Author Topic: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open  (Read 17338 times)

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #40 on: September 08, 2013, 03:20:34 am »
Courfeyrac gave an exaggerated shrug. "I guess they get by on wearing different sorts of clothes. The cold's not botherin' me too much." He shrugged again, rather comfortable in his jacket, despite the fact that it wasn't necessarily made for snow. Since Luna shifted down to her wolf self, Courf followed suit. Bringing his paws high to navigate at a decent pace in the now deeper feeling snow, he kept his eyes downward. Lifting his head once Luna halted, he tilted his head and gave the cool air a brief sniff, the strong scent of gun powder making him wrinkle his muzzle. Before he could get a word in, the three soldiers came into view and his muscles tensed. Stiffening up, he flicked his tail upwards, ears standing at attention on his head. He bared his teeth in a growl as one of the soldiers quickly aimed his weapon at Luna. "Watch it!" He barked, shoving the fae out of the way with his forepaws as the human fired, the bullet safely whizzing by. "It's not worth it to fight them. We've got a schedule to keep up. C'mon!" He yipped at Luna, taking a few bounding strides away, but pausing to wait for her.
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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #41 on: September 08, 2013, 03:33:59 am »
Luna yelped in surprise when she was pushed out of the man's line of sight, Luna snarled at the men, she wanted to sink her teeth into their throats but Courfeyrac was right. She quickly followed Courf, gunshots whizzing by them, she growled when one whizzed right by her ear. "Go after them!" a voice commanded, Luna looked back but couldn't see them. She let out a sigh of relief "This has been a bad morning so far." As she finished her sentence the snow let up, letting the sun shine down onto them. Luna smiled as the sun warmed her coat "Maybe today won't be so bad after all." suddenly she heard the sound of a truck behind them, she looked back and saw a black Humvee "These guys won't let up!" she growled as she darted to her left, heading towards a patch of pine trees. If they were lucky they might find an abandoned badger nest that they could hide in. She didn't look back to see if he companion was with her, but she hoped he was.

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #42 on: September 08, 2013, 02:23:56 pm »
I might as well join, this looks pretty interesting. ^^ Would you accept a coyote/wolf hybrid? I would think the coyote would be an extinct species in their time.}

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #43 on: September 08, 2013, 03:12:41 pm »
Courfeyrac shot a glare over his shoulder as he sprang into a run, leaving a spraying trail of kicked up snow behind him. His breath rolled out of his panting maw in a misty vapor as it made contact with the icey air. Slamming on the breaks, he hopped to a quick halt beside Luna, tongue lolling. Drawing his ears back, he smirked up at the parting clouds that finally allowed a rare beam of sunshine to reach them. "Ah, it's about ti-" Before Courf could finish his sentence, the roaring sound of a vehicle engine shattered the peaceful silence. "Oh crap!" He yipped, quickly wheeling around and bolting after Luna as she lead the retreat to a convenient pine forest. Once inside the safety of the numerous trees, the chestnut colored brute slowed his pace to a trot, keeping close behind Luna. "Phew. There's no way they can get in here with that thing." He murmured between breaths as he panted, gazing over his shoulder.
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #44 on: September 08, 2013, 09:22:21 pm »
Yeah sure that would be fine ^^)

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2013, 10:41:19 pm »
[ Does anyone mind informing me? Sorry I have been at my friends house and at a horse show ]
:D Lilly :D

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2013, 11:56:58 pm »
(It's all good. Well, Luna went to find the Flower Maiden in this huge building, only to find a noble had her first. Trying to defend the Maiden and get her back, Luna attempted to fight the noble, leaving her badly injured. The Maiden let out a loud pained cry thaf the other wolves could hear. Then the noble got away with Luna uconscious from her wounds. Courf followed the scent to find Luna passed out on the ground. Luna woke up.To get Luna's wounds treated, she led him back to Henry's house, got wounds treated, yada yada. The two left Freeze City to get the Flower Maiden back and came across a camp fire, where there were three soldiers who fired at them and ended up chasing them in a Humvee. They found shelter in a pine forest and are currently heading towards Jagura's City where they believe the Maiden was brought. -Exhale-)
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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2013, 04:38:58 am »
Exactly what Jim said ^^)

