Author Topic: |||Wolves of the Cracking Forest|| ACCEPTING!!  (Read 3190 times)

Offline Flatsoda

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|||Wolves of the Cracking Forest|| ACCEPTING!!
« on: March 29, 2014, 02:47:37 am »

lame title, excuse me X)
Hello, and welcome to Cracking Forest! We must all band together before our home is torn apart by an unknown force...and, of course, we're always accepting (unless we say we're not) new members. Any living thing is welcome here...
as long as you can survive.
|||What's going on here?|||
As far as we can know, the Ancients have lived here for as long as we have. In paintings on the walls of the Sacred Caves, there is a tale of two wolves; Ignis and Ros, the Gods of Fire and Water. They say that their lands were peaceful, devoid of conflicts and bountiful with prey. In a small valley, they found a system of caves, where they met often. Other times, when they were apart, they played with their powers to freeform the land; Ros could move rivers and shape them, create entire lakes with a sweep of his tail, and also create devastating tsunamis and floods. Ignis, however, had complete control of fire and lava. He could create volcanoes, shape mountains, and also take away land. Most of the time, he burned down forests whole, and back then there were few fire-proof seeds.
This led to their first conflict.
Ros didn't appreciate how Ignis destroyed peaceful settings, and Ignis disliked how powerful Ros had become. Ignis, unfortunately, wanted complete control of the land; he thought of it as his own personal sandbox. The two fought for some time, destroying the land until the two grew exhausted. They did not realize that they had limited powers. The land before them was draught with famine, disease and void of life.
Ros and Ignis eventually made a pact, and with time, Ros had given birth to two twins, Nebula and Halitus. They passed on their powers, and Nebula and Halitus were inseparable. They took care of the land until it grew into a prospering forest. Animals from other lands were seemingly drawn to this place, and with that, the land grew and grew into a more beautiful place. Nebula, Halitus, and the spirits of Ros and Ignis were satisfied with their creation.
Time passed.
Now, the forest has been owned by many, many animals, and some even believe in their spiritual ancestors. Yes; bears, coyotes, foxes, deer, and others were shared special powers. Only few of them today bear them, as many are starting to dislike the Gods. Why did they come here? They brought conflict, of course; conflict is bad, very bad. You can hear defiant whispers from all around if you sit quietly and listen deeply.
However, the defiance to the Gods is not the only conflict...many shamans have sensed that the Earth is angry, and is swelling up with anger so powerful that it will crack in two. Many animals do not believe this, but the Earth is indeed lying in wait.
Just seconds ago, the wolves of the Calidus pack have seen a crack bearing a violet gem appear between the ancient resting places of Ros and Ignis.

TLDR VERSION: The Gods Ros and Ignis have birthed a new land. Their children are now defying them, and the Earth itself will eventually crack out of anger.

|||What's happening Now|||

The land is peaceful and there is little conflict. Life prospers in the early months of Spring. There is much rainfall, and so there are some bouts of overflowing rivers and slight flooding. However, the land has been subject to natural disasters before; there are volcanoes to the southeast near the Outlands, and the Smoking Lake is ever growing and sinking. The Dormant volcano is beginning to show signs of activity.
Matias, the Calidus' pack leader, has recently moved in and claimed the empty lands. Here, he has found remains of a long forgotten pack and is deeply curious. Little does he know, that he is not alone. Other animals will (hopefully) join him. Matias grows weary with the layout of the land; he does not appreciate the dangerous, lava-spewing volcanoes and the growing lake. The camp is close to the lake, and he is afraid that it will, someday, engulf it whole.

|||What's happened before|||
[rp stuff here]


The Valley; a beautiful valley, bountiful with game and prosperous with plants.
-Camp, Smoking lake, The Pond, The Cave, entrance to the Outlands
-Alte Forest, Pax Plains, Pacilis Hill, Altus Mountains, Din Mountains, Imum Canal, Dormant Volcanoes, and Calidum Volcanoes.

