Author Topic: Jashin's Followers Group  (Read 1882 times)

Offline Fang251

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Jashin's Followers Group
« on: August 30, 2013, 07:58:21 pm »
Its the sort of group your mother warned you not to get involved in as a pup, but as you grew you realized you were; different from the others. Things were more confusing, more intense, more violent. You thought there was something wrong with you, and ours were noticing it as well. Why were you so different? Why did you enjoy Pain? You loved its feeling, better than feeling pain was seeing blood. You couldn't control yourself when blood was involved, your body did as it pleased in order to get what it wanted; what it needed.
You grew up, trying to live a normal life, trying to hide what you were. It was hard but you got through. Now it seems you'll forever live a life where no one understands what you are, or what you feel; everytime you get injuried its the best feeling in the world to you. You thought you were alone...
Until now...
There are others, more just like YOU. And we're all coming together for one reason. To serve the only one who can save us. Lord Jashin.
The Jashin's Followers Pack Rps the worship of the God of death, pain, blood, and war. He goes by the name of Jashin and he's a force not to be messed with. The over all goal of the group is the show everyone how good Pain can feel; most don't understand... We're a violent group that often attacks others without much reason... However most of our Violence in kept within the group to avoid trouble. We spar with each other, in front of Lord Jashin to please him. If you want to do well in this group first you have to survive the higher ranked, older members; but above all you got to please Jashin. If you not accepted by him, then its pointless.
Between Spars, hunts, fights, and such lazying around the group is always trying to keep the Rp alive.  We Rp just about everything, and for the most part it doesn't matter what your Charcter is, as long as they meet our standards. We prefre Characters of darker colours, but it doesn't matter unless your a neon! NO Neons are given welcome in the group. Next to this Dark natured Characters are also quick to get along with the other members of the group. Evil is the best way to color the groups actions and members so if that's against you don't bother trying to get in.
Jashin's Followers has a map, but you don't have to download it to get into the group... Its up to you and weather or not you can download maps. We also have presets but same as the map you DON'T have to download. Its very simply a choice.
There aren't any real "Ranks" currently as in you won't be given a ranking when you join the group, however as time goes on you well notice your place in the pack is clear. In the future the Leader Jashin (Fang251) Plans on giving out ranks but right on things are working as they are.
Jashin gives Immortality to ALL members of his group, thus you can't die or age. However this brings up the problem of PowerPlaying In order to get around this issue when in a battle with someone outside the group, if we are on the losing end of the battle we simply allow death but get up and move on with the pack, the Character doesn't be changed into a angel like most players do when their chara dies. We just Play dead if you will.
In all seriousness the group is intense with its bloody role plays and evil members, to the point its almost scary at times. But no one can out evil Jashin himself, yet he's a caring leader and wouldn't let his members get seriously hurt. Defending them if they are unable to defeat their enemies.
You'll soon learn that Jashin isn't the only leader of the group his daughter Chi, also co-owns the group but if you really watch she seemed to hold the power over her fathers decidsions. Chi is to be respected just as Jashin is and she'll enforce the rules of the group even more than Jashin at times.
The group only has a few simple rules but there to be followed!
1) Respect Leader, Chi, and all other members of the group! They are your bothers and sisters treat them right!
2) Never seriously fight with another member of the group! Because of our nature most fights lead to blood that's not what serious means. You are NOT to fight out of anger unless you ask Jashin first. We follow rules of RP spar, which means you can fight to the death without dying. Spars are for fun in this group simply games.
3) No wolf speaking or text talk, learn to spell all members of the group should understand you. Typos are alright we all make them, just try your best.
4) If Leader finds out your bullying other players outside of RP you'll be kicked. Sorry but I have to keep this group under a tight leash because of this nature. You can't abuse other players in the group or out if they do not want it.
5)We're serious but we still have fun. Keep it cool.

So if you would like to join, you can leave a comment of this post, or find me in Feral Heart. I'm Fang251 and Jashin in the leader of the group. If you have ANY questions about the group at all, PLEASE ask below.  :)


Jashin Normal form:

Jashin Battle Form:

Jashin's home in group map:

« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 04:52:43 pm by Fang »