Author Topic: The Troodons Of Feralheart. (Event on Roleplay Day.)  (Read 1923 times)

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The Troodons Of Feralheart. (Event on Roleplay Day.)
« on: September 21, 2013, 11:46:04 pm »
The Troodons of Feralheart is a troodon(Obivously)RP. It will be active, and although I would prefer literate and semi literate RPers, i'll take in iliterate people too.

What is a Troodon?

Troodon are theropod Dinosaurs from the late cretaceous. The smartest dinosaur yet discovered, the species in this RP is one that has evolved on FH for millions of years. For mroe information and a guide on how to create a Troodon, please go here.


This isn't just something I thought up last night. A year ago or so, I created a pack called the Clever Troodons of Bonfire. As our pack grew, we terrorized Bonfire, hunting down humans, horses, and other wildlife. But eventually I didn't have the time, and so I left. And with my leaving, the pack crumbled. I Apologize to any fellow packmates reading this, and hope for your return. And no this isn't something I just thought up of, it actually happened.

Plot: North, the leader of the Troodons of Bonfire has returned. Now, as he rounds up his fellow saurians, a quest to fight against the various packs of FH has emerged. Thats the basic plot anyways. Aggressive interactions with other groups all other FH will be the main catcher of this RP. If you have a thirst for blood and interactions, this is the pack for you.

The Troodons of Feral Heart.

We are a pack of inteligent beings, who wish for the extinction of all those mammals that have invaded our home during our slumber. You shall find for information on the pack down below.

Pack Structure.

You will have a rank, and are expected to be useful unless sick or injured. Your nametag should look something like this: Flax TroodonC. (C stands for Commander.)

The Alpha Male: Me, North the Troodon. You must follow my every command. And please me on our quest to drive all mammals to extinction.

The Alpha Female: Shale. She is the one who joined me, helped me, and encouraged me to create a pack. Although i've never seen her since I left FH, I stay loyal and wait for her return. Don't try to flirt with North.

Beta: There is only one beta, and he is my right hand man. He is worthy of leading, and will lead the pack if I die.

Commanders: Commanders are Troodon who I find fight in a logical and effective way, and are worthy of assisting me in leading the pack. When a battle plan requires that the pack must be split into seperate groups, commanders will lead the groups I am not leading. All Troodons except for my Beta and Alpha female must follow his orders. The amount of Commanders will be based on the size of the pack.

Cleavers: The soldiers of the pack, they are well rounded and assist in battle. They follow me into battle, stay and guard the hatchlings, hunt, or patrol the territory. There is an unlimited amount of spots for a Cleaver.

Scouts: Fast and small Troodon, I trust that you can get out of a sticky situation to report to me what you've seen if you wish for this rank. You will also hunt, fight, and be the key piece in hit and run tactics. There will be a unlimited amount of spots for scouts.

Jockies: Troodon who are small, but not fast shall be Jockies. These troodon will leap onto the prey or enemy and take them down. Although the leap and cling tactic is not reserved just for them, Jockies are specialized in it and know when to leap off and when to keep on attacking. There is an unlimited amount of spots for jockies.

Enforcers: Cleavers who are loyal to the rules of the pack, they enforce the rules. I will only make someone an Enforcer if I know they are loyal to me.

Healers: The medics of the pack, they are experts in healing properties and know the plants of the area they are in. If someone is injured, they go to a Healer. I will only have 4 healers in the pack. 3 of them must be active.

Trainees: Young Troodon in training, these troodon are training to be given a rank. Right now I will only accept 5 trainess in the pack.

Chicks: The offspring of the pack, ophans will be taken in and cared for. I will allow people to be the chick of two other pack members. Eggs are guarded immensely and are NOT to be left unattended.

Pack Rules.

You are expected to follow these rules if you are to join this pack.

1. You must follow my every command. If we are attacking someone, and they run away, do not chase after them for an hour. We have suceeded in warding them off, and they'll likely not attempt to engage us in combat again. Your Alphas and Commanders know best.

2. Do not try to betray me. This will result in excecution.

3. Attacking a packmate, will result in examination by a healer to make sure you're okay, and sane. If you attack a packmate for no reason, you will be punished by being bait for the pack if a battle plan requires the luring of our enemy. You will also be limited to hunting. This punishment will last for 2 FH days.

4. Follow the orders of those of higher rank. I gave them these ranks because I know they are capable of the job.

5. Squabbles over food will not be premitted.

6. Do not get pushy Enforcers, and please examine a situation before trying to stop it. Sibling squabbles are something I truely do not care about.

Our territory.

We currently live on Bonfire island. Heres some key places.

The Alpha rock: I sleep on this rock, and mind my own buisness on it. When announcements are about to be given, you are expected to report to the Alpha rock. And please don't touch it. :P

The Lounge: The main territory, this is where members of the pack hang out when theres nothing to do.

The Healers spot: This is the area where the Healers do their stuff, and tend to the sick and injured.

The Stockpile: This is where the leftovers of food go for later cosumption. It doesn't have to be leftovers though, and you can just hunt to fill up the stockpile. I will record the amount of food I have in my bio.


September 28: Invasion of the Plains.

On Sept 28 we will invade the plains during RP day, where the majority of the FH community will be RPing. We will need every member of the pack for this invasion, so please tell your friends and spread the word about this pack. And please be here for the invasion.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 07:12:15 pm by julian12 »