Author Topic: ??||Last_Hope||??||Rated PG-13-M||?? [Inactive since 06/09/2013]  (Read 20656 times)

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Dean Martin

Dean held on to Dawn for a few more minutes, when Claudia came into the room to check on Dawn, Dean was still by her side. "Alright." Dean answered when Claudia told her to keep a close eye on her. His eyes followed Delia to the window. Something was bothering her, something deep.  He kissed Dawn's head and walked over to her, "What's wrong?" Dean lightly placed his hand on her shoulder.

Dawn Maria Martin

Dawn held onto Dean's hand before he got up and followed Delia to the window. She was still shivering though as she rolled over onto her side and snuggled up to her teddy bear. A tear ran down her cheek when she finally came to realize this was happening, everything was real, deep down she just thought this was a bad dream. That, she'd wake up in her bed next to her dog Ranger, but, no. The 10 year old has to grow up fast, but, it's hard when you're being treated like a little girl by your older brother.

((Sorry for the really short posts...))

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Delia Zambrano
Delia didn't feel the hand on her shoulder, nor did she hear Dean's question, that's why she jumped when she turned around. She assumed he asked what was wrong "..Nothing..It's nothing." She was terrible at lying. She couldn't hold it back anymore. She spun around and hugged him "It was my fault." She was referring to Eliza but Dean wouldn't know that. Delia began to sob, she pulled away from Dean "I'm sorry." she wiped the tears off of her cheeks. She didn't like crying, especially in front of people. She took in a few deep breaths, trying to compose herself. She hugged Dean, holding on for a moment before letting go and sitting on the floor. She put her face in her hands, she began to think about what she should do. Eliza was still alive and Delia wanted her back. But if she wanted to get her back she would have to tell someone.

She stood up then looked at Dean, she might as well start with him "I have something to tell you." she looked at the ground, building up the courage to tell him. She stood there for what seemed like hours, but it was only a few seconds "..I..I have a daughter." she looked at him, her face serious. Her face felt hot, hot with anger and sorrow. "I need to get her back." Delia clenched her fists, "If I was strong enough I could have kept her away from them, but I wasn't. Now she is paying the price..It's all my fault, it's always my fault." Delia dug her nails into her palms, causing a trickle of blood to flood around her nails "Can you help me?"

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Dean Martin

He could tell Delia was trying to lie and act strong around him, when she turned around he held her in his arms. When he heard Delia speak about how something was her fault, Dean gave her an uneasy look. "Wha..What are you talking bout?" Dean asked, as Delia started to sob he kept her wrapped in his arms. "It's okay to cry..." He whispered into her ear.

When was able to control her crying, she looked at him, "Whatever it is, you can tell me." Dean looked into her eyes, his face was serious yet understanding. When Delia finally told him that she had a daughter his expression eased, "Wha..." He began to state, though stopped himself and let Delia finish. "It's not your fault." Dean tried to stop her from beating herself up. When he glanced down,  he noticed Delia was clawing her fists and he quickly held her hands to make her stop. When she did, he lifted her chin up and looked her into the eye, "Tell me what I can do..." Den agreed to help get her daughter back before wrapping his arms around her once more, and kissed her cheek. "We'll get her back, I promise..."

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Delia Zambrano
Delia wrapped her arms around him once more "Thank you." she held her embrace for a moment longer before pulling back a little "We need to find out where they took her. When they caught us we were in this city, if I'm correct they took her to a training camp." Delia began to tear up, she could only imagine what they could be making her do. She held his hands for a moment longer before releasing them. "I have to tell Ana." She was about to exit the room but gave him a small kiss. She smiled then exited the room, she was sure Ana was back by now. She walked down the steps, it was almost dark out. Before she had to look she saw Ana sitting on the front porch, she looked pretty shaken up. "Ana, are you alright?" She didn't want to be nosy so she told her, straight to the point "Ana, I have a daughter. She is still alive in one of those camps." Delia took in a deep breath "I want to get her back. So I'm here to tell you that I will be gone again, hopefully for not as long." She was afraid of what Ana might say, but she honestly didn't care, this was her daughter. She would do anything to get her back.

