Author Topic: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))  (Read 52732 times)

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2014, 09:24:46 pm »
That you're an ape and you want fruit.))
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2014, 09:55:44 pm »

Maddi smiled at him and then noticed the gibbon had joined them in the room "Oh, um yeah I have some fruit... Just give me a second." She stood and brushed the dirt off of her jeans, turning to Ezekiel she gave him a small wave "I guess I'll see you in the morning." she mumbled and turned back around, only to smack into the door again.

"Oh screw this!" she grunted and gave the wooden door a kick, knocking it slightly off the hinges, but it still hung by the bottom two hinges. "Uh Ezekiel, could you possibly remove the door for me? Thanks." she then darted out of the room and toward the kitchen where her fruits were stored in an unlocked metal safe to keep the pests out. She dug around the 'pantry' and pulled out some semi fresh grapes and an apple "Which one would you like?"
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2014, 10:06:07 pm »
(Apes usually eat fruit.)
Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki

Cry winces as the girl yet, again walks into another door. She lets out a cough, wich consists of her enlarging her throat-sack and expelling the cough loudly. She glances at the fruit and promply takes the grapes from the girl's hand, giving her a subtle nod in thanks. She eats the fruit before saying "I might as well introduce myself. I'm Chakwaina Kasumi Susuki. But people call me 'Cry'." figuring it would be polite to say so as this woman was generous enough to allow her to stay the night.

Tomoko ?

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2014, 12:16:33 am »
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

"See you in the morning." Ezekiel's gruff tone replied quite dryly, only bobbing his head briefly to exert his goodbye to Potato- or "Maddi." However, the goodbye was short lived as the young female smacked - yet again, might I add - into the door once again. His icy blue eyes widened a touch as she kicked it, nearly off it's hinges out of sheer anger. Woah, a fiesty one, aye?

Ezekiel's lips smirked, but not at the girl- but at the door which was nearly off it's hinges. The door now stood crooked- not fitting it's frame. "I'd say that the door has it out for you- but Alas, I'll take care of it." Zeke's tone spoke with an amused pitch, his eyebrows dancing lightly with amusement.

He stood from the chair, his towwering 6'6 frame nearly reaching the ceiling- but not quite. He stretched his arms a bit, arching them over his head- and placed his palms on the ceiling- giving his abdomen a stretch- the hem lifting up and revealing several tatto's and a snail trail. He chuckled lightly and shifted his shirt down before meeting his maker- the door that fell lopsided off of its hinges.

"Door, prepare to meet your doom." Ezekiel's low tone growled lightly- in a comedic manner, of course, as he grabbed the door handle and with one swift upward motion, the door was ripped from it's hinges, and now lay flat against the floor. Ezekiel picked up the door, and laid it against the wall, now admiring the large gap in the wall.

Ah, now to get some sleep. He turned back and trotted towards the chair, resuming his casual position before letting his heavy lids flutter close and he welcomes the presence of sleep with open, greeting arms.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 12:25:30 am by Jane Doe »
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2014, 12:35:33 am »

Maddi watched as Cry ate her grapes "Well Cry, you might have already heard, but my name is Maddi." she gave the other girl a wide smile and set the grapes down in a bowl on the table next to her. "And Ezekiel's right, I am no potato and I need some sleep, I shall see you as well in the morning." With a small bow the girl backed out of the room with a slight stumble, she was such a klutz today. Heading back to her room she trailed her fingers along the wall and watched as the dirt crumbled beneath her fingers, reminding her that the rains had yet to come to this desolate part of the region, the walls of her home hadn't been damp for months.

She quickly changed out of her dusty clothes and then climbed into the metal framed bed, blowing out the candle that she constantly left in her room, and the darkness settled in. It started to seem more and more oppresive as she heard Cry munching on grapes in the next room and the soft, muffled snores of the boy sleeping down the hall. Speaking of Ezekiel, Maddi actually thought he was a pretty good guy, and knowing that he and Cry would be leaving her alone in the morning made her feel a pang of anxiety.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 12:44:10 am by The_Bubble_Ninja »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #45 on: May 28, 2014, 12:51:12 am »
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

The darkness engulfed the male as he was emerrsed within the gracious and calming oblivion of sleep. However, the lonjevity of this "sleep" was actually quite short: which was a normality to the insomniac Ezekiel. He awoke with a jolt upwards, which caused the chair to creak under his sudden force, and he tumbled to the floor with rather loud thud.

A groan escaped Ezekiel as he fully awoke, assessing the situation. Actually, it was quite comfortable here on the floor.. He turned onto his side, so that his back was to the door, as he slowly and sluggishly pulled himself from the floor. Dirt was now coating his hands and was lightly staining his dark jeans. The Meta let out a low growl, and a streams of curses flowed from his lips. He didn't like being clumsy; although what else could you expect from a 6'6 guy who didn't even know how to control his own height?

