Author Topic: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~  (Read 8411 times)

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2013, 08:04:36 am »

The dull figure slowly crept through the trash as it clung to her matted fur, tongue loosely hanging from her dry mouth with her tail held between her legs. Edme had traveled a long way, and this city didn't look anything different than the one she was before. Was she going in circles? Maybe, she didn't care. The muffled sounds of barking made her prick her traingular ears away from her scalp, hackles bristling with excitment as a crooked smile spread across her lips- revealing her white canines. She quickened her pace, thundering across the cold cement without a care in the world. "Aye, anybody 'ere?" She snapped, her bark echoing through the empty buildings.

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2013, 08:50:29 am »
((Of course Slate is accepted! Also I've changed Gypsys appearance and breed and I to will make a cat!))

The sound blowing echoed through the canines head causing her to sharply turn her head, a growl escaping her maw as her lips curled back-a pipe had seemed to have been broken in the incident and it began blowing out cloud of smoke. Narrowing her eyes she let out a huff and peered around once again-soon continuing on her way. The clipping of paws on the pavement slightly filled the air as she trotted down the street-alrert as anything could be around lurking in the shadows. "Damn this place looks like a piece of shit..." She sighed-it use to be so beautiful. The sounds of sudden barking caught her attention-a brow raised there was teo things this could be another canine like herself, or a mutant. Picking up her pace she quietly thundered down the street coming to a stop at a corner and slowly glancing around.
Another canine stood glancing around with his tail held high-her brows raising for a moment. "Is this canine really unmutated?!" She questioned to herself. Quietly and again alert the bitch slowly curled around the corner and stood not to far away from the former dog-her tail up a little as she looked across to him. He seemed fine and his eyes weren't glowing-so that was a result. "It was me.." She admitted from the brutes previous question-another bark then piercing her ears from a distance.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 09:28:41 am by Taylor »
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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2013, 09:40:59 am »

Name: Sapphier, but she prefers to be called Saph for short. 
Age: 3 years old.
Gender: Female
Breed: American Shorthair
Sub-Breed: Nothing, she's a purebred cat. 
Personality:Sapphire is quite a laid back female who tends to keep to herself-although she is pretty nosy and likes to know everything that is going on. She's a fun loving female who loves to be on the move-and you'll often see her thundering across the roof tops. Despite her kind nature she does have a horrid side to her-and she will more than likely snap or even attack if she feels the need. Saph does like to cause a little mischief and annoy others from time to time.
History: Sapphire has always been a beautiful little stray-when her mother had the litter she was last to be snatched up, but a loving family she went to. This feline loved her new home and she couldn't have been treated any better-the kids lover her, their parents loved her-even the familys Shepherd loved her. Once the incident happeded it broke the faes heart-not only did she lose her family she lost her bestest friend in the worl (Duke) their dog. Now she lives alone venturing the streets.
Crush: Not yet.
Mate: Not at the moment.
Pups: Sadly none.
Family: They are all deceased. 
Extra: Nothing extra.

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2013, 04:15:12 pm »

Her dark eyes glowed amber of excitement as more voices filled the air, making her cascade through the fog and eye the two figures in the mist. "Aye, mateys, over 'ere." The half-mutant growled, lowering her head and pushing on through the dense scent of sickness. She looked pretty much as a mutant- her fur was long and fluffy, but her frame was really skinny and her eyes glowed with radiation. One could easily mistake her for another being.

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2013, 09:41:47 pm »

Heeler's growl rumbled louder at the sight of a figure appearing around the corner. He squinted slightly - the distance from him to the creature was long off - before taking a few steps forward. Studying the canine curiously, he noted that it was nothing like a mutant, and his fur immediately settled down, however, he kept his tail in the same position. At the figure's response, he determined by the voice that it was a fae. Heeler remained silent for a moment, before raising his head to stare back at the figure. Normally, if the stranger was on his territory, or shelter, he would ask to state their business. However, this was a different situation, and obviously the question would not be suitable. Hastily thinking of a question, he called, "Who are you?" It was the only thing he could think of; his mind seemed stuck as he brushed one paw onto the muddy ground.

Slamming her paw down, Kimika pinned an object down with her paw, growling as she bent down to inspect it. She took a few whiffs of it, before reluctantly letting the wind carry it away. It was nothing but an old newspaper - ripped and dead. The mix shook her pelt, before continuing down the deserted streets, feeling quite alone as she trotted along. The faded barks echoed against the walls, causing Kimika to freeze as she glanced around. Perhaps it was a mutant, or a survivor? Nevertheless, the canine turned and headed the opposite direction of it - there was no need to get into a hassle all for another dog. However, curiosity sparked inside of her; she turned and sprinted down the streets, heading towards the sound. As she approached, the fog seemed to become heavier, and she found herself wandering blindly through the thick mist. She paused for a moment at the sound of a growl, and she realized it was in front of her - another canine pressing through the fog as well. It was far off, however, and the scents were brushed away with the fog, so she struggled to determined what this was. Shaking her pelt, Kimika trotted forward, baring her teeth slightly for safety.