Delia left the front porch to go back inside, she needed to sleep. She grabbed her sleeping bag from off of her back pack then went to Dawn's room. She looked at Dean the laid out her sleeping bag next to the wall by the window. Before she laid down she walked over to Dean "We can go whenever you are ready, I know you want to stay with Dawn for a while." She hugged him again, her head against his chest. She wish she could stay like this and forget about the harsh world, but she couldn't, the world around them was crumbling. She pulled back "Make sure you get some sleep." she smirked then walked to the sleeping bag. She laid there for a moment, there were too many thoughts running through her mind. Her face showed her emotions, she was worried and sad all at the same time. Delia rolled onto her side, looking at Dawn's bed. She sighed, she hoped that she would fall sleep soon.

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Dean Martin

"You're welcome." Dea said softly as he held her once more. "Trust me, we'll find out where those bastards took her." Dean whispered, he didn't want Dawn hearing him using that type of language. "Alright, I'll wait here." Dean spoke before before Delia gave him a soft kiss and exited the room. When Delia disappeared he walked over to Dawn's bed. "Hey Pumpkin Belly," Dean smiled. When Dawn rolled over to face him, he sat in the chair and just smiled at her. To him she was fragile as a glass vase, but, he knew she was growing up and he soon would have to let her go through the training with the Trainees. "How you feeling? Need anything?" Dean offered, Dawn's eyes were chocolate brown and she had stars in them.

Dawn Marie Martin

Dawn still held tight onto her teddy bear, and once Dean walked over to her bedside she rolled over and looked at him. Dawn couldn't help but smile when Dean used her nickname he used to always call her. "I'm good." She spoke softly before reaching out and grabbing his hand. Her fever has gone down a bit must she was still warm and shivering.

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Delia Zambrano
Delia couldn't sleep, her mind was wandering on too many other things. She sighed then got out of her sleeping bag, maybe she could go out for supplies around the camp, she was sure someone needed something. She looked over and saw Dawn and Dean, she smiled then exited the room. Delia was about to ask around but Dotty, one of the cooks, came to her "Hey dear, can I ask you a favor?" Delia nodded "Sure." Dotty grinned "Well, one of the frying pans broke, I was wondering if you could go out and get me another one." She thought this tasks shouldn't be too hard "Yeah, sure." Dotty smiled "Thank you." Delia smiled "No problem." Delia went to find Ben, another supplier, he was good at his job but he could be a little 'weak'. Whenever they went out Delia was the one who pulled the wight while he went into the hard to reach places. "Hey Ben, want to come out on a run with me?" Ben looked bored, he was just sitting on the couch. When she asked him his eyes lit up "Yeah! Sure!" Delia put her finger to her lips "Shh, there are people sleeping." Ben's hand flew up to his mouth "Sorry.." Delia giggled then went upstairs "Make sure you have everything." Ben nodded then went to his room. She entered Dawn's room once again, she didn't pack her sleeping bag since she shouldn't be gone too long.

She slung her bag over her shoulder then looked at Dean "I'll be back soon. If I'm not back before midnight, I probably just ran into a little problem. I'm taking Ben so we should be fine." Whenever she told someone she was taking Ben they would usually try to get her to take someone else. She didn't know why, Ben was a good companion. Delia walked over to Dawn "Get better soon, okay?" she smiled then left the room. When she got downstairs Ben was waiting "Saying good bye to my dream man?" Delia raised a brow at him before shaking her head "Come on, let's go." she chuckled. Ben was something else. When they got out onto the street they made a right "I think there is a diner down here, we might be able to find what Dotty needs." Ben nodded "What does she need anyways?" "She needs a frying pan, I'll try to get her some other things as well." The street was dark, almost like a horror movie. "Keep an eye out, those soldiers are still out here somewhere, I know won't give up that easily." Ben's eyes went wide in terror "What if they see us?" Delia looked at him "Try to get away, or kill them."

