Author Topic: Drifting Away...? (Maybe a little depressing)  (Read 2795 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Drifting Away...? (Maybe a little depressing)
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2014, 02:26:57 am »
I'm sorry you've had to experience that. I hope it doesn't make you think twice about staying as a member of this community. From personal experience, there are very awesome people on here, you just need to find them and filter them out and into your list of close friends.

I've have that sort of thing happen to me all the time and it still happens. But I won't go into detail cause thats my own business. But why it happens to me? Well I just have a poopy social life and I sometimes just dont know how to act around people. Ive even lost good people on Facebook who ended up deleting me cause of my awkwardness and lack of social skills.
Admitidly, I'm a bit of a loner meaning I like love my alone time. But I also like human company from time to time which I have trouble conveying that message to people. Therefore people take it I'm a 100% loner and treat me like one.

Take some advice from a survivor of constant bullying in school, who eventually made one of those 'bullies' his best friends with whom he still remains in contact with; Ignore such people and don't take it too personally. I know its hard and you want to curse that person. But it helps to just remember those true friends you have and ignore those others. If they are just having a 'moment', they might come back to you. But also don't give up. If you care for that person as a good friend then do keep trying to contact but give them time to reply. Especially if they seem to have a moment, let them know you care about them and the love might just come back to you.

Also remember, it's not necessarily your fault they're ignoring you. It could be a fault in them that they don't realize how much of a good friend they're missing out on.

PS: Please remind me next time not to write long posts like this on my phone. Those website wasn't designed for phones ;)
Feel free to say hi to me if you pass by me on Flourite or wherever you find me lurking. Unless I'm AFK, I always respond.

Of course there are awesome people within the game, just as there are in real life - now, all of them are different and have different personalities, I'm able to cope with very few. (Sorta anti-social as well, but I also have social anxiety. uwu)
I still have multiple of my friends in contact on the game (I would also say FaceBook, but I never use mine, unless it's a huge update of my life. -Small laugh-), and we're still pretty close - role-playing whenever we get the chance, talking almost nonstop. It just hurts a little - to me, atleast - that a close friend stops talking to me, besides a few worded sentences that only converse for a few seconds or a minute.
And, of course it's most likely them caught up in something else, possibly doing something other than being online - like accidentally leaving their computer on, tabbing to something else, etc. - though, I feel pained that I had an older, popular-ish Warrior group (it had like fourty-something people until I found it too hard to keep up with, it fell short after that) with multiple (about five, I somehow manage to keep some of my "anti-social behavior" - as my mother puts it - online, so I don't have too many friends online) friends within the group. About a week before I left (surprisingly it did well, about two weeks, without a direct leader), I saw that my friends were enjoying themselves and talking. One went brb, and I figured the others were going to continue to talk. But I decided to sit with them, since we weren't role-playing at the time, and chat, though they blew me off.
-Exasperated sigh-
I know it's most likely not their fault for "ignoring" / "neglecting" me, since it's most likely that we just grew apart a little as few of the friends in there weren't the closest with me, but still considered my friend.