Luna ducked behind a large pine, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, when was the last time she ran like that? She looked at Courf before peering around the tree, the soldiers were at the edge of the forest, they were on foot now. Luna prayed that they would just give up the search and go do something else, anything. "We should keep moving, just in case they come in here." she panted as she turned around then trotted deeper into the pines. There was something wrong with this place, she could feel it in her gut, but it seemed so peaceful. Luna looked back and saw that the Humvee was gone "Thank god." she breathed as she sniffed around. She could smell something, what was it? She didn't know but it made her mouth water. She was about to ask Courf when a deer ran by, Luna didn't hesitate to chase after it. Luna didn't know what came over her but it felt like the natural thing to do right now, she was very hungry.

Luna was on it's heels, her jaws snapping at it's hindquarters, she wouldn't let it get away. Luna pushed her body to run faster, she was right beside it now. The doe had fear in her eyes, she knew what was happening. Luna snarled then sunk her teeth into it's neck, slamming it onto the ground. The doe kicked her hooves wildly, trying to get away, but it was too late for her. Luna bit down as hard as she could, blocking the doe's oxygen flow. She only struggled for a few more seconds before going motionless, she was dead. Luna released her grip then backed away, she looked at the kill, she was a large doe, it could feed a whole pack. Luna didn't waste anymore time, she walked towards it and began to eat her fill. Once she was finished she sat down heavily "Oh my gosh, that was really good." she chuckled "I have never had anything like it." There was still a large amount of the doe left, they could always finish it later. She stood up, was that water? She could hear it and smell it. She stood up then pushed her way through thick brush, when she got to the other side her breath was taken away. It was absolutely beautiful. In front of her there was a large waterfall with beautiful clear water, there were many flowers that surrounded the small lake. To her left there was a herd of deer and in the water swam many fish "Wow.." she gasped. Did the pines protect this area from the snow? This place was untouched and it was rather warm, small rays of sunlight pushed their way through the tops of the thick pine trees. It still confused her how there was not a single spot of snow, just lush green grass.

Luna trotted towards the water, she could go for a swim. She used her human form then removed her clothes before diving in. The water was warm and soothing, she almost didn't want to surface. Luna kicked to the surface "The water feels great!" she laughed as she swam towards the waterfall. This place was too good to be true, maybe she was dreaming. She looked back to Courf and grinned "Jump in! The water is perfect!" she called before going under again. Below the surface was just as beautiful, there were many colored fish swimming around and all kinds of underwater plants that rooted themselves beside rocks. Luna paddled to the surface again, she was at the waterfall now, this place was perfect. She swam under it, letting the water shower over her, she smiled then went to the other side. There was a large cave, hidden by the waterfall, that had grass and flowers. Was this Paradise? This place. Something deep down said no but her brain told her yes. Luna smiled before exiting the cave and going to the to other side of the waterfall again. She swam to Courf "This place is a dream, it's perfect." She smiled then it slowly turned to a frown "Almost perfect.." She could never be truly happy knowing that she had betrayed Henry, she left him in his time of need. She was his life and he was her's. Luna looked up to the tops of the pine trees, if only her were here to enjoy this place with them. He would be here to take care of her like he has been doing for her whole life. She would be there to protect him, that was her duty and she failed.

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2013, 11:00:10 am »
Courfeyrac shot a glance over his shoulder before bounding after Luna, picking up his pace to carry him farther from the soldiers. Just as he slowed to a stop to catch his breath, the she-wolf took off again after the strong scent of deer. With a tired groan, he followed after her and caught up in time to see her single handedly bring down a rather large doe. A smirk soon crept across his maw and he wasted no time before digging in, sloppily eating his fill like he hadn't eaten in months. "Mmm- I haven't had real food like that in a while!" He exclaimed, swallowing as he lazily slumped back to his haunches. Licking some blood from his maw, he turned his attention towards the sound of rushing water. Padding close by Luna, he stopped at the water's edge to down many thirsty gulps of the clear liquid. Raising his head, he perked his ears as Luna dove in. With a chuckle, Courf quickly followed, shifting to his human form and lazily plopping into ths water without bothering to she'd his clothing. He floated on his  back, taking in the warm sensation of the ways he hadn't felt since going to Freeze City. "Man this place is great!" He exclaimed sign a grin.
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Offline silverMarie