Finally, the Diner came into view "There." she said as she pointed "Let's get in and get out." Ben nodded "Alright." The two suppliers jogged to the building, they walked through the broken window then went to the kitchen. "I'll get the frying pan, you grab whatever else you think they might need." Ben gave a quick nod then began opening drawers, throwing things into his pack. Delia was quick to find the assortment of frying pans, she grabbed all of them, they all were different sizes "These should be good. I think that's all we need, let's get back." Before Delia could get a response, Ben dropped down onto the ground "-Removed by Moderator-!" she whispered as she dropped down as well. "Search the block! If you find any of them, do not kill them. We will need em to find out where their base is." Delia looked to Ben 'Don't move' she mouthed, Ben looked scared, very scared. Suddenly they heard broken glass being crunched by heavy boots "Dammit." she looked around, trying to find a weapon. She saw a large knife on the floor, she carefully reached over to grab it. With the knife in her hand she looked at Ben, who was now crouched. She looked confused, one wrong move and he would be spotted. He had a cleaver in his right hand and with his left he pushed his supply bag to her "What are you doing?" Ben looked angry now, then she remembered. His family had been killed by them, he always said he would try to kill them.

Delia's jaw dropped, she couldn't lose him, not like this. Ben stood up, the cleaver at his side "You! Drop the weapon! Now!" The soldiers aimed their rifles at him, Ben then ran forward, the cleaver above his head. "Stop! Now!" The soldiers pulled their triggers. In almost an instant Ben was on the ground, motionless. Delia's slapped her hand over her mouth, this couldn't be happening. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks, she was angry. She quietly placed her bag on the floor, she held the knife in her dominant hand. She peeked over the counter, there were four of them, two of them had shotguns while the others had M-16's. Delia decided she would take out the closest one. She took in a deep breath then jumped over the counter, she jumped onto the back of the soldier with the shotgun. She struggled to get her grip but when she did she drove the knife into his neck. "It's her! Get her!" The men were about to shoot but Delia grabbed the shotgun then shot them before they had a chance. Delia fell to the ground, she had never done anything like that, ever. Delia crawled over to Ben, she couldn't tell if he was alive "Ben? Ben!" She shook him "Why did you do that! You're such an idiot!" She laid her forehead against his bloodied chest, her cheeks soaked with her tears "You should have waited, waited till we had help.." This was her fault. She should have done something, she should have stopped him.

She hugged his lifeless body, it seemed like anyone close to her was dying or being taken away. She tried to pick up his body but he was heavy. She would have never guessed he weighed so much. She dragged him into the kitchen where the bags were, she laid him on the floor between the counters. She sat against the wall, anger surging in her veins. She jumped up then punched the wall repeatedly. She slammed her hand against her face then slid down the wall, she was going to kill those bastards. She looked up at the broken clock, she knew it was late but she didn't want to leave. Delia pulled the shotgun onto her lap, if soldiers came into the diner she would kill them. Delia hoped that not too many of the raiders would notice her absence since only two people knew she left. She put her face into her hands, her nails digging into her scalp, "It's always my fault. I'm sorry Ben."

Sorry for that super long post T.T)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:24:08 pm by Kynvuu »

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((I'mma change the color to maroon, the cyan was hurting my eyes...^^))

Dean Martin

When Delia came to Dean and told him she was bringing Ben to go with her on a supply run he gave her an uncertain look, "Ben? Are you sure? ... Okay, be safe." Dean watched as she walked out the room and headed off to her destination before walking back over to Dawn, who was playing with her bear. Dean hadn't slept since he got here, he was just afraid, could you blame him? "Have you even named him...or her yet?" Dean joked as he motioned to her bear. "Why not? You've had him for 10 years now." He laughed. A few moments of silence passed before Dawn started to speak more, she started to ask questions about their mother who she had never met. "You have her eyes." Dean smiled before continuing, dodging the bad stuff "Well, you certainly have her personality," He continued, "Stubborn, when can make anyone's day brighter." Dean smirked, "Let's see, at night she would go and sit on the back balcony and read stories. She'd...Cook the best spaghetti." For a moment Dean hesitated, and as if he tried to remember his mother. Then he smiled at Dawn, "She was beautiful..." His voice started to lower as he held back tears. "Do you remember when you were, I'd say about 6, you put on that show for the entire neighborhood. You got up on the bench and started to sing in your care bear pajamas?" Dean quickly changed the subject by bringing up the good memories him and Dawn shared. "Yeah, I got up there and started to shake my butt off.." He smiled.

