Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 188196 times)

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #680 on: January 09, 2015, 06:19:30 pm »
You'll have to skip me, there's nothing much my characters could do ATM.))
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Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #681 on: January 09, 2015, 08:08:53 pm »
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline Slough Creek

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #682 on: January 09, 2015, 09:44:40 pm »
You'll have to skip me, I cant think of anything to write about.~))

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #683 on: January 10, 2015, 04:37:29 am »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started!"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

Kennedy was soon joined by Hunter who stood close to his masters side, tail wagging playfully as he looked at the black canine known as Sooty. Looking down at the mix breed Kennedy smiled. She had recovered remarkably, you couldn't even tell she had been in a bad state before she found her; sweet yet protective personality as well as her being full of life. Watching the two dogs she chuckled, Hunter had pawed at her head in an attempt to get her to play - which worked. Tilting her head a little the young lass watched as the two dogs began pawing at one another, now and then giving eachother a gentle nip. Looking at the much larger dog Kennedy sighed "Be gentle, boy." she spoke softly towards the shepherd, when playing with another dog and even a human he could get to rough - he often injured others when not meaning to. Hunter just turn and looked at his master, then turned back to the female as they began romping around once again, play fighting - Hunter now being a lot more gentle than before. As she watched the two dogs Kennedy then remembered that the dogs could possibly have pups to - Hunter hadn't been castrated and she assumed the others hadn't either. Even though the thought of having little fluff balls around as well as a baby seemed like a good idea, even she knew it wasn't safe on the youngsters and even the group. Her gaz shifted from the dogs onto the lasses small yet rounded stomach, then onto her face.

She stood quietly as she listened to what Tonx had to say about others knowing. It appeared that the other two women now knew about Tonxs' pregnancy, which was probably a good thing as they were more likely to be understanding. However it was a surprise that Tonx had opened up and told them, but she guessed it would make her feel more comfortable than it being only her and Kennedy knowing. Turning her head towards Clark, then towards the hospital she smiled "Well, at least they know. They would much prefer to be told instead of it being hidden from them...they'll probably help you out too..." she shrugged, not really sure whether the others would be willing to look after a sprog like she was. When hearing Tonx question her about telling the lads about her being pregnant, she looked up towards the window where they were most likely located. Staying quiet for a short while Kennedy began to think; How would they take it? Of course they wouldn't get mad, would they? Dutch may, Theo would probably be a little shocked and well Donald, well he'd make a smart comment on how he was right. If anything was to kick off about the news Kennedy wouldn't hesitate on kicking someone's ass. Besides it was Tonxs' decision on whether she wanted the baby or not. Maybe this would bring the group together? Turning her attention back onto Tonx "Sure, I'll tell them for you." she smiled. Kennedy herself wanted a small family, but that wouldn't happen any time soon because of the apocalypse. But maybe someday. Hopefully.

Turning herself around slightly Kennedy began walking towards the hospital with Tonx, Hunter and Sooty continuing to play as they clambered after their masters. Once getting a little closer to the building she stopped "Clark, you coming?" she questioned, then turning to see Tonx struggle. Sighing, the slightly larger lass offered to give her some help so that they could get inside faster. When getting inside Kennedy would tell the lads about Clark, make sure she was able to take her medication when pregnant then she would see if anyone wanted some food. They were now stocked up on products so she'd also be able to get out of her revealing clothes and into something a lot more warming and comfortable.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #684 on: January 10, 2015, 01:30:35 pm »

Tomoko ?

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #685 on: January 10, 2015, 02:54:13 pm »
Christine Parker
"Oh stop crying, this will never end, deal with it."
Christina Parker



23 years old

Always~ cold, harsh, unfriendly, strict, dangerous, threatening, smart, quiet.
Rarely~ nice, friendly, helpful, noisy.

At age of 18, Chris decided to go in army. There she elarned how to sue gun, how to not give up and always seek for current goal. There she met Theo, the guy that saved her in training. If not him, she wouldn't even get soldier badge. At age of 20, they seperated: Chris went to Chicago, and Theo - back to NYC. Chris lived in small flat in first floor. Small, but comfy. When apocalypse came over, her parents died in the main street. Their guts were ripped out and the only thing she could say was "I'm sorry.". You see, Chris left home just to get rid of her parents, since they always were drunk and played tricks on poor girl. Girl changed her appearance, personality and goal, and curse apocalypse for this massive change.

Black mask, White sleeveless T-shirt with 'Aime' writing on it, black tights with fake zippers and black renzor combat boots.

M16 (the last one)

Melee weapons
Army knife
Army knife with rope handler

Family ties

Not Blood related family ties
Theo (not blood related brother) (Phroghress)


Milo, Belgian Malinois. Trained to be very harsh with others and listen only to Chris. Gives no trust towards others. Sharp canines, massive build, big strength. Easy to kill another canine. Knows fatal places. Male. chain collar, big brown collar.


Theo Benedict
"Do I look like a dog for you? No? Then stop telling me what to do."

Name: Theo Benedict.

Age: 25 years old.

Gender: male.

Personality: Find out in RP.

History: Ask him in RP.

Weapon(s): Massive, black AUG with strong metal case bullets. Special part - day scope. Can zoom in 30 times. Also carries a small box with sleep-bullets that will effect the predator/animal in 10 seconds. Aswell two pocket knives.


