Author Topic: What annoys you most about Feral heart?  (Read 13623 times)

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2014, 08:36:54 am »
Original ideas in FH, and Humans, and Ancesion [Don't know how to spell it] Island character. [AoT, BB, Hetalia, etc]

*EDIT* 7/14/14

By original ideas, I meant ideas of rps, people are coming up with that I am annoyed about.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 08:42:36 am by Venus// »

this is a double bass not a cello
feral neighborhood discord mod

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2014, 12:39:44 am »
I wish General chat was back.. easy to find a good roleplay

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2014, 01:52:16 am »
Well I have to admit I do dislike how I see very little lion role-plays lately, but my biggest thing is every time I make a group I hardly ever get people to join it now, but dislike even more so when members are not active or if they find out it's mapped after reading in your ad that it is mapped, and leave your group. That annoys me the most. You read we were mapped or soon to be, and yet oyu still joined then left. I find that very uncool of members to do.

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #43 on: July 15, 2014, 02:07:36 am »
What annoys me most about FH is the lag and some of the glitches, yes I love the game but sometimes lag takes over and glitches get to out of hand... anyways that's what makes me go crazy XD      Best Wishes~ Cloud and Ivy

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2014, 04:32:50 am »
I don't really like how things are different, how things have changed over the course of 3 years. I mean, if you compare January 2011 to now, there would be...a lot of different things. More or less, roleplay; I haven't seen a single roleplay that I would like to join at all, and back in 2011 I loved all of them. Eh, I guess I'm getting all nostalgic and sentimental, but I miss that feeling.

Another is how people think they're all that.

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #45 on: July 15, 2014, 07:37:35 am »
The RolePlays. Its always either one specific type (Ex: Warrior Cats in Flourite) or someone starts a group or pack or something and it will only stay active or interesting for a day then it will fizzle out...this just being from my own personal experience...


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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2014, 07:55:01 pm »
I have to say the thing that annoys me the most on Feralheart is the community. If you fit into one spot, people get mad at you for it. If you make a typo, people get mad at you for it. If you like something that they don't, they get mad at you for it.

It's just a series of people who seem to hate everything they see.
And I tell you, it's very annoying and immature.

Offline StarrieNova

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #47 on: July 17, 2014, 07:31:43 am »
I know I posted on this earlier, but I think I would like to place my annoyances a little bit better.

{1} I dislike people who make a popularity status: in the game that shouldn't have it. Like for example(sorry to use you as my example! xD) Aicosu125 from the HowlingLassTeam. Yes I am fully aware, and am a fan of the work she contributes into the team. I love their videos, and watch their channels. No one is supposed to have more popularity in this game. Everyone in my thoughts are the exact same, and are on the same level. No one should have better treatment than most. The HowlingLassTeam in my belief should be treated as normal members, and not put up on a high pedistal along with others who are placed on that pedistal.

{2} MateBeggers/MateClaimers: I dislike when people come running up to you, and scream at the top of their lungs or creepishly whisper into your ear, "Can I be your mate?!" Then follow you if you choose to ignore them. Forcing you to either acknowledge them or block them. Honestly I am not one of the member who will block someone so I deal with the fact they follow me until I get to a place where they an't. Then that's where I enjoy watching their struggle to get up to  spot I am on. Then they log off to get wings. That right there is when I run as fast as I can to get away form the area. MateClaimers are even more irritating because what they do is claim somebody they like for their character, and not give anyone else in the game have a chance to try to see if they can role-play with that person. I have run into so many MateClaimers, and dislike seeing them be that way with other members.

{3} PowerPlayers: Now these guys are pretty annoying too. In the middle of a role-play you get this one person who comes into your group, and role-plays from a bush that they are preparing to kill either you or one of your group members. When I notice them I ignore what they are saying, but then there is that one member in the group who goes right up to the bush-dweller, and initiates the biggest issue ever that usually ends in a person being kicked form the group or the group disbans. It's annoying when things like that happen. Ex. "Watching from the bush I leap at the cat walking to me, and bite its throat being sure to suffocate it until it stops moving. Letting go of the cat I quickly go to drink up the spilling blood of my victory." I hate seeing things like that.

{4} God-Modding: I dislike the God-Modding members. I..I know I should have a bigger explanation for this one, but I am unable to think of better words for it. So all I can say is...if you try to control someone else's character movements. That is known as God-Modding, and I hope you stop doing so.

{5} Perverted Members I like some perverted humor at certain places and time, but people who do it in local chats irritate me to no end. Then when you try to tell them to continue that chat elsewhere they get mad with you, and scream at the top of their lungs in all caps, "FREEDOM OF SPEECH!" That just makes me want to smack them, and poke their parents to ground them or something. I am a kid who was raised on spankings for inappropriate behavior, but I think groundment will be an ok punishment for this generation. Honestly though...keep it in private chats people!

{6} Snooty Members: There are leaders of groups who think their groups are too good for some members. If your group has certain requirements on it like you have to have markings and items to join so that you don't have to worry about everyone not seeing you. Yet there are leaders out there that get mad if you don't fit their attitude requirements. Like you have to be a mean jerk to join an evil clan. You have to be a white lion/ess if you wish to join a certain pride, and you can't be a certain pelt color or design to join a group. I dislike people who are that snooty about players joining their groups.

{7} Mod-Bashers: People who bash on the Mods/Admins of this game tick me off to no end. The Mods/Admins are doing their best for this game. They are people who do things for the better of the members in this game. So you guys who bash on them need to lay off their case. They are amazing for being able to keep this game running for us. If you feel oyu can do better than them I suggest you go make a different version of Feral Heart, and see if you can run it as well as they can.

{8} Trollers: People who troll you are sometimes fun, but when they take things out of hand it's just annoying and rude. Everyone came onto Feral Heart to enjoy their time on here not to be harassed by people who are either really bored out of their mind or are just doing that to see if they can get themselves into trouble. I am in love with a guy who calls himself the Troll King, but he doesn't go out of his way to irritate people. I just wish for trolls who take things out of had would just knock it off.

{9} No Sense of Humor: There are also members who don't have a sense of humor. I dislike members who get mad over ever little movement you make. Even when you aren't trying to make a joke. It's irritating that you can't make anything fun happen in the gorups you are in when you have that one person who doesn't know how to joke around, and have fun sometimes.

Honestly that is all I can think of at the moment on things that irritate me about Feral Heart.

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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #48 on: July 21, 2014, 07:21:11 pm »
I hate when people call them selves like, boss, queen, king, etc. and I get easily annoyed by how much lag there is in bonfire, fluorite D: Also when there are like RP of wolf pack they say like you can cross a certain point of the map or else they would like kill you? Seriously. -.-
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Re: What annoys you most about Feral heart?
« Reply #49 on: August 01, 2014, 06:46:44 pm »
I have really no problem with feralheart now, But It still can be a annoying expierence sometimes.

Theres  a huge list...Honestly

Impersonating mods, Trolls,Hackers,Grammar Nazi's and so and so forth

I really am very angry at the 'Grammar Nazi' though. I'm probably going to make a few mistakes since I type fast

and I really don't read over my post.The only reason this would be ok, If somebody is LEARNING the language.

Because its all about trial and error with learning. Trust me, I've been learning german, and Its not easy.

Ich bedarf kaffee.

Yes,I very much do now.

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