Author Topic: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-  (Read 12891 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2014, 05:32:56 am »

Aki Regine

Aki glanced back to see that a few others decided to join her. "The sign said 'Roublus', like the teachers told us... But, to be honest, I really don't know." The smile was still on her face, despite her wary reply. "Maybe a small town, if I were to guess by this dumb road." While walking, she decided to kick a rock in front of her, trying to emphasis the uselessness of the road.


William Veal

William watched a few more people get off the bus, and he only rolled his eyes at the second male's statement. He didn't want to be here with a few sleeping people, and decided to get off the bus himself, despite his bad feeling of the place; he wasn't always right with his bad feelings, since it did almost leave him in the streets. He ran after the group, eventually catching up. "If it isn't Mister Skeptic." The girl gave a bit of a snicker when she called after him. His lip curled slightly, only with agitated anger, though he remained silent.

Offline Vask

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2014, 05:48:07 am »

Simon kept his mouth shut, and kept a steady pace. A sort of group had formed, and he was afraid he was apart of it. Roublus...the town name kinda sounded familiar. was if some distant memory was just out of his grasp. "It's weird...I feel like...I feel like I know this place." He said in a somewhat puzzled voice, loud enough so the group of students could hear. Simon ran a hand through his hair. Idiot stupid idiot. Why'd you talk? Now they're going to think you're just stupid. He yelled to himself in his head. The steps were monotonous, as dull as the dirt on their shoes. He kept a nice pace, so he kept up with the rest of the group. Giving a small sigh, he flicked his eyes around to look at the group. He's seen most of them around school, but had never really known any of them. He wished he knew their names. Or else he'd be resorted to calling them, he, she, it. Hm.

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2014, 06:30:43 am »

Trace Adam Bing & Madison Le Blanc

"How far away do you suppose it is?" Madison questioned, hugging her torso tightly as the fog crept in further, carrying a thin line of icy breeze. "God knows, could be miles." Trace replied, shoving his hand nonchalantly into his pockets. "Or it could be a few yards." Madison retorted as large, dark shapes grew visible through the fog. Trudging forward, buildings slowly came into view. "Do you think the teachers are here?" An amused huff from Trace pulled a glare from Madison, "What?" Shaking his head, Trace shrugged, "Nothing. Just surprised you're still so determined to find authority figures. Normal girls your age would be happy to be rid of them."

"You mean one of the dirty animalistic girls you hangout with that are only skilled in laying on their back." Trace paused, furrowing his, brow, "Hey! There was Hannah, she wanted to donate to charity, I'll have you know." Madison rolled her eyes, annoyance obvious on her expression, "Donate her body, maybe." Madison slowly drifted away from Trace, standing across from him as his eyes landed on the youngest male there. "Do I know you?..." He muttered, "Yeah. Yeah, I do. You're the one that Shane wanted to use as a football last week at the field but-"..."But I stopped him before he could find him." Madison spoke up, rolling her eyes. "That's right. Because apparently the field was wet, and a safety hazard. You know, you really oughta loosen up." Madison scoffed, "No. I'm fine the way I am, atleast I don't lower myself to such standards as to bully someone to make myself feel better."

"Whatever you say, Barbie."

A growl escaped Madison, but she remained silent as they approached the town.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2014, 07:54:29 am »

North Anderson

Pulling the sleeves of her grey hoodie down to the tips of her fingers was a habit of North's. She mainly did so whenever she was nervous or embarrassed. Her chocolate eyes scanned her surroundings as she hesitantly stood up, her brows furrowed worriedly. At the deserted scene around her. Some raised voices caused her head to whip around to the source of the sound. Through the shattered bus windscreen, she could make out a group of students advancing away from the bus. North hesitated. She wasn't find of large crowds, but it was better safe than sorry. She jumped over the few seats in front of her and advanced towards the group, trying not to trip on any of the numerous potholes dotted around the road.

Catching on to their conversation, North slowed to match the group's walking pace. Most of it was bickering between a boy she recognised as having the name of Trace, and a girl she didn't know. North recognised Trace from one of her classes, not that he was hard to miss, basically being the exact opposite of North. Her gaze turned to where they were heading. Numerous dark buildings grew bigger as they advanced closer. None of this seemed real. The shock of any of it hadn't hit her yet. It was strange.
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Offline Jane-Doe

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2014, 12:54:24 am »
Kaoru Rouzier

Kaoru followed silently behind the others, a bit confused at what exactly was happening. His eyes flickered around the mass of teenagers that formed a group and began walking away from the bus. The stench in the air was a mixture of hormones and testosterone- the scent of highschoolers. He watched the people, standing a bit off to the crowd; which was new to Kaoru. Normally, he liked to be involved- but in a situation like this.. it just dumbfounded him.

