Author Topic: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting  (Read 50841 times)

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #50 on: December 06, 2013, 02:22:41 pm »


Manasa blinked, rather surprised that the pup snapped at him. Bristling, the coydog turned to face the young shepherd, baring his teeth in irritation. "Watch yourself, kid." He snarled, glaring down at the youngling before half turning away. "Don't you have something better to do than piss me off?" The ill tempered hybrid huffed, turning his back on the pup and leaping up onto an adjacent abandoned vehicle. His large ears perked forward to notice the various other canids wandering the streets, his sights drawn to the few infected dogs near by. Clenching his teeth with a low growl, Manasa slunk down, crawling inside the driver's seat of the old car through the shattered window. "Get down and shut up, kid. Unless you want to be ripped to shreads by those freaks." He growled in a whisper. While he really didn't care at all for the pup, he wasn't about to let one of his own turn to the infected side.


Molek snickered, eyeing the few plague-infected dogs on the streets below. "Hmm, the pickings are good, indeed. With these starting numbers, this city will be rid of those pesky immune mutts in no time." The canine huffed with a brief laugh, licking his scarred muzzle once more. His gaze wandered to the seemingly normal dogs- quite a few of them, and a crooked grin etched itself across his slim face. "Time to have a bit of fun." The scrawny male flashed a toothy smirk before turning around, disappearing from street view to make his way down from the building.
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Offline meeeea

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #51 on: December 06, 2013, 02:47:02 pm »

The fae's view was suddenly clouded as a large clank was emitted from the apartment above. Stuttering backwards, Ashai could feel the hot breath on her neck before she managed to jump away from the tawny canine as it started to pelt after her down the stairs. Another infected. The thought buzzed through her mind as she jumped down the broken down stairs, hiding behind a corner of the building as she watched the disgusting canine come through the door, maw drooling. As it approached the corner, Ashai rammed into it, clutching it's scrawny neck with her jowls and slowly strangling it to death before it could make another sound.

{Changed his appearance a bit}
Raigho kept his moistened nose to the ground, inhaling the fresh scents of dog and perking his floppy ears. He could see a dark shape up in the distance, and it smelled rotten and disgusting -- just like the rest of the infected. Pulling his drooling lips into a smirk, he clumsily pushed his way through the mist to follow the black canine with uneven steps. "Oi, you there!" Raigho raised a brow, raising his head while his two fangs that poked up from his upper jaws brushed against his tongue as he spoke. "Up for som' sneaky hunts?" Cackling, the mutt tilted his head with another glare at the dog. "Ay'll help ya' with 'dat." The muscular dog snapped at the air, teeth clanking together as he started to slowly pad towards Molek.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #52 on: December 06, 2013, 03:08:14 pm »
[[D'aw he almost looks like my doggie. <3


Moleks silent pawsteps froze as a sudden voice rang in his single ear. Turning around, the brute raised his eyebrows in an unimpressed fashion at the mix breed who had approached him, tail held parallel with the earth. His bored expression faded into a faint smirk, his long canines showing just below his short jowls. "Sneaky hunting, you say?" Molek murmured, taking a few slow steps toward the fellow infected dog. He snickered and paused just in front of the boxer mix, raising his head. "I like your style, mutt. Company is hard to come across these days." The brute let out a dark chuckle, tipping his head slightly to the side.
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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #53 on: December 06, 2013, 03:11:54 pm »

Akil yelped when she felt another dog's hot breath on the back of her neck. Spinning around she analyzed the dog's features. Cloudy eyes, Matted fur, but one thing kept her from running.
"James..." He quietly growled at the mention of his name. She stepped forward expectantly, not sure if he would attack or say something. He stepped backwards, growling louder and not meeting her gaze. "James... Do you even recognize me?" his eyes snapped towards her, and she could see the faintest of glimmers of light. "Go." James growled "Molek can't know I let you go."
She blinked slowly and whimpered when he snapped at her ankles. She ran and ran, but what was she running from?
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline meeeea

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #54 on: December 06, 2013, 03:28:54 pm »

As the male turned about, Raigho let out a chuckle rumble from his sore throat. "Lead da' way, 'den." Scratching at his ear, the boxer mix scrunched his muzzle up in another sadistic grin.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #55 on: December 06, 2013, 03:57:05 pm »


Molek smirked and nodded, turning around and taking a few strides forward. He paused his steps once more, ear perking forward as he noticed one of the few infecteds under his command- by the name of James, a good distance away down the street. The brute watched with head low as James seemed to speak with a non-infected dog. A crooked smirk appeared on Molek's face, expecting the brute to dispatch the female with one swift bite at any second. Much to his bewilderment, James had let the female go without so much as a scrabble. Molek's grin immediately flushed into a scowl. "For starters, I believe I need to have a word with our friend James over there." The brute growled, glancing over at the boxer mix, then at the Australian Koolie who James had let go free. "Meanwhile, you can get started. Kill her." He snapped with a dark snarl, taking a few strides forward, but stopping to glance at the boxer over his shoulder. "And don't forget, have fun!" The wolf-dog cackled, quickly snapping his attention back to James as he made his way over.

