Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 168428 times)

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #340 on: June 27, 2013, 05:44:25 am »

Offline Blueyi

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #341 on: June 27, 2013, 07:25:38 am »

There was an option to close general chat, but people couldn't handle it and scream in general to stop talking. Advertisers now might be giving up on their rps because of this new change.
I know we need to grow to this new change, but I can't.

You can meet new friends in General, or just talk. Now we all have to say in movies, saying: "Who wants to talk? =P"
I'd hate to do that. Most people on there aren't very 'talkative" types.

I ship the VOCALOIDs Miku Hatsune and Len Kagamine together. Problem?

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #342 on: June 27, 2013, 08:40:10 am »

There was an option to close general chat, but people couldn't handle it and scream in general to stop talking. Advertisers now might be giving up on their rps because of this new change.
I know we need to grow to this new change, but I can't.

You can meet new friends in General, or just talk. Now we all have to say in movies, saying: "Who wants to talk? =P"
I'd hate to do that. Most people on there aren't very 'talkative" types.

Well your right.It is harder to find members for the RP's and they give up...But some of them dont give up and they SPAM whit movie clips andi  cant even tell them to stop...if i wanna tell them to stop i have to whisper them...and theres A LOT of spaming ppl .-.

Offline silver_wolf

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #343 on: June 27, 2013, 11:02:58 am »
In my honest opinion, which will probably get completely ignored, I think the removal of General Chat was  potentially one of the worst ideas they've had so far. They should have had some form of poll to weigh up the opinion of the community, instead of just assuming that removing it would solve all the problems. If anything, from what I've witnessed as a regular on this game and having played this game for years now, Feral heart's community is not only reducing, but it's now also falling apart. The game itself is decaying; I have never seen Fluorite Plains so inactive before. Yes, there are still rps. Yes, there are still people around. BUT, the rps are no longer active; I have not seen an RP last more than 1 day since this update came into force. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ignorant enough to say that there is no RP in existence that lasts more than 1 day, I'm simply stating what I've experienced personally.

I think the Moderators should actually listen this time instead of just sitting like they're so much more superior than the majority of the active community. I've spent much time hanging around with the moderators before general chat was removed, and dare I say that, although I have witnessed them doing their job a few times, the majority of the time they just sit about on Skype to each other, on live stream, or on feral heart, calling each other 'floofs' and meowing at each other. There have been many times where I've been sat with them, and have seen some sort of conflict going on in general, that they are well aware of, and they've done nothing about it; not even speaking. A couple of years ago, the well respected and feared red text was a regular occurrence, and now I'd be lucky if I saw it once a week, or once a fortnight. Dare I say, if I had to opportunity to do their job, I would do so many things that they're not doing... like actually moderating and keeping control in the game. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to every moderator here.)

They should bring general back. Advertisements are a rare occurrence now, and the movie glitch is still around commonly. It's hard to find rps these days, and it's hard to organise one and keep it running. Most of the time in-game, I see people just chatting these days instead of RPing. It's completely killed what Feral heart was intended for. General should return, and the mods should do their jobs. If someone says something in the chat you don't like, BLOCK THEM. If general chat is getting on your nerves, CLOSE IT. Or you could simply do the mature thing and IGNORE THEM. You are not idiots, and you have the physical ability to take things into your own hands in a mature and effective manner to rid yourself of these problems; so do it instead of whining that they would shut up and beginning an argument with the offenders. It's the people who do not do the obvious things like block, close and ignore that are the reason general chat has been closed.

Anyway, if that made no sense and I went on a ramble, apologies. If only I were a moderator, then perhaps at least the community might have a say in how the game was run.

You don't have to agree with me, but please respect my opinion.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #344 on: June 27, 2013, 11:51:54 am »
I will honestly tackle this one straight on and say that people simply need to get over themselves and how mods are pretending to be so high up their horses, how they act so superior, and how they never listen to what the players said. People also really need to quit the "If I were a mod.. Things would've been different" because it's nothing more than a bunch of bull.

Chances are these people would sit and sob in a corner over certain matters, they would feel dragged down and as if they couldn't do anything, and they'd might even be afraid to take action against users and use their position for the soul reason of pleasing the players and get popular, not to get the game somewhere needed. An issue with the community as whole, and that goes on more than this general matter alone, is people coming on here and pretending like they know throughout what it means to help with the game and the dedication spent, when the truth is that they barely scratched the surface.

