
Part III?

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Author Topic: Anonymous II  (Read 979 times)

Offline _Rache_

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Anonymous II
« on: January 04, 2014, 07:50:24 am »
Vinzenz rolled his head, which made his neck give a disturbing crackle in return. He innocently walked back inside and prepared himself a glass of soda. After gulping down the fizzy tooth-destroyer, he shuffled up the stairs and off to bed.
Vinzenz entered the school bus and immediately sat in the front, as close to the bus driver as he could. His soft heart stopped once his worst bully of them all, Zander, stomped up the three tall stairs, gaining his way through the creaky bus door. He approached Vinzenz and grabbed his backpack, tossing it into the aisle. That triggered the demonic figure inside. His heart raced as it turned to cold stone. Vinzenz's blue eyes flashed vivid red as he sprung to his feet. A dreadful shove is all it took for Zander to stagger backwards, trip over Vinzenz's backpack, and hit his sorry little head onto the window of the seat across from Vinzenz's. His eyes tinted back to blue as he sat back into his seat to regain his control. Once the bus approached the middle school, he was the first one into the building as usual. He paced to his homeroom, which was down the main hall, on the third floor to the left. He scrambled his locker combination into the lock and shoved his jacket and bag into the beige locker. Meanwhile, he struggled to yank out his assignment notebook, pencil case, and Core 1 binder.
Vinzenz pounded his head and tapped his foot the entire Core 4 period. He had been ever so desperate to get the U2 test back, for he studied like a maniac for that. At last, Mr. Hanester passed back the tests. Vinzenz's eyes gleamed red as they observed the big fat B- on his test. It was humane, but his parents were strict. A B was a failure to them. How will Vinzenz settle this grade with the teacher, keeping note that the demon dwells inside him?

Part III will be posted if I get enough feedback!
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