Author Topic: Repetitive Rant Threads  (Read 5859 times)

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Repetitive Rant Threads
« on: June 19, 2014, 11:49:54 pm »

Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: Repetitive Rant Threads
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2014, 12:33:20 am »
If I may add something:
In order to take the good, you must also be able to take the bad.
Breaking that down: If you want to encounter good and fun experiences on the internet, you should also be prepared for when the bad will come. That includes the trolls, bullies, etc. etc.

And on another note, I have yet to report someone- because I've never felt the need to. Someone harrassing me to leave "their territory?" I just up and leave, because honestly, there's other places on the map. I dont need to waste my time going back and forth with someone- and wasting my time. And if I dont want to leave, I just ignore the character and player until they give up. [And yes, they will eventually.] I've come across a lot of people who some people would've reported, but I've seen no need too. Some call me careless, I just say that it's not really a "report-worthy thing." However, if someone is breaking the rules, I might give them a friendly reminder, or send someone their way to tell them to stop.

Finally, to answer your question, yes, I think they are way to many rants about such frivilous topics.
Pull up your pants, act mature, and look the internet trolls back in the face, and say "I love you c:"
Hah, that'll throw them off for sure! Or just ignore them. I'm hoping this topic will bring awareness to these rant topics that have been popping up around the forums. They're quite.. hmm.. I dont know how to express the word- fearful of me possibly offending someone. Just know that I myself aren't fond of them.

And for those trolls that'll be like "A rant thread about rant threads?" Hah, no, this isn't, sweetheart. This is to bring everyone's awareness to how Miss Lady Alizarin is feeling about this subject. There is no hate directed towards any individual's, and in my perspective, she's just speaking her mind freely about the subject. Those are two polar opposites.

I think I'm done now.. ~ Thank you for your time and,
Thank you for your informative post, Lady Alizarin.

Love, Jane Doe
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Re: Repetitive Rant Threads
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2014, 12:50:35 am »
This sure is the internet, and FeralHeart will be no exception of rants. Though I must say the amount of situations threads actually hit code red and curses and insults go flying on this very forum has in general been very low for quite some time now, there's boards out there on the internet that fare far worse and I'm happy this place works the way it does, counting in the various types of people that clash but also what the community is.

I cannot say anything else than that I agree on the "thick skin" part. A place like FeralHeart can be very personal to each and everyone, whether it is the amount of time spent, the characters you go by, the friends you spend time with, the experiences you talk about or share. This place I believe go in a bit deeper and personal than some others out there, this might not be something directly linked to rants itself but I do believe it has something to do with the bigger picture of it all. Some people are complete idiots, the attack and go for the easy targets they can find, if you say something or do something they don't like whether it's right or wrong you could be up for a really hard time. Unless you have some thick skin to carry it through, or some supportive minds close to get you to think about something else, falling in for a rant is very likely to happen.

Something I do wish to say from my personal point of view is that some of these rants really make me tired sometimes. The rants that people come up with might've been done so many times before, it might be over the most small matters completely irrelevant to anything, they can be rants that go on and on about a tiny part of the situation, but skip the majority that actually takes the most of the things that goes along the drain. The majority of the staff in this case, will need to sit and listen to a lot of these whether they are personally sent to them, or posted publicly for anyone, and this list will just keep on adding up all throughout the time. Hearing someone go on about how they meet rude players in the game or how they got called ugly once can become hard to talk seriously when what these rants are based upon, is merely a pinch compared to an amputation that some people need to go through on here, and still sit down and listen to what wants to be said. Something over all that can be lacking around here is a general perspective and that the two eyes you see from is not the only ones out there. This is something that can come with age, but not always since it has been proven different from time to time.

