Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 168125 times)

Offline ringoluver

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #60 on: June 18, 2013, 04:24:18 pm »

You can turn off video alerts xD

Also, as I stated, we can't do something like add something to the game (allowing people to title their videos) because that requires the main source code which we do not have. And kov will no give it to us.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #61 on: June 18, 2013, 04:47:18 pm »
General and I had such fun times together... but there are ups and downs to this.

1 Down) It will be much harder to find rps, since General was the only chat where you could this to people across the map advertise and such
2 Down) If we want to chat with people, we can't go into general since it has been removed

1 Up) Less Drama
2 Up) This removes TWO rules! (No Rping in General, and English only in General)
3 Up) No more spammers in general

Well, General and I had fun times. I can only hope and dream we might get GenGen back

Offline Karakuri

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #62 on: June 18, 2013, 05:12:13 pm »
Honestly, I'm rather neutral about this.

On the plus side, I don't have to worry about hearing about Gatherings every thirty seconds. No more random General chat, and no more talk of rape being funny. I don't worry too much about finding groups, as I only rp in two groups; Red RaVage, and my own group, Mammon. It will be a pain advertising for Mammon, but it can be done. I had to advertise for two hours today to get one person to rp with me, but that person was more literate than a plethora of hopefuls wanting to join that...didn't quite make the cut, and I hate telling people they aren't literate enough to join.

However, there /are/ downsides. As stated before, it took me /two entire hours/ to find someone I could do a groupless rp with. I feel more isolated now, as when I was bored, I'd read General, or even start up a conversation there. There's also the constant lag problem being brought up. My computer is a tard. Plain and simple. I could /barely/ run by SB before, with extreme lag. Now I'm lucky if it doesn't crash my game at all. But oh wait! I need to go to a popular place to advertise, now don't I? Rping has become nearly impossible nowadays, due to this problem.

In short, there are some good changes and some bad changes. Please think about the people before yourselves, mods, and think about our poor computers and the servers. I'm leaning toward one thing, now that I think about it. Rinny is not happy. Not at all.
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #63 on: June 18, 2013, 05:21:24 pm »
I'v been thinking and though I see a lot of cons to this there are some interesting pros. Without the constant communication you have to find players and that sort of makes the world bigger. It is like our world without texting basically. Though because of that change, like I said, plenty of cons arrise too. Even though things will be more interesting I still hope general will return.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #64 on: June 18, 2013, 05:36:36 pm »
I personally find it to be a good idea to remove general chat.
Sure, yea, it's too bad for those who advertise that they can no longer shout out to the whole map 'n give people an idea of what its about and/or where to find them.
Perhaps, if people hadn't "misused" general chat, it'd still be there.
I believe it's caused by some negative energy which has been building up for quite some time now.
All the trolling, all the rulebreaking, the flooding..
I know more than fifteen people who would stand by my side and say "Wow, it's so nice now when general is gone.", none of them being staff.
Sure, it might not be much against the amount who will hate on this, what you call an "update".

Why do I like general being gone?
Simply because there is no longer a spam across all of the maps.
There are no longer people sitting on their butts, not bothering to move their pixels over to a specific place.
Before, people didn't bother to seek out people.
I've seen Stone Bridge, N/Z and Cape portal in Fluorite Plains becoming much more populated, as people know they're all usual places to meet within the map.

People have been using the whole overused and stupid excuse "they can just turn general off" for ages now.
Why do people need an excuse and why do others have to change, because they want to behave like they do?

Sure, I've only been here for a little over a year.
But I've got friends who have been on FeralHeart for two - two and a half years who are loving this change.

It'll take some time getting used to, yes.
Though most of you can see it as if you've all turned off general chat.
Get your lazy butts out there, use the WADS Q+E keys and find people, make friends.
You shouldn't have to rely on the green chat.

To those who advertise. Well, most people know that Cape portal, N/Z and  Stone Bridge are the most common places to find role plays and people at.
Other than that, you have movies.
Though I am aware of the glitch, when you adjust your chat window, causing you to be unable to see certain movies.
If that is the case, seek out those places mentioned above.

You have no idea how absolutely disappointed I am in this update.

For a very long while now, I have been waiting and hoping for an update from Feralheart. Since the last update was in December of 2011, I was expecting some huge spectacular update, like perhaps hunting prey, or more public maps! More markings, more manes, or maybe even a new body model!
It should be rather clear to everyone, that this is no update.
It's a change.
The updates can only come from KovuLKD himself unless the source code is given to somebody else.
As others have mentioned before me, the creator is long gone.


