Author Topic: Silverwish: WC story game  (Read 1421 times)

Offline Celeyan

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Silverwish: WC story game
« on: November 18, 2013, 03:44:07 am »

S i l v e r p a w

This game is about four forgotten clans who were driven out of their old lands many moons ago by a mysterious very deadly disease that they have long forgotten.

The four clans, Sun, Moon, Sky, and Dawn have all been thriving and doing well in their new homes and territories for countless moons- raising young kits, and making tough warriors. The cats were healthy, plenty of food everywhere, each clan was able to catch their own food, and times of peace allowed them all to grow strong, and plump, with peace dancing among each and every clan.

But everything good must eventually, fall.

You will be leading the life of a young kitten named Silverkit, the smallest of her litter- suffering from very slight Cerebellar Hypoplasia, an impacted gait. Has starclan made you just to show their sense of humor? Are you destined for nothing great, nothing important?

Or are you destined for something, greater? Are you the one in the new and up-coming prophecy?
Do you have powers dancing in your wobbly paws?

The only thing I can tell is that secrets are going to come out, and the results will be chaotic.

Plot: There are four clans, yet we are going to make the primary focus Skyclan. Silverkit, the cat you will lead the life of was found during a patrol, it is unknown just were she had come from, yet Skyclan's pure heart wasn't about to leave a kitten freezing cold during the winter. Despite your small size, you were given to a queen, who became your new mother. You have grown up- not knowing that you weren't actually related to your family.

How you play: I will be writing a simple, basic paragraph, and then give you some choices that you can select to make the story progress in a certain way. An example of the game will be below, so you can see what I'm talking about and not be confused/understand the game better:

S i l v e rkit had woken up next to her mother, only to see the snout of someone poking into the nursery. The scent was something she had never smelled before. Her natural curiosity beamed through, yet her instinctive fear also kicked in, she didn't know what to do. The sound of something digging had begun filling her sensitive ears- adding onto both feelings. Was it another cat, or was it dangerous? Could something dangerous sneak into the camp? Silverkit was stuck between choices.

A - Go investigate, and see what it is.
B - Wake your mother, and let her go investigate.
C - Call for help immediately, it could be a fox!

Then you guys- would respond with what choice you believe is best, and after one choice gets a lot of votes, ill write the next paragraph. Then it goes on and on, ect. Some choices can have bad results, while some choices can have good results, its up to you.

Be sure to make your choices wisely, as Silverkit is in your hands.

The b e g i n n i n g

Silverkit liked to look outside the nursery.

Fog-tinted fairy trees stood together- united in a barbecue-red leaved forest. Muffling winds deaden all sound in the forest and slow the billowy bells of cloud. The rain that darkened the moods of all drenched all of the cats in the camp of Skyclan, the drops of water were not the soft, sodden, swollen raindrops of summer- not the light, refreshing drizzles of spring showers- but the plump and pregnant raindrops of autumn.

The mist that floated around the camp, and the lake near it gave Silverkit a hint that she was still in the nether world between night and day. She had woken up, earlier than most of her siblings, and was able to watch the storm that had begun only a few moments ago form and break. Silverkit was able to watch the mist linger over the lone waters of the river near their camp, lone and dead like a phantom's veil; soundless, voiceless, and soulless, it slid away. Their waters were sad and chilly, yet full with the water dropping from the sky, the tears from the clouds. The woods were grey, yet strangely colorful- splashes of orange and red showing the signs of fall.

The sense of peace was interrupted by the sound of a voice.

"Hey Silverkit!" was the words she had her. The sudden change in atmosphere had made her quickly turn around with a hiss- her fur fluffing up in instinct and her small claws digging into the dirt. She had calmed when she had realized it was just her sister. Her sister's fur was burnished, almost coppery- a distinctive feature which always made her know that that cat was her sister. Lagoon-blue eyes were mellow and warm, and her paws twitched with the hyperactive and agile personality that lay hidden in them. "Erm, hey, Oakkit." She had said sweetly, her fur flattening on her back.

"Its a nice day, isn't it?" Oakkit had said, looking outside. Silverkit narrowed her galaxy-blue eyes in suspicion. White-furred back bristling lightly, her tail beating lightly against the floor at her sister who was glancing out of the nursery with a glint in her eyes. "Its raining, what are you getting at, Oakkit?" Silverkit had asked bluntly, head tilting lightly. Oakkit had sighed, looking around nervously. "Well, Coldkit asked me to get you to want to come with us to go and explore." She had said suddenly. Silverkit looked at her in confusion. "But Coldkit is asleep." She had stated, in a matter-of-fact tone, before she heard the light chuckle of her brother fill the air.

