Author Topic: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)  (Read 11957 times)

Offline duna the killer

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La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« on: November 01, 2013, 10:58:49 am »
After the Dinosaurs, mammals took the throne. Large elephants called Mammoths lumbered through the everlasting snow. Huge wolves called Direwolves preyed on them. But the direwolves were chased off by huge cats called Sabertooth cats. There are many more animals. And you can live their life.

This is the Ice Age. Snow is covering nearly 3/4 of the Earth. You are going to be one of the many animals living here, and you will have to find a way to survive. Some animals form packs and herds, while others strike out on their own. Will you survive to the next generation, or will you die trying?


Animals to choose from:

Sabertooth cat (Large cat with 9 inch canine teeth)

Mammoth (Wooly elephant with huge tusks)

Dire Wolf (Huge wolf, lived in packs)

Elasmotherium (Large wooly rhino with one huge horn)

Cave Bear (Huge bear. When on all fours is 8'. On hindlegs it becomes 11'.)

Cave Lion (Like the bear, it lives in caves most of it's life. It was 11' long, and was alot similar to lions today, but bigger)

Bison (Your average bison)

Prehistoric horse (It is much smaller than your normal horse, only 5 ft at the shoulder. It still had hooves and mane, but smaller)

Megaloceros (A huge deer, with 11 foot long antlers. The deer itself was atleast 10 feet tall.)

Andrewsarchus (A wolf-like dog with great swimming abilities. About 13' long, and 6 ft' high at the shoulder)


What Animal are you:

No OOC fighting
Respect everyone please
No insta-killing (No godmodding)
Nobody has powers (No Powerplay)
Cursing is not allowed
Have fun~

Current Events!

Time of Day

Sunrise []
Noon [X]
Sunset []
Midnight []


Sunny  [X]
Cloudy []
Windy  []
Raining lightly []
Raining []
Pouring  []
Light snow []
Snowing  []
Blizzard  []
Tornado  []
Lightning  []
Thunder  []
Flood  []
Drought  []


Spring []
Summer [X]
Fall []
Winter []
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 03:46:07 pm by Dunastar »

Offline meeeea

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2013, 11:12:32 am »

Name: Ezia

Gender: Female

Age: 3 Y/O

What Animal are you: Andrewsarchus

Personality: Self-centered - faces things head on.

Backstory: She was born like any normal Andrewsarchus, the runt of the family. She was forced to leave by her mother after she lead a mammoth towards their burrow, sacrificing her brother.

Themesong: Let It Burn - Ellie Goulding

Other: None.

Offline duna the killer

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2013, 06:59:33 pm »
(Accepted~ We will wait for 2 more people then we can rp)

Offline OreoHeroz

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2013, 09:38:46 pm »

Name: Joki
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
What Animal are you: Dire Wolf
Personality: Joki is a quiet wolf, more on the shy side. Her loyalty is strong, even though she gets distracted at times. Even though she is quiet, her tongue is sharp and she will lash out at you. She gets frustrated easily and wants everything perfect at times. Joki can be awkward around other wolves since she hates socializing.
Backstory: Jokie's parents were kicked out of the pack due to that her mother had secretly mated with her father. Joki's mother was killed shortly after she was born due to a sabertooth who was driven by hunger. Her father took care of her, but when she was able to take care of herself, he died mysteriously one night. Joki now survives on her own; she doesn't really show affection for her parents' death, however would rather not talk about them.
Themesong: The Call by Regina Spektor
Other: N/A

Name: Axeri
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
What Animal are you: Sabertooth tiger
Personality: Axer is determined to do things and is stubborn, but he will sometimes let you do things your own way. He can be short-tempered and snappy, and normally is annoyed by others. Otherwise, Axeri can be gentle towards others at times.
Backstory: Axeri got into a fight with his brother and killed him by accident, however he still was excluded from the family and classified as a loner. He doesn't speak of his history anymore and is uncomfortable when it is brought up.
Themesong: Secrets by One Republic
Other: N/A
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 01:50:21 pm by OreoHeroz »

Offline duna the killer

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 10:24:02 pm »
Accepted~ you all can start rping now!))

Name: Arula

Gender: Female/She-cat/Fae

Age: 3 months

What Animal are you: Sabertooth-cat

Personality: Arula is a sabertooth who always needs to be entertained. Upon seeing something that satifies herself, she will giggle. There are three types of laugh in her mind: giggle, laugh, and rolling on the dirt. But, if something bad happens, Arula is the opposite of her normal self. She will sulk for the rest of the day. She usually won't talk to anyone, but if she does she won't talk much before walking off. In the face of danger she will try to talk her way out of it, then run off.

Backstory: Arula was born to two loners, who were both exiled for mating. Her mother was in the clan of Tishani, while her father was in their rival clan. Arula is currently 3 months old, and lives with her mother in an abandoned Giant Armidillo den. Her mother expanded the hole, and she and Arula currently live in it. Arula's father is mostly away hunting or guarding their small territory, which only includes a section of a river and a piece of a meadow. Arula currently lives with her mother and father.