A mere suggestion would be, if someone, or if a group of people made a website for advertising role plays to post their ads on.
Having it open and known for the whole community.
No group being 'banned' from posting, nor have their ads changed by those who run it and no bashing each other.

Then again, there is a section for advertising on the FeralHeart forum.
People could learn to use that too?


Maybe this will cause others to take some interest in the community and either socialize or at least keep track of what's going on.
Some users, as I've experienced first hand, never bother to figure out what's on the forum,
even less learn to understand why there are certain rules applied to the game.


I believe I've got most said, if not, I'll make sure to post again.

Regards, Ressy.

Offline Vessan

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #65 on: June 18, 2013, 05:38:03 pm »
I am not really fond of this idea to be honest. Well...something had to be bone sooner or later.
So lets go through some of the cons and pros first to clear some stuff up.

Red-Not fun, not fun at all
General cons and pros

Pro1:(At busy times)forces people wanting a simple chat to go to common places. (I find this nice  ;D, but SP, FT, AI, SR, AT, LC don't have a common spot, more landmarks cannot be added sadly.)
~~~~~~~~~~Con1:Mayor lag and overcrowding at busy times.
~~~~~~~~~~Con2:General chat ends up mixed up with random ads in local as people will be questioning groups.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Pro1OnCon2: Doesen't change much than when general was there.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Con1OnPro1oncon2: Add the lag due overcrowding and you are in hell.
~~~~~~~~~~Con3:Many rps will be ignored due the other ones have more members, look good are not just starting out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ProOnCon3:Apealing rps will get attention thus more members than before.

Con1:Movie spam! Far greater than before!

Non busy hours concerend:

Pro1: People might meet together to chat and exchange info at common placer or just join rps.
~~~~~~~~~~Con1:Peaople will not join those areas, thus crippling the game and the floofs playing.
Meh:it stays the same

Roleplay concerned:
Pro1:People will be more determined to join a rp they see for the first time.
~~~~~~~~~~Con1: This is due a fear of knowing you might not get the same opportunity in the next few minutes or  hours.
~~~~~~~~~~Pro1:People with apealing groups get more member traffic if they are enough tolerant to the lag at busy hours.
Con1:Harder to find the perfect roleplay
~~~~~~~~~~Pro1:Will make you look harder for a good rp, thus the chance of finding a good one increases.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ConOnPro1:Does not work when people are not on, especially not when at common spots.
Con2:Good groups might not get enough traffic.

~~~~~~~~~~Neu1:Was the same with general, this time add lag to group search in busy times.

Chat concerned:
Pro1:Some players are rude/mean, this way we can silence them for a bit!
~~~~~~~~~~Con1:Same thing re-apears in local, now at common spots where peeps will gather.
~~~~~~~~~~Neu1:Nothing new, this was happening in other chats too.
Con:1People are shy and thus will not walk up to a random rp or stranger and ask for a chat or roleplay.
~~~~~~~~~~Con1:You never know how people will react.