Zeke leaned his head against the concrete wall, his fists beside his head as he growled once more. The latest hours of the night were always the worst for the brute; remembering the past, and how he dreaded this time. Especially when mom stumbled home from the bar around this hour. His knee bobbed up and down nervously as he remained pressed against the wall. Ezekiel just mumbled under his breath to himself, trying to calm himself down. He couldn't sleep with these thoughts and emotions swirling around him: it would only lead to vivid nightmares and such.

"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #46 on: May 28, 2014, 01:05:56 am »

As she lay in bed, Maddi listened as Ezekiel shuffled around in his room. Deciding she didn't want to sleep, she grabbed her dark clothes from under the bed and slipped them on. Brushing off the dirt she secured her leather gloves and the leather tool band around her waist. She tucked her hair up in a bun before lifting her mask to her face and tying it behind her head. Satisfied with her look, she slipped back into the hallway and past the kitchen and reading room like a ghost and once out of hearing range, she pounded her way up the concrete steps and into the frigid night air.

Scaling the barbed wire fence, she then landed on the other side with a light thump and took off towards the city. As the lights drew nearer, her grin grew wider and wider; her thievery had started out as a necessity, now she did it for fun. In the city she was known as the Shadow Reaper, the thief/assassin who stayed in the shadow.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #47 on: May 28, 2014, 01:35:59 am »
Ezekiel Jebeddiah Crosse

The male's constant growls that rumbled from the depths of his throat ceased momentarily. Did he hear something? He perked his head up from laying against the wall, his icy blue eyes scanning the room. Zeke's eyes stopped at the doorstep as a figure silently slid by the gaping whole in the wall where the door should be- but now resided slanted against the wall opposite to it.

It was Maddi, wasn't it? What was she doing running around during the dark hours of the night. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he peeked his head out of the frame of the door, into the hallway, as she climbed the concrete steps into the city's air- dangerous and refreshing all the same. Ezekiel knew better than anybody that this time of the last hours of night were the most dangerous- especially for Meta's. Even for the common person, these hours of the night, the streets were crawling with predators, drunkies stumbling home from the bar, and just plane wako's. As well as people who liked to hunt Meta's for the tremendous reward placed on their heads- especially Ezekiel's.

Ezekiel  pulled his dark leather jacket over his gray long-sleeve shirt and silently followed after the female into the night. If she was idiotic enough to venture out in the night, Ezekiel felt somewhat obligated to go after her and make sure everything would be okay. He owed her that much after bringing her to tears, right?

"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline seopard

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #48 on: May 28, 2014, 01:55:55 am »

Almost immediately the girl had spotted her shadow and growling, she pushed her pace a little bit faster hoping to lose Ezekiel. She should have been worried about the dangers of going out at night, but she kept going, determined that she would succeed as always. Maddi skirted the edge of the city, looking for a specific alley way in which she she always entered.

The streets were barren aside from the few stumbling drunks who were yelling about potatoes "How ironic." she whispered to herself as she made her way down Main Street, looking through the store windows. She stopped when she got to the candy store and saw the gumballs that were in a large container on display. A gumball, she hadn't had one of those in months... Acting on impulse, she had the door unlocked within seconds, and was soon in the jar of gumballs, popping a red one in her mouth.

Sticking her head back out the door, she saw no one around and hopped back out of the store, closing the door behind her and then trotting down the street, but freezing when she saw 3 figures standing on the sidewalk a ways ahead of her. Judging by their posture, they weren't drunk, in fact they seemed to be waiting for something. Maddi quickly spun on the balls of her feet and ran in the opposite direction.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: META; The Spirit of Change ((Shifter RP))
« Reply #49 on: May 28, 2014, 10:40:24 am »

Aimee-Leigh Fletcher

Walking down to the city had taken Aimee atleast an hour as she followed the long trails across fields and the open roads, eventhough the city was a good place she seemed to prefer the forest at times - whether that was just the wolf in her she didn't known. But the many hours she had spent in the city getting food and shopping it was now night - the skies dark and the odd star was placed in the deep blue sky. The city was almost silent apart from the few people out for the night life and the few gangs that hung around on street corners.

May would say the streets were 'dangerous' at night but what did she have to worry? She lived in a forest for heavens sake - something most people would find rather intimidating and scary. But again she liked it. As she slowly walked down the street the heavy soul of her shoe beat against the ground and her hair bobbed up and down on her shoulders - raising her left hand she brushed her fingers through her long fringe and brushed it back over her head.

Despite knowing and having many friends in the city they never seemed up for going out at night as they were always busy, how could some people not find time? It completely baffled her at times. But hey if she was bored she could turn into a wolf and run with the wolves in the forest, or turn into her canine for a trudge through the streets at night.

Now, Aimee was to persue in the long walk back home - it would only take another hour or so but the many alleys and subways that she had to pass gave her an eary feeling. Those stupid gangs didn't seem to bother her though they were just petty humans trying to look big and funny - she could easily unjure and even kill them if provoked to and angered enough. She was traveling from the inner city towards the outskirts - where most of the alleys left off and there was no way to avoid them. This didn't frighten her though sometimes she found it amusing to tease the 'normal' beings as she had increased speed and senses which was always a bonus especially the fact she could shift into either one of her forms at any minute.

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