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Re: Wild Reign|Wolf's Rain Role-Play|Open
« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2013, 10:06:49 pm »
Luna swam around for a few more minutes before getting out and putting her clothes back on. She yawned then made her way over to where they had left the carcass, but it was gone. Luna used her wolf form to sniff around, the body was dragged deeper into to forest. She followed the scent, there was something else mixed in with it, something that smelled familiar but she couldn't remember. Luna laid her ears back, something was wrong with this place. Everything in her body told her to turn away and run away from this place but she kept going, she wanted to know what was going on. Suddenly, the scent trail stopped. She looked around "Where did it go?" she asked herself before looking up. Above her was the carcass, hanging by a rope "The hell?" she growled as she tensed up and looked around. She knew something was up with this place, this place was too perfect to be a real place.

She slowly walked forward, something was shining a few yards ahead of her. When she was close to it she saw that it was a building. If there were people inside she would need to blend in as best as she could. Once on her two feet she walked towards it, this building reminded her so much of the one in Freeze City. "I knew this place was a hoax." she growled as she walked up to one of the doors "Where is everybody?" it seemed this place was empty but it was too well kept to be. She pushed open the double doors only to be surprised from behind. Luna screamed in fright then spun around to see a uniformed man "What are you doing here?" he scowled, he had a firm grip on her upper arm. Luna didn't answer "How did you find this place!" he yelled, Luna could feel the anger and fury coursing through this man's veins. She didn't know what to say "It's dangerous out there!" He looked behind him then roughly pushed her into the building, locking the doors. "Our soldiers tracked wolves to this forest, they are out there somewhere and they are dangerous." he grabbed her arm again and dragged her through the building "Let me go!" She yelled as she tried to pull away "Now you want to talk?" Luna thrashed around for a few more minutes then giving up, she couldn't change into a wolf now, not with him around.

Luna and the man walked by two noble soldiers, their identities hidden by helmets, Luna just wanted to tear into them. Luna looked at the man, he wore glasses and a white coat, a scientist? He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes, he looked to be about 30 years old. "Why is this building here?" she asked "This place was built to attract wolves.." he simply said. Luna almost gasped "Why? Aren't they extinct." The man slammed her against the wall "They are not extinct! They are hiding, they look like us." He looked her up and down "Are you a wolf?" he asked as he got closer to her, anger burning in his eyes. Luna hesitated "..No." Damn she was terrible at lying. "You're a terrible liar." he held onto her arm and pulled her into a large blank room that only had a simple metal chair in the middle. He threw her onto the chair then bound her wrists and legs to the chair "I'll get the truth out of you! You will tell me where your friend is." He pulled out a syringe with a green liquid in it "What is that?"she growled as he brought it closer to her "Oh this? This causes excruciating pain, it will make you wish you were dead.  He brought it closer to her neck "Get that away from me!" she yelled as she tried to tear her hands free from the restraints "If you tell me where your friend is then I'll let you go." Luna glared at him "Screw you." The man frowned "Oh well, I warned you." He pushed the needle into her neck then injected the liquid. As soon as it entered her body pain ripped though her, this was the worst pain she has ever felt in her entire life. She let out a blood curdling scream of agony "I'll be back later, to try again. If you don't tell me what I want to know then I will do this again." Luna clenched her teeth, she had to get out of here. Her body was still suffering as the liquid swam through her blood as she weakly tugged away at the restraints. Luna almost gave up but luckily her right arm wrist broke free. She wasted no time in undoing her other wrist and her ankles. She staggered to the steel door, there was no handle in the inside, only on the outside "Dammit." she growled as she slid down to the white floor. Her body screamed in pain but she tried so hard to keep from screaming. She would have to wait until the scientist came back.

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