Author Topic: grammar: does it really matter that much?  (Read 2102 times)


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grammar: does it really matter that much?
« on: August 27, 2013, 03:37:28 pm »
now this is a sort of rant-thing concerning what has gone on in the past when i typed sort of like this. i guess im just making more of a bold point by talking in this way right now of course.

but recently i decided to venture out into fluorite plains in the night because ya know sitting around in my own little world in ai gets a little boring when there's no oNE ON AT ALl stone bridge tho is a pretty nice place to sit around and just read the advertisements and all that, making occasional talk to people. but my fun there was a bit ruined when supposed 'literates' (not supposed, as they could type very well and gramatically correct, thats kind of just what this community has nicknamed people with these writing styles) started dissing me because i was typing like i was right now. now i did not take any diddly darn screenshots probably bc i forgot to and stuff, not to mention pointing out the way that someone types and all that isnt directly against the rules and despite how much it peeved me off i probably didnt think 'oh wow these people are bein pretty darn disrespectful maybe i should report them???'
 but in a nutshell, i was called 'unintelligent' 'couldnt type right if their life depended on it' 'probably a nine yr old that snuck on (my least favourite bc age is not intelligence)' and all that stuff just because i typed this way and didnt use directly proper grammar.

if you know me just a little bit you know i like to roleplay, i can type very well gramatically correct with a few mistakes while posting, and most of the time on the forums it type 'normally' just not to get on peoples nerves not to mention its a forum not a chatroom so i guess that proper grammar is kind of expected and i dont have a problem with that. but thats sort of thing im trying to emphasise:

why are you categorised as 'stupid' just because you type a certain way in certain situations? i know its kind of a sign that your smart if you type gramatically correct or its a hint of maturity, but just bc some people might type like i am atm why do you have to be categorised in this manner by some? of course im not saying that all people that type grammatically correct, ooc or ic, make fun of people that might type like this, because they diddly darn dont
its just some, but the 'some' that do kind of peeve me off when they do categorise others that might type in this way as 'idiotic'. what if we just picked up this writing style from another site? like tumblr, or even quirks used in homestuck, yadadada, mb facebook, through ur phone, whatever.

why does grammar matter that much that to some its the line between whether or not your mature? of course like i mentioned before proper grammar is a bit of a hint of being more mature, but when your straight-out called 'stupid' because you dont type this way, dont you think its a little irrational or mean?

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 04:09:16 pm »
Grammar doesn't really matter. People are from different places and they are very different to other people. I just dont get why people talk so rudely about grammar (I'm not saying you have bad grammar or anything) But its just really rude. People are different and You know that, so it doesn't really matter, since they know another language other than English. So i wont really admit you talking about grammar because it doesn't really need a big conversation, So i admit to just be happy that they know as much English as they know.

Grammar doesn't really matter, since loads of people here are from Loads of different countries and religions, and they don't know as much English better than you DO.
If you cared, and said this - Oh i have better grammar than you! You are very irresponsible. You don't see or know their age or language, and you just have your mind off. They don't know much! So don't accuse anything bad from them! So this will not be said as 'Grammar does really matter' Because it don't. We dont like accusing others, so please dont make other people sad and saying that.

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 04:38:19 pm »
Sir, I call you intelligent since you typed that intelligently, even if you typed like crap.

To me though grammar can matter, but well mostly in ROBLOX. Feral-Heart should not go through what happened to ROBLOX and its community and its literatcy, but sometimes if you're really tired, you just type like crap, but yet people call you unintelligent.

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2013, 04:44:49 pm »
Sir, I call you intelligent since you typed that intelligently, even if you typed like crap.

To me though grammar can matter, but well mostly in ROBLOX. Feral-Heart should not go through what happened to ROBLOX and its community and its literatcy, but sometimes if you're really tired, you just type like crap, but yet people call you unintelligent.

hahahah yes thank you sir for getting my point, but i didn't type 'like crap'
thats just how i like to type when its not entirely necessary or when im not roleplaying. kind of like how i adapted with how to type after i got a taste of tumblr.
 however id very much like to compliment you because you got the whole idea of the post; just because you type like 'crap' or not in the most picture-perfect way you can still be smart and mature.

Grammar doesn't really matter. People are from different places and they are very different to other people. I just dont get why people talk so rudely about grammar (I'm not saying you have bad grammar or anything) But its just really rude. People are different and You know that, so it doesn't really matter, since they know another language other than English. So i wont really admit you talking about grammar because it doesn't really need a big conversation, So i admit to just be happy that they know as much English as they know.

Grammar doesn't really matter, since loads of people here are from Loads of different countries and religions, and they don't know as much English better than you DO.
If you cared, and said this - Oh i have better grammar than you! You are very irresponsible. You don't see or know their age or language, and you just have your mind off. They don't know much! So don't accuse anything bad from them! So this will not be said as 'Grammar does really matter' Because it don't. We dont like accusing others, so please dont make other people sad and saying that.

