Author Topic: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|  (Read 156339 times)

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #960 on: June 30, 2015, 12:13:59 am »

"The future's too bright to dwell on the past. Life's fast, run faster."

Quinn followed quickly, being led into where him, and possibly others were residing. A lump formed in the lad's throat, hazel green eyes flickering wildly in caution. Sweet Pea, already scenting several other dogs, held close to Quinn's tall, lean frame, her nose poking the side of his leg in attempts of comfort and possible warning. The duo both felt the apprehension as Quinn lowered his head to fit through the door frame.

Once on the opposite side, Quinn's body noticably stiffened, an unreadable expression flushing his features. There were several unknown people in the room, and dogs shifted about. It reminded him of before the epidemic, when Quinn would bring his younger brother, Demarcus, to the DogMart's. Since father was allergic, it was never even an option. However, when Quinn moved out for college, adopting Sweet Pea was a definite.

He settled his gaze on the man who saved him, offering him yet another thankful nod of his head. Slowly, he turned his head towards the group, who were probably, undoubtingly scruitinizing him. He was wearing a fitted black, longsleeved. It was in midcondition, despite a small tear in the neckline. Which was paired with his red backpack and regular jeans, and beat up sneakers. Some undead blood lingered on his hands and on his left cheek; where he tried to wipe it away, only having it to stain his cheeks. The dark blood looked odd atop his many colorful tattoos.

"I'm Quinn, by the way." The lad finally managed to cough out, offering an obviously cautious smile. His eyebrows furrowed a bit, and his lips drew out into a straight line quick after. "This," Quinn motioned towards Sweet Pea who had her head up and alert, ears perked in a curious, friendly manner, "Is Sweet Pea. She doesn't look it, but she's old.." Quinn said with a small, breathy chuckle, before he gave Sweet Pea a pat atop her head, giving a scratch behind her ears.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #961 on: June 30, 2015, 09:04:27 pm »

                                          Kennedy-Leight McCally & Jacob Bennedict

"You've got everything it takes. But it'll take everything you've got."

Once the lad walked across the narrow wall and crawled through the small gap in the wall, Jake gestures for the two large canines to follow suit. Grasping the large plank firmly the muscular bloke didn't hesitate in kicking the wood back in to place - now blocking anything getting in or out of the main entrance. Carefully turning, Jacob slowly made his way across the wall, placing every step carefully in hopes that he wouldn't fall to his death. Luckily the lad managed to enter the building without tumbling. Throwing the guns from around his back the dark haired male would shove them carefully through the gap, before crouching low and pulling himself through the hole, his large and muscular frame making this task rather difficult. Now inside the building he'd grab the slab, placing it over the small hole, now blocking the entrance to the building. Pushing himself up Jake dusted himself off, then knelt down, grabbing the two guns he'd then place them beside the wall along with the knife he'd previously been carrying. Once placing his things down and blocking the entrance he'd turn his attention to the lad, nodding slightly "I'm Jacob, the big guy here is Tebo, hes got old bones too..." he'd mutter pointing to the Caucasian Shepherd standing not too far away "And that's Kaisza" he'd add, gesturing towards the Presa Canario. With that, he'd leave the speaking to the others, making his way towards the kitchen he'd perch himself on top of a bench.

Kennedy had stood in silence, her gaze drifting on to Donald as he joined her. Smiling the brunette simply nodded her head, before eyeing the new male whom had just entered the building. Taking a few seconds to examine him and his canine companion, she'd nod her head ever so slightly. The lad didn't seem too much like a threat, which was a positive and less hassle for the group. Running her hand through her long her, she'd listen quietly as the male introduced himself and his companion. Turning her attention as Jacob spoke up, she smiled and dipped her head. It was nice to see he was back and safe, not that he couldn't manage a situation. Feeling something brush against her leg she'd look down, patting the Shepherd mix as he glared at the newcomer and his companion; moving in to his usual dominant stance. Taking a step forward she'd offer her hand to the male, allowing him to shake it if he chose to do so "The names Kennedy, this here is Hunter" she'd speak up, Hunter stepping forward, obediently standing by her side. Since being in a group Kennedy seemed to have loosened up with people, and being seen more as a leader/role model, she allowed herself to approach others instead of coming across as ignorant.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #962 on: June 30, 2015, 10:17:53 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #963 on: July 01, 2015, 03:57:06 am »

"The future's too bright to dwell on the past. Life's fast, run faster."

