Author Topic: Excuse you?  (Read 3041 times)

Offline Birdi

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Excuse you?
« on: November 09, 2013, 02:20:51 am »
Okay, this might not be where this belongs, but here goes. I was out in Fluorite once, sitting in the cape. A wolf comes out and he was asking a question (I happened to be surfing away in tumblr). Two or three warrior cat groups were yelling at him, saying things like "go back to bonfire," "shut up and go away" "we won't help you." Thinking they were being rude, I told them to shut up (probably in a nicer way). So, I went up to the wolf because he appeared to be a new player. "how do get back?" he asked. Okay, english probably wasn't his first language. "Where?" I asked him along with one other person. "where i was," he said. I asked him if he meant the sandy place, and he said yes. Meanwhile the warriors groups are saying things like "don't help him, he doesn't understand" and "just leave him." So, I told him to follow me and we trotted right along into the cape. He told me I was really nice and no one else was helping him and thanked me, so he added me as a friend and I accepted. Unfortunately I had to go at the time and he was really, really sad. I told him I was sorry and went offline.

My point is; Why were the warriors doing this? I think it's pretty rude and nasty to that poor person who just wanted help, even though no one was giving him any. Warrior cat groups are just stupid these days. I've noticed that arrogance in many people on FH is growing.

Ex. This one time I was in a wolf roleplay and everyone was using wolfspeak (including me because I think it was in the rules to use it) and this one she-wolf kept using big, big words that nobody understood. So after being asked what she meant a couple of times, she said; "I should probably stop using such terms.. but then I wouldn't learn anything! So I won't!" Actually ma'am, there's something called being rude and something called being courteous and nice. Why can't you realize that one is wrong? And you chose the wrong one?

Has anyone else noticed how arrogant people are? It's really bothering me.

Offline Vespian

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 03:19:54 am »
I've noticed that arrogance in many people on FH is growing.
Through sheer personal experience, I'll have to strongly agree with you Birdi on this section of your post. I have indeed noticed that some individuals who've been a part of the game for a decent amount of time, or sometimes even some who's generally new but bestows such attitude, have been showing disrespectful treatment to other members of the community that it honestly rubs my fur extremely the wrong way. In my eyes, I see it as a form of cyber-bullying.
I've seen such treatment both in-game and once every now and then on the forums even. Why individuals feel the need to be so rash, cruel, ignorant, and completely tedious is far beyond my comprehension. Why bare your fangs towards an innocent bystander? More so one seeking aid and/or advice? We were all once that newcomer cautiously lingering around in a game where we knew nobody's face and had no one to go to. I can't even begin to imagine how lonely, neglected, disliked those individuals must feel that had to bare such hatred. Especially those who are not as fluent in the English language or are at a young age. It makes me want to do multiple table flips in bitter disparity.
No matter if the individual is new to the game or not, I've seen such acts happen many times. Each time bestowing that one (or more) individual who thinks they know everything, thinks they own the game, forgotten that there is indeed a human being behind that computer screen with feelings. Realization needs to slap them in the face for karma will only come right back around and bite them in the butt. My apologies if I sound a bit harsh speaking such matters, however this is one thing I absolutely cannot stand. Arrogance.

Because of it, I've literally had friends come to me crying. One particular member (won't say any names here) whispering me in tears claiming that a member and his group of friends have been speaking to her in a harassing way, calling her names she did not like, claiming her to be a dumb-witted n00b who had no place, etc. She claimed to me in her whispers that she attempted to roleplay with them as she admired their skills in the art of roleplay though with her being a semi-literate trying to learn tactics to become a bit more advanced, they verbally brought her down because of it and cut her off like some kind of sick dog.
There's also been a few times when individuals would snap at even me over something so minor I find it quite petty. One such incident being over apparently my character, Vespian, was looking towards a small group of individuals without my general acknowledgement. Next thing I know, I'm being demanded like a slave to look elsewhere.
I can keep going with these stories, though I will leave it to the two examples above.

Most of the time, after I witness such an incident, I usually whisper the individual being targeted on to make sure everything's generally alright. Similar to what you've done in your example Birdi. Though other times, depending on the situation and how major it is, I immediately report the whole conversation to the MODs to let them decide what to do with the whole ordeal.