I don't mean to be rude but i think you missed my point a bit? I might've just misread your post but it sounds like I'm pointing out that grammar really does matter and your IQ and how mature you are depends entirely on that.

i know that people are from different parts of the world, and if you read through this and I (hopefully) made my post clear enough (i didnt proof-read or anything i just typed) but i was trying to ask why grammar mattered so much to other people, and why, like i mentioned before, whether or not the person typing in a specific manner ('grammatically incorrect', per-say) made the difference between immature or mature, stupid or intelligent. I wasnt saying that the way they type and their knowledge of grammar depended on that. reeeally sorry if i wasnt clear enough in the first post though.

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2013, 04:52:38 pm »
Eh, people like that annoy me so much. Whenever people are like that I think "SNOB", they only want pristine, perfect paragraphs in their RP. They need to get out their bubbles and realize not everyone thinks their time on feral heart is a chance to exercise their literacy...

I type the way I am now all the time, I think it's decent but I can't role play long paragraphs and I do lose out on a lot of role plays for that, I just think "Why does length really matter as long as you know what I'm saying and doing?"

They're just snobs.

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2013, 04:54:29 pm »
Pay no attention to the ones who say, "Oh your grammar is horrible! You type like a friggin 7-year-old." Those people are just lowly trolls looking for the stupidest excuses to cut others down, just so they could feel better about themselves. Some of them are self-proclaimed "literates" who go around correcting other people's grammar mistakes and typos. I've met some that would call someone "illiterate" or "unintelligent" all because one little typo was made. I've seen many people like that here in the FH community, as well as other websites. Do people forget that we are human, and that humans make mistakes? Typos are common, especially for advanced roleplayers and writers.

Does grammar really matter? Not to me it doesn't. As long as I can understand what you're typing, it's all good with me. So what if you don't dot your i's or cross your T's. I don't judge people based on the way they type, it's their personality that counts. Is there some kind of law that says people all need to type with proper grammar, spelling, puncuation, etc? Last time I checked, I didn't see any law or rule about that. Feral Heart is a place where people can type however they want, as long as they don't type words that break the rules.

Best thing to do is ignore those petty trolls and continue with the conversations you were having with friends, and people you just met. If they continue to harrass you, block them, and report them if it's necessary.

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 06:57:07 pm »
im always horibly confused by these claims especialy sicne i type like this to my closest friends ooc and in brackets in local. i always take great pleasur in breaking out of a grammar-wreking conversaton to hush up those that deem it necesary to comaplain about every little thing wth a well-written rp post.

in roleplay its fine to expect a certain level of ability in your grasp of grammar (tho dont be too strict) but idk i dont know many who are 100% perpetually grammatically perfect because its so much eaier to gossip to friends without reachin for shift or the good ol apostrophe.

(Though ooooff, Lady Alizarin! Be careful with that signature-- I'm a bit photosensitive and it left me with a colossal headache. It would've undoubtably triggered a seizure if I didn't react fast enough. ;_; )
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 07:03:06 pm by Nemena »

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2013, 07:02:59 pm »
Honestly, I don't give a floof about how people type. It's irresponsible to call anyone intelligent just because they type or speak the way they do, so don't mind them. People can type EXACTLY how they want and they don't need to change for ANYONE. =3

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2013, 08:05:25 pm »
Honestly, I don't see why these people just look and see it might be a bit faster to type like that. My brother is 23 and he types without caps sometimes... unless he's yelling at me. XD He will type in all caps.
Some people just want to type a bit faster, English isn't their first language or they are used to it.
I sometimes seen other people in their 20's too that type with no caps, and even use "u" for you and other stuff to shorten a word.

Why does literate-ness and grammar matter so much? I don't really type with caps in the first word of my sentences in-game... and sometimes I actually do type without caps at all or use "u" for you.
Why? Because I don't really care about grammar all the time. Sometimes I'm a bit of a grammar nazi, but I can ignore it.

Ahh, it's just like that topic I saw once of a story when "literates" bullied "illiterates" for being like that.
Grammar isn't personality in my opinion. It's just grammar.

Personally, I don't mind how one types when grammar is unneeded.

I apologize if I got a bit off-topic. ^_^

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Re: grammar: does it really matter that much?
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2013, 11:56:18 pm »
(Though ooooff, Lady Alizarin! Be careful with that signature-- I'm a bit photosensitive and it left me with a colossal headache. It would've undoubtably triggered a seizure if I didn't react fast enough. ;_; )

Sorry about that, Nemena. I changed it so it wouldn't be a bother to anyone's eyes anymore, since others have said that it was bothering their eyes. Don't want any seizure's happening now. Hope the new one isn't too bad.