The Caves; the sacred resting place of the Gods Ros and Ignis, and is now deemed dangerous.
-East wing: Ignis, Leutus, Croceus, Laevo, Amicus
-West Wing: Ros, Laevo, Mercuria, Res, Agnito,
-Hidden Wing: Vis, Arcanum, Voluntas
The Outlands; the remains of Ros and Ignis' conflict; the ground is forever soggy, and their are many burn marks and burnt trees here. there is few life, and the home of those casted out of the valley as punishment.

These can be represented in swirls, dots, stripes, anything you want. Even mixture

|||Rules and Regulations|||
1] BE RESPECTFUL. No OOC drama, and remember that there is a person behind the screen.
2] NO MARY-SUES/GARY-SUES. And the like. I know we are an unrealistic roleplay with magic and gods, but this is unfair. This goes along with powerplaying, insta-kills, godmodding, and the like.
3] NO SWEARING. Sorry, but it's looked down upon in many households and you don't know if somebody's mother is looking over their shoulder.
4] GORE. It's allowed up to a medium; blood, guts, and glory, go for it, but don't go so far you tumble off the board.
5] LIMITS. You may only have up to 2 characters, only 3 if we believe you can handle it. Remember, you have to roleplay ALL of them equally.
6] magic word is potato buns
7] ROLEPLAYING DAY is Saturday, from 6pm EST - 8pm EST. Here is a timezone converter. If you think you can't make it, let us know ASAP.
8] NO NEON COLORS. I understand that is is in a semi-realistic setting, but that doesn't mean that you can go crazy with neon colors. This means you have to be at least SEMI-realistic...animals that have ties to the Gods have faint colorful markings, and if you want, they can glow in certain situations but please make your character look semi-realistic. That means use natural browns, golds, greys, blacks, off-whites and any other color that pertains to your animal. Eyes, go crazy.
9] MINIMUM POST LENGTH IS 2 SENTENCES. Please keep your post around 2-3 sentences at the shortest, and have decent grammar, punctuation and spelling. However, don't write a novel when posting, and don't drag things out.
GOOD LONG EXAMPLE: The wind sang in the trees over [name]'s head, casting spots of sunlight to dribble down to the forest floor. The valley had been irregularly peaceful that day; it seemed too peaceful, and it threw [name] into a state of worry. 'What if the Gods have turned on us?' they thought as they padded around mindlessly.
Approaching a small stream, they gave a few laps to the fresh clear water. They looked up sharply and saw [name2]'s dark figure. "Erm, uh...hello!" they greeted.
GOOD SHORT EXAMPLE: [name] circled [name2], snapping and growling. "You have trespassed, outcast. You know the punishment," they snarled.

BAD LONG EXAMPLE: the wnd sang in the tres peicefully over [name]s head sending sunlight down. the valley was good today and it was odd. it freaked [name] out a little. "what if the gods dont like us anymore" they thought galloping around
they went to a stream and drank from it. they saw [name2]s figure that was dark and they said "hello"
BAD SHORT EXAMPLE: [name] moved around [name2] and said "u tresspassed out cast u no the punishmen" attacks [name2] and kills them with a swift bite to the throat

10] BREAKING OF THE RULES WILL RESULT IN WARNINGS THE FIRST TIME, SUSPENSION FROM ROLEPLAY FOR 3 DAYS THE SECOND, AND KICKS THE 3RD. If you say something hurtful to another player OOCly, it is an automatic, permanent kick. Fighting is not allowed. Be positive, people.

1] NO MATING IN 'PUBLIC' AREAS. People...really, really wouldn't want to see that in real life, so why would you do the nasty in public in a game? Roleplay it out if you must in whisper. Be careful.
2] BE RESPECTFUL OF LEADERS. They get you out of trouble (most of the time) and they...well, they lead you. Plain and simple.
3] GO AHEAD AND MATE WITH WHOEVER YOU WANT. As long as they are your species, it's fine. Mating with outcasts, however, is prohibited and if you really want to do that, we'll make you an outcast.
4] CONFLICT IS A NO-NO. We appreciate playfighting and sparring but try to be respectful of your packmates and...don't try to kill them. Just...don't.
5] BETRAYAL/BREAKING THE RULES. Normally around extra chores if it's something small, but can even be punishable by outcastation or death. (Either way, the bad way is death.) Do not break the rules on purpose, because we'll remember them forever and it won't end well.
6] TIME. 3 weeks is equivalent to 1 month, and 36 weeks is equivalent to a year. Pretty weird, I know.
7] WOLVES ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES HERE. Yes, sometimes the pack will accept different species if they are in dire need of help.

