Author Topic: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open | Applications CLOSED  (Read 22530 times)

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2014, 08:07:26 pm »

Offline greenart6

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2014, 08:36:11 pm »

Her blue eyes opened slowly and tiredly as the rather annoying beeping from her alarm seemed to murder her ears. Gah, how she hated the sound in the morning. Why didn't people invent alarm clocks with beeping that sounds just a little bit less ear-piercing?
Duni slowly, with hate and annoyance in her eyes, looked towards the small alarm clock. Reading it, she saw that it said in big bold letters, '6:00 AM'.
"Why so early?" she groaned to herself, smacking her face right back onto the pillow. As lazy as she was, she knew that she couldn't sleep a while longer. It got her thinking, what would happen if you slept in? The government was always seemed so suspicious if you asked certain questions, would they... kill you? No, that's a tad bit harsh. Even for the government, but, there's still a window of a chance.
She sat up in bed, hitting her head on the low ceiling. She gritted her teeth to avoid yelling before kicking the covers off messily and dragging herself to the dresser. Duni put on a rather huge white shirt, one that she didn't particularly like, but it wasn't as if she cared too much. She then put on some blue jeans and some grubby-looking tennis shoes that were tied very sloppily, since she didn't really need to be neat at this time.
Suddenly, her face was curled up into a grin as she walked towards the wall. Her face up close to it, she yelled as loud as she could, "WAKEY WAKEY! IT'S TIME TO START A NEW DAAAAY!"
Ah, mornings. She both loved and hated them at the same time, but hey, good time for annoying people!


Turtle woke up to his alarm clock, and with a soft sigh he tiredly got up and walked towards the other side of the cold, dark room to get dressed. He put on a tan T-Shirt with a light brown jacket on over that, which he buttoned up from the bottom towards the middle of the jacket. He slid into some khakis to match his top, then finished it off with a necklace made of string and a pair of sandals.
He could hear the sounds of other people getting ready, but they all sounded so distant. Maybe it was due to the loneliness of his room, separating himself from all the rest of the other people, and knowing that there was tests to be done on all of them... tests, tests, tests, was that all there was?

(Hope this is alright c:)

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2014, 09:55:04 pm »


Laying face first in the bed, Finn groaned as multiple alarm clocks and buzzers went off simultaneously in the surrounding rooms. Of course he never set alarms so he mostly relied on Teddy to wake him in the mornings. He stayed on the bed with his face buried in the pillow, trying to block out the noise from around him. Then, right on time, 10 minutes after the first alarm had gone off his door burst open and his little brother sauntered into the room. "Come on Finn! Get up!" Teddy shouted. Finn simply groaned, trying to cover his head with the comfoter on his bed. The bed suddenly shifted and he was tossed onto the floor, mattress landing on top of him with a dull thump. Finn sighed and pushed the springy mattress back onto the bedframe and stood up, rubbing his eyes "Okay Teddy. I'm up, just give me a moment."

He went into the closet and looked at his selection of clothes, again nothing much to choose from. After a few minutes he grabbed a dark, studded leather sleeveless vest and slipped it over his head. Finn also pulled his black jeans off the hanger and onto his awkwardly long legs, smiling at their comfortable snugness. He then put on his chains and large belt along with his usual boots, not bothering to brush his hair as he walked back out into his room where Teddy was waiting. "I'm ready."


Teddy shuffled around his brother's room as Finn got dressed; the room was too dark for his liking, but hey it was Finn's room. The older boy came back in his usual black attire, an improvement to the boxers he had been wearing earlier. Teddy rolled his eyes "Took you long enough, now let's get going, it's activation day." he then bounced back out of the room, his lanky brother trailing slowly behind. The two found their way to the lounge, and Teddy happily poured two cups of coffee for them while Finn sank into a chair in the far corner of the room. There was no one in the room, no sound except for the slight hum of the coffee maker as it warmed another batch of coffee. Grabbing the TV remote on the counter, he turned on the set to the news channel. Nothing new or interesting, so he simply switched it off again. The room was unusually chilly, so he held onto the cups tightly, embracing the warmth radiating from the liquids inside.
The younger boy brought his brother a cup and sat down in the seat next to him, extending the cup. Finn gave him a slight nod before staring at the wall across from them. Teddy sighed, not enjoying the silence in the room, he bounced his knee slightly while his fingers tapped on the paper cup that held his coffee. Finn too was fidgeting in his seat, fiddling with some stray hairs that had fallen into his face.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2014, 10:32:16 pm »