"Or the time you ran around the apartment on Ranger's back, pretending he was your horse?" Dean stated, Ranger was their German Shepherd they had when Dean was in his teens, Dawn used to ride him all the time when she was small. "Yea, he was a good dog." As the two started to take a trip down memory lane, Dawn's eyes suddenly closed and the room fell silent. "Dawn.." Dean's voice was to a whisper, "Dawn! ... Dawn!" as his hearts started to race he called for Claudia. "Claudia!" A few seconds later Claudia ran into the room, "What's wrong?" Claudia asked as she ran to Dawn's side passing Dean. "I don't know, she was fine." Dean started to freak out. A few more seconds passed as Claudia listed for Dawn's heartbeat Ana-Lucia ran through the door. When she realised what was happening she ran to Dean, flinging her arms around him. Dean knew what was happening at this point, deep inside he already knew things were going to get worse. As Dean's eyes filled with tears he watched as Claudia gave CPR to Dawn and everyone else started to burst through the door along with a few other nurses.

10 Minutes passed before it was over, Claudia walked over to Dean and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm so, so sorry Dean." She whispered in his ears, her voice was shaky. One after another everyone went to hug him and told him "I'm sorry for you loss." When everyone left it was just Dean, Ana-Lucia, and Dawn's lifeless body in the small room. Ana walked back over to him and hugged him, her arms were wrapped around his neck and he patted her back as a tear rolled down his cheek. The room was silent as Dean walked over to Dawn and kissed her forehead, Dean held her teddy bear in his hands and placed it on her chest, laying her hands over it before pulling the covers over her head to where all you say was a figure underneath the sheets.

He walked out the room and headed back to the back bedroom where he was once before, leaving the light off the room was almost pitch black as he sat on the window seal and stared out it. It was night, August 17, 2013, the day his little sister, Dawn, passed. "Take care of her mom..." Dean implored softly, he felt guilty, part of him wanted something like this to happen, Dawn was in a better place, she didn't have to deal with -Removed by Moderator- anymore. The other part, he was destroyed, she was the only thing that kept him going, the only thing he truly loved anymore...

Dawn Maria Martin

"No, not yet. And, he's a boy!" Dawn smiled at Dean's question. "I don't know, he nameless." She smirked as she poked the bear's chest. After a few moments passed Dawn spoke, "Dean, what was mom like?" She asked looking into his blue eyes. "Really?" She smiled when he told her she had her eyes, "What else?" When Dean started to list things that Dawn had of her personality she couldn't help but laugh. "She sounds nice..." Dawn stated as Dean tried to think of more things to talk about. "Yeah! I was rockin it!" Dawn started to fill with excitement as Dean mentioned the show she put on for their neighborhood. "You were shaking your booty!" She smiled. As Dean described all the things Dawn used to do, she pictured them in her head.

"Ranger! I miss him, he was a good puppy." Dawn stated as Dean mentioned their old god they used to have before he passed. As soon as Dawn finished that statement, her eyes softly closed and she felt warm. Everything went black. In the far distance she could hear Dean call for her, but she was unable to speak or even move. What was happening? As Deans voice faded, she heard another voice, much closer though. It was a female, her voice was soft, calm, and warm. Seconds later a woman appeared, she had ling brown hair and big chocolate colored eyes like Dawns, right then Dawn just knew, it was her mother.As she reached out her hand Dawn grabbed it, instantly all of Dawn's emotions faded. She was now, legally dead.