If you want to know something on how things work, then maybe ask someone you believe know it, instead of pretending as if you do. You never hear the whole thing unless you'd want to listen a bit to both sides.

And regarding the whole "Bans for stating opinions" It's one of the sob stories users make up when being warned several times to cut certain behavior out, something that happens way too often.

One thing I almost find amusing, is that now when a chat is currently not accessible, and users need to figure out how to get around another way, they manage to find quite a lot to complain about. But bear in mind, some out there did this very thing, they complained about general chat, how nothing would change and about all the issues arriving in it, how mods or staff never did anything, when in fact, some even placed themselves in front of the game and took a stand when players started their crap, eventually turning into the pinatas of the community.

So really, I could be just as harsh and direct as anyone else, but I could turn it around towards the players instead. I could whine about how the players never did anything to make the community better, I could whine about how players never sent any reports when they contacted about rulebreaking or how information was left out. I could complain and explain how we tried to be reasonable with the users and gave chances but players abused the nice moderators and staff, I could say how certain players never tried to help get the game move forward, just turn it into a staff blaming game. I could make this list go on forever but no player would really wish to listen to this, so why am I saying it?

I'm saying it because if we turned this picture around, and made it a players towards moderator or staff, it's how they've made it seem, that the mods are to blame for every single thing, now mind you people that do say that no one is innocent I do believe you are right. But others making it seem like the players aren't an issue and focus solitary on the staff. Stop being so ungrateful for the help people are trying to provide you help, look at yourselves once in a while as well.
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Re: RIP General
« Reply #345 on: June 27, 2013, 12:01:17 pm »
In my honest opinion, which will probably get completely ignored, I think the removal of General Chat was  potentially one of the worst ideas they've had so far. They should have had some form of poll to weigh up the opinion of the community, instead of just assuming that removing it would solve all the problems. If anything, from what I've witnessed as a regular on this game and having played this game for years now, Feral heart's community is not only reducing, but it's now also falling apart. The game itself is decaying; I have never seen Fluorite Plains so inactive before. Yes, there are still rps. Yes, there are still people around. BUT, the rps are no longer active; I have not seen an RP last more than 1 day since this update came into force. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ignorant enough to say that there is no RP in existence that lasts more than 1 day, I'm simply stating what I've experienced personally.

I think the Moderators should actually listen this time instead of just sitting like they're so much more superior than the majority of the active community. I've spent much time hanging around with the moderators before general chat was removed, and dare I say that, although I have witnessed them doing their job a few times, the majority of the time they just sit about on Skype to each other, on live stream, or on feral heart, calling each other 'floofs' and meowing at each other. There have been many times where I've been sat with them, and have seen some sort of conflict going on in general, that they are well aware of, and they've done nothing about it; not even speaking. A couple of years ago, the well respected and feared red text was a regular occurrence, and now I'd be lucky if I saw it once a week, or once a fortnight. Dare I say, if I had to opportunity to do their job, I would do so many things that they're not doing... like actually moderating and keeping control in the game. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not referring to every moderator here.)

They should bring general back. Advertisements are a rare occurrence now, and the movie glitch is still around commonly. It's hard to find rps these days, and it's hard to organise one and keep it running. Most of the time in-game, I see people just chatting these days instead of RPing. It's completely killed what Feral heart was intended for. General should return, and the mods should do their jobs. If someone says something in the chat you don't like, BLOCK THEM. If general chat is getting on your nerves, CLOSE IT. Or you could simply do the mature thing and IGNORE THEM. You are not idiots, and you have the physical ability to take things into your own hands in a mature and effective manner to rid yourself of these problems; so do it instead of whining that they would shut up and beginning an argument with the offenders. It's the people who do not do the obvious things like block, close and ignore that are the reason general chat has been closed.

Anyway, if that made no sense and I went on a ramble, apologies. If only I were a moderator, then perhaps at least the community might have a say in how the game was run.

You don't have to agree with me, but please respect my opinion.

Haha, your post looked so similar to mine that I mistook it for mine at first. People need to use the block button more in my opinion, and if that could be enforced, bans in General chat were more frequent, and discussions weren't allowed to get so out of hand before someone finally warns them and then 5 minutes after that bringing out the ban hammer, General would be just fine if it were ever brought back.