Why were the warriors doing this? I think it's pretty rude and nasty to that poor person who just wanted help, even though no one was giving him any. Warrior cat groups are just stupid these days.
There is one minor flaw I must point out to you Birdi. I'm sure you meant not to make it sound so discriminate, however what you've said got the idea of 'ALL warrior cats are bad' to morph into my skull. Which is incorrect. Warrior cats are just another fictional character that human beings like to lurk around on, similar to mine and your fictional characters we have in-game. It is not the Warrior cats, but instead the individuals behind the characters. It's unwise to particularly target a whole group of members just because of a few bad apples. It's like saying 'I hate all wolves!' just because a handful have given you a hard time while the rest are completely innocent. Merely try to keep that in mind next time, floof.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 03:22:11 am by Vespian »

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2013, 03:30:26 am »
I've noticed this too. It's sad that when I'm interested in an rp I almost /have/ to act like I have NO idea what I'm doing just to be sure they're nice people. I can't even begin to mention all the times I've walked up to someone and, well, I can try to quote

"Can I join?"
"I'll need rp sample :I"
"Wuts that?"
"Erm... Why don't you go find an rp at stone bridge?"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"We don't accept newbs. When you know enough come back"

This is a very common reaction, actually. That or people whisper you rudely. If users expect others to join them or join the game they should at least try to stop being arrogant lil- Ahem.

"Because of it, I've literally had friends come to me crying. One particular member (won't say any names here) whispering me in tears claiming that a member and his group of friends have been speaking to her in a harassing way, calling her names she did not like, claiming her to be a dumb-witted n00b who had no place, etc. "

This, too. I once met someone who wanted to rp with me at cape, but didn't quite understand the concept of what RP was. When I started to teach them I had strangers coming up and saying it was 'hopeless' or just let the newb figure it out herself. It eventually brought her to tears and was HORRIBLE

On the other side, I have a friend who is an incredible writer. Not a wolfspeaker, he uses accurate terms that just aren't that common. I was rping with him when he wrote

"The beige pelted tom pushes his way through the course vegetation, movements lethargic as she widens his mouth in a huge yawn"

And almost instantly two people in the clan called him out for wolfspeaking. Now, I don't know about you, but Vegetation and Lethargic aren't even that fancy of words in my vocabulary. They didn't even know what they meant and therefor= Wolfspeak. He was /crying/ at the end of the argument and it was horrible.

Rude people who aren't willing to stop their uber important business for a few seconds to help someone else irk me. So much.

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Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2013, 03:31:51 am »
First off, it's not just Warrior Cat groups that do this. There are people like that who are cruel to new players and it doesn't matter what species they are playing. They could be playing as a lion, wolf, tiger, rabbit, dragon, etc. On the other side of those screens are just rude people.
Those people who were playing as warrior cats and being very rude to the wolf are what I like to call the worst members of the community. Some of them self-proclaim themselves as roleplay experts or champions and not show any decency or compassion to those who ask simple questions. A player who says such terrible things to someone who only wants a little help with the game is nothing but a downright selfish, immature, killjoy who sets a bad example for the community. In fact, they don't even deserve to play on such a site if they are going to act like a bunch of pompus brats. People like that can discourage new members from wanting to stay in the community to play.

I applaude you for taking the time to help that person. Like you said, he/she was probably new to the game and probably didn't speak English too well. People like him/her shouldn't be mistreated by others for asking questions about the game and the maps. They won't learn anything unless they ask around.

You're a good member of the community, Birdi. It was nice of you to help someone in need.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 03:36:31 am by Lady_Alizarin »

Offline Birdi

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2013, 03:44:32 am »
There is one minor flaw I must point out to you Birdi. I'm sure you meant not to make it sound so discriminate, however what you've said got the idea of 'ALL warrior cats are bad' to morph into my skull. Which is incorrect. Warrior cats are just another fictional character that human beings like to lurk around on, similar to mine and your fictional characters we have in-game. It is not the Warrior cats, but instead the individuals behind the characters. It's unwise to particularly target a whole group of members just because of a few bad apples. It's like saying 'I hate all wolves!' just because a handful have given you a hard time while the rest are completely innocent. Merely try to keep that in mind next time, floof.
I see what you mean, I guess I should've worded it differently, sorry. I see a lot of people like this and I guess it never really crossed my mind that others, like my friends and a ton of people aren't like this. It just bothers me because a lot of people like this have been seen and it is just plain terrible. I've heard that since Kovu left people think the mods aren't doing their jobs (even though I'm sure they are) so they think it gives them the freedom to harass others. Now before this turns into a "mods don't do their work" post because those are usually not true, I will continue. I used to be part of them. Part of the groups who made fun of sparklecats. People who made fun of people for their literacy skills. I admit, I saw nothing wrong with what I was doing -- until I went to Bonfire. 'Literates' and 'illiterates' roleplayed together. I thought it was unimaginable because I was the arrogant one who thought I was better than people who couldn't spell. Most of these people don't realize they're doing something wrong but I'm sure at least some of them do it for fun. Now I've changed. I have plenty of unrealistic characters, and I'm sure at most  2/3 of my characters can be considered sparkle-animals. Do I care? No. I hope people who make fun of others for just being imaginative and creative can change like I did (not saying that I'm better than them/above them, because I've had my share of rude and bothering, though I usually never told out loud the person I was making fun of). I realize trolls are a part of life, but this sort of rudeness is pretty unacceptable because it's basically, as you (Vespian) said, cyberbullying. I hate it and I always have!