Torin Kazuki
Status: Imprisoned in isolated cell, half awake and groggy. (Very irritable at the moment)
Health: 16/20 A bit sore from a few conflicts the previous night though is recovering fine.

Mentions: Duni (sorta). Yelled back at her comment.

     The boy was curled on his side of his sleeping quarters, his back slightly arched while resting and facing anyone who walked by. The moment the alarm sounded to awake him, he groaned loudly, knocking over the alarm clock, pressing his palms against his ears to block out the sound. He dreaded mornings. Most of the time, Torin would wake up in an aggravated mood and took out his frustration from not being able to sleep verbally on whoever was by. Another loud groan came from his chest when the clamor continued and reached over drowsily, throwing the device against the doorway scoffing, "God I hate mornings... I ain't moving though..." As he said so quietly to himself, he huffed and positioned himself to drift back off to sleep. Though before he could, his ears tuned in to the chatter that went on outside of his block as two of the workers were speaking to one another. He was positioned in such a block as so as punishment for the other night, where he assaulted one of his fellow inmates and two officials and were trying to restrain him. Though in his mind, he didn't even bother to regret it, having grumbled, he was asking for it. He took no heed to that, but the next thing her heard ticked him off quite a bit. "WAKEY WAKEY! IT'S TIME TO START A NEW DAAAAY!" He gritted his teeth hearing the yell from the block next to him and grumbled, "Will you please shut up?! I'm trying to sleep here!" He became more irritated after responding to the obnoxious statement before he bothered to sit up holding his head. He would sit there half asleep for quite a bit before bothering to go change his clothes. That is, if he didn't fall back asleep.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 10:34:16 pm by Arkanis Void »


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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2014, 10:33:41 pm »

Simone Howey

Full Name: Simone Howey
Alias(es): Sim, Howey and Sen
Age: 20 years
Gender: Female

Personality: Many see Simone as a rather mysterious character, her emotions aren't shown easily and she often keeps to herself - usually sitting at the back and making comments, whether they are necessary or not, although she is also a born leader? This baffles a lot of people for some reason. Despite being pretty hot headed and snappy Sim is a rather laid back girl who doesn't really take things to heart - when someone says something they hope to be offensive or hurtful it often goes in one ear and out the other, ending in her making a smart or even harsh comment. This shows the more amusing side of Simone where she will often be cocky and sarcastic - yes, even if she doesn't seem it Simone is a bubbly girl who can joke around with others and doesn't take things, nor life to serious - a bit of a dare devil if you must know. Like few people Simone is very stubborn and won't do something unless she want's to and rarely takes no for an answer - she's pretty hard to handle. Many say she is pretty unpredictable and could lash out at any moment, or act unexpectedly. Howey deals well with tough situations thanks to her quick thinking and can often talk herself out of a tough situation - towards men she is rather flirtatious. With her, what you see is what you get.

- Running her fingers through her hair
- Running smooth strands of hair across her lips
- Feeling silky objects
- Biting nails
- Humming songs
- Watching the stars or clouds
- Competitive

Appearance: Simone is around the height of 5"3/5 and weight roughly around 125 pounds, her frame isn't small but she us slim but unlike most slim women she still has curves. Her skin is rather soft and smooth with the slightly tinted skin - known as tanned skin. Simone's hair is rather long, reaching roughly around the middle of her back - the colouring of her hair is a rather light shade of brown, although its not to light. Her hair is often styled either down, in a plait or a messy bun. Her eyes are a hazel colour and her teeth are fairly white. Sim's dress style usually consists of a baggy top with either a pair of jeans, leggings or shorts - sometimes she will wear a tracksuit. On her feet she will wear heels, air max, converse or ugg boots.

