'll never see ___ naturally in the wild' because, guess what? This isn't wolfquest. If you want realism, go play it. Just don't start mouthing off about realism when you have NO IDEA what you're talking about. Kov said realistic anatomy, and horns are as close to fantasy-realism as we'll probably get alongside saber fangs, neon fur, and demon characters with glowing eyes and marking that manipulate fire.

Just my input...

Since when did colour have anything to do with anatomy?

It doesn't. This is the exact same excuse wing beggers use, and it is a pointless thing to point out, because it has already been pointed out millions of times, and already been pointed out it has nothing to do with realistic anatomy. So please lay off that old excuse and thank you if you do.

I'm pointing out that it is POSSIBLE. Don't shoot down anything that won't be 'realistic'.
And watch how to speak to others, if you don't mind.

'just my input' BUT why does straying just slightly from realism matter? Wings will not alter the anatomy as much as horns.

the only possible way wings could ever work would probably be making the characters look more like bats. which is probably possible but not wanted. just replace the front limbs with wings. (not saying I really care, but this concept makes me giggle.) and it would make no sense how they run seeing as the front limbs would be all strange. xD;

So yeah. though, other than SUPREMELY AWKWARD WING PLACEMENT I have no idea.

Horns should still be possible, and I can doodle up several horn ideas. (or even make meshes. I might actually do that.)

I wish there was some way to add them ingame without attaching them to certain manes/tufts though. All I can do is give .obj files for now.
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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #85 on: May 15, 2011, 05:53:15 am »
*Says something about lack of creativity, then talks about my own character like it's the best thing since water but the game sucks cuz it doesn't have wings for it, and then says some blah about Arokai because for some reason I think they are going to have flying lions/wolves when that's completely not true and only animals with wings will fly, but I'll be arrogant and compare them anyway. Afterward I will rage and make make thousand more post insulting people that disagree, trying to prove an invalid point even though it's been said wings and items won't be added for the game maker himself. *

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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #86 on: May 15, 2011, 05:58:38 am »
*Says something about lack of creativity, then talks about my own character like it's the best thing since water but the game sucks cuz it doesn't have wings for it, and then says some blah about Arokai because for some reason I think they are going to have flying lions/wolves when that's completely not true and only animals with wings will fly, but I'll be arrogant and compare them anyway. Afterward I will rage and make make thousand more post insulting people that disagree, trying to prove an invalid point even though it's been said wings and items won't be added for the game maker himself. *

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Offline Kyugima

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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #87 on: May 15, 2011, 06:20:17 am »
I'm pointing out that it is POSSIBLE. Don't shoot down anything that won't be 'realistic'.
And watch how to speak to others, if you don't mind.

'just my input' BUT why does straying just slightly from realism matter? Wings will not alter the anatomy as much as horns.

the only possible way wings could ever work would probably be making the characters look more like bats. which is probably possible but not wanted. just replace the front limbs with wings. (not saying I really care, but this concept makes me giggle.) and it would make no sense how they run seeing as the front limbs would be all strange. xD;

So yeah. though, other than SUPREMELY AWKWARD WING PLACEMENT I have no idea.

Horns should still be possible, and I can doodle up several horn ideas. (or even make meshes. I might actually do that.)

I wish there was some way to add them ingame without attaching them to certain manes/tufts though. All I can do is give .obj files for now.

I was not shooting anything down in my post, just that excuse that is used for everything everyone wants nowadays. I was saying that colour has nothing to do with anatomy. You could have a realistic picture, change the colour, and the anatomy would still be realistic. Simple as that. It's the same excuse everyone begging for wings uses, and in no way is it relevant to the realitic anatomy thing. It's as simple as that. Of course, you'll probably say I'm being rude again, and to watch how I speak to others, which makes no sense to me seeing as I'm not using capitals, not swearing, I'm not being sarcastic or rude, I'm pointing out a simple fact that most others don't understand and has been getting on my nerves.

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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #88 on: May 15, 2011, 06:54:39 am »
Well said, Sly. xD

And, I guess you're right Higby. Maybe it could be limited to five or something, and then each could have their own... RGB color slider thingies. x3

Offline Motoko

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Re: Horns/Wings/Accessories?
« Reply #89 on: May 15, 2011, 06:04:14 pm »
I'm pointing out that it is POSSIBLE. Don't shoot down anything that won't be 'realistic'.
And watch how to speak to others, if you don't mind.

'just my input' BUT why does straying just slightly from realism matter? Wings will not alter the anatomy as much as horns.

the only possible way wings could ever work would probably be making the characters look more like bats. which is probably possible but not wanted. just replace the front limbs with wings. (not saying I really care, but this concept makes me giggle.) and it would make no sense how they run seeing as the front limbs would be all strange. xD;

So yeah. though, other than SUPREMELY AWKWARD WING PLACEMENT I have no idea.

Horns should still be possible, and I can doodle up several horn ideas. (or even make meshes. I might actually do that.)

I wish there was some way to add them ingame without attaching them to certain manes/tufts though. All I can do is give .obj files for now.

I was not shooting anything down in my post, just that excuse that is used for everything everyone wants nowadays. I was saying that colour has nothing to do with anatomy. You could have a realistic picture, change the colour, and the anatomy would still be realistic. Simple as that. It's the same excuse everyone begging for wings uses, and in no way is it relevant to the realitic anatomy thing. It's as simple as that. Of course, you'll probably say I'm being rude again, and to watch how I speak to others, which makes no sense to me seeing as I'm not using capitals, not swearing, I'm not being sarcastic or rude, I'm pointing out a simple fact that most others don't understand and has been getting on my nerves.

I really don't care if it has been getting on your nerves. Watch how you word things or it can come off as aggressive or rude. But don't complain to me about how annoyed you are I'm not the kind of person who will care.
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