Author Topic: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'  (Read 5062 times)

Offline hugrf2

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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2014, 06:29:17 pm »
Oh, sorry if I sounded a little harsh, I'm calm, don't worry ^^' This is my first time ranting, so I felt I should start off angry, I guess. I'm so, so sorry if I came off that way, okay? I just wanted to find a way to explain, I guess. :x

Err... While I try to remember to reread my post so I can make it seem less mean to assure you I was brainless by then, no hard feelings, ja?


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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2014, 07:04:36 pm »
Oh, sorry if I sounded a little harsh, I'm calm, don't worry ^^' This is my first time ranting, so I felt I should start off angry, I guess. I'm so, so sorry if I came off that way, okay? I just wanted to find a way to explain, I guess. :x

Err... While I try to remember to reread my post so I can make it seem less mean to assure you I was brainless by then, no hard feelings, ja?

You're fine don't worry ^^ it was a rant, we all have rants where we scream and such, it's just weird seeing someone so in rage about this o.o I mean I know it's upsetting to a lot of people but acted like you just wanted to choke anyone who did this lol

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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2014, 09:04:12 pm »
Although this states some very good information, I have a little thing to note. I dont mean to sound rude or blunt hun.

I would agree with this if you could just calm down a little.

This is true, yet, I understand her emotion of unease and anger from users placing labels on others due to their roleplaying abilities. She remained calm through most of her statement, therefore, she did prove a point, but, as stated before, it is understandable of anger and emotion felt to have a label placed on you due to your ability to roleplay.

Its sad to note members putting others down because they feel their roleplay skills and or abilitys are not suiting enough to match theirs, everyone has different ways of posting and or playing their role in the scene, its the members placing labels on them that may make them feel uncomfortable and angered in the situation. I roleplay with all levels and ways of users posting, and have seen such activity going on. It erks me, as it does the person being labeled or attacked. If harassment occours, it should be brought to the staffs attention. There is just no reason for labels to be placed on younger/less experienced roleplayers in such situation.

And again, this rant proves points, though, understandable unease has been shown. Sorry if I sounded rude, I tried not to ;o;

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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2014, 09:42:37 pm »
Your fine love. I would've done the same thing, since whenever I keep strong feelings bottled up for too long I get this urge to spill it out on some else.
I couldn't agree with your rant more love, but I would've had more of an urge to reply reasonably if you maybe took a few of the caps and maybe made the rant sound pleasant.
But then again...
You're fine don't worry ^^ it was a rant, we all have rants where we scream and such, it's just weird seeing someone so in rage about this o.o I mean I know it's upsetting to a lot of people but acted like you just wanted to choke anyone who did this lol
I agree with Thyme. We all have a rant at least once in our lives and its good to see you are so passionate about this certain topic. Maybe next time pipe down the anger a little and people will kindly reply with their thoughts.
Good job love, I'd love to hear another of your rants in the future!

(I am extremely sorry if I sound like stuck up youknowtheword. It's bug season and I'm a tad bit irritated to be taking a day off school so I can avoid vomiting in someone's face)

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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2014, 10:38:20 pm »
I know what you mean, but I also do understand that some people do prefer to have a certain level of effort in their rps. So, I guess it's all personal opinion as long as you're polite about it.

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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2014, 01:11:33 am »
Alright now what I'm going to say may offend some people, but please don't take this the wrong way.

I agree with some things you say. Judging others is wrong and I don't like seeing anyone bullied or harassed for their roleplay level/style. I don't insult people who don't roleplay like me and sometimes call others out that I see doing it and tell them to knock it off and be nice.

I however feel you're entire first post is bashing a certain roleplaying style and I don't think it's fair in the slightest. You defend one side while openingly insulting the other. But have you ever thought to look at the other side? Or I dunno the entire picture? Who are you to decide it's wrong for people to simply stick with roleplayers that roleplay the same style as them? As a 'literate' I find it hard to roleplay with those that.. don't roleplay like me. And again I don't bash or harass anyone. But have you ever really thought about it? I mean really thought about it?

Imagine you and your roleplay group is sitting around having a really fun roleplay. You're just chilling out with your pride (yeah lets go with lions) and people are getting a long. When suddenly out of no where a random lion comes into the area. You and your group continue roleplaying and then the lion proceeds to try to interact with you. You reply a simple post saying hello and asking if they needed something. In response you get:
"*growl and bites no miss*"

Uhm what? No. :I Now I know not all 'illiterates' are like that, but the majority I have seen are. The roleplay styles are too different and not even including possible realism or magical powers into this. I have literally tried to roleplay nicely with people on different 'levels' of roleplay then me. And it always turns out the same, I get powerplayed, auto-hit and it just gets really awkward.. Like- really awkward.

