Author Topic: ~|:|~ Live to escape ~|:|~ Supernatural/Human Rp. {Mature} {Open & Accepting}  (Read 25471 times)


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Alice Wildes

  Alice traveled upon the river banks as she leapt over the water fall landing nearly breaking her arm she saw Karliah she then screamed "HOLD ON!" as she ran to her limping slowly as she grabbed her short lightly and threw her to shore, hoping she was alright, and too worried to notice before it happened the current was slowly sweeping her off her feet as it succeeded she fell down the water heavy currents as the water fall approached she tried to swim far off from it but failed as she fell a roar echoing as she fell.

((Will she live? Tune in next day to find out. JK. XD )
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 08:00:16 am by Fionnxa »

Offline silverMarie

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Karliah Smith
Before she could help her friend four men grabbed her roughly and dragged her away "Wait!" she yelled as she struggled to get free. She caught a slight glimpse of a patch on their jackets, it was the people from the school. She began to thrash around "Bring the van, we got another one." Karliah's arms ached as their grip tightened around her frail arms "Let me go!" she screamed. Suddenly, a white van drove up and the back doors opened, she saw the boy and the girl in there but didn't pay much attention. She was thrown in and the door was slammed shut, then the van sped off. She cowered at the back of the van, her knees hugged to her chest as her eyes were wide with fear. She slightly rocked herself back and forth, sometimes losing balance and tilting to the side when they hit a bump. Finally, after what seemed like days the van came to a soft stop and the van door's were opened "Welcome to your knew home." one of the men said as they grabbed them and took them inside the school.

(I hope this was okay, if not just let me know ^^)

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Alice Wildes

   Alice woke up moaning and standing to her paws as she winced in pain she then whispered "Karliah...?" Extremely injured she turned into a dog better then a tiger she thought, she walked around the twigs snapping beneath her fragile paws, she looked around coughing blood, before collapsing as the men appeared grabbing her by the scruff and dragging her into the van, when they arrived her body slowly lost energy and switched back into human as she laid in the ban passed out until they grabbed her and hauled her onto a stretcher her eyes shot open as she woke up suddenly in a room with stitches on her arm and shots being put into her she growled and said "BACK OFF!" Turning into a wolf ripping out the cords attached and nearly splitting the stitches calming onto a man's arm and shaking within every grasp her grip became stronger as her echoing growls snapped through the school.

Offline silverMarie

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Karliah Smith
Karliah stayed close to Kristen and Zack as they were taken into the building "Take these three to the evaluation room." Karliah gulped as they were led down a long hallway, she saw what looked like classrooms with students inside. The three of them were tossed into a blank room with no furniture, just white walls and a one way mirror. She wondered where Alice was, they took her away on a stretcher, she hoped she was okay. She looked at Zack "What are they going to do with us?" she whined as she sat in the back left corner of the room.

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Alice Wildes

   Alice growled once again as they dragged her into the blank room, she walked around for a while as she changed into a wolf, she started snap her jaws at the door, her stitches opened up once again blood splattering on the door as she leapt at it.

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Zack Willow

Zack looked over at Karliah. "I don't know," he mumbled and searched for any kind of exit. He pulled Kristen close to him and hugged her to his chest.
 She looked up at him, tears running down her face. "Are we going to die?"
 Zack used his hand to wipe away her tears and shook his head. "I would never let them hurt you," he stated and sat onto the ground. He crossed his legs and sat Kristen on them, with her legs draping to the side. He hugged her and let her cry into his shoulder. He looked back over at Karliah. "We need to find some kind of way out of here."


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Alice Wildes

   Alice growled once again pacing back and forth at the door she glanced at the crying girl, and walked back to Karliah plopping down next to her still a dog, her arm bleeding from her ripping out the stitches.

Offline silverMarie

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Karliah Smith
Karliah looked around the room "I heard about this place," she looked at Zack "It's a school of some sort." she almost jumped when a voice sounded over the intercom "We are not going to hurt you, we brought you here to help you." a woman was speaking. Karliah looked at the glass "You are here because you are special, this school is to help you harness your ability and master it." She looked at the others then stood up "Just let us go." she pleaded "We can't do that, once you come here there is no leaving."

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Offline akemi1999

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Zack Willow

Zack listened to the intercom that came on and he looked at the other two girls in the room. "You said you heard about this place right? Well what exactly do they do here? Will we be harmed?" Zack asked Karliah.
 Kristen sucked in a breathe and whipped her eyes. She looked over at the door and sighed. They needed to find a way out, but she just didn't know how to. Neither did her brother.


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Alice Wildes

   Alice looked towards the glass door her fangs blaring as she stood up the blood splitting on the floor, the woman then added "Also, we were looking for our escaping student who led us to nearly all of you." She smiled lightly with a hunt of a smirk. Alice snarled as she looked around for the place where she escaped, she glared at the glass as the woman walked away.