Name of Major. Black, massive german shepherd which is fast, strong, intelligent companion. Survived 3 years, still young (don'tknowwhattowritexd).

Other: Sorry for short bio and 'find out in RP'. I like to do it. Oh, and End!

Not the necklace, though.

Theo watched girls walk in, both seemingly with concern looks on their faces. Something was going on, that Theo had no information about. With a sigh he got up, rolled his shoulders just to tense his muscles before he would head towards the hospital. It didn't take him long to head inside, passing the lasses and other people who were in the ward, he headed towards the room in which Chris is supposed to be in, with a hope that she haven't done anything stupid.

When he walked in, he saw Chris sitting straight up on the hospital bed, her hands on her thighs and her head hung low, her look seemed to be stuck on one particular object. After further notice, the woman was staring at small pebble, covered in crimson. The woman didn't more either, only her chest expanded and shrunk, which kind of relieved him. Theo just stood in the doorway, not sure if he should go towards her. In his sight, she looked creepy and rather closed in her own space. He placed the gun on a small desk next to the door, slowly pushing the gun's strap over his head. The door behind him closed in a quiet slam, causing the male to shoot a cold glare behind him, before he would draw his look back at the woman on the hospital bed. "Chris?" he mumbled quietly, slowly heading towards her with a hope that it's still her. The woman didn't reply, and then he stopped, just few meters away from her. He heard some sort of growls coming from her direction, causing him to slowly reach for his gun that was behind him, but he was too late. The woman shoot her head upwards, her eyes were pale, almost white, and her face was covered in nothing less but a thick layer of rotten skin.

"Theo?" a voice caused the man to snap out from something that he had no explanation about, causing the man to shake his head and glance at Chris who was looking at him with brown eyes. Her skin was pale, and upon further notice, there was no pebble on the ground. Is he getting paranoid, or was this just an anxiety? He just stood there, as he imagined himself, with a fear-filled look on his face. "Theo? Are you okay?" he heard her voice again, and then watched the brunette jump from the bed and head towards him. "It's like you've seen a ghost," she added with concern look on her face. "Is everything okay?" Then, once again she asked worriedly, blinking like a human would. He needed to calm down, he had to calm down.

Theo just stood there like a statue, his blank look stuck on the brunette in front. After some time, he gave off a sigh, ramming his shoulder on the side of the doorway, his fingers softly rubbing the corners of his eyes. "I'm fine, I just feel weird.." he tried to come up with a lie, also trying to forget the image he keep seeing in his mind. "Is it something I should be concern about?" she asked again, this time more softly, almost motherly. "N-No, I'll be fine. I bet it's the zombies outside..." he said, sighing quietly before looking back at the brunette. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, seemingly, better. Tonx knows about my sickness, and it's a good feeling to finally get it off my shoulders..." she said with a faint smile. "And she's okay with it?" he asked with his brows narrowed, and Chris only gave a firm nod. "Is that so.." he mumbled quietly, looking outside the doorway at the Raven girl stand right next to Kennedy.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2015, 09:07:43 pm by Phroghress »
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Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #686 on: January 10, 2015, 04:10:20 pm »
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

Offline Slough Creek

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #687 on: January 10, 2015, 05:44:26 pm »

Offline sparticles

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #688 on: January 10, 2015, 08:38:33 pm »

"When you feel like quitting think about why you started!"

Kennedy-Leigh McCally

Ask the two entered the room the atmosphere seemed to grow rather tense; everyone was quiet and seemed to stare at them, cocking her head a little Kennedy was about to make a comment as to why they were staring. However, she kept her mouth shut. Tonx remained gripped onto the brunettes arm as she helped her towards one of the hospital beds, it was obvious Tonx was nervous and very unsure on how the blokes would react. Sure it could all go pear shaped and they could make a fuss, or they could take it well. It all depended on them really, however if someone was to kick off Kennedy would, of course, try and calm the situation. Arriving near the bed Kennedy helped Tonx lift herself onto the bed - she was rather light, Kennedy would get her food later, once telling the lads that is. Stepping away from the bed Kennedy watched as Sooty jumped onto the bed, smiling she nodded at Tonx. As she turned around she realised that Donald had approached the duo and asked what was wrong "Yeah, I just have something I need to tell the group. The lads mainly." she muttered, looking around the rom. Everyone was here but Theo and Chris "Theo, I need you in here for a second... she shouted, waiting patiently for the lad to come in the room. Hunter approachd Kennedy and stood at her side, eyes scanning around the room.

Once Theo had came into the room she then looked at Dutch, despite his help and everything else she wasn't to keen on the way he acted - even if he had been in the war he had no right to speak to them in the way he did "If you give me a chance..." she spoke with a slightly edgy tone. Rubbing her hand up her arm Kennedy glanced at the three lads, being aware that Chris and Clark knew she didn't feel the need to tell them anything. "Alright. I don't know how you guys are going to react about this, but..." she looked back and Tonx and smiled, then glared back at the group of males "Soon we're going to have a new addition to the 'gang'. Tonx is pregnant." she added quickly, watching each bloke carefully, even if they weren't happy for her, Kennedy was.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #689 on: January 10, 2015, 08:59:12 pm »
You'll have to skip me, I can't think of anything~))

Tomoko ?