Author Topic: [Closed For Now!] Turaia  (Read 4724 times)

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Re: Turaia [ Seeking Pack Leaders - 3/5 ]
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2014, 11:24:39 am »
Name: Arabella
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Appearance:  (I do not own this art. Arabella is also supposed to have one icy blue eye, and one a goldish)
Personality: Quiet, very calm, doesn't believe in violence when it's used too often, playful like a pup
Likes: Quiet places, pups(Because they're adorable) dark places, sweet things like cave fruits, sparring
Dislikes: Places that are too light, those whom annoy too often
Fears: Oblivion (Yus. Ya'll see what I did there. TFIOS <3)
Biography: Arabella is of German heritage, often speaking with an accent in her speech. She is quite a strong leader, but also a capable follower as well. Before making decisions for herself, Arabella is known to ask others if it will ruin her character, or reputation among the caves. Not much is known about this female, except that her pelt is the color of a silver moon, and she has dual-colored eyes
Which Pack: Charir
Roleplay Sample: Padding silently through the dark caves, Arabella felt completely at home here. Auds flickering as she walked, the young silver fae would listen to the sounds around her, utterly aware of her surroundings and what might come. Inhaling a soft breath, she held it there until the loud noise passed. There must have been av avalanche atop the snowy mountain that sat upon the cave that she currently dwelled in. Quietly making her way over to a corner, Arabella slid down against a stalagmite and curled up on the spot, allowing her eyelids to flicker closed over her icy blue and golden-hued eyes. Tassel tapping softly on the hard stone beside her, Arabella would still be fully awake and aware as she lay there, curled up on the spot, half-leaning against the column of rock that stuck out of the cave ground. "Vonderful." She would murmur, her thick German accent rolling smoothly off her tongue. Life was good.
When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and being the most gigantic idiot on Earth. So what the hell, leap!

<~:THG forever, fangirl at heart, so shoo you peasant, no pic included:~> (Yet)

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Re: Turaia [ Seeking Pack Leaders - 3/5 ]
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2014, 04:36:05 pm »
Full name: Zao Mrak Litica

Meaning: Goblin Dark Cliff

Preferred gender would be female, simply as I've only ever role played as a male once before, but based on the RP, if needed I'd be a male c:

Age: 12 seasons.

Origin: Bosnia, hence her name.

Appearance: Pic&Mix >8 )

Personality: Zao is an inquisitive lupine who doesn't like to be left in the dark. Her curiosity isn't kept quiet and if she hears others talking, she'll boldly go over and accept herself in the conversation. If told to go away, her stubborn side kicks in and she'll tilt her head, though not seeming threatening but a way of her saying 'I'm staying'. Though sometimes bold, she likes to be certain on situations before facing them, or points before making them. When needed, like most, she has a serious side to her. She does have a weakness to youthful wolves, and will go easy on them compared to others. She's quite friendly, in the sense of nuzzles etc, but of course once mated her affection would be for that single soul.

Likes: Those who don't see her as an abusing head, but someone they choose to listen to. Respect, like a bow of the head. She's quite interested in brave youths, as they are the sorts of wolves to joke around with when she's /letting her hair down/. She's pretty calm in most situations, within reason. And to be around others, not on her own.

Dislikes: Solitude. Meaningless deaths. Abusive males. Arranged mating.

Fears: Her life to be taken away from her if she had done nothing to try and prevent it. Being so wounded she couldn't protect those around her. To be despised for just being herself.

Biography: Zao was born into a pack who preferred there to be only an alpha mating pair. However, her mother Dragulj Litica and farther Mlaz Lecta were close friends with the alpha pair and were given acceptance to mate. Of course the birth of Zao and her brother Kasno who was still born, weren't what the pack wanted to happen. So Zao lived in the shadow of the alpha pairs pups. Zao, seeking for the respect the pack gave her parents, decided at approximately 6 seasons to leave and start her own pack, to get the respect she had long desired for.