Themesong: Words ~ Hawk Nelson

Other: She loves bison meat.

Name: Errol

Gender: Male/Buck/Stag

Age: 4 years

What Animal are you: Megaloceros

Personality: Stern, Serious, but also willing to play at nessassary times

Backstory: The only known parts is that he was born in his herd and rose to leadership

Themesong: Hello my name is ___  by Matthew West

Other: He is leader of his herd. The herd consists of five does, himself, and one fawn. His antlers are 10 x 10, even though no humans would hunt him.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2013, 11:41:42 pm »

Name: Mentu

Gender: Male

Age: 5

What Animal are you: Smilodon Fatalis (Saber Tooth Cat)

Personality: Mentu is straight forward and quick to anger. He doesn't take nonesense from anything, and his actions are often controlled by his short fuse.

Backstory: Left his clan/pack(Whatever the crap it's called for Sabers. XD) willingly, and now, like most young males, lives alone. He could care less whether or not he has the company of other sabers, and is not currently perusing said company.

Themesong: My Own Worst Enemy (Casting Crowns)

Other: Nada.

Large photo is large, my apologies. o3o

Name: Lavani

Gender: She-Wolf

Age: 3

What Animal are you: Canis Dirus (Dire Wolf)

Personality: Generally, Lavani keeps to herself. When confronted, she will come off as snappy at first, but once she warms up to you, she'd take a bullet for you (If bullets were invented in this time, anyway ;3) She's a fierce fighter, who shows no mercy and will not hesitate to stand up for what she believes in.
Backstory: Not long ago, Lavani had a small pack of her own, consisting of her mate and two 8 month old pups. However, when their territory was stolen by a couple of ruthless Saber Tooth Cats, her small pack was slaughtered in the event, leaving her alone, and extremely bitter towards Sabers. She scarcely speaks of this to anyone.

Themesong: Nice Guys Finish Last (Green Day)

Other: Nope
In-Game as: Jackkdaw
On DeviantART as Jackkdaw
sig by me

Offline duna the killer

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 11:48:42 pm »
(Accepted ^^ And I don't know what Saber groups are called, but for this rp we will call them Clans)

Arula pranced through the meadow, her mother watching her from the entrance to the den. A lizard scurried on a rock infront of Arula. Arula clouched, licking her small canine teeth. She pretended she was a huge Sabertooth, hunting a prehistoric horse mother told her about. Arula pounced and felt the scales of the lizard. She snapped it's neck and carried it back, "Mother! Mother look what I have!"
"My my, Arula, you are a great hunter! Maybe one day Daddy will take you hunting with him?"
"Really? I want to hunt a Mammoth!"
"Maybe you all will hunt a Mammoth."

Eroll padded through the loose bands of trees, a great crown of antlers spreading high above his head. Six deer followed, their ears pricked and their tails up. They had just lost a member of their herd to a Cave Lion Pride. The herd wasn't herd, but they were pretty shaken up. Eroll, being the leader, had fought off the pride and got out with six deer. The herd had only 7 deer now, but it wasn't too bad.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 12:00:24 am by Dunastar »

Offline AustralianxMuttX

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2013, 04:27:26 am »

Name: Sarrow
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
What Animal are you: Dire wolf
Personality: Kind, fierce, brave, Sarrow proffers to be a lone wolf
Backstory: When Sarrow was a pup, the ice was breaking and her mom had to get away from the danger. So Her mom picked sarrow up by the scruff and ran, behind her ice cracked and fell making a boom sound. But what her mom didnt know was 1 mile ahead of her was a big black of ice ready to crush anything below it. Her mom was running on ice when the massive ice fell onto the ice and broke it, freezing water splashed everywhere, her mother slipped and went under the water and was never seen again. Sarrow on the other hand had been tossed and landed in soft grass. This is where her life began.
Themesong: Club Nation
Other: none

Offline AustralianxMuttX

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2013, 04:30:30 am »
also is there a map to rp on?

Offline meeeea

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Re: La Brea -Ice Age RP- (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2013, 09:14:10 am »

Ezia continued to thunder across the forest, a large bird-like creature safely clamped in her jowls. There was a large Cave Lion stalking behind her, since she could easily hear it's rabid snapping as it searched for it's meal. She stopped rather abruptly, skidding to a halt and pivoting off her back legs into a stream she almost passed. Dipping in, giant tail slashing the thick water and propelling her forward. A blood trail neatly flew behind them as her prey finally succumbed to blood-loss. Ears flinging back onto her scalp as she paddled her way up onto the surface and pulling herself up, Ezia quickly wolfed the bird down in several gulps and snaps due to her long jaws. She had arrived pretty close to a Megaloceros herd. Dark eyes blinking and adjusting to the dim light of the forest, the female Andrewsarchus lowered her bodice and started to slowly stalk towards them, her spotted fur giving her an advantage when it comes to hunting.