Ranting is in many cases(not all) about self control, and sometimes you might actually make things worse for yourself whether it's right or not if you go ahead and post it. In some cases it can be hard not to take things said on the internet personal, since what has been said or done has been nothing but personal to you. But if you question their intentions to yourself and what sort of rhyme and reason their words hold, you will also shortly realize how shallow and pathetic many of the things said really can be. This helps you go on with your life and matters in FeralHeart eventually. But if you look anywhere on the internet, you will see that there's just as much problems from peoples behavior there too. The internet is for everyone, whether it's a decent human being or just a sad troll without dignity, this something we have to live with.
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Re: Repetitive Rant Threads
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2014, 11:26:27 pm »
You're going to find rants whenever you go, most of the time it is as you mentioned, the same topic over and over again. This same problem existed on so many forums that i really don't pay heed to them anymore. Most of the times, the rants are about people being immature or judgmental.

Is there obnoxious players? Sure, of course there has to be some. But its impossible to having something like fh on the internet without these types of people. Never have i even been so appalled with a situation that i felt the urge to report/rant. Maybe when i was younger on wolfquest, i may have once or twice, but I'm really beyond that.

People have to understand that this game is essentially aimed for the young teen age range. And of course there are barrier breakers, as a few preteens and young adults. Not everyone is the same and therefore not everyone is going to be considered literate/completely mature/be a flawless rp master. Even i'm far from some of these things.

Really, There's no point in ranting about all that. The only thing you would ever be doing is promoting those concerns among the community and promoting the negative ideals.

Btw red, smexy siggy xD Love babymetal ^^


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Re: Repetitive Rant Threads
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2014, 01:44:40 am »
Oh yus, welcome to the internet fluffs. No matter where you go your gonna run into a couple of rants, complaints, or bullies. The internet is a place where people feel they can do anything they want and not hurt someone or hurt them intentionally. I don't mind rant threads, but being about the same thing over and over kinda gets a bid on the edge. Ranting is a way of telling someone your not happy about one thing going on, and is normally calm, unless of course someone makes it a full on rage rant. I've seen a couple in my three years, but none of which have made me angry. The internet is a open topic, and alot of times, a hurtful one. It's just the way people abuse it and do something called, cyber bullying. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is report them, or ask the, to stop. It's cruel nature people have sometimes, to hurt people to make themselves feel better, but again, this is the internet.

But anywho, repetitive rants don't take to me much, their just there. And I don't mind them. Hopefully this reply doesn't offend people.

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Re: Repetitive Rant Threads
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2014, 02:14:17 am »
Ah yes, the Internet can be such a great and wonderful place. But, it also has a very dark side.
This is the dark side.
All of the bullies, trolls, and cruel people call this place home, as well as the innocents. And then it doesn't go someone's way.
That's when something like this happens:

-An opinion-

-Someone gets angry because they do not agree with said opinion-

-Gets outraged, starts to make fun of your comment and call you names-

-Smart comment about your mother who in reality, is a wonderful lady-

-Finds the witty comment horrible and begins to correct your grammar and Capslock-

-Continues the argument by using 'fancy' words to seem smarter-

Yep, this is really every argument on the Internet right here. Sad but wonderful place, isn't it?
Onto the rants, they really don't bother me unless the user who wrote them is coming off as offesive and full of hatred. As long as the writer is calm, and remains in that state, I'm perfectly okay with said rant.

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Re: Repetitive Rant Threads
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2014, 09:57:28 am »
Ah, rants. We gotta love those repetitive rants, eh?

I solely agree with you on this one. Too many repeated rants, it gets a little boring after a while to be reading a rant which has the same key points underlined, has the same story line or situation. It gets to the point where people don't bother reading such "rants".

I backup Stargazer's comment right there. Indeed people use "correct grammar" to stand a better chance of acceptance by those people who only see a side of the story. It annoys me how people stick to sides without knowing the actual reason or argument's source. People get ignorant when it comes to rants. They believe that their way is the right way and won't accept the fact that they may be in the wrong or indeed are in the wrong.

But that is the internet for you, we signed up knowing and agreeing to the fact that there might be people out there trying to drag others down. We agreed to enter a world of wonder but with the knowledge that there is a dark side to it all, just like Lion King.....Ring a bell?

The dark side is full of hyenas (people who don't listen to the other side of the story), oh and Scar? You probably guessed.
So any who, that was my two cents with a cross reference from Lion King.

I bid you a good day!
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