Author Topic: Nalki  (Read 1302 times)

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« on: October 05, 2013, 10:56:04 am »

Physical Description
Nalki look exactly like regular wolves. Same height, same color, same markings, same everything. The only different trait is eye color. At birth their eyes are pure white but as they age their eyes darken. Their eyes are some shade of a brown-red-purple.

When Two Meet
Nalki are scare in numbers and solely meet another of its kind. When two Nalki do meet, their first response is do play bow as if they were dogs. This is a method of making sure that the other is truly a Nalki. If the other does not play bow in return, they will make a chattering noise before running away. If the other is truly a Nalki, they will begin to converse in the species natural language. If the two deem each other worthy, they will attempt to breed.

When A Wolf Meets A Nalki
Wolves often mistake Nalki for other wolves. They may mistake it by chasing them out of their territory, attempting to adopt them into their packs, or even try to breed with them. These actions are taken lightly by Nalki and they quickly forget these encounters.

Nalki's are very picky on who they take as mates. Once they have both approved the other as a suitable mate, the breeding process begins. On the first blue moon, they are to be as far away from any other creature(not including their mate) as possible. Once they are in a secluded area, they will breed like regular wolves. Then the pair will go there seprate ways. Nalki hold no bonds with their mates. The mother will remain pregnant until the next blue moon. She will return to the breeding spot and give birth. Once they pup is born, the mother leaves it, as it needs no assistance in surviving. The pup will be full grown on the next blue moon.

Death & Afterlife
Sickness and poisons cannot harm a Nalki. Their only way of dying is being killed in battle. When their opponent gives the killing blow, they will traditionally step back and howl - when they do so, it cuases all animals in the area to collapse. This howling tradition is know as the Last Stand. After they preform the last stand, there bodies outline will become fuzzy. It gradually get fuzzier and fuzzier, until it seem to be gone entirely. Then their whole body becomes fuzzy until it disapears. This is because their parcticles are beimng moved to the Island of Halkey. Once they are on the Island of Halkey, they must decided if they want to truely die, or stay until the next blue moon.

(References to Places are talking about the RP I created these guys for.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 11:15:05 am by MochaCoca »

Formerly MochaCocoa; Find me ingame as ErikaFishhy!
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