~~~~~~~~~~Note: with general on people that wanted to reply, replied to you.
Con2: This is a 3D chat game and will be a chat game before being only a rp game.
~~~~~~~~~~Con1:General was the mayor chat feature in the game.

Con3: Multitasking is impossible now, you can't have a friendly chat with strangers on the map via general and rp at the same time.
Con4:Information in the game spreads slower.

Neu: Please explain me why the mute general button is not an awesome tool?(You can always block the evil doers or report them if causing harm)

Ok so this are a few of my pros and cons.
Looks like at busy hours it is both helfull and bad.
At non busy hours it is...pretty normal
Roleplay concerned it is so-so.
Chat based it means we are getting harder around it.

Anyway I seen many servers for a certian game removing the general/global/world chat, sadly the players there slowly left due isolation as it was a rpg game, you never knew if the one standing infront of you would chat with you or kill and steal all of your loot. A global chat was the only way to befriend those people that might be otherwise hostile. Same would apply here, people will be people and no one knows how they will react when you come up to them, I have seen good and bad of this in FH!(Add to it that people will be highly shy) Well that is what I have to add to it. But I do wonder if general could be turned on again on maps like atlantis, south pole and last cave (possibly even sky's rim) so you can marco-polo with people there just nicely. We have to fill em with some courage and organise pretty stuff to get people to bond rather than do nothing.
I forgot to mention that there is always a way to baypass such things, even if it includes rule-breaking. In the case of the server I was in people used other means to bypass it (abusing action chat) , after that everyone that way got banned.

So this is this.
Generally I think everyone will learn from it, positive or negative included.
(Just so to note, I like many other players joined feral heart because of the chatting, meeting people and exploring, not rp-ing. At heart I do not like the idea of slicing off a little bit of cheese from chatting and rping only to add a small bit of sausage to rp-ing(But this is only my humble oppinion!))
I will stay neutral on this for now .
« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 08:18:40 pm by Vessan »

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #66 on: June 18, 2013, 06:40:25 pm »
I am the silent and observant type of person, both in-game and out. I rarely give out my own opinions on matters unless they seem important and worthwhile.
I privately believe that disabling General chat was an excellent idea. There has been numerous reasons for this, posted well above me. Keeping it short. - Less rule breakers, spam, and offensive behavior.
I don't want to seem rude, however some people showed >great< lack of respect, towards many members and staff, bringing up unnecessary excuses about it and ranting out at certain people or staff because of such changes brought into the game.
People should use their common sense, and appreciate the work many members and staff put into this game. It's mainly voluntary work they do.
The reason/s for disabling General chat are valid and honestly shouldn't be questioned, it will not be by me at least, though I understand the annoyance of those people who use it to advertise their RP Groups. But, now its a great chance to show us all, how the community will work without it. Whether people will be motivated to stay on this game, move their characters within maps and socialize / find Roleplay groups without the use of General chat.
Everyone should try accept this change as for now, and somehow get used to it.
If people behave well enough, follow the rules assigned to the game and forum, as it really should be, as I would honestly like to know how many people actually bothered to read the game rules right through and understood them, as for what is happening within the game, it clearly shows that people have not done such, nevertheless, maybe one day things will return to normal.


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #67 on: June 18, 2013, 07:26:58 pm »
I should probably say right up front... all opinions about this are, inevitably, from a standpoint of my own self-interest. Because I am not the insubstantial embodiment of the FeralHeart player collective, and if I was I would probably be unable to type.

As much as this may change the dynamic of FeralHeart, I have to say I feel it's going to be for the better. I basically stopped going online for a month or two, just because when I did all I saw was arguments, spam, HUGELY inappropriate jokes, and "say i if u know TOBUSCUS" sprinkled with occasional ads for Warriors RPs (not that I have any specific thing against them, but I'm not really into Warriors and it's not worth sifting through the rest of General for). I'm pretty sure General must have been different in the past, because I used to spend quite a bit of time online, but it was getting to the point where it just wasn't worth it. And I know it's popular to say that the mods just don't do their jobs, but they do. They really do. The problem is that there's so darn much of this crap that nothing short of an android built for the purpose could possibly monitor it all 24/7. As far as I know, none of the staff are androids. And they totally didn't force me to say that so I'd be spared when the robots enslave humanity.

I know a lot of people just get online to chat with friends, but... FH is also meant to be a sort of virtual world, and it seems that being able to just shout out to the heavens from anywhere on the map and be heard takes away from that. It takes less than a minute to get from one end of Fluorite to the other now that we have the dash function; your friends aren't THAT far away. And even if they are, the whisper, party chat, and group functions still work just fine. The world doesn't necessarily need to see everyone's conversations about pizza and universal sufferage, which is actually one major problem I had with general... not every discussion has to be public for all to see, but denizens of Fluorite tend to act like they do. I understand the desire to make yourself and your opinions heard, but that's not what General was really supposed to be a platform for.

