Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 168384 times)

Offline Meadowstar01

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #190 on: June 22, 2013, 09:27:01 pm »
This is getting ridiculous. Also, iMello, you may believe your statement is true, but that doesn't mean that there can't be other possibilities as well. Thus, no offence, but that was a rather closed-minded thing to say.

I do agree, though. LordSuragaha does have a point, but it still would've been best had this been discussed beforehand rather than just appearing out of the blue without informing anyone. At this rate, I'm not sure if even the staff knew that this was coming. This is the third time I've said this: General wasn't the only chat you could use to talk, advertise, or RP. Besides, didn't they say that this was merely a  TEST? If it was a test, then this surely wouldn't last forever.

Even if it is a test, that still gives you no excuse to take away a chat (which was HIGHLY used in-game) without anyone knowing, Raz. And if some of the staff (not all of them) insult members like you say, iMello, then this is obviously going nowhere. This is what I have to say: You want members to get pissed off at you guys and leave, Feral Heart? Then continue this. Otherwise, it's best that you pay attention to your actions towards members (Again, this is not directed at all the staff, but it is to alot of them).

P.S Not to be rude, but doing this without opinion of the members, or NOT even thinking of how they'd react to this sudden change, really isn't open-minded at all. Yet you guys say to be "open-minded"... Where is logic?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 09:34:40 pm by Meadowstar01 »

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #191 on: June 22, 2013, 09:28:30 pm »
What I say is true.
That's like stating: What I say is law.

Now do as I say? 8]
I won't change my opinion because you consider it to be true.

Offline shusuke

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #192 on: June 22, 2013, 09:29:32 pm »
People would react around the same way if they would get informed around 1 week or more before the chat would get removed :D
And we got informed about it, look at the OP.
And like I said before in my first post here, we all will learn from it. Good and bad experiences included.
Just wait it out, it will get normal.
But this hostility now is killing me xc why can't people be open minded and be like: ''Ok, yes I miss general. I would like it back, but I will see what I can do now for the time being, maybe It won't even be that bad, after all it is just a test.''

(iMello... :/ look at what you wrote and you will see why Red called you like that...)
True, but the thing is there'd be less of a freakout in the beginning if people were more prepared and were able to sit and think "so general might be removed for a test. it won't be that bad; what can i come up with to stay active with my role play for when that happens?"

It would have given time for users to decide on what ways they would deal with it or come up with new ones, and get the idea of doing it that way for a bit in their heads before General being cut off. It really would have been better to go a "conditioning the mind" route than "woops there goes general! let's see how this works! or if it'll work at all!"

...It makes the community seem more like playthings than anything > >" There should have been a notice beforehand.

Actually if anything there should have been a warning beforehand period, because at least that would be some form of communication in a sense, which looking back in the older posts is something this forum seems to be outrageously lacking or could use some more of.

This sudden change has caused nothing more than a rift and the comments are nothing more than arrows being shot back and forth over the abyss.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #193 on: June 22, 2013, 09:37:31 pm »

That does NOT excuse the fact that Red and his friends are INSULTING people for voicing their opinions, and cussing them out, banning, etc. Red called me an 'ungrateful, uneducated brat' for very CALMLY stating my opinion. He was all, "Oh, you have no idea what it's like to moderate a game." NEWS FLASH. I DO. I'm an ADMIN an Moonrise. I KNOW how to moderate, and I know that being an admin means LISTENING TO THE COMMUNITY and keeping your members happy. I know how to manage a game. Calling me uneducated is calling me stupid. And he called me an ungrateful brat. Ungrateful? Really? I'm grateful for that the staff do usually, but I am NOT grateful about THIS and the way staff are treating us now. Why would I? Why would I be GRATEFUL to be insulted? Why would I be GRATEFUL to have General taken away, which was my FAVORITE CHAT? Red and his friends that sit on the rock all day doing nothing but chatting, are now insulting us and saying they they are the perfect moderators and throwing their positions around. Well, Red, if you were the perfect moderator, then you would actually interfere when a topic about rape or a bunch of cursing appeared in General, instead of sitting there doing NOTHING. You would actually MODERATE the chat, instead of deleting it and upsetting the community. This is causing way too many fights. Just give us General back and be done with it.