R.I.P Dawn Maria Martin  :'(
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:48:09 pm by Kynvuu »

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((Dawn!!!  :'( ))


Ana-Lucia was half startled when she heard a familiar voice, it was Delia. She saw Delia's mouth move but heard no words, although she read her lips, "I'm fine." She stood. When Delia mentioned she had a daughter and where she was located, the Latina was caught off guard. Knowing a mother would do anything to get a child back, she knew she had to let Delia go. "Alright, I understand." Ana-Lucia nodded, and it was true, knew did understand. Eve though her son/daughter wasn't born yet, she still killed for it.

As the night went on the Latina decided it was time to head back indoors, it was chilly, and all she had on was a thing jacket, pants, and a tank top. Her eyes went straight the Dotty when she walked through the door, she was the closet thing Ana had to a mother figure, ever. And she felt bad for snapping at her lately, she couldn't control it. Ana quietly tiptoed up the stairs as people slept, she just wanted to find a small, empty, and dark room to just sit in and think. Hours or minutes later she heard Dean yelling down the hall for Claudia, that instant she knew something bad happened. When she ran through the door she noticed Claudia standing over Dawn, trying to find a heartbeat. Tears instantly formed in her eyes when she ran to hug Dean.

Why this? Why now? Why ever? She thought as she wrapped her arms around Dean's neck. What more can you possibly want!?" She started to yell inside her head. 10 MInutes of CRP and Dawn still hasn't responded, Ana knew then, she was gone.  As everyone walked over to Dean and hugged him, Ana stood in the corner on the opposite side of the room, she remember every conversation her and Dawn had. But she will always have that one that will haunt her forever. Once people left she went to hug Dean again, "I'm sorry..." She whispered into his ear before giving him a soft kiss on his cheek and letting him go.

"I'll keep you safe. I promise." Ana-Lucia argued as she hugged Dawn tightly in her arms. Only a week ago the world was normal, her, Dean, and Dawn left the city they once called home and traveled to a new one. They thought it would be better there, but, they were wrong. It was practically worse. As months passed by Ana recruited stranglers she came across and offered them a place to stay, later giving them all a job that would help keep everyone alive. Next thing you knew, the Raiderz her born. A group to almost 25-30 people at the start, some were killed, injured, and missing. But, they still agreed to fight. Ana objective for the group was to overpower the President and give that fucker what he deserves. But, now...She was having second thoughts.

When Dean left the room, Ana stayed, leaning over Dawn's body she whispered, "I'm sorry. I failed you." She leaned down and kissed her forehead before walking out the room. Ana-Lucia walked down the hall and stopped at the door Dean disappeared behind, as she went to knock she paused, he needed time alone. And alone time she'll give him. As soon as she reached the bottom of the steps everyone was freaking out, "What are we going to do?" One screamed. "Whatever Dawn caught we all can catch!" Another one freaked, "What if it's contagious?" At this point it was like a small riot broke out in the living room. "Enough!" Ana yelled her voice was filled with rage. "All of you, stop scaring yourselves, we have kids here." She continued. "I know you're all scared," Her voice lowered and became calmer, "We all are. But freaking out isn't going to change anything." The Latina glanced at the floor before continuing. "Now, lets all just take a breath, eat with dinner is ready, and get a nights rest." As she finished glancing she looked around the room, two people were missing. Delai and Ben...Where the hell are they? She asked herself.

" Although the memories may fade, we still live on.

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Delia Zambrano
Delia stood up, she had to get back, she wanted to see if Dawn was getting better. She stood over Ben's body, she lost a very good friend, she couldn't lose anyone else. She got an old apron off the counter then covered his face "I'll be back for you..I won't let you rot in here." she meant that. She grabbed the supply bags then made her way back to base, she moved at a fast pace, trying to save time. Whens she got to the house she jogged up the steps then dropped the bags onto one of the couches. Dotty came to her, sadness in her eyes "What's wrong?" Delia's heart began to race, what happened while she was gone? "..It's Dawn, she passed away." Dotty tried to give Delia a hug but all she could do was back away, "If I brought that medicine sooner she would still be alive." Dotty stared at her "This isn't you fault darling. There was nothing you could have done." Delia was angry, not at Dotty but at herself "First Eliza, then Ben and now Dawn." Dotty looked confused "What do you mean? What happened to Ben?" Delia didn't need to answer, the look on her face gave Dotty her answer "Oh lord." Dotty walked away from Delia then began passing around the news of Ben's death. Delia called over a group of men "His body is in the Diner, could you bring him here? He needs to be buried." The men nodded, they each gave her shoulder a rub "Sorry for your loss." Delia nodded, she still hadn't went upstairs. She was the supplier, the one who was supposed to make sure things like this wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to keep the medicine stocked and food so that things like this could be averted, she failed.