"I'm awake, now can you lower your voices, we don't want to wake mum or the other kits and their mothers." Coldkit had spoken, green eyes darting around mischievously before landing on Silverkit who had looked at him with a frown. Coldkit and Silverkit never got along, even if they were siblings. The brown-furred male constantly picked on his smaller sister, making them the two who argued the most. He teased her daily, and constantly. "I was asking if you'd like to come with me, Oakkit, Treekit, and Mousekit. We were going to explore. The warriors wouldn't notice- its raining, everyone is grumpy. So why don't we go and explore?"

Silverkit looked at him. If she didn't do, she'd be considered baby, something that everyone would call her. Everyone thought she was fragile, and she didn't like it. But- if she went, what if something bad happened? They'd get in trouble when they were found, too..

What should she do?

A - Go with them, prove your brave.
B - Don't go, dignity is an excuse for the stupid to justify their own suicides.
C - Wake up your mother, you don't want your siblings getting hurt.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2013, 08:06:49 pm by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline Exotica345

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Re: Silverwish: WC story game
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2013, 03:46:21 pm »
I'd say... B. I don't want little Silverkit getting hurt, or being the Clan snitch. :-D

Final Answer: B

Offline Celeyan

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Re: Silverwish: WC story game
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2013, 08:23:33 pm »

The b e g i n n i n g

Silverkit, after a moment, had looked up with a defian glare- moving into a proud position, and allowing her small tail to swish in the air confidently and slowly. "No." She had said simply and firmly, a frown dusting her dainty features. Coldkit's confident smirk had fallen, and his ears pinned back, as a hiss made it's way from his lips. He looked at her with a cold glare- eyes narrowing as he turned around, looking at her siblings. "Fine, let the baby stay here. Lets go guys." He had said simply, before moving and trotting out of the nursery, stealthily and quietly. His black tail was the last thing she saw, before she watched as the others followed. Her eyes landed on her sister, Oakkit- who seemed to be hesitant to go as well. She looked at Silverkit, with a pleading gaze.

Silverkit just turned away.

She heard Oakkit sigh, before turning hesistantly to look to see her makign her way out of the nursery. Silverkit had laid next to her mother once more, yawning- and laying down. She could catch a few 'zzz's while her siblings went to go explore. The kit didn't think anything bad would happen to them. She had just barely closed her eyes, when she felt something bat her ear. The kitten didn't think much of it, could have just been her imagination. So she had continued to lay there, curled up, attempting to go back to sleep. That was when she felt something bat harshly at her face. The kitten had gotten up with a hiss, swinging her paw at the attacker- only to get shoved forward into the other, who had batted at her again. Her eyes made out the color grey, before she was pushed to the ground. She had hissed again, ready to alliterate when she looked up to see another kitten. A familiar one. If you had thought Coldkit and her were enemies, then that was just kitten stuff to what she had with this other kitten. His name was Nightkit- and he was the rudest most meanest cat she had ever met before. They had met with tooth and claw- their mothers having to desperate them, as something had snapped in both of their minds and they began fighting.

She didn't like him at all.

"Get off of me!" She had yowled- kicking with her back legs. The male kitten had tumbled with a shocked mewl, before hissing at her. "Hello, Rotkit. Where did your siblings go, huh?" That question made Silverkit freeze. Nightkit- would he tell his mother, or her mother were her siblings went? She didn't want them to get hurt, but she didn't want her mother to be mad at her for not telling her.

What should she do?

What should she do?

A - Lie: "They around sleeping on the other side of mum."
B - Lie: "They went to go listen to stories from the elders."
C - Truth: "They went out to explore. I didn't go."
D - ?: "Mother!"

Offline Exotica345

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Re: Silverwish: WC story game
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2013, 10:49:58 pm »
I'm torn between C and D, with the lies i'm rather positive he'd just go look. Though with C Nightkit could tell her mother, and then Silverkit and her siblings would probably get in trouble resulting in her siblings disliking her more. With D her mom could chase Nightkit off, or Nightkit could be like, the worst kit ever, and say something like 'Silverkit won't tell me where Coldkit and the others are.'
Tough decisions...

Final Answer: D
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 10:51:32 pm by Lovin'Life »