His expression turned up blank. From the introduction, to the dogs coming forth to sniff Sweet Pea, and when he lowered himself to the ground, leaning against the wall. Sweet Pea stood alert, wary of the other canine's and their dominant stances. However, with a reassuring hush and scratch behind the ears, Sweet Pea flopped to the ground, placing her bicolored head in Quinn's lap. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'd be lying if I said the other groups were as inviting as you lot.." A ghost of a sheeppish expression emerged, and his hazel green eyes flickered around cautiously. Right here, sitting, pressed up against the wall with his backpack at his side; this was where he would stay as of now.

Seeing as nobody really looked up for a conversation- or interrogation on Quinn's behalf, he tilted his head back, laying it against the wall. However, his eyes strained to remain down, his paranoia getting quite the best of him. He wasn't any bit gullible or naive, especially since the epidemic. As of now.. he didn't know what to make of this group. In fact, he hadn't even got a good look at them since he was so cautious about his entrence- all the way up to sitting down.

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #964 on: July 01, 2015, 05:43:02 pm »

"Death is inevitable we can only prolong it.

Donald shrugs at the young man "Well, that drunk over there is Clark and I'm Donald." the male, which earns him an annoyed "Go to hell!" from Clark, which Donald just chuckles at. Then he sees that the male, known as Quinn, seemed to be quite unsettled. Nobody was talking which probably didn't help. Though Donald -being the laid back guy he is- guessed he could possibly be the one to help. He walks over to where he was sitting against the wall, giving him a friendly slap on the shoulder before sliding down next to him.

"Got nothing to worry about, mate." Don assures him, putting his hands behind his head, "Think everyone is a bit frazzled, just broke out of an infested hospital. Thought those things were supposed to help people." he tries to laugh but ends up coughing. Once he recovered he looked back at him "We'll be fine in a few minutes." he grabs his rucksack and pulls out several bars of chocolate and packets of crisps, "After this. The only real medicine in my opinion." he tried to laugh but coughs again before digging through the packets "Got any preferences on flavour?" he asks, looking through his thick emo fringe at Quinn.
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #965 on: July 01, 2015, 08:48:27 pm »

                                         Kennedy-Leight McCally & Jacob Bennedict

"You've got everything it takes. But it'll take everything you've got."

Nodding her head at the males comment about the other groups she'd then smile "I agree, groups I've met are stupid bas... Idiots ..." she'd stutter, remembering the challenge Jacob had set her to 'stop having such a foul mouth' as he'd say. Watching the male lower himself against the wall she'd simply nod, turning to Tonx with a smile. It was now obviously, slightly, that the woman was pregnant, seeing as her stomach was becoming rather large and rounded. "You hungry?" she'd question, raising a brow. Staying in her position for a moment she'd turn her attention from Tonx to Jacob, and then to Clark who seemed to sit alone. Her flask was more than likely empty now, or almost there that is. Seeing as Donald already had what they'd call food now, she felt no need in asking. Making her way towards the many large bags which contained their supplies; one with clothes and weapons, ones with washing/bathing supplies, one with food and other with medication and other objects they may need like a small stove, few bits of cutlery etc. Reaching in to the bag of food she'd grab a few small bottles of water, crisps and a snack bar; that'd have to do for tonight. Filling her arms with this food she'd quickly roll two bottles towards Donald and Quinn. Stopping near Tonx she'd drop a bottle, snack bar and the crisps near the woman, then doing the same with Clark and Jacob, placing her things near the male she'd head back over to the sack. Grabbing a box of dog biscuits and a few dog food rolls. Going in to the kitchen of the abandoned apartment she grabbed a few small, plastic tubs, adding a mixture in to each, then using the larger one for water. Just enough bowls of food for each dog, and a large bowl of water to share.