Generally the normal ranking system for a wolfpack.

ALPHA] Male, female/ect. The leaders of the pack, whom bear the children. They must have some tie with Ros and Ignis, therefore must have slight spiritual powers.
BETA] Normally male, but in some situations female. Normally related to an Alpha, and if they are trustworthy they are this rank. Very, very slim chances that they will be allowed to bear children, and run the pack if the Alphas are out.
SHAMAN] The most spiritual wolf in the pack, they often have dreams about or hear whispers from The Gods. Heavily respected, and most likely elderly.
SUBORDINATES] The hunters, healers, warriors, scouts, and the like. The baseboard of the pack, they perform most of the tasks to benefit it. Laziness in this rank is a wrongdoing.
-Hunter: Self-explanatory; hunts down food for the pack.
-Healers: Take care of the wounded or sick, and also bring in lonesome wolves to be checked for disease. Know a great variety of herbs and the like.
-Warriors: Protect the pact if conflict between groups arises.
-Scouts: Mark borders and patrol borders, and will sometimes venture into other territories on stealth-missions. Need to be quick and lithe.
-Pupbearers: Mothers, whom either have granted the wish of children by the Alphas, they are an Alpha themself, or are taken in from the valley to care for them. After they have birthed their children and have nursed them and
TRAINEES] Pups over the age of 6 months, whom are now adolescent and ready to learn from the master list of ranks.
PUPS] Children of the pack. Under 6 months, and require special attention.
ELDER] Respected wolves that will never leave our memories when they pass away.
SCAPEGOAT] The wolf that is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others. The bullied one in the pack, but cannot be severely harmed or killed. If they wish, they can become a loner or rogue and leave the pack; however, they are still allowed in the Valley. They can only be severely harmed if a healer is going through the Convocation process.
OUTCAST] Those who have been kicked out of the pack; they have either broken rules harshly, or have done something drastically wrong.
LONER] A lone wolf. Plain and simple.
ROGUE] A lone wolf, quite different from a Loner as these wolves are more violent, dishonest and unprincipled. The "Bad Guys" in a sense.

Hunter: Trained in areas of taking down game; how to strike, where to strike, hunting formations, and hunting strategies. Taught on how sensitive game can be, and how to use the wind and shadows to their advantage.
Healers: Trained in anatomy, medicinal herbs, pastes, remedies and strategies. Learns about the advantages and disadvantages of certain herbs, when and how to use them, how to apply them, and how long they should be on it. Also learn about bones, how to fix them through casts.
Warriors: Taught in areas of defense and offense. Taught how to deal strikes to another, where to strike, and defense/offense strategies.
Scout: Taught how to be stealthy and fast.

- *Patrol borders
- *Cleaning out bedding for Elders
- *Cleaning out bedding for all dens
- *Hunting 3+ large game
- Hunting 6+ large game
- Listening to a 2 or 3-hour long lesson about responsibility
- Sitting vigil for the night
- Sitting vigil for the day
- Sitting vigil for night and day
- *Taking care of pups
- *Taking care of the elders
- Be the Scapegoat for a day
- Be the Scapegoat for a week
- Shunning
- Spend a day in the Outlands
- Spend a day as a loner/rogue
- Spend a week as a loner/rogue
- Spend a month as a loner/rogue
- Temporary banishment
- Permanent banishment

*Chores that must be done daily or weekly.

Since there are "gods" in this roleplay...
Most practices are held in The Caves, and must be quick and hasty.
If they are not, they take place in the middle of the valley where there is a small isle in the middle of the pond. It's neutral, so no one is allowed to fight here.