As for the red text thing, I think perhaps the mod spam was too much or something and they have decided against using it. That's certainly how I would feel. It was annoying, but I'd just kick them if they flooded the chat with over-enthusiasm and sucking up because it's unneeded and goes on for too long. That red text certainly kicks people in the rear and straightens them out in a heartbeat.
NazoXSparx/C R O C U T A in-game

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #346 on: June 27, 2013, 12:40:29 pm »
I respect what the moderators and such are doing, that they are trying to help, and if this really is a test, we may as well all hang in there until it passes, that is if we actually get any confirmed information this is a test, and if it is, when it will end. So far I haven't seen many backing up the mods, there are a few, I know that.
I personally want to back them up, does anyone else here except from the mods and admins really know the FULL story except that general chat was turned off? I expect not. There may be much more than we know going on, and its the moderators and admins decision on what happens, no one elses.
If you think you have some important points to state, state them! don't go argue with the mods in a rude or even violent attitude, that's the only thing that will get you banned in this.

You should respect the admins and mods, and their decisions. that's about all I have to say.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #347 on: June 27, 2013, 01:38:37 pm »
I do like how people are saying that we could have just turned general off if we didn't like the spam, swearing and such. This is so true, even better, when I saw swearing in general I could have just looked away from my computer screen till I felt it was safe to look back. Joking of course.

Turning general off would not work all that well for people looking for a group.

We could block all the people abusing general which I mostly did, but it's like turning a blind eye. Plus when we block the bad players you still get the few arguing with the ones that you can no longer see, so you block them too, then someone else will join in till there are one longer any more ads to be seen. Just put me off trying, you'd see a advert you liked but before you could click on it the chit chat would swamp it away.

I've had an easier time looking for groups now, you do get the random video of some people messing around but then you just don't click on their video again! Easy!

Put it this way, you can turn off movies and still talk to your friends. If you are talking in general you cannot turn off advertisements, and if you are advertising in general you cannot turn off general chit chat. But if you are advertising with movies you can go somewhere quiet! and that's only if the local is bothering you.  

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #348 on: June 27, 2013, 02:18:26 pm »
What's bugging me the most is how the staff are acting like none of this is their fault. It's partially both the staff and community's fault.

If you guys are going to make decisions that the community views as, well, terrible, don't act like you did nothing wrong. OF COURSE you're going to get blamed, insulted, attacked, so on. You should really be expecting that kind of things whether or not you think you made a good choice by getting rid of general chat.

If you don't want us to accuse you of things - then listen to your community within reason, tell us the entire story so we don't have to assume/"act like we know everything" (because we have no choice if you aren't giving us all the information anyway).

How can we be grateful for "help" when no one really seems to want it at all? In that case, it really isn't help.

You could've done your job and warned/banned people more often instead of getting rid of the general chat. You're probably going to say we should have sent in more reports, but I know several people have said they sent in countless reports and no one ever really got banned or even warned. It's not our fault if the staff don't answer reports.

If the staff made the decision to get rid of general, players are going to blame YOU, not the other players. Why? Because you chose to make the decision. YOU got rid of general. That's all we know. That's all you told us. All we can really do is say that it's your fault, especially since the staff only give us parts of the "full story" AFTER tons of complaining (and then proceed to tell us to "think" despite us not being told anything until after we act like idiots).

Keep in mind, I'm sure there are SOME individual staff that try, so I'm probably not talking about every single person on the staff team.

Now, what makes you think it's the community's fault?
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 02:22:13 pm by Muani »
i dont know anything ever at any time


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #349 on: June 27, 2013, 04:55:47 pm »
I love how the only staff reply for several pages is just blaming the community and not actually answering any questions brought up. You're the ones who made the change so suddenly, you should have been prepared for the responses.

The greatest part though is that instead of taking partial blame or owning up to it like mature adults, they just point fingers and blame the community. x) Sure some of us my be overreacting, but I don't feel some staff members are handling anything well either, I'll stick to private maps,trying to find friends in the slowly dying literate roleplaying community as I watch this game crumble.

@Muani- I love you. You took the words right out of my mouth.

« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 04:57:57 pm by ZombieKitteh »