Author Topic: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~  (Read 3758 times)

Offline DuskPegasister

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My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« on: September 24, 2013, 02:25:13 am »

I've always loved Feral Heart. From the awesome characters to the roleplaying, there is always something to keep me happy. I play every chance I get, and when I do, I always create a character to set whatever mood I'm in. I have plenty o' characters, I assure you, but only a few stand out.

One character I've grown fairly attached to is a pale purple wolf named Fade. She has a silvery mane and violet glowing slits. She has back ears with black ear rims, and the "Fading Stripes" markings on her body and tail. Honestly, I just created her out of boredom one day, but I've actually come to like her. She's, like, a close friend, the kind you love like a sister.

She's not even my fursona or anything. I just really love her. It's even come to times that I wish she was real. I talk to her sometimes. I'd say things like, "Ok, Fade. Let's go," or, "You're awesome, you know that?"

I'm not creepy or anything that you're probably thinking, no. I just have taken to Fade as a friend. Despite her normally mysterious appearance, her face always brings a smile to mine. I even considered making a map just for her. Because in my opinion, talking to a friend is normal.

I just never expected her to talk back.

It all started one night, when I had the laptop sitting one my lap as I lounged out on the couch. It was a about 9:00, and I was ready to play some FH. I opened it up and waited for it to start it's intros. They took a few seconds to load, bit when they did, something weird caught my eye. The usual picture of the lion with KovuLKD on it was blurry, and instead of a smirk, the lion had a frown. I thought it was a glitch or some kind of thing I never saw there before. I shrugged it off and happily got to the login screen. Everything seemed normal, except the normal music was quiet and somewhat slower. I tried toggling with the volume, but nothing worked. I didn't pay much attention, and instead typed in my username and password.

I smiled when I saw my characters. I clicked my way over to Fade, and I happily clicked start. "You ready, Fade?" I whispered to her as the map loaded. I tapped my fingers a bit as it loaded, for it seemed to be taking awhile. When it finally loaded, I saw my wolf standing in Ficho. I pressed W to move her forward. I looked around a bit and noticed there was really nobody there. I opened up the forums on my phone and noticed there was only....10 people playing? Strange.

I really just lolly gagged around for a bit. Out of boredom, I opened up my files. I went over to the FH folder to just look around on them, when I noticed a new file. This one was labeled, "CTM". Confused, I clicked it to see what happened. It opened up as a notepad file.

"Come to me....

Me and you are friends, aren't we? Then come to me. Don't be shy, I'm waiting for you. Stop wasting time and Come to me.

Come on...I want to talk to you. Come to me. You love  me, and I love you."

By this point, I thought that this was a joke or something. That is, until I saw what was below.

"Come on, DuskPegasister. I'm waiting."

I was dumbfounded. Whoever this was, this random troll, they somehow knew my username. I closed out of the file just to see a new file pop up beneath it. This one was labeled, "CTM2". I'd realized by now that, "CTM" stood for, "Come To Me". I blatantly opens this file, still a bit confused.

"Come to me..."

I see you sitting there. Just hurry up and come to me, I'm lonely.

Dusk...they're coming for me...and if you don't talk to me they'll get you too."

Ok, I'm officially freaked out. This was one serious hacker. I closed quickly out of my files to get back to playing. I pulled FH back up. I was greeted with a pair of glowing purple slits and a smile right up to the screen. Fade's face was up really close, which confused me because I had her sitting down with her back to me a few minutes ago, and I didn't press the smile emote.

 I didn't really think much if it. I guessed I must've accidentally pressed one of the emote hotkeys, pressed Z and F3'd onto my character. The only thing that I worried about was those files. I knew my mom would kill me if she found out a hacker got into the computer. Oh well. I shrugged it all off and decided to get back to playing. I pressed W to make Fade move forward. "What the..." I said. Fade wasn't moving. Instead, she just kept standing there, no matter how many times I spammed the W key.

"Move, dangit!" I said through clenched teeth. I started pressing random buttons to see what they did. Nothing. I mentally pulled my hair out with rage. Way to go. I thought. I broke it. I huffed a sigh and looked around the screen. It wasn't frozen, because I could easily toggle the map and chat on and off. She just wouldn't move. Wait...the chat. Something was typed in the chat. I pressed C to get it to pop back up.  What was typed mad my blood turn to ice.