I can see it now.

"((You can't auto-hit me like that that's unfair..))"
"ok but my lion is a super muscled guy that as trained by his uncle who was also a demon"
"((Ah.. ok then..))"

So is it wrong of me to avoid people that don't roleplay similar to me? No. In general it's utterly confusing and ends up with a ton of headaches and frustration for me. So to avoid being snappy, mean and rude I simply try to bypass roleplaying with beginner roleplayers. It saves everyone the uneeded drama.


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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2014, 01:36:41 am »
I don't know why people are telling you to calm down.   It was a frustratedly-expressed rant and I understand your reason behind that.  Calm-mannered or entirely and one-hundred per-cent reasonable threads and rants of such sort are hard to create whenever you feel so strongly of the subject.  Even something passive aggressive is hard to go by.

People likely felt personally offended or felt as if others might be upon reading this, but it was an unspecified rant towards unspecified individuals or groups addressing a legitimate problem within the Feral Heart community.  It wasn't the best way to present feelings against the problem, sure; but you did it regardless, and I honestly don't understand why people are calling you out and your wording and what-not.  Yes, it wasn't the most well-worded thing.  Yes, it very much did address 'all', as in a large majority of people who partake in bashing, and yes; it did not fully acknowledge reasons behind not wanting to roleplay with others (i.e: general discomfort was completely thrown aside, and you stated to ignore it.  No-one is obligated to do something they are uncomfortable with, even if it brings the other great joy or pleasure.)

  But otherwise?  Great flippin' job.  You addressed the problem that is 'literate' members (although I don't like to use the terms.  Things like 'users of paragraph-style' or 'script style' is so much more reasonable,and specifies that your literacy has nothing to do with how you roleplay.  It's just how you type) bashing 'illiterate' members.  You didn't do it in the best way possible, but you did a half heartedly, although on your side full-heartedly, attempt at it.  No-one should immediately frown upon another because of their typing style and say it to their faces or even suggest that they change because they don't like it or think it's ridiculous.  It's part of being a decent person; not insulting someone when they haven't done anything to purposely agitate or annoy you, whether accidental or not, because nothing they say is personally directed towards you.  

  But you worded your rant in a way that said 'you should have to roleplay with 'illiterates' (god I still hate that term) as to boost their general happiness level or something and make them feel included', when really, no-one here owns anyone anything, and when you make a large and organised group, it's just your own rules and preferences that put limitations on whether or not someone would be able to join.  If you don't have those, then you might as well let walrus into a turtle roleplay-- although I do admit that some people have ridiculously high standards.

  Either way, it's important to recognise that no-one owes anyone anything, no-one is obligated to continue or start a roleplay they don't want to continue or start, and no-one is obligated to treat someone especially nice because of the way they type or do the opposite of that and consider them a 'lower human being' because of their style when they have not done anything directly to you to cause you to publicly announce your judgements against them and to their faces.  And this goes both ways; from 'literates' to 'illiterates' and 'illiterates' to 'literates'.

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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2014, 02:29:34 am »
Again, I appreciate your opinions and all, and I'll avoid saying "I started this at 7:00 AM in the morning, soo"... again after that. Now, I'm glad you're all being honest here; Yes, I might have bashed a little bit, but to no one in particular and if you think it's wrong still, moderators have the full right to lock this.

Also, I am in fact looking at the other side, but what I'm stating is people bullying illiterates is disturbing me the most, not powerplayers or anyone of that sort that come out of nowhere. Again, when I get home in about an hour I'll edit the first post here if it'd make you happy. In no way was this topic meant to bash on others out there, but to state some stuff that's been bugging me for a while.

I apologize If I misread anyone's post and again, feel free to lock this if you need to. Thanks for your opinions, though?

(Note: On a phone, so post is a little short and may be slightly... misunderstood. )


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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2014, 04:10:52 am »
There are some times when I sorta have to roleplay with 'illiterates'. Since I hop around in Bonfire a lot I have to roleplay with them. In Fluorite, I can roleplay with 'literates'.
(These terms seem unfair, so I am going to just use different terms: Literate=Advanced, Illiterate=Freestyle)
I honestly don't exactly LIKE Freestylers, but I don't go around saying "Omg you're so bad at rping."
When I was on my Night Fury, I was over at the Advanced side of Bonfire. (Elk, Horses, Humans galore!)
This Freestyle Lion came through and attacked someone, without permission. All the Advanced people ganged up on him, and he said:"This is why I don't like Feralheart! It's suppose to be FUN! It's all because of you guys I can't have it!"
That person was INDEED right. Feralheart IS about fun, not judging people; like Hugrf (I believe) said. So I honestly don't know why we can't get along- or AT LEAST not judge each other because we don't Roleplay the same.

