
Do you like when people are OOC for 5 hours?

A little bit.
I do it ALL the time!

Author Topic: Warriors, OOC, and Whipped Cream.  (Read 3268 times)

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Warriors, OOC, and Whipped Cream.
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2013, 02:10:44 am »
This post was intended to be mainly about those days when you wander around FP and people ask you to RP you say yes and they do this; -kills falconpaw in one bite-. And the OOC was directed to Sky's Rim. People there ALWAYS go OOC for like 5 hours until some popular RPer comes on and they all crowd him/her. And for the way to capitalize names I learned most Warrior information from my friend until I just read Warriors: Omen Of The Stars: Fading Echoes   I just dislike the people that act like they rule FH with a char that is bright neon and a wolf named {floofgorge}.


.... Okay. I don't know what that last part has to do with anything, however I have a suggestion you can try. If your friends or roleplay partners are OOC, you can try to persuade them to go back to being in character by saying an RP line.
Example: -She slowly walked up to her Clanmates, holding up her tail in a greeting sign- "Hey guys," she mewed. "How have things in the clan been going? Do we need to go out on another patrol again?"
That way, it could give them a chance to reply back in character. It works for me whenever my friends are out of character and I give them the hint that I'm in a roleplaying mood. Just an idea you might try.

Offline Toxic Reverie

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Re: Warriors, OOC, and Whipped Cream.
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2013, 03:32:57 pm »
I just dislike the people that act like they rule FH with a char that is bright neon and a wolf named {floofgorge}.

That has absolutely nothing to do with anything. You go from talking about how people 'capitalize their warrior names wrong' and 'go OOC for too long' and are 'inliterate children' (it's ILLITERATE, by the way), to talking about brightly colored wolf characters named 'floofgorge'?? Also, not all neon characters are bad.
I no longer log on to this account on the forums.

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Warriors, OOC, and Whipped Cream.
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2013, 10:37:23 pm »
Like the others, it is sort of insulting to call people illiterate children. Just because you can read and write doesn't give you a right to insult other people. Not everyone is perfect. As for going OOC for a long time, I don't mind as long as I am not bored the whole time.
Next thing, people bring Warriors way to far. HeatherClan, FeatherClan, UnicornClan, TurtleClan, PillowClan, I am unsure if these are real are just some ideas of how far people bring clans. Sorry I could not give real names for Gen is closed and I could not get real clans. Please just join a clan or atleast have a normal name! I love clanning but I only join clans that don't go OOC every 10 seconds
FH was made for creativity, not how well you can make your group's name look. To be honest I don't care about the clan's name, just the kindness within the clan, literateness, and how well they can rp.

On to OOC. Please understand I go OOC sometimes and it is perfectly fine to do it just not all the time. I have been in SR and people ALWAYS go OOC. I hate it when they never do )) after it too. I want to scream do you even know what RPing is because I feel like they have no clue about RP when all they do is go OOC.

Usually people go into OOC when they have to discuss something the rp wouldn't discuss. Or if they are bored. It is perfectly fine to go into OOC, as long as someone keeps up the rp every now and then.

Offline TheFourLinks

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Re: Warriors, OOC, and Whipped Cream.
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2013, 10:43:18 pm »
Honestly, does it matter whether names are written correctly or not? Some people may be new to roleplaying. And also, please refrain from criticizing people on the excuse 'they don't spell the names right' if you cannot spell right yourself. There is no such word is inliterate, and only the first letter of a warrior name is capitalized. Also I would like to point out that not everyone roleplays. Just because they are playing the game doesn't mean they are there specifically to roleplay. Maybe they are there just to chat, as that is what this game is... a 3-dimensional chat game. Not everyone absolutely has to roleplay all the time. In fact, I am one of those people who rarely roleplays. I usually just sit on my fluffy butt and talk to people out-of-character. ~Vio
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 10:47:28 pm by TheFourLinks »
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....I'm surrounded by idiots... -Vio
Fighting evil crap... gets boring. -Green Link