Seeing another youngster.. what was his name? Sam? Sergio? Simon- Simon! Wasn't he in one of his classes? Kaoru trotted on over next to him, trying to keep his pace steady so that he didn't get left behind with the group. "You know this place?" Kaoru's tone questioned, as he arched an eyebrow at the boy with the bright blue eyes.
"The mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2014, 03:01:09 am »

Aki Regine

Aki decided to just ignore the others, blinking when the dull, dark buildings started to come into view. Her brows slightly furrowed, taking a deep breath, but not stopping. A voice perked her interest. "It's weird...I feel like...I feel like I know this place." The girl blinked a few times, then shifted her entire body to see who spoke. She remembered the face, but she wasn't sure if she had heard his name. Slowing down towards his speed, and another who decided to join him, her dark brown eyes blinked a few moments, remaining silent as the other that had beat her to the other male spoke. "You know this place?"


William Veal

The air felt thick around William, but he figured it was just him as no-one seemed to be getting a slight headache as he was. He remained silent, not wanting to bring it up and sound like he was going insane. He gave a gulp, putting a slight hand to his head and rubbing his temple a little. Jeez, why is the air so thick? He thought, blinking a few times. A small trickle of wetness and crimson slid from his nose. Oh...

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2014, 05:45:51 pm »

North Anderson

North fell slightly behind the group and stopped to bend down and tie the laces of her Converse. Her fingers automatically tied the laces in a double knot before disappearing underneath the ends of her sleeves once more. After straightening up, she quickened her pace slightly, her footsteps almost silent, to catch up with the group again. Her eyes landed on the boy who had previously mentioned knowing the place. Her soft gaze melted over the group, recognising some and registering others as strangers to her.

North watched as one of the others, William, began to act more and more uncomfortable. Just as she was uncharacteristically about to ask what was wrong, she noticed a trickle of blood escape one of his nostrils. Feeling slightly dizzy to the sight of the crimson fluid, North dug around in her pockets, resulting in her pulling out a packet of tissues. She coughed uncomfortably. "Excuse me, but I think you need these." A hint of a smile crept up on the teen's features as she held out the packet.
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Offline Vask

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2014, 05:52:40 pm »

Simon kept walking, then saw a boy about his age trot up next to him. Simon kept his steady pace, gravel crunching beneath his shoes. Another female about his age backed up to his pace, probably curious about what Simon had said. He ran a hand through his hair, thinking hard. "Everything is just so...familiar. It's like I've been here before. I just can't remember." He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. It felt as if it was there like a memory...but seemed to be blocked by a wall. Hm. "I don't really remember that well anyway." He said, trying to brush off the subject as if it wasn't important, even though it clearly was. He cleared his throat nervously.

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2014, 08:37:32 pm »

Trace Adam Bing & Madison Le Blanc

Trace sped up, passing most in the group who seemed interested in Simon's familiarity of the area. His green optics scanned the fog that retreated about the hill sides and valleys. Finally, his body passed the first building and instinctively, he stepped atop the sidewalk, peering into the shops dark windows. "Hey!" He knocked against the glass. "Hey!" Madison scolded, reaching him. "We just got here, no need to piss people off."

"Its empty." Trace replied, turning his gaze to the kid, "Hey, it's Simon right? You remember anything specific about this place?" Madison kicked a rock across the empty street, slowly crossing it to peer into another shop.
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Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: || Tenebrous || -Horror; Gore; Rated TVMA-R; Open and Accepting-
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2014, 10:14:10 pm »
((I'm on mobile at the moment, so sorry for mistakes and horrible-looking formating.))

William Veal

He looked over at the girl offering him tissues and gladly took ithem. "Thanks." He continued forward, trying to his head held high, and cleaned his face. The air hadn't changed for him, but the others seemed perfectly fine. Strange...


Aki Regine

Aki thought for a moment, but they were quickly interupted. She glanced over at the boy - who was now Simon, apparently - and gave a slight nod, though remained quiet as if to coax him out to speak.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 10:41:11 pm by Wolfie_Lover »