Allowing the canines to eat in peace, Kennedy placed herself near Jake, grasping her small carton of juice, pulling off the straw and taking it out of the packet, then poking it through the small foil covered hole. Taking a small, gentle sip she'd savour the drink throughout her small meal. Placing it at her side she'd grasp the crisps, opening them and taking individual ones out. Raising a brow Jacob would look at her with a smile "And what you looking at?" she questioned, raising a brow. "I got to say, you aren't as bitter and mean as you use to be. You've done well kidda" he smiled nodding his head, gently shoving the womans shoulder. "Aye, had no choice did I ... but thanks, sometimes you've got to change for the best ..." she'd reply with a rasped turn, smiling before placing another crisp in her mouth. Chuckling quietly to himself Jacob didn't say too much after that, he glanced around the room with a smile which would slowly fade. Taking the cap off of the bottle he'd take a quick swig, before placing it down and eating the crisps, going at a faster pace than Kennedy. With the dogs now eating and everyone else, Jake felt a lot more relaxed. Hopefully this would give everyone enough energy to continue through the days. Even though he knew they'd need to venture out soon, supplies would eventually run low and with the group getting more members, more supplies was an obvious must.
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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #966 on: July 01, 2015, 09:26:18 pm »

Tomoko ?

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #967 on: July 02, 2015, 04:19:13 am »

"The future's too bright to dwell on the past. Life's fast, run faster."

Sweet Pea's multicolored head, which now, as Quinn inspected, began to have some gray hairs spark up in it, was resting upon his thigh. Out of an act of nervousness, Quinn kept a slow, steady pace of patting the greyhound's head. His lips drew a straight line, and his hazel green eyes tended to waver about nervously, mostly anxiety stirring his stomach. Now, one of the group members, which his feeble mind turned his name to ash, slinked down to the floor beside him. Quinn, out of courtesy, held himself from backing away a bit, instead, he simply stiffened. Narrowing his eyebrows a touch, Quinn nodded his head in a reassuring manner. His frozen up expression thawed a bit, showing the more so timid side of Quinn. "Understandable. I hope I'm not too much trouble. I should probably keep moving onwards anyways.." The last bit was mostly murmured under his quirky rasped tone.

The water bottle rolled up to him, and he picked it up and shoved it in his red backpack, seeing as prior this whole ordeal, Sweet Pea and himself had lunch. Plus, he wouldn't want to deplete any supplies of this new group. "I really don't want to cause trouble here." The lad commented with a small, sheepish smile. Another girl approached, with what seemed like a swollen, pregnant belly. Quinn could only assume, seeing as the only other pregnant woman whom he's been close to was his mother, and that was a long time ago. So, not wanting to be rude, he offered her a small smile, deciding not to comment on it.

At Donald's offer on chocolate or chips, Quinn perked up slightly. Chocolate? It had been awhile since he had. "Um, have any dark chocolate?" He questioned, although, wouldn't get his hopes up too soon if the male hadn't. It was just a nice, warming feeling.. Chocolate was always a nice treat. What seemed like some .75 cent chocolate bar back in the day, now, was something longed for in this undead-infested world. What a shame.

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #968 on: July 02, 2015, 11:12:48 am »

"Death is inevitable we can only prolong it.

The shaggy haired male jumped slightly, before turning towards Tonx. He smiles a little bit at her and gently pats her cold hand. He then turned his shaggy head back to Quinn as he asked him about chocolate. Mumbling, he started going through the small pile. "Dark... Dark... Uhhhhh- oh! Here!" he finds a red wrapper, which had the dark chocolate in it. "Theres a few more in there if you want them. Don't think anyone else likes them. he laughs slightly but ends up coughing again as he hands the male his chocolate.

Clark had finished her flask a few moments ago and was feeling quite dim from the... She didn't actually know what it was but she knew it was alcohol. She sighed as she stood up and stumbled over to the others with the food given to her. She nods at Ken as a thanks and slides down the opposite wall to the others, picking at a packet of crisps, feeling rather fuzzy and not quite with it.
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

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Re: "Is this really the end?"|Literate|Realistic|Post Apocalyptic RP|Open!|
« Reply #969 on: July 02, 2015, 07:32:57 pm »

{You guys may skip me, I can't think of anything just yet.}
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