History: N/A
Crush: Not at the moment, subject to change.
Relationship Status: Single

- Simone has the ability to shape shift. What she can transform into is a small choice between a human being or an animal. When in this for she is able to mimic the sounds of the creature and the voice of the being she has transformed into. She can chose how long she is in the opposite form for, and when in her human form she is able to mimic the voices/sounds of the animal or human she has transformed into - but when like this the sounds/voices aren't presented as good and are usually a little off.
- Her second power is ice manipulation. This means she is able to freeze things faster than anything else - changing either liquid or even a solid object into a heap of ice. She uses this to create slides -mess around- or to help her in times of need. The only way to get rid of the ice she had created is to heat it or somehow smash it - although in sunny weather the ice tends to melt faster. As well as doing ice, it is obvious she is able to make snow - not exactly snow heavily although a small area around her she can make snow and is able to make things such as snow balls and snow men - people will often think of her as a real life Elsa from frozen.
- Like a vampire -which she isn't- Simone is able to move a lot faster than any being as able to, even reaching speeds faster than a cheetah at full sprint. This also helps the ability of her climbing and jumping. She can reach up to speeds most cars would struggle with and this helps her get from one place to another in a great speed. This power is useful as she is able to run faster and climb better, this helping her freestyle running and jumping.

Supporter of the Heroes Project?: No, she is against it completely. Despite thinking it is cool to be given the chance to have super powers Howey is against the Hero's Project. The reason for this being is she didn't get a say in whether she wanted to be tested or not - and was constantly injected with different drugs to get the powers she has been given. She believes they should have been selected and given a choice other than being forced into inhuman tests.
What do you want to do with your Power(s)?: Simone had thought about living a normal life as she was completely against the government, but since being given her powers she has chosen to live dangerously. She will help others if they seek it although she will never agree with the laws terms and will live how she wants to live.

- Despite being rather well known and having many friends many still dislike her
- Has a small dose of anger problems and ADHD
- Voice is slightly raspy
- Has a strong Geordie accent
- Rather flirtatious

« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 05:10:04 pm by Taylor »
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2014, 11:25:57 pm »
« Last Edit: July 27, 2014, 11:27:36 pm by Vask »

Offline seopard

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2014, 11:44:43 pm »


Finn sat in his chair quietly, noticing the two girls come in, but he didn't awknoledge them as usual. He never really connected with other people, and after tragedies that had occured when he was younger, he wasn't eager to anyways. Instead the boy spent most of his time planning ways to escape, most of his plans however, ended badly or were never put into action because Teddy had stopped him. Speaking of Teddy, his little brother was anxiously bouncing both his knees now, hands clasped in front of him as he watched the girls. Finn laughed quietly to himself and pushed the boy out of his seat, "Go talk to them. You don't have to stay with me all the time."
Teddy gave him a grateful smile and bounced over to the others while Finn composed himself once more, leaning back in his chair and closed his eyes, not wanting to interact with anyone at the moment. After a few moments he realized his cup of coffee was now crushed and empty in his fist and he frowned, when did that happen? Shrugging, Finn got up and went to get a new cup, skirting the girls and Teddy silently.


Once dismissed by Finn, Teddy bounced over to the girls with a smile on his face "Hello Aspen, Good morning Azalea. I slept well, and Finn did too. He was a bit grumpy as usual this morning though." He had lowered his voice a little bit at the last sentence, but Finn glared at his little brother anyway "I heard that." Teddy rolled his eyes, "Calm down emo, I'm just teasing" Once again Finn growled in response and Teddy laughed. "Please excuse his manners. Quite the introvert." he apologized, turning to the girls once more. "He's a good guy if you can get through to him. Any who, what do you guys think about the activation today?" Teddy himself was actually kind of nervous, but he wasn't going to let that bring down the mood of the conversation.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline greenart6

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #27 on: July 28, 2014, 12:04:01 am »

Duni just chuckled a bit, then remembering her pet, she quickly looked to a corner that she had surrounded with fencing-not very neat fencing that was pleasing to the eye, but it was a fence. Inside was a small goat, Taga, who was light brown and mostly grey. At the sight of Duni she bleated and ran towards the fence, peering up at her with big eyes. (I'm not sure where her pet could be, perhaps there's a farm there or something XD)
"Heh, don't worry," she said, scratching her little neck. "After testing I'll look 'round for some food for you."
She then exited the room into the lounge, dreading the next part of the day.


