Author Topic: [] The Hollow Haunted Forest [] Horror|teen|Rated-M  (Read 7021 times)

Offline Proquail

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[] The Hollow Haunted Forest [] Horror|teen|Rated-M
« on: November 16, 2013, 06:02:47 am »

"Beyond the path howling can be heard in the wind,"

"Down the path, lies the darkness, the forest of sin,"

"Hovered by tree tops, and barks with horrifying grins,"

"The haunted forest, where no one should dare go in."

You have heard it all, the stories they say, of that forest. Anyone who enters, never returns, and any of they're screams can always be heard. Many people go in, thinking nothing of it, never realizing, they were to be trapped forever. Hell hounds, demons, ghosts, but no angels. This is the land where evil roams, searching for their next soul to devour. You want to find out, if all of this is true. So get together, and I'll go too. This place is empty, no animals roam, it's because they know. Their pure minds can see, the dances of the evil at night. They dance and they sing, waiting for you to fight. Don't be foolish, you have one chance. There is an escape, but the only escape, is through the gates of hell.

Gather your tents, sleeping bags too,
This night is black, that is when they attack.
Full moon rises, and your big mind resizes.
Shrink into those sleeping bags, because tonight,

Is all you have.


A group of young, foolish teenagers decide that a good adventure is to be found in the Hollow Haunted Forest of Montana. They never realized that true spirits, the ones who were too evil that not even hell wanted them, it is the place they roam. It is summer of 2014, and they decide a night in tents, in the heart of hollow forest is where their vacation is to be.The forest is a creepy place, and many rumors have been spread about it. This one group of teenagers, must find the way out, because once your in, no matter how hard you try to escape, the forest never ends, along with the evil that occupies it. Many nickname the heart of the forest, the 'Demons breeding grounds.' We are about to find out what it is all about, get ready, follow me into the world of what we all thought was simply imaginary.

"Into the forest where the human body is hell bound,"
Application form;
Image of character here
'Quote/lyrics here'

Name |
Gender |
Age |

'Quote/Lyrics Here'

Personality |
Appearance |
Strengths |
Weaknesses |
Nationality |
Sexuality |

'Quote/Lyrics here'

Car |

"Victims enter the darkness wishing it was all a dream,"

'Haunted by guilty memories'

Name | Viktor Nikolaevich Guidema
Gender | Male
Age | Eighteen

'My words may sting cowards'

Personality | He has always been a very odd character, interested more in imaginary world that reality. He is always researching supernatural phenomena. he has multiple personality syndrome and 'Blake' Is his other personality's name. He often tries to hold back from Blake, but he often convinces him to do things he wished he didn't. He has a criminal record of stealing cars, and even domestic violence and having to do with drugs etc. Sometimes he has no control over Blake, but other times he can stop himself from caving in. It is a constant battle for him, and he tries to hide his multiple personality disorder from any of his friends, but it is flagrant to them all. many people just consider him a downright disgusting criminal, but those are the ones who don't know what he goes through every day.

He also sometimes leads himself to believe that he is what one would call a 'medium.' Someone who can speak to the dead. He often is accomponied by various different ghosts, everyone says it is just skystofrenia. he has to take pills for it as well, but the spirits never leave him alone. He has learned to deal with it, and even talks to them sometimes. he believes they are his guardian angels.
Appearance | Blue eyes and brown hair accompany his handesome facial features. He stands at around 6'1 and has an average male build, muscle packed in the right places. He often wears a solid colored t-shirt with some type of flannel. Blue straight fit jeans and his black and white vans. Usually seen with his black and white striped hoodie.
History| he doesn't like saying until you really get to know him.
Relationships?| Has a mother and father, and 5 sisters.
Strengths | He is very charming and can often sweet-talk anyone out of the trouble that blake gets him into. He is very in to supernatural phenomena.
Weaknesses | Blake.
Nationality |Russian
Sexuality | Straight.

'You can never avoid the voices of the voiceless'

Pet(s)?| he has german shepherd named ' Konaan' Who is his 'service' dog. he takes him everywhere.

Car | A black 2001 dodge 1500 v8 quad cab.
Other?| N/A
« Last Edit: November 16, 2013, 06:13:23 am by Chelsea »

' L O V E.