Birth - After a mother has recovered from birthing, the pack will take each of her cubs to the Caves, if allowed by the mother. They check them to see if they have any powers, and if they do and it is related to Ros, they dip them in Ros' spring. If  they do and they are related to Ignis, they are placed close to or sometimes IN Ignis' harmless bonfire. They also get their paw dipped in holly berry paste and their pawprint goes on the wall.
Death - After a packmate is deemed deceased, their body is carried to the Caves where they are placed in Ros' or Ignis' spiritual motif and they are either rejected by them, or they are accepted by them and they fade. Rejections only happen if the packmate has done something drearily wrong, such as heavily lying or breaking rules. Their pawprint can easily be wiped away, but is smeared.
Adolescence - When a pup reaches 6 months and their mother has deemed them fit, pups go through the process of picking which rank they wish to be. They can only choose a subordinate rank, unless they are children of the Alphas (they are trained in areas of leadership; humbleness, defense, values, generosity and the like.) When they have picked their rank, they are sent to the Caves and their larger pawprint is pressed into blackberry paste and is right next to their pup pawprint. There is also a task they have to do first, and is up to the Alphas. It may be sitting in one place overnight quietly, or it may just be a chore. They are a 'Trainee' after this.
Convocation - When a trainee is of 1 1/2 years of age or the Alphas and packmates say that they are ready to, trainees become the rank that they have wanted. Children of the Alphas either become special subordinates, and the most dominant one becomes the Beta. The Beta, then, most likely becomes the scapegoat or a subordinate. Their final pawprint on the cave wall is dipped in unripened juneberry paste and they take a walk through all territories of the Outlands alone.

Test of Convocation
After their task, the new subordinates must go through a test, special for their rank.

Hunter: Hunt down 10 large game and 25 small game over a week.
*Healer: Perform surgery/ect on the severely wounded Scapegoat and help them make a full recovery.
Warrior: Win a fight between them and their teacher, with supervision.
Scout: Successfully venture into another territory and come back alive.

*Special, the only time that the Scapegoat will be severely wounded.

Failure to pass Convocation will result in further training and a 5-month wait before they can try again. If they fail 3 times, they are kicked out of the pack.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 08:29:16 pm by Flatsoda »

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Re: |||Wolves of the Cracking Forest||| WIP
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 02:48:05 am »


Name: Matias
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Species: Wolf
Element: Fire (Ignis)
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Touchy, overall impatient and can be overly critical with some but lives inside a shell; can be loving, gentle and loyal. Long-range but slow thinker, self-confident and perfectionist with himself. Outgoing and forceful socially. Potential control issues, remorseless when it comes to conflict sometimes. Sentimental, although sees this as a weakness. Only friendly and nice to those trusted. Heavily dislikes water, cannot swim, and dislikes change.
History: Born in a pack far, far away. Mother had been murdered by a small pack of revengeful rogues. The pack leader, his father, had become very harsh, brash and critical to him while he was young and treated him like a toy; felt bad for himself, ran away only to find this place. Found remnants of a wolf pack, but saw none; has taken over for the time being.
Physical Description: Long, black fur with a boisterous locket of white on his chest. Large, lively golden eyes. Large build, built for protection and war; lacks speed and grace, but powerful. Attacks are dealt slowly in fights, and will most likely loose to a lithe wolf. Very faint ginger fur around his hocks, rump, nape and withers.
Relatives: One sister that was pampered, one half-brother, one father, mother is deceased, others are unknown. Carries traits of Ignis.
Username: Flatsoda on both forums and in the game

[Alpha female is not available until Alpha male has taken in a mate]















All species native to North America are accepted. No elephants, lions, cheetahs, dinosaurs, ect. The Canidae, Ursidae, Bovidae, Cervidae, and other science-y words for all living species of North America are allowed.
Also, the 'wolf' pack will also accept any other species of animal if they are in desire need of help. This only happens under special circumstances.

I'll try not to be strict on this...

Needs to be atleast semi-realistic; sure, there are some elemental colors but make your character look real. For example; a wolf - natural browns, greys, tans, gingers, blonds, creams, browns, blacks, gray-red. The underbelly of a wolf is lighter than its base color, and the back of a wolf is darker than its base color. Go crazy with eyecolors; make a really natural looking wolf with neon green, purple, blue and red eyes. We don't care.
Ears are fine, as long as they don't stick up and stand out.
Presets; download them all, because people want you to see them. Make sure the markings are semi-realistic as well; if they have spiritual ties, don't make the colors of them extremely neon.