Which Pack: Charir

Roleplay Sample: The lupines constantly twitching ears became something of annoyance as she stood in wait of that stoat, who's bleached winter coat made it all the more harder to pin point the mammals location underneath the snow. Yet her hunt was almost to an end, as a muffled squeak was all she needed to spring up and pounce upon the destination of her soon to be kill. Those hard evolved nails began their clawing at the ground knowing any slacking of the job would end the chase with an empty stomach. That wasn't an option. Her stubbornness wouldn't let her forearms aching muscles rest until she finally had her chance and that all important hole had appeared for her to slam her powerful jaws down, snatching up the long bodied stoat. A satisfied growl rumbled from her chest as she shook the stoat once, making sure her muzzle had ended its life. Spitting it onto the ground she pondered on the thought of having a feast of her own then and there... But she couldn't. A pack of nearly starving wolves would surely have a wolf more in need then herself. It was merely a mouthful, but given to someone, there'd be one less mouth to fill. Chuffed she carried the creature back to camp, its position just about in eyesight.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 08:44:20 am by emma »

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Re: Turaia [ Seeking Pack Leaders - 3/5 ]
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2014, 02:09:30 am »
 Hi, I just wanted to double check that Charir applications were still open?
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Re: Turaia [ Seeking Pack Leaders - 3/5 ]
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2014, 07:49:54 am »
Hello there! I'm sorry to disappoint, but the applications for it literally just closed yesterday. :( I have already chosen a leader I'm afraid!

On the plus side, the map will hopefully be completed soon. :) We're aiming to open the group up for general admissions when it is finished.

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Re: Turaia [ Seeking Pack Leaders - 3/5 ]
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2014, 11:08:31 am »
Name: Quila
Gender: Females
Age: 1 1/2

Personality:She is the funniest Fae you will ever meat, she loves to joke with others when necessary, Always has a bright attitude towards things, loves it when others want to race with her, She does not liked being asked about her past, only thing that she remembers is absolute nothing, the only thing she will say if you ask is "i dont remember",
dont worry she wont hurt your pups, she will teach them stories.Once you are friends with quila their is no backing out, if she knows you really well she might just tackle you to the ground!

Likes: Speaking in public, Alone time, taken to beautiful places she has never been, secrets, Reputation, she absolutley loves running for hours on end
Dislikes: killing her friends, seeing others disrespect thier pups, Disloyal friends.
Fears: watching others die due to starvation.
Biography: Quila was born into a huge pack called the Krenti Pack, This pack had 48 members in it
Kunder was the alpha of the krenti pack and is also Quila`s and Demolishes dad. With a huge pack you would think it would be very safe, anyways, Quila was a normal cute female pup with her brother Demolish, Their mother cosmix was always worrying about other wolves that might get jealous and try and attempt to kill Quila and Demolish. Time past and Quila was 6 Months old as well as her twin brother, they can now walk, run, play, jump ect, everyday her brother and Quila would race each other To their fathers high rock before Kunder can even get there. One day a wolf walked infront of the 2 pups in the middle of their morning race, Quila knew this wolf very well, it was her fathers brother "hello Vanish" she said before he riped her and demolish off the ground and started running with Quila and Dem in his mouth they both screamed out for their father and mother, Their mother started running in the direction strait away, Kunder tried to run after his brother Vanish but he was stopped by some pack members and went into battle with them but still trying chase after Vanish with Dem and Quila. Kunder was horribly outnumbered and sadley killed,. But No one knew Cosmix was still silently chasing Vanish. She had reached him When he had stoped and looked around before Grabbing Demolish and riping his throught out then looked at quila and began to grab her and do the same thing, luckily her mother jumped out at Vanish making him through Quila onto a rock but still faintly alive. Her mother Knocked him out, She was horrified seeing Demolish dead then realized her beautiful little Quila was still alive, She picked quila up in her mouth before vanish woke up and ran out in search of a pack to take her.Her mother was soon killed my Vanish Very quickly as Cosmix had became blind
The bad thing was that Quila could not remember Nothing after waking up from being smashed in the head.
(sorry got carrired away
Which Pack: um.., Yrev?
Roleplay Sample: The dark pelted fae through herself onto a mossy rock as she landed on a sharp part of the rock stabbing her hip very slightly not wanting to feel pain she grew tired of trying to survive. he cranium rest on the rocks side as Quila observes the packs activities. he optics gleaming as she watches each bit of snow the fall near or on her small cranium. he paws frozen from the cold icey weather that has been brewing for about a year she thinks. her black auds start to get frost on the tip of them.