Offline blueroseknight95

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Re: [] The Hollow Haunted Forest [] Horror|teen|Rated-M
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 07:07:21 am »
Sorry for my absence. I've been dealing with� ex boyfriend problems�

Offline Proquail

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Re: [] The Hollow Haunted Forest [] Horror|teen|Rated-M
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2013, 08:02:49 am »
[] I am going to go ahead and start right now, you are accepted, anyone may join in as they wish. []

[] V I K T O R []

" Tell me a story that starts with T I M E, moves to how you lived, and learn how to D I E."

A chill sent down the male's spine, he released a cough into his sleeve, and soon followed with a sneeze. He had sat at the end of his bed, slouched over and barely deciphering the text he tried to send to Anika. Today was the day they left to the hollows. He had to admit, he was scared shitless of it, but he had to experience it. He had to find out if it really was haunted. He looked closely at the message he sent, mis-spelling a few things, it made read ' You stked for todat? ready to get my demon on lol' After it had sent, he let one hand run through his brown hair. His eyes wandered to the shepherd who lay patiently waiting for his breakfast against the leg of his bed. " Morning, Konaan, hungry?" he teased, Konaan let out a bark of back-talk. Viktor let out a chuckle before making his way to the closet, gripping a pair of black jeans and a shirt of plain gray, V-neck to be exact. He threw the outfit on his blue comforter, which was bundled up on top of the white sheets that accompanied his bed. Walking over to the brown dresser and opening the top drawer, he threw a pair of plaid gray boxers and ankle-high black socks on top of the outfit.

He had finished getting dressed, and soon found himself pouring way extra dog food into Konaan's dish, in which the large dog engulfed it all into his gut anyways. He had figured it was time that he eat something for himself as well. He walked towards the silver double-door refrigerator and opened it, the sight of chocolate chip waffles excited his stomach. Moments later, he the waffles popped up from the toaster, ready to be prepared. Viktor carefully dispatched them from the toaster and onto the plate, soaking them in butter and syrup. He opened the drawer in front of him and pulled out a silver fork, stainless steel. He picked up the plate and made his way to the long white dining table, and sat in the comfortable cushioned chair, digging in to the sweet breakfast.

Finished, he set the plate in the sink after rinsing it off, and chugged a glass of cold H2O. Then remembered he had forgotten to brush his teeth, then remembered he had forgotten to even pack anything for the trip, he had an old tent in the garage, it was durable enough, though. He pushed the thought to the back of his brain, before going to check his phone for any new messages.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2013, 08:05:04 am by Chelsea »

' L O V E.

Offline blueroseknight95

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Re: [] The Hollow Haunted Forest [] Horror|teen|Rated-M
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2013, 08:24:25 am »
((Ok. ^^ Thank you!))

"If one doesn't watch their tail, it'll get bitten off."

    Anika jolted out of a short night's sleep, due to the sound if Skillet blaring their song, "Falling Inside the Black". She tried to remember if the song was set to play for either a call, an email, or a text. It took her a few minutes to pick her phone up from the nightstand and look at it. She moved her finger across the screen, which moved a speech bubble icon to the right.
     When her text conversation with Viktor appeared, she realized what day it was. Reading over the text, she could see that the boy was most likely half awake. "Of course~." Even though the tone of the text she responded with seemed full of joy, she had to tell the truth in the second text. "I hardly slept, to be honest. Did you get the camera, or am I supposed to?" She yawned as she sent the text.
     While she waited for a response, she went downstairs into the living room. Of course, Matthius was asleep with his narrow muzzle buried in his blanket, and his butt crushing his stuffed, squeaky fox toy. The Doberman snored loudly.
     She shook her head and smiled. The poor dog stayed up with her, and paced in front of the door of her room until she went to sleep. So, she decided to get a shower in, and let the sleeping dog lie.