Now, there's the issue of RP recruiting. I'm sure this isn't the case for a lot of users, but I haven't found a good, lasting RP through general ads in over a year. Nor have I found any recruits for my own RP that stayed longer than a week, even at our most active. Any RPs or new members I have found have all been through friendship. Such-and-such long-time member knows someone, they join, and they stick around, which leads to a more close-knit and cohesive RP because everyone really wants to be there and won't vanish into the aether a week later. If I find an RP that way, there's a higher chance that I'll stay and be a part of it because I already have a friend or two in it. Chances are we already know our RP styles are compatible. And then we meet new people in those groups, and the cycle continues. So no, I don't think a lack of General-ness will inhibit the ability to meet new people and make new friends, we just have to put some actual effort into it now. And putting effort into something is almost never a bad thing.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #68 on: June 18, 2013, 07:54:58 pm »
REALLY sorry if this is too much of a post. I'm trying to clear stuff up imo. You shouldn't be annoyed by this. I tried to cut stuff down as much as I can.

Before I say anything, YES. There are pro's as much as there is cons in the shutdown of General, but I don't like this change.
O.O.... Will you ever give it back...?
It is still being decided if General is going to be gone forever or not, don't worry. c:

Vessan dude your awesome! Took all the words out of my mouth. (Qutoting your whole post will take the whole page)
I don't want to seem rude, however some people showed >great< lack of respect, towards many members and staff, bringing up unnecessary excuses about it and ranting out at certain people or staff because of such changes brought into the game.
People should use their common sense, and appreciate the work many members and staff put into this game.
Not to offend you in ANY WAY, but noone is trying to be disrespectful to members and staff, or make exuses.They are taking their opinions very honestly. Hey, I am also a silent and watchful type. Trust me, I never put out my feelings unless it's something that people should understand, like this topic. I don't express myself because people, like right now, are taking offense to it. But I suck it up because people can be offensive to your opinion, and ignore them, not to start World War III. Not offending you or making this about you, I'm telling you that people will hate things that others do, and others will like it. It's human nature. And that goes for all of you, some people will hate something that you may like. Like, I'm a Tobuscus fan. Some people hate him and try to tell me he stanks. But I ignore it because people have opinions.
I should probably say right up front... all opinions about this are, inevitably, from a standpoint of my own self-interest. Because I am not the insubstantial embodiment of the FeralHeart player collective, and if I was I would probably be unable to type.

As much as this may change the dynamic of FeralHeart, I have to say I feel it's going to be for the better. I basically stopped going online for a month or two, just because when I did all I saw was arguments, spam, HUGELY inappropriate jokes, and "say i if u know TOBUSCUS" sprinkled with occasional ads for Warriors RPs (not that I have any specific thing against them, but I'm not really into Warriors and it's not worth sifting through the rest of General for). I'm pretty sure General must have been different in the past, because I used to spend quite a bit of time online, but it was getting to the point where it just wasn't worth it. And I know it's popular to say that the mods just don't do their jobs, but they do. They really do. The problem is that there's so darn much of this crap that nothing short of an android built for the purpose could possibly monitor it all 24/7. As far as I know, none of the staff are androids. And they totally didn't force me to say that so I'd be spared when the robots enslave humanity.

I know a lot of people just get online to chat with friends, but... FH is also meant to be a sort of virtual world, and it seems that being able to just shout out to the heavens from anywhere on the map and be heard takes away from that. It takes less than a minute to get from one end of Fluorite to the other now that we have the dash function; your friends aren't THAT far away. And even if they are, the whisper, party chat, and group functions still work just fine. The world doesn't necessarily need to see everyone's conversations about pizza and universal sufferage, which is actually one major problem I had with general... not every discussion has to be public for all to see, but denizens of Fluorite tend to act like they do. I understand the desire to make yourself and your opinions heard, but that's not what General was really supposed to be a platform for.

Now, there's the issue of RP recruiting. I'm sure this isn't the case for a lot of users, but I haven't found a good, lasting RP through general ads in over a year. Nor have I found any recruits for my own RP that stayed longer than a week, even at our most active. Any RPs or new members I have found have all been through friendship. Such-and-such long-time member knows someone, they join, and they stick around, which leads to a more close-knit and cohesive RP because everyone really wants to be there and won't vanish into the aether a week later. If I find an RP that way, there's a higher chance that I'll stay and be a part of it because I already have a friend or two in it. Chances are we already know our RP styles are compatible. And then we meet new people in those groups, and the cycle continues. So no, I don't think a lack of General-ness will inhibit the ability to meet new people and make new friends, we just have to put some actual effort into it now. And putting effort into something is almost never a bad thing.
Great post Tear, you are really getting your opinion out. Noone should be offended or anything, we are not out to hurt your fellings. This is not the SoE forums.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #69 on: June 18, 2013, 08:33:37 pm »
I was wondering why Fluorite was so quiet today lol.

But a couple people told me if you post in General you can get banned...I'm not sure if that's true or not. (Everyone seems so engrossed in this situation, I don't understand how you all are saying so much about it...not to be mean or anything).