Delia could feel eyes burning into her, she was sure they were upset about Ben. She was sure they were blaming her, she was supposed to protect him, like always. It was only a matter of time before Ben's adoptive mother came to confront her, Delia wasn't looking forward to that. Before his 'mother' came to find her she went upstairs, she had to see Dawn. She slowly went up the stairs, tears streaming down her face, she didn't know if she could take another loss like this. When she entered the room a bed sheet covered Dawn's small body. Delia closed her eyes for a moment, trying to end this terrible nightmare, but this was reality. This was really happening. She stumbled onto the floor next to Dawn's bed "I'm so sorry Dawn." She wiped the wetness from her cheeks, but it was no use, tears just kept coming. Delia just wanted to end the suffering, but she had to get Eliza back. If Delia found out she was dead, she wouldn't be able to go on. She stood up then left the room, she didn't go find Dean. He needed to be alone. Delia could hear yelling downstairs, was it about Dawn? She could barely understand what they were yelling about. Delia needed to sit down, anywhere. She went into one of the rooms then switched on the light, Dean was in it "Oh..sorry." her voice was dry and dull, she turned the light off then left the room, closing the door behind her. She went to the room directly across from the one Dean was in, she knocked this time. When she got no response she entered the room, leaving the door open a crack.

She went over to the window that faced the backyard then opened it. She hoisted herself onto the windowsill then looked down. It was a decent drop, but of someone were to jump it wouldn't kill them, she slapped her forehead, why was she thinking like that? Delia sighed then began to fiddle around with her fingers, so much had happened, it was a wonder that she were still alive. She wished she had her right now, she needed someone to hold onto after all this. Delia didn't know how much longer she could go on, even though she wanted Eliza back she was still afraid that she might die because of her. Everyone close to her was dying..What if she got Eliza back? What if they hunted them down? If that was the case she couldn't come back here, she would have to leave this all behind. Ana, her friends, Dean...She loved him but if that's what it took to keep them all safe, that's what she will do.

(That actually made me really sad X.X)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 12:45:47 am by ????????? »

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Dean Martin

Dean was still frozen when the light was switched on, then he heard Delia's voice, but he didn't even flinch. The tears disappeared from his eyes as he stared out the window, he was broken. All he felt right now was rage, Dean clinched his hands in fists to where his knuckles were white. You could see the veins in his arms stand out, next thing you knew there was a loud banging sound as his fist collided into the wall. When he pulled his hand out his knuckles were bleeding, not much, just a little. Dean rushed out of his room and went downstairs and opened the front door leaving the house. Only to be followed by Ana-Lucia. As she called for him he continued to walk and headed for the backyard. As Ana caught up to him she grabbed his arm asking where he was going, "Nowhere, just need some fresh air." He said in a surprisingly calm tone. "It looks like it's about to rain, again." Dean smelled the air, it felt heavy outside. You could barely see the stars through the thick grey clouds that traveled across the midnight sky.

"You remember when we went camping in the weather?" Dean asked as he looked into the woods behind the house. "Just me and you. We'd go and hunt down food, find water, and a place to sleep..." Dean continued. "I used to have the biggest crush on you." He couldn't help but smirk at his statement. Though, it was true, Dean used to like Ana when they were teens, but, once he met Alice and fell for her. His feelings for Ana faded away. After a few moments of silence Dean laughed at Ana-Lucia's statement. "What?" Dean laughed. "She's not into me." Dean smiled. "Girls like her don't go for dicks like me." He admitted. 

((I was getting sad when I was writing Dean's post.))