Sorry for my absence. I've been dealing with� ex boyfriend problems�

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Re: [] The Hollow Haunted Forest [] Horror|teen|Rated-M
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2013, 11:44:38 am »

Offline Proquail

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Re: [] The Hollow Haunted Forest [] Horror|teen|Rated-M
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2013, 09:34:36 pm »
[] Feel free to post, naomi. :). []

[] V I K T O R []

" Waking up to A S H and D U S T, I wipe my brow and I sweat my R U S T."

the male stepped to the end of his bed, picking up the android phone and swiping in the screen lock. A message bubble sat patiently for his arrival, reading out the text Anika had sent back ' Of Course- ' The next bubble appeared, saying something longer, the words deciphered into 'I hardly slept, to be honest. Did you get the camera, or am I supposed to?' He thought about it for a moment before Konaan came loping in, one big paw in front of the other. It made Viktor remember a few other things he needed to pack, like dog food and whatnot. He payed his attention back to the phone and sent his reply, reading ' I will bring mine, I guess, and make sure to bring Matthius, Konaan needs a friend.' He tapped the send button and made his way down more contacts, reaching Naomi's name, and hitting his finger against the 'send message' button. ' Hey, you ready for tonight, bring Rin, btw, I feel better with more canines to protect us against the devil, of course! haha jk.' The phone let off a vibration, letting him know the message had sent. He remembered the old tent in the garage, and made his way out the door.

A loud thump pierced his ears, and dust clogged his nostrils as he threw down the old tent against the hardwood floor. It still had everything it needed to be set up. " Vot der'mo! " he shouted, the words meaning 'Oh Shit' in English translation. His Russian accent was rarely noticeable, as he had lived in America his whole life. He only ever used the language when something annoying happens, or when he is drunk. Which reminded him, beer, alcohol, you cant have a camping trip without betting faded. He remembered the half gallon of R & R he had left behind in his freezer from a few nights ago. He would for sure be taking that along with him. He payed his mind back to the old tent, and had began throwing a couple of sleeping bags and pillows on top of it.

' L O V E.

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Re: [] The Hollow Haunted Forest [] Horror|teen|Rated-M
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2013, 08:16:48 pm »

"My life has never been all rainbows and sunshine,but you know what?I don't care!"

Name |Lavinia Dragomir
Gender |Female
Age |17

"Never judge people by how they look like,that's all I'm going to say."[/b]

Personality |An adventurous girl that knows no limits,Lavinia is exactly the opposite of how many people think she is.She doesn't care at all  if she hurts someone,bringing him or her on the verge of tears,she will just quickly go over it.In everything she does,Lavinia wants to show she isn't less better than anyone.Even if she can't get something done right,she'll just continue trying untill she succeeds.Feelings like sadness,mercy,fear and love,those are things Lavinia would rather not show.If anything bad happens to her,she just tries to forget it and carry on,but there are still memories that one cannot simply erase.Talkative,this girl will never hesitate to join a conversation and laugh along others.She is also that kind of person that doesn't believe anything one says untill she sees it with her own eyes.
Appearance |Standing around 5'5,Lavinia has short,blonde hair and green eyes.As a result of her tomboy personality,she is rarely seen with make-up.She usually wears a blue shirt and black leather jacket along with black jeans and brown boots.
History|Raised in the countryside,Lavinia loved since she was a child the nature.Without her parents permission,she would sneak outside and run into the forest,where she would walk along the river nearby and practice shooting with her bow.At the age of seven,Lavinia's parents divorced and so,the girl stayed with her mother.This didn't bode well for the young girl,since she never got along with her mother,especially since she was restricted from seeing her father.Years passed,Lavinia never becoming the calm,responsible girl her mother wanted her to be,and she managed to leave the country,hoping for a change in life.
Relationships?|-Her mother and father,Elena and Mihai,now divorced.Lavinia hasn't talked to them in a while now.
-She had a boyfriend,but they quickly broke up when Lavinia found out he was cheating on her.
Strengths |Archery,close-combat and well-organised.
Weaknesses |As much as she denies it, she has trypanophobia,or else known as fear of needles.
Nationality |Romanian
Sexuality |Straight

"Supernatural creatures?Yeah,right...."


Her faithfull companion,Russel,a husky.She loves him to bits since the day she found him as a pup.
Car |
Other?|Whenever she swears or doesn't want to be understood, she speaks in romanian.
Rock is her favourite music.
She loves beer,this is why she tends to drink too much without even realizing it.