I bet you WERE "illiterate" too before you got better, RIGHT?

Even before coming to Feralheart, we all started somewhere- even I had to. Also, maybe these Freestylers are just hopping into the action. Why can't we let them join in on the fun?

Thus, concludes my side of the rant. (And my feelings on this- I can't type with these feels huehue)

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Getting My Feels Out Here: 'Literates'
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2014, 05:03:13 am »
I've really been trying to avoid this topic since it frustrates me to talk about it but I'm going to address a few things here before I go to bed.

First unless Huggy editted this thread before I read this I don't really see anything offensive. I don't see them bashing anyone. They are merely sharing their feelings.

Anyone who knows me well enough around the game knows that I get extremely offended when the terms literate and illiterate get thrown around. For one thing people aren't even using them correctly. It humors me when someone prides themself on being so called "literate" but keeps calling people who obviously can communicate well enough to be understood as "illiterates". I'm going to be honest with you all because I don't sugar coat my words or feelings so here goes...

The use of these terms in this community is total nonsense.

Did you read that right?


Calling people illiterate based on their rping style is insensitive and rude. While not all the people who consider themselves as "literates" are bad people most of them use the terms like some kind of badge of power or greatness. It's like we're back in grade school again with the name calling and bullying. There is no need for such disgraceful behavior like what I've seen in game based on this whole who is literate and illiterate thing.

What users fail to see with this so called innocent labeling game is that using labels like this starts a trend in a community. It opens pathways to bullying and broken social orders. It starts to slowly chisel away at the core values of respect, and unity within the community. Users don't just use the word as a way of describing a person's rp skill anymore but rather a way to label someone as a noob and even shun them. Being labeled as an illiterate in this community is close to being called a noob or a troll. It's not a title that anyone likes to be called and for some it's quite hurtful.

The users who support the use of these terms need to reconsider exactly how calling others this would make them feel. Most of the users in this community are very young and easily impressionable. Perhaps they endure name calling and bullying already and come to a game like this one to escape that reality. The whole point of roleplaying is to step away from reality yet some users insist on making Feral Heart another hostile environment.

No user here can tell me that the use of these words is innocent or ever good. I've corrected a number of very rude "literate" rpers in game before because they get to a point where they act like nothing but snobs in game. This isn't to say they all are but sad to say most are. Often times these "literate" users mock the way "illiterates" rp or speak. They tell others to block the user or ignore them the moment they see their rp samples or conversations. They say that they are dumb kids or mock their education. Some even go so far as to sit about and openly mock these users when they rp together sometimes obnoxiously correcting their "horrible grammar".

This is just a small bit of what I encounter in just one day on one map:

The whole idea & use of the words literate and illiterate are warped in this community. It's gotten to a point where many users don't even have the courage to approach others to ask to join rp groups because the majority of the so called literates, will eat them alive. What fun is a game where you have to constantly worry how you spell or how you formulate your sentences? This is not school. This is a game people.

I have rped numerous times in game and never once have I cared about a person's rp skills or so called "literacy" level. For me as long as you're imaginative, friendly, and looking for fun you're the perfect rp partner. I can't see what's so hard with opening up and rping with others of different skill levels. Never do I have a problem in my rps just because one user isn't as skilled a rper as the others. The rps are always fun. The whole excitement of life is encountering different people with different abilities. The better you can handle outside your own social bubble the better of a person you become, more interesting experiences you can have, and the more you learn. That's what this community is about. Not titles. Not skills. Not who can rp better or write longer paragraphs with more complex words. Not showing off ot grammar.... No

It's about fun. A community of smart different people getting together to have fun.

If some users don't want to rp with other users than fine. But why label people? Why make people feel like they are lacking in something or are less intelligent than others just because of how they speak or rp in chat?

No one here is perfect and everyone started some where even those that claim to be "literate" now. I miss the days when Feral Heart first started and rp groups were every where and I never ever saw this madness of who is "literate" & who is not. I'm disappointed with the way users approach rp these days.

Consider the Official Feral Heart RP Day. Think about what it represents and what we're trying to encourage. We strive to bring all users together for the fun of rp. New & old. More experienced & less experienced. Realistic, semi realistic, and fictional all together. It's a day where the whole community is encouraged to unite into one adventure. Never once do we exclude or judge another based on any traits yet alone literacy. I strongly believe that the theme of our Official RP Day shouldn't just be a one day thing... It should be an example of the way users should treat each other always.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2014, 05:13:33 am by LordSuragaha »