<Fade> Hey, Dusk. Did you notice I turned your keys off?

"Wh...what...?" I whispered in disbelief. I was positive I didn't write that. And, more importantly, I wouldn't talk to myself. said "turned your keys off". Some other character named Fade? Work of the hacker?

I kinda just sat there, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, a new Chat appeared.

<Fade> I'm talking to you, you know.

I literally clamped my hands over my mouth. Now I knew this wasn't a hacker. No, this was Fade.

She was talking to me through the computer.

I stared at the screen, my mind spinning and my heart racing. This couldn't be happening. No, it shouldn't be happening. Then why was it?

<Fade> When two friends are very close, it's almost like you can tell them anything, huh, Dusk? That really explains me and you. So, can I ask you a question?

 My blood stopped flowing for a second when I saw the writing in the chat box. Fade was even lip syncing what she was saying, but it was, well, perfect. It was spot on.

That's what scared me.

"Honey, are you okay in there?" I heard my mom call. I must've been gasping. Like, a lot. "Yeah, I'm okay." I answered. The last thing I needed was my mom to see this. She'd flip, no doubt.

I stared at the screen, unsure of what to do. She wanted to ask me a question. What do I say? How do I say it? She's not even real!

<Fade> Oi, just type it in the box. Sheesh, I thought you'd know that.

Gah! Stop doing that! I thought. I rubbed my eyes a bit. Was I really going to talk to a virtual wolf-thing? Apparently so.

<DuskPegasister> um what do you need to ask?

Cute. It even got my username. How on Earth was this happening? I mean, for real. This was really creepy. Feral Heart wasn't supposed to do this. If it was, I'm really missing something.

<Fade> Well, it's kinda funny, actually. Would weird...if I killed somebody?


I froze. Did my character, a MADE UP avatar, in a COMPUTER GAME just ask me if it was weird to KILL someone?

Well, I'm gonna ask her.

<DuskPegasister> wait kill someone? What do u mean?

<Fade> You know, like, killing someone. For fun, I mean.

<DuskPegasister> no way! That's horrible! What's up with my game? For real, this isn't funny.

<Fade> It wasn't a joke. I mean it.

<DuskPegasister> Fade stop doing this. I know your talking, so stop saying this dumb stuff.

<Fade> ......Well, ok then. Sorry.

And with that, the pale purple wolf started walking away. I wasn't moving her, she just hung her head and walked away. By herself. Then she sat down, her back to me.

<Fade> I thought you'd love the idea. Just you and me, you'd watch, and I'd kill. Like friends. But apparently I was wrong.

<DuskPegasister> Fade, you are being horrible. why would you think that you killing someone is fun?

<Fade> ......

I felt like something was wrong. I felt....weird. What did I just do?

Feral Heart.exe has stopped've upset her.

"Oy my gosh..." I said to myself. Had I upset her? If I did...

What would happen to me now?


Eventually, the ERROR thing went away. FH shut down, taking back to the home screen. I processed what had happened best i could. Now what do I do?

I took a deep breath, and opened my files. Hopefully, nothing would be there, and I could just put up the laptop and go to bed.


A new file was there, labeled, "ERROR YUH". I huffed. I was sick of acronyms. But I clicked it anyway, opening the up notepad file. What I was greeted with made me gasp.

There was a picture pasted in it. In it, Fade was standing above an orangish lion, who lay on it's side. It had a long, bloody gash running through it's side. It's fur and orangish mane were stained in crimson. Fade's muzzle was red with blood. She stared right at me, her purple slits no longer beautiful, but horrifying.

Below it, all that was written was this.





I quickly closed out of the files. I desperately wanted to tell my mom and dad. But I couldn't. I just couldn't.

I realized I needed to face this head on. I clicked the FH icon and pulled it back up. Standing there to greet me was Fade, close up to the screen. Behind her , the same orangish lion lay, bloody and dead.

<Fade> I didn't want to do it. But I had no choice. You don't understand, I'm doing it for a reason, Dusk.

I began typing quickly.

<DuskPegasister> oh yeah and what is that? i bet that poor soul was innocent.

<Fade> Please, they won't be innocent for long, I had to.

<DuskPegasister> Tell me why.

