Author Topic: Duna's bundle of Feralheart Stories  (Read 1519 times)

Offline duna the killer

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Duna's bundle of Feralheart Stories
« on: June 14, 2014, 01:31:03 pm »
How Stone Bridge came to be.
Once, long long ago, Ferals had to leap over the river to cross it, or swim across. There was no bridge to cross. So one day, the Ferals gathered and began to talk about adding a bridge. They saw a small stone mountain. "I've wanted to get rid of the mountain." Said one Feral. The other Ferals agreed. So the many Ferals began to push against the mountain. Groaning, the mountain fell over, straight over the River. The Ferals rejoiced, as they now had a bridge to cross. That's how stone bridge came to be.

What is the purpose of Temple of Dreams.
 One day, a Feral found a great structure. He went to the center, where there were waterfalls and flowers everywhere. He slept in the center and had a great dream. The next morning he told his friend. His friend had the same dream. So the rumor spread about a structure that gave dreams to Ferals. So many Ferals came, to either pray, sleep, or just have fun. It was later dubbed Temple of Dreams.

How Feralheart attracts so many varying creatures.
When the land of Feralheart was created, it was empty.   No creatures roamed the lands. But then the creator littered the land with plants. Then some herbivores arrived. And with the herbivores came the carnivores. The carnivores and herbivores then began exploring. Eventually they found Ficho Tunnel, then Fluorite Plains. With time, the land of Feralheart was full of many creatures, big and small.

How Bonfire Island got it's name.
One day on a cold winter, the Ferals were freezing. They gathered in the center, conserving their warmth. One Feralheart spoke up, "W-We s-should build a b-bonfire.." He said, his teeth chattering. The others nodded and collected wood. One Feral got some flint, and struck the wood. A huge fire erupted up. The Ferals cheered, no longer cold. The snow melted and the fire was so warm the island would never freeze. The Ferals put the fire out and began playing. But before they broke up, one Feral spoke up, "We shall call this island, Bonfire Island, in honor of the Bonfire that saved us all!" They all agreed on the name, and from then on, the island was called Bonfire Island.

Offline Miraja

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Re: Duna's bundle of Feralheart Stories
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2014, 02:03:14 pm »
Nice stories C: I like them!
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Re: Duna's bundle of Feralheart Stories
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2014, 12:19:46 am »
Amazing stories!!