((Changing Slate's breed to a Bengal))

A striped tail whiskered out of sight as a figure moved stealthily through the mist. His fur fluffed up from the cold, Slate scurried forward, keeping his ears perked for any danger close by. Tiny stones pricked at his paws, and he winched slightly, however, he continued forward, despite the pain. Switching onto the muddy street, he nearly tripped over his paws at the sound of barking; followed by a yelp. Freezing, Slate unsheathed his claws, hissing softly as he surveyed the area. Realizing that the sounds were very near, he managed to scurry out of sight when a figure trekked through the fog itself. Moments later, another figure followed, however, it was far off from the first one. Wondering if these were mutants, the Bengal sheathed his claws and peered around the building corner, watching the figures slowly disappear out of sight. Another bark echoed down the streets, causing Slate to trembled slightly as he turned away. Perhaps these are mutants - one surely looks like it. He muttered to himself, noting the first one through the fog. A little curious, however, wishing to inspect, he started around the corner and began to follow the last canine - staying near the old buildings as he surged forward. Moments later, he found himself hidden by the fog - with two canines facings each other, as if they were in mid-battle. Hushing himself, he unsheathed his claws and remained hidden, keeping a good distance away from the four canines.

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2013, 09:54:20 pm »

Wait,she thought.What is that? Is that...barking? Alusia turned rot see a group of dogs barking at each other not too far from her. She slowly got to her paws as began walking towards them. "I better be careful. Who knows if their mutants or not?" She mumbled to herself. The golden fae tried to remain quiet as she went over to investigate. She wanted them to be other dogs, so that she wouldn't be the only one left.

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And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2013, 11:00:07 pm »

The fog had blurred out the other image of the canine slightly-as the sun crept higher into the sky the fog seemed to be vanishing. The image of the dog becoming more clear and now she could tell it was a brute. The tri-colored faes ears lifted slightly as the dog spoke her tail wagging a little as she finally found an unmutated soul. With a quick sigh she cleared her throat "I'm Gypsy, who are you?.." She questioned raising a brow-but soon allowing it to drop. Growls becoming louder from behind-turning her head she noticed another canine-but this one seeming more mutant. Maybe it was? A snarl erupted from the canines throat as she peered narrow eyes at the dog. Turning sharply back to the other canine Gypsy watched the strange beast from the corner of her eye.

A small yawn erupted from the grey felines mouth as she slowly lifted to her paws-the faes slender frame standing in the spotlight that shone through her window. It seemed awfully foggy outside-but it would soon clear up with the sun. Sapphire huffed and clambered through the ruined building, leaping over a few slates and old furniture that remained in the old shop. The American Shorthair squeezed through a small gap in the wall that allowed her to exit the building-her eyes blinking several times as they adjusted to the sligh. "Hmmm.." She mumbled to herself as she glanced around-her ice blue eyes scanning the area carefully. It seemed nothing was there as usual "Nothing new!" She sighed with a slight huff. But she decided to ignore the negativity that ran through her and trotted down the street. Her small paws kicking up small pebbles as her tail continued to flick.

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2013, 01:25:02 am »

"Name's Heeler," the cattle dog responded. He relaxed when he realized that the canine, now known as Gypsy, gave no harm. Hesitating for a moment, he lowered his tail and cautiously padded forward to examine the canine. He paused a few feet away, shooting a glare at the fog, he could see the faint outline of another figure - possibly a mutant. Baring his teeth, Heeler watched the figure for a moment, before returning his attention back onto Gypsy, keeping alerted for any strange movement of the mutant again.

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2013, 04:29:30 pm »

A smile grew across her face as the brute introduced himself, nodding her head. "Well, nice to meet you, Heeler!" She barked a little. Tilting her head as the brute came a little closer-shrugging she began examining the male. Soon following his gaze to a dark figure in the distance-its eyes seemed like they were slightly glowing. The Collie cross narrowed her eyes for a moment her tail stopped wagging "Looks like a mutant..." She whispered looking back at the beast that seemed to be remaining still. A little wary the bitch turned to dace Heeler with a half smile now plastered across her face.

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Re: ||Things Have Changed|| (Open&Accepting) Rated~M~
« Reply #19 on: November 22, 2013, 10:55:34 pm »

Alusia slowed her pace to a stop and sat down. The golden mutt tilted her head to one side and heard the dogs talking to each other. They seemed pretty normal to her. I should talk to them. If their mutants, I'll try and make a run for it. She thought to herself. She breathed and stood back up. "Uh, Hello? Any normal dogs out there?" She called half-heartedly. She waited, getting ready to run if she needed to.  

Is it ok if I make a cat, too? :)

Name: Tara
Age: 2 years
Gender: She-cat
Breed: Maine coon
Sub-breed: N/A
Personality: Tara is a quiet cat that keeps to herself. She isn't one to make friends, but if she does become friends with you, she's a friend for life. Although se prefers to be alone, she will join a group if needed.
History: Tara grew up in a shelter, were her mom and siblings had been adopted. She didn't have very many friends, and no one seemed to want her. When the shelter closed down, she was dumped on the streets. When everything changed, she kept on alone as she is now.
Crush: No.
Mate: Haha, no.
Pups: Nope.
Extra: Nothing really.

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3