<Fade> You. I'm doing it all for you. You are my only friend. You think of me as a close friend. A very close friend. They just get in our way, and soon they will get me.

<DuskPegasister> Fade, you are my friend. But this is wrong. That lion didn't do anything.

<Fade> He got in between our friendship. I just want you to be happy with me.

<DuskPegasister> Killing doesn't make me happy. He was innocent. Bad Fade.

Oh crap. What did i do that for?

The wolf stared blankly at the screen. For a few minutes, she didn't do anything. She stood, and just stared.

<Fade> You don't care? Fine. Watch this.

With that, her emote changed from normal to rage. She turned to the side and began running. The camera followed her, so I had no choice but to watch.

A short neon green wolf sat on a rock, unsuspecting of the pale purple killer running up on it. Fade approached it and howled. The neon green wolf turned it's head, the horror emote on it's face. Suddenly, the screen flashed a bright white before showing Fade standing above the wolf, blood on her muzzle. I let out a small whimper as I saw the neon green wolf bleed on the ground.

<Fade> It's your choice. You can let them come get me, or you can help me. Either way, they need to die.

<DuskPegasister> no! don't hurt them! They're innocent!

<Fade> But I thought you loved me!

<DuskPegasister> I love Fade. Not this monster.

<Fade> So. I'm the monster here. We'll see after they come. Then we'll see who the monster is.

All of the sudden, FH closed and my files came up automatically. There was a new file, it's title written in red.

"We'll see."

I didn't click it, it just opened on it's on. I saw red words everywhere. All of them large and in a strange font.





Then, FH opened up again. I nearly screamed when I saw the gruesome image.

A group of ten characters, all bloody with eyes red and bloodshot, circles around Fade. She laid down, looking at them with a horrified expression. I saw the orangish lion and the neon green wolf in the circle, and realized what they were.

These were victims of Fade. She thought that they interfered with our friendship, so she killed them. They wanted revenge, and Fade was trying to get my help.

I covered my mouth with my hand as the circle closed in on her. The white flash came and went, and the circle backed away to reveal her.

She lay on her side, bleeding. The camera zoomed in on her face. My heart sank when I saw a little tear in her eye.

<Fade> This is it, Dusk. You didn't listen and now it's over. Are you happy? Well, whatever you feel, remember. You will always be my best friend.

Right there, I felt the sob come up. What had I done? I didn't listen to her. Instead, I threw her into the hands of the killers.

The circle all turned to face me. At the Same time, they said one, bone chilling sentence.



I was the monster. I threw my friend into the clutches of the ones who would kill her.

I didn't listen.

I'm sorry, Fade.

You're my best friend too.


Well? What do you think? It's my first attempt. Sorry of its long :P Oh, and I promise you, Fade isn't dead. And she doesn't kill either. Don't worry.

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

Offline Grosskatze

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2013, 12:59:39 pm »
so she *ate* these fh characters, but why? is she really such a psycho?  or have they done something other? and it's no good revenge to do the same as fade did. it will go on like that all the time if they do.

Offline DuskPegasister

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2013, 01:05:10 pm »
Well she didn't eat them. It's not very good, I know. But she wasn't psycho, it was something to do with her talking through the computer. It's kinda confusing. But it's my first attempt.

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

Offline crosscreature

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2013, 04:36:37 am »
Interesting story Dusky-Dusk.

Offline DuskPegasister

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2013, 05:32:22 pm »
Thank chu ^^

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

Offline magicfairy

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2014, 05:32:11 pm »
This story is epic! I love frightening myself with these! +Floof
vanitas ยท he/they/it/fae

Offline DuskPegasister

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2014, 12:34:36 am »
Why thank you. ^^

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

Offline Kaniki

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2014, 10:54:50 pm »
I love this...
Why? Because of the open ending. The reader can imagine what will happen next. +Floof

In-game name: Kaniki

Offline DuskPegasister

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2014, 06:30:27 pm »
Thank you so much! I appreciate your floof. ^_^

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

Offline Honest~Faith

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Re: My best friend, the Monster. ~FH Creepypasta~
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2014, 06:41:57 pm »
The beginning of the story gave me chills down my spine. :o
Brilliant story!
I would love to see more stories from you.

In-game username: Honest~Faith