Please do not say your are an innocent bystander. I too am a protestor, and the leader of the Anonymous. We all saw what you had to say, and while you had points, you decided to sit right in front of Red and call all staff and mods lazy bums who refuse to do their job. Those statements right there are why things are getting so out of control. You can't sit at your computer and accuse the staff of insulting you, when you began the fight. Honestly, I am shocked that you weren't banned...yes, things said that night were unfair on BOTH sides IMO, but it was you who brought those words to the surface with your attacks. The Anons sit there, protest the removal of gen, and have a very good time. You don't see us getting into fights with the mods to the extent it was.

I don't understand why, especially after lords post, that you can't see that they do care, and have to deal with all of this, plus everything we have to say..all they're asking for is some respect. :/

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #194 on: June 22, 2013, 09:51:06 pm »
I'm really surprised reading all these comments, some are negative and some are positive, I mean how bad could it be? no general for a week or two since it was just a test, I'm fine with it , I've seen polls about General, some users are missing alot of general but conversations may lead to argues and to swears sometimes this occur on bonfire and ficho where I was, iMello, wow that was erhh...gawsh is it really true? but I dont believe yet..Red is a kind person and he is working hard he's not just sitting on the rock all day..He got stuffz to do and if this argue goes on, I will flip a table I'm sorry iMello if you really are threatend by Red. you know guys? maybe we would take a break of general chatting in-game because what I said is conversations may lead to argues and so on, I dont know when you guys who wants general back will deal with it, be calm its not like the end of the world ._. I'm sorry if I sound mean <w< and Lord does have a good point

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Offline Killian

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #195 on: June 22, 2013, 09:58:57 pm »
I don't understand why this has caused such an uproar, it was just a chat. When people say to the none English speaking players that talk in general "You have other means of chat!!! Why do you NEED to talk in general!!!", does this not make you feel hypocritical? I know it's against the rules for them to do it but they seem to cope don't they? Why are you all so different?!

Offline shusuke

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #196 on: June 22, 2013, 10:03:55 pm »
It's because it came out of nowhere and there's a crap load of people who used it.

It'd be like your parents randomly selling your video game systems at a yard sale without your consent, basically. It's quite easy to understand why people are upset over it.

General Chat was a major part of how a lot of players communicated. You cut off that form of communication, you can sure as heck expect an uproar about it. There's nothing more to it. With the fact that there was no warning about it beforehand so the word could spread within the game itself... :X no surprise that people are howling over it.

Offline Killian

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #197 on: June 22, 2013, 10:37:20 pm »
Losing one of your actual possessions and losing -one other -method of chat are nothing alike. As I said before, other players got on well without it, so can you. I never used it other then to nose at peoples argues, since people were always having inappropriate debates over it.

If there was a warning, people still would have moaned. It's like when the server is about to go down and they warn us, then when people come back they start saying "What was that did anyone else crash?" or "The server just died!" Not everyone would react the way you would.

Offline YouheiSunohara24

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #198 on: June 22, 2013, 10:43:30 pm »
Everyone has a right to their opinion, and everyone has the right to state their opinion. Freedom of speech. Red and his friends shouldn't insult us for stating our opinions. I did not insult the mods. I told them to listen to the community, which they are clearly NOT doing. In fact, Raz even said this earlier in game:

Me: You just throw out our opinions like they don't even matter.
Raz: Well, at the moment, they don't.
Me: So the opinion of the community doesn't matter at all to you?
Raz: No. Bring me the entire community. Let me hear them all say that this is a bad idea. (Or something like that)
Someone else: That's impossible, Raz, and you know it.
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Re: RIP General
« Reply #199 on: June 22, 2013, 10:50:43 pm »
I cant imagine why were fighting over general..oh general...Anyway I totally agree With Nathan, general is just a CHAT Where you CHAT and CHAT How about those people who want general back? what are you going to do on general? fool around? say "YES GEN IS BACK" I expected those words but what are other uses for general huh? what do you want to do on general? Advertising, Talking about stuffs, thats fine with me but you could advertise in local by finding players who are interested, dont be sensitive, and for talking, you could just talk at SB At FP I see no problem doing those, but indeed general is a good chat and I want it back not NEED it back. so it depends on the staff, let them to what they should do.

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