The official 2023 Newsletter is out! Read here!
Wow, this is so kind if yew Oreo! Gosh, such lovely drawings. I'm sure everyone will love them. <3 +Floof for thoughtfulness
I'm sure Vespian will love it Oreo<3 Once again, awesome job ;o; I love chur style~
I didn't expect it would be me smiling from ear to ear reading through this thread. I am very contented by your words Ms. I'm very appreciative that you find my lingo so intriguing, more so that ye' find me encouraging. It really does mean a lot. I will most definitely be setting this as my signature once Christmas rolls around. You certainly know how to make another's day, for that I am grateful. When I am able to floof you again, I'll see to it that it happens.
Oh my word, Oreo, this makes me so happy. ;U;It really means a lot, and I can't even begin to express how grateful I am to have such an awesome amigo like you. <3Thank you so much, and have a very merry Christmas! ;u;
...oh my god, Oreo. For me?! Gah, no dearie! You must have the wrong person ;o; You honestly have no clue how happy this made me, let alone, tell me that I actually mean something around these forums. Your words really touched me and I mean that. When I saw an update I thought that it would be of another mod or a former MOTS, but me? I gaped at the realization that you had drawn me a lovely gift. My eyes even teared up a bit<3 You have made my night hun. Thank you so much<3 ;-;
Wow you draw fast Lovely update Oreo~ It's so nice all the floofs appreciate you drawing skills.~
Lovely update Oreo~<3 You are so generous to be making surprise gifts for all these members of the community, and I wish you luck on finishing the rest. c: