Author Topic: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.  (Read 2901 times)

Offline kayla1235

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|:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« on: January 22, 2014, 10:58:46 pm »
The Sky Kingdom
"Flyers of the Sky Kingdom, the Ground Kingdom has betray us for the last time! It is time us flyers finish this once and for all! Join me... And we will battle till the Ground Kingdom begs for mercy under our claws... And then, the victory of the war of Wings and Claws will belong to us! The flyers of the Sky Kingdom!" Cheers and grunts of approval sounded as all of the flyers heard their leaders speech, but down below on the ground, the Ground Kingdom was a entire different story... The flyers may have finished their big gathering, but the claws just begun...

The Ground Kingdom
The claws left and right came entering in the area their queen told them to meet. All ages, old and young had to be there as requested by the queen. As the last of the claws entered the large room the queen started to speak. "Claws of the Ground Kingdom! The Sky kingdom has foiled our plans for the last time! It is time that our years of planning take place! We grounders... Are going to win the Wings and Claws war! That has been placed among us for many years! There at our claws... Will be the flyers crying for their moms! We will be the dominate kingdom! The Ground Kingdom will pull through, and win this war!" Roars sounded all over the large room along with more grunts of approval. But yet, they don't know what the Sky Kingdom as in mind...

The Plot
The two kingdoms,Sky and Ground have had enough of their plans being foiled by one another. No matter how many times they ally together, the deed always breaks and they break out into war again. The flyers and grounders have had enough, the two 'kings' of the kingdoms have agreed it is time to go to war and end this! Rallies of all kinds have taken place in the kingdoms of ground and sky, and they are about ready to set off. But will they end up having an idea before the day finally comes? No one knows...

Differences Between Kingdoms
You can probably guess that this RP is about dragons by how it sounds and such, and it is. And you may think that the flyers have wings and the grounders don't, and that is totally wrong. The two kingdoms both have dragons with wings,and some without wings which is totally fine. But besides that, there are more differences between the two. The basic one is that the flyers prefer flying, and the grounders prefer being on the ground. Other than that so far, I can't think of many differences.

Sky Kingdom Ranks
Grand Council(Open 1/5)
Royal Guards(1/4)
Queens(Mothering to hatchlings)

Ground Kingdom Ranks
Royal Council(Open 0/5)
Royal Guards(1/4)
Hatchers(Mothers to Hatchlings)

Dragon Types

Probably one of the most largest breed of dragon. They can turn into shadows,and roam around the darkness. Sadly, in their shadow form,they can't fight or pull other dragons under with them. Shadow dragons are one of the most darkest colored breeds that range from dark grey to black. Shadow dragons hate light if you can guess, this breed normally roams during the night, when everything is dark. When it comes to spying on the grounders or flyers, these dragons are useful to have!

This breed of dragon is medium to large in size with bright colors like red,orange,yellow,anything fire like. But there are some rare colors do this dragon. A fire dragon can be completely black with red,orange,or yellow markings, but that's mostly it. Fire Dragons as you should think are weak to water, which is correct. If fire dragons get wet for more than five minutes, they could burn out all of their flame and never be able to battle again. Without their flame, they are totally useless and not to mention, can probably die.

Water dragons are also medium to large in size just like the Fire Dragon. Their colors are normally green,blue, or grey. Or so I have seen. I've also witnessed a water dragon completely black,with some blue markings. Though, their weakness is probably lighting hitting them. Lighting is attracted to water like most people say, so if they get hit by any sort of lighting, they could be paralyzed.

Sadly, these dragons aren't very large in size but that gives them quite the advantage to. Being a small to medium breed is actually a big advantage to speed. But yet, they should probably watch out just so they don't get crushed by some of the much larger dragons, like Shadow for example. A Shadow Dragon could step on them if they weren't watching out were they wee going. Another weakness a Grass/Earth dragon has is fire, fire can burn things like them so that makes them a major target for grass. Their colors are normally green with brown markings.

Poison Dragons are also a small to medium breed. They can also easily get stepped on by others unless they move out of the way just in time. These dragons are a bit slow compared unlike the grass/earth dragons, but they're still fast little dragons. Their weakness is actually Grass/Earth also and their colors are usually purple,or pink, with black markings

No Fighting OOC
Don't give the map link to anyone without my permisson
Only one character aloud in the group per person(Sorry, just gets to confusing when keeping track)
If your going to do a detail birth/mate... Do it in whisper!
Forbidden loves are aloud, but the leaders will find out sooner or later probably
No powerplaying,godmodding,or any of that crap
Character Name-
Dragon Breed-
Desired Kingdom-
Desired Rank-
RP Sample-
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 09:38:13 pm by Doggygorawr »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline Wizardmymom

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2014, 12:27:08 am »
Username- wizardmymom
Character Name- Anahi
Gender- Female
Dragon Breed- Poison (or if there are more elements) Arcane/Magic/Whatevs
Desired Kingdom- Ground
Desired Rank- Lady
Background/History- Anahi was born an only-child, being the only egg from her parent's final clutch. While the two had many other young, they kept close attention to her and raised her as properly and as kindly as they could. As she aged, she began to grow as one of the kindest dragons of the Kingdom. Until the day she had her first fight. She had been a newly-made Scout Trainee and was excited to begin. As they began to show her the territories' edge, a group of Sky dragons attacked. She came away with only a scar ringing her tail, but that ring was enough to make her change her mind about everything. She began taking 'private' lessons with a Warrior on how to battle, and was the only Scout who knew perfect battle attacks. From then, she rose up until, one day, the Lady appointed Anahi as her new heir for showing both courage and kindness.
Picture/Description- Purple with black markings.
RP Sample-
Anahi walked calmly along the river-side, looking into the river next to her. As her comrade rambled next to her, she gave a soft chuckle. "Come now, it can't be that bad? I'm sure that were we're going is not as bad as those nursery tales that the General spouts out." The Lady kept going until they reached a canyon, a single log stretching across the width into a sea of fog. "Come on, it's time we find that secret hidden in the mists." She spoke, keeping her tone cool as she stepped onto the log and walked across.
Questions/Other- Are there other Elements?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 12:29:49 am by Oceanwave »
Trans, gay, and ready to play

Offline kayla1235

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 12:31:55 am »
Username- wizardmymom
Character Name- Anahi
Gender- Female
Dragon Breed- Poison (or if there are more elements) Arcane/Magic/Whatevs
Desired Kingdom- Ground
Desired Rank- Lady
Background/History- Anahi was born an only-child, being the only egg from her parent's final clutch. While the two had many other young, they kept close attention to her and raised her as properly and as kindly as they could. As she aged, she began to grow as one of the kindest dragons of the Kingdom. Until the day she had her first fight. She had been a newly-made Scout Trainee and was excited to begin. As they began to show her the territories' edge, a group of Sky dragons attacked. She came away with only a scar ringing her tail, but that ring was enough to make her change her mind about everything. She began taking 'private' lessons with a Warrior on how to battle, and was the only Scout who knew perfect battle attacks. From then, she rose up until, one day, the Lady appointed Anahi as her new heir for showing both courage and kindness.
Picture/Description- Purple with black markings.
RP Sample-
Anahi walked calmly along the river-side, looking into the river next to her. As her comrade rambled next to her, she gave a soft chuckle. "Come now, it can't be that bad? I'm sure that were we're going is not as bad as those nursery tales that the General spouts out." The Lady kept going until they reached a canyon, a single log stretching across the width into a sea of fog. "Come on, it's time we find that secret hidden in the mists." She spoke, keeping her tone cool as she stepped onto the log and walked across.
Questions/Other- Are there other Elements?
Accepted, but the magic element idea to me is terrible. I believe a lot of people can take it over board and make their magic godmod and powerplay. Not to mention auto hit. I just don't like the idea of the magic element with that being said, and yes I will update this later with other dragon elements, I am still thinking of some.

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline kayla1235

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2014, 01:55:10 am »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline kayla1235

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2014, 09:07:03 pm »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline bluegirl12131415

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2014, 12:04:27 pm »
Username- bluegirl12131415
Character Name- FrostFeather
Gender- Female
Dragon Breed- Water
Desired Kingdom- Sky
Desired Rank- Grand Council
Background/History- FrostFeather was born into a large clutch, and was often ignored. Because of this she prefers to be alone, but at the same time she wants to be remembered. She trained as a fighter and was one of the best, before eventually becoming part of the Grand Council
Picture/Description- FrostFeather is dark grey in colour with icy blue eyes and pale grey wings. She has black markings along her back and is fairly large for a water dragon. She is also slim and agile.
RP Sample- FrostFeather glided slowly towards the ground. The sky above her was like a giant dome of blue, not a cloud in sight. She circled downwards, alighting on the ground silently. She folded her wings, taking in her surroundings. The cliff she had landed on overlooked a great valley. The grass was perfect emerald green, dotted with patches of cowslip and daisies. A single gnarled willow grew beside a brook that trickled from the cliff face down through the valley, past clumps of reeds. She padded fearlessly to the edge of the precipice, looking down on the serene land below with vague interest.

Offline Alyssa123

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2014, 12:56:53 pm »
Username- Alyssa123
Character Name- Saviour
Gender: M
Dragon Breed: Shadow
Desired Kingdom: Sky Kingdom
Desired Rank: Royal Guard
Background/History: Saviour was born in a cold, restless, black cave. His parents left him behind on a trip to The Nether. He found his way out at one point, but now is very quiet, but also can get aggressive.
Picture/Description: Night black with white rims on his ears.
RP Sample: Saviour stood tall, gazing at the nights sky. He smelled something around the area, something like prey. He flew up into the clear blue sky, noticing a flock of geese. He charged toward them, his wings flapping mightily, grabbing 3. He flew back to the ground, folding up his wings.

Offline kayla1235

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2014, 03:29:37 pm »
Camaz is accepted.

Alyssa I had a problem with your RP sample. I think its impossible to grab 3 geese at one time, And not to mention your RP sample was a bit to short but yet I don't know what you can do till we finally RP in the finished map.. I'll give you a chance to redo the sample if you want, otherwise everything else was great, your aloud to join!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 04:01:15 pm by Dragonsgorawr »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline kayla1235

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2014, 04:01:38 pm »

Thanks for the great sig Tinytail!
What's wrong? I like to smile that's all. I'm quite a nice dog really. -Subject_16

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: |:|Wings and Claws|:| Map W.I.P,Plotted,Sited,RP.
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2014, 08:23:39 pm »
This Rp, sounds interesting! ^.^

Username- ShadowNightmare
Character Name- Zesela
Gender- Female
Dragon Breed- Water
Desired Kingdom- The Ground Kingdom
Desired Rank- Royal Guard (Possibly?)
Background/History- Zesela, was truly born to Sky Kingdom.
Was raised like any regular hatchling, accept the fact that she was always curious.
When she was the age of 3 Months, able to walk for herself, she wondered off into the woods.
She soon got lost, as she tride to find a way out of the forest.
Soon loosing hope, she found a den and began living there.
After 1 day passed, she was discovered by Ground Kingdom guards.
She was brought to there queen, as she soon was accepted.
They knew she was from Sky Kingdom, but never told her they knew that.
Soon when she grew up, she had proven her loyalty, as she was given the rank of a royal guard.
Picture/Description- Zesela, is a rather black dragoness, with rather white markings on her pelt.
Not looking like any water dragon she should be, her biological mother was a water dragoness, and her biological father a fire dragon.
RP Sample- Zesela, woke up, as she was nuged by a guard near her.
"The queen, wishes to see you, Zesela."
Zesela, nodded, as she yawned, standing up, she walked out of her mossy nest into her queens lair.
Entering she spoke up. "You waned to see me, my queen?"
The queen turned around as she spoke up. "I have, step forward."
Zesela, nodded, as she stepen forward.
Bowing her head in respect, the queen soon spoke up again. "Zesela, you have prooven me your loyalty, and proved me you can protect others withought harming them." The queen paused.
Zesela, listened very clearly, as the queen continued. "And I have earned your trust. I shall rank you as a royal guard.
You shall protect me every night, for the day you shall be resting."
Zesela's eyes widen up, as she bowed her head in respect again, as she spoke up. "Thank you, my queen." She said as she walked out of her lair happy.
Questions/Other- N/A

Profile picture by me! ^.^