What also bothers me is that some roleplays think they're above others, saying things like "looking for a BRILLIANT roleplay?" It seems to me that they want members, but they shouldn't say they're brilliant, because they may be in their opinion but everyone has their own thoughts. They're also dissing other people's roleplays because they're saying that they are more brilliant than the next. I usually use words like "unique," "interesting," if I ever advertise which is not normally.

First off, it's not just Warrior Cat groups that do this. There are people like that who are cruel to new players and it doesn't matter what species they are playing. They could be playing as a lion, wolf, tiger, rabbit, dragon, etc. On the other side of those screens are just rude people.
You're a good member of the community, Birdi. It was nice of you to help someone in need.
Ah, I understand. I haven't really seen anyone do this on more or less another type of species so I wouldn't know, but as I've noticed it's mostly 'literate' players who think they're above everyone by wolfspeaking. Although they may look different on screen, as you said, off-screen they're just bullies flat out.

Thanks so much, I love helping people anyway~

"Can I join?"
"I'll need rp sample :I"
"Wuts that?"
"Erm... Why don't you go find an rp at stone bridge?"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"We don't accept newbs. When you know enough come back"
On the other side, I have a friend who is an incredible writer. Not a wolfspeaker, he uses accurate terms that just aren't that common. I was rping with him when he wrote

"The beige pelted tom pushes his way through the course vegetation, movements lethargic as she widens his mouth in a huge yawn"

And almost instantly two people in the clan called him out for wolfspeaking. Now, I don't know about you, but Vegetation and Lethargic aren't even that fancy of words in my vocabulary. They didn't even know what they meant and therefor= Wolfspeak. He was /crying/ at the end of the argument and it was horrible.
Wow. The quotes are... Trolls -- everywhere. Though this is not a pure case of the common troll. This is what we call a cyberbully. "You're not smart enough. Try going to talk to people...of your own kind." That's bullying, and I can't stand it. The wolfspeaking part -- that's ridiculous.  Crying? Wow. Just because it sounds like wolfspeak doesn't mean it is. In most cases, maybe, but not in some cases. People should really try asking, although I guess hatred/being mean is a part of everything.

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2013, 04:57:02 pm »
I HATE seeing people get bullied in-game and end up in tears. I think it's really unnecessary, and the poor person is probably new to the community and doesn't know much yet. I remember my very first time entering the game. No one paid attention to me as I ran around South Pole, completely lost and I had no idea what the controls were. I ran into a pack of whites wolves, and one of them actually helped me out with every control in the game and everything I should know. (The rest of the pack had to leave, anyways.) This person showed me around, got me used to the controls, and made sure I knew of all of the rp terms... things like roleplays, groups, literates, illiterates, etc. EVERYTHING. She was really nice and patient, and she even directed me to the game rules on the forums. We have been friends ever since.<3

And about a month later, I was on my flying blue wolf (dun have her anymore though), and I was simply walking around Atlantis. Then about three people came running at me, calling me a n00b, harassing me and insulting me in nearly every way imaginable. I tried to get them off my back and stand up for myself... but I eventually gave up. They were demanding that I left Atlantis because it was their "territory". They were really mean... and I ended up flying away, crying, and I later deleted the character. That's how badly they hurt me.
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2013, 11:31:54 pm »
Sadly, this is all to true, and it is not just WCs, its nearly everyone really.
They are accting like hte people who teach them, like Children, they copy after people they think has an authority.

You did the right thing by helping him, and I am ASHAMED that the people who were RolePlaying WC Were not helping Him!

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2013, 01:34:56 pm »
Alot of users do things like that and aren't infact WC, just to get that away.

These particular users must be either annoyed or simply being rude by nature just because, after the newcomer asked a simple question he wasn't sure off, a thought clicked in their minds: "omg how doz dees noob not know how to get back to Cape omg noob", instantly becoming as if they're smarter than him/her and refusing to help.

This isn't right at all. All people have feelings, and this is just another way of bullying.

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2013, 03:36:52 am »
Ive seen some really terrible incidents on FH.  I have a  friend thats been bullied much in Rl, and comes here to get away.  Ive seen people come out of no where saying things on her looks and char that are absolutely horrible(and shes the most gorgeous wolf in game if you ask me). 

You know...I admit Ive said some  bad things to others more than once...and I usually feel really terrible afterwards :/ Would not be surprised if Ive been reported. I am no star member.   Words arnt something you can take back...and thats something we need to realize. It doesnt matter if youre behind a screen. Its still being a bully, and hurting another emotionally is worse than physical.

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Re: Excuse you?
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2013, 03:43:44 am »
it's true that many are like this, its usually for the sake of their own selves and not to get involved with others problems, people just find others annoying and dont want to put up with it so they shove them away, it is a growing problem not just here but everywhere, unfortunately It cant really be helped, its just how people are...