Molek stopped before the other infected canine, scraggly tail arched upwards. "Hello, James. I couldn't help but notice that adoooorable little conversation you've had with that female- who- just so happened to be one of the immune mongrels running this town." His tone at the start was sing-songy, but by the end of his sentence, it had turned gravely and irritated. "Tsk, tsk. You should know betttteeeerrr. Molek remarked with a smirk, his tone once more sing-songy. However, he quickly snapped into an aggressive mindset, lunging forward without warning and grabbing hold of the other brute's scruff to haul him to the ground, where he proceeded to place a paw upon his neck to hold him still. He stood bristling over James, fangs bared as he snarled down at him. "If I ever catch you mingling with those mutts again I'll rip your damn throat out myself. You know good and well that our purpose here is to exterminate those swine, and yet you have audacity you let one go?! One more mistake, James, one more mistake and you'll pay with your sad excuse of a life." Molek barked, foamy saliva dripping from his deadly jaws. Snapping his incisors in the air just above the brute's face, he let out one last snarl before stepping off of him.
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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #56 on: December 06, 2013, 04:15:49 pm »
Another appearance change. I found this pic on dA and it fits this RP so well, so he's now a grey German Shepherd x
Grey Wolf x Husky

The male smirked at Molek's words, turning about without a word. "Name's Raigho." The shepherd mix stated before thundering off after the Koolie, using the shadows as his friend. "Where the hell are you?" He whispered, picking up a trail soon after. His unamannered claws clicked against the concrete, Raigho spotted the sleek silhouette in the distance -- besides, her matted merle coat could be seen from an airplane. Hopping up onto a nearby car, the mutt lowered himself and snapped his jaws like an alligator ready to hop up and snatch it's prey. "You can't hide, lil' girl." He hummed, slowly nearing her with a slow pace. "'Cause' the big, bad, wolf, is gonna' get you!" With that, he leaped into the air with a roar rumbling from the depths of his throat, kicking up debris as he chased after Akil.

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #57 on: December 06, 2013, 04:27:57 pm »
James kept his eyes free of emotion as his lips turned upwards in a snarl "It won't happen again." he growled I just can't run into Akil again... He shook his grey-brown fur and stood slowly his cloudy gaze fixed on Akil's retreating figure, then he noticed what looked like a boxer was lumbering after her, "Who's that?" He barked. Then he heard her scream and it took all his concentration to not run after her.

Akil kept running and then after about five minutes she stopped and looked around. It seemed she had stopped in what was left of the market street. She continued walking, her tail swinging back and forth lightly as she walked. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess; James recognized me! Who is Molek? Is he an infected? Why didn't James attack? Is he still sane? The buildings around her looked like they had survived a nuclear attack and she chuckled "Well the attack half is correct."
Her ears twitched as she heard the growl and her head whipped around so fast she had almost gotten whiplash. She screamed and started her sprint again.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline meeeea

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #58 on: December 06, 2013, 04:35:42 pm »

The scream was music to his tattered ears -- Raigho flung himself forward, muscular legs extending as far as he could manage until he was inches away from the merle-coated fae. He bent his muzzle towards her back legs, snapping his jowls in an attempt to bite at her ankles and make her fall. If he managed to do that, the female would most likely crashh into the concrete and he would be able to end her life quickly. If not, she could do a quick turn and dissapear. IN that case, stealth could be his advantage here.

Offline Jackkdaw

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Re: .:Virus:. Plague dog RP; Accepting
« Reply #59 on: December 06, 2013, 04:37:35 pm »


Molek paused and turned to glare back at James while the brute got back to his feet. "It better not, James. Unless you want your lungs ripped out through your mouth." The brute snarled. He perked his single ear at James' question, tracing his gaze over to see Raigho chasing after the Koolie, as he'd instructed. A smirk quickly crept across his face and he turned to stand beside James. "That, is Raigho. Seeing as you're too pathetic to handle one non-infected mutt, Raigho is going to do your job for you." Molek remarked with a growl, the corners of his mouth curled up in a sadistic sneer as he glanced over at James. At the sound of a female scream, Molek snickered.
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