Turtle quickly took a small notebook and crammed it into his pocket along with a pencil to write with. He then took a deep breath before leaving his room and walking into the lounge. He looked at the other people in the room, smiling happily to hide his fear. Turtle waved to them before sitting down on the end of a couch uncomfortably as he waited. When Duni entered the room, she grunted slightly before sitting down by Turtle, for even though she didn't consider anyone there as a 'friend', Turtle was the one she was closest to.

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2014, 12:23:43 am »

Azalea / Aza

She smiled small, walking to where Teddy and Aspen were. She enjoyed hearing Teddy and Finn bicker. It reassured her that this was all something's real, and not all some sick dream and she'd wake up sleeping behind a dumpster. She played with a piece of her hair at the bottom where it was an aqua-ish color, listening to Teddy idly. When he asked a question she thought for a moment then spoke, shoving one hand in her back pocket while running the other through her hair. "Oh jeez. I'm a wreck about this thing. This is why we've been here for so long. To be honest, I'm terrified, but also really excited." She said, keeping her voice steady and slightly bright. She smiled slightly, looking over at Aspen as she spoke.



Aspen smiled bright, gripping her beanie sides and rocking back on her heels. "I'm so excited! I've heard that your powers relate to you." She said with a cheery tone that made Azalea smile. "I mean, I guess things could go wrong. But who cares? We get a chance to try to do something amazing." She said with a smile. Azalea made a small laughing noise. When Turtle walked in she smiled and waved kindly, then turned back to the conversation. Azalea spoke up, "So Teddy, how are you feeling about the activation?" She asked for conversation. Aspen's aqua eyes floated over to Teddy. Aspen was liked by almost everyone. With the exception of the ones who hated the project. Maybe she'd get to them someday. Who knows? Azalea was a pretty good friend to Aspen, but they'd never gotten too close. Azalea knew a lot of people, and was light friends with many.

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Re: Your Choice | Superpower Roleplay | Open and Accepting Applications!
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2014, 12:51:36 am »


Finn shrunk back into the corner as more people entered the room, Turtle and Duni this time. He hated the fact that he was so awkwardly tall that he stood out like a street sign or a lamp post, and tried to stick away from groups of people because of this. Now, there were still only 5 other people in the room along with him, but he still felt on edge. Not only were there people, but they were talking about the activation which was something that just didn't settle with him. He knew that eventually their powers would be activated, but he didn't know what would happen to all of them and he didn't want Teddy getting hurt in this sick expirement.

Hearing Teddy talking quite animatedly with the girls, Finn dragged himself over to be at least a little bit 'social' and to find out if the girls knew anything about activation. He stood awkwardly behind Teddy, staring down at his brother's gray beanie before clearing his throat. "Um. Hi. Yeah. I didn't catch your names." he stuck his hand out towards one of the girls, the one with the teal highlights in her hair, but then realized his hand was at her eye level so he dropped it a little bit "I'm Finn."


Teddy smiled anxiously at Azalea "Well to be honest, I'm nervous. Finn always warned me about the government and their plans..." he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and then noticed Finn making his way towards them "Speak of the devil. Here he comes." it was actually quite a shock to the boy that Finn was coming to talk, especially to the girls. Now that Finn was standing next to him, he felt quite short compared to his brother's 6'7" stature. Coming at an even bigger surprise, Finn took the time to be polite to Azalea and now Teddy thought something was definitely wrong with Finn's head, this was a rare oppourtunity for his older brother to make some more acquaintances.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."