Colors of the Spirits

Red: Ignis, the spirit of Fire.
Orange: Luteus, the spirit of Lava.
Yellow: Croceus, the spirit of Joy.
Green: Mercuria, the spirit of Luck.
Blue: Ros, the spirit of Water.
Indigo: Laevo, the spirit of Fortune.
Purple: Vis, the spirit of Power. ||rare
White: Res, the spirit of Truth.
Gold: Agnitio, the spirit of Knowledge.
Pink: Amicus, the spirit of Compassion.
Brown: Voluntas, the spirit of Sense.
Black: Arcanum, the spirit of Mystery. ||rare

These can be represented in swirls, dots, stripes, anything you want. Even mixtures.
However, they have to be faint but slightly noticeable. Make them dull.

The Calidus pack is not the only one who shares these lands. This is the list of groups and other individuals, and their relations to the Calidus.




« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 07:31:41 pm by Flatsoda »

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Re: |||Wolves of the Cracking Forest||| WIP
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2014, 02:48:13 am »
Reserved post, just in case
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 07:34:33 pm by Flatsoda »

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Re: |||Wolves of the Cracking Forest||| WIP
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2014, 02:49:07 am »
Read over the rules again. What is the magic word? No, it is not please.

Code: [Select]
[img] 100 x 100 picture of your character here; MUST BE YOUR OWN [/img]
Physical Description:
Desired Rank:
Element (Only I can allow it.)
Usernames (Ingame and Forum):
Roleplay Sample (2-3 complete sentences, we are semi-literate!):

« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 07:34:36 pm by Flatsoda »

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Re: |||Wolves of the Cracking Forest||| WIP
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2014, 07:36:19 pm »

Accepting applications!
However, please keep in mind that while I'm making the map, all roleplays will be carried out on this topic.

now apply because i just spent 12+ hours on this

Offline Monochromy

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Re: |||Wolves of the Cracking Forest|| ACCEPTING!!
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2014, 11:32:54 am »

[not too shabby for a 100x100 space, eh? I'm not the best wolf artist.




Adult, approximately 3 years old

Wolf ;; Canis lupus

None and not looking for one.

None and wants none.

Saturnine, or Nina by some, is a confident wolf who easily carries her own weight.
She'll do anything to get her way, making her stubborn trait noticeable. Sometimes,
in addition to her own effort, she relies on her luck, however it doesn't always work.
She is indecisive and often impatient, able to blow up at what she thinks is a stupid
question. She isn't what you would call a team player, hinting at her loner status.
She dislikes ongoing fights and would rather it end quickly, be it on either side. Of
course, with this she would rather take a tactical option rather than relying on
strength and power.

Born into a distant pack just starting, led by her father, who was at the time, a young
 male who had just received a litter of puppies. Her father was and is a kind soul, caring
 and loving to all. His children were no exception. All of them were with good upbringing.
 Her mother was not the best of mothers, however. Only Saturn's mother ever got angry,
 during which the pups would seek refuge with their father. As she grew, Saturn grew
into the wolf she is now.

Physical Description
Saturnine is a slender wolf, clearly built for speed. She possesses medium-length fur
in three-toned grey with the darkest around her back, tail and ears and the lightest
on her underbelly. She has wide dark green eyes, giving hints to her element if you
couldn't guess already with the pale, minty green locks of fur on her tail. Even with
her lithe build, she is not the most powerful wolf and she often avoids conflict with
stronger wolves if she can.

She has a mother, father and three brothers. Her mother recently passed due to old
 age while her father continues to lead his own pack in a distant land. Her three brothers
 are also members of said pack as warriors.

Desired Rank
Loner. If some drama is required, she can join the pack at a later date.

Luck [Mercuria]

Monochromy on both forum and game.

Roleplay Sample

Saturnine's eyes widened at a sudden sound in the foliage. She darted further in, hoping
 to free herself of this persistent patroller. Couldn't he take a hint? Noticing a nearby
shrub quiver, she walked on, soon reaching the near-edge of the Calidus pack's -assumed-
 territory. The wolf felt tired and lied down by a short, shady tree. Hopefully, the patroller
wouldn't report her existence to his pack. She would be a goner, knowing what that pack's
 alpha is like.

signature and avatar drawn by me <3