Author Topic: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)  (Read 11794 times)

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #30 on: August 22, 2014, 12:27:32 pm »
"Bears. Always bears. He doesn't live near bears but you might cross one's path." I sighed in hope this she-wolf would find him, there is something about him I can't quite put my paw on it. "I'm sure you will survive."

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2014, 05:51:36 pm »
The wolf nodded and considered this carefully. It would be one of the more dangerous jobs she had done but it was worth it. "I will accept you gracious offer and will depart as soon as I can." Irene pawed at the ground anxious to go.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2014, 06:19:37 pm »
D A M O N D & T H O K O

Just hearing her words made the smirk on his face creep even wider. This damsel seemed to be more interesting than what he was doing before he had spotted her. On the other end, Thoko just had a really horrible crumbling in his stomach. His aqua shaded orbs were as creased as they could get. He happened to glance down at where the rabbit carcass laid, not wanting to bare the sight any longer. The dark pelted brute fixed his tempting gaze on the lass, answering in a more stretched tone. "Ahhh.. so you haven't eaten in two days? Pfft. Come now dear. You don't see the food that surrounds us now?" He spoke, slowly rotating his crania around at their surroundings. Thoko's right, floppy ear twitched again, before speaking in a more annoyed pitch. "This is ridiculous Damond. She's not a cannibal like you .. You'll have to forgive him. Just the thought of eating flesh makes him drool." He added on, hoping to shake the female's nerves. Anything to get a good expression out of her.

Damond didn't say much that would make him disagree with what his familiar had said. Once some minutes had passed, he forged together a phrase that rarely left his maw. "So, do you have a name? Or are you like the other folk around here -- barren and lifeless."[/I] He managed to sit back on his haunches, resting his hindquarters on the terrain beneath him. Thoko grumbled to himself a bit, speaking out of term and not caring one bit. "Gahh.. now we're asking for names? C'mon Damond. She's not even the same species as you and you know how times are right now-" The massive dire lifted his paw to Thoko's trap, almost cutting him off. The look that was exchanged between the two was one that was usually given.

It almost said that he knew what he was doing, alas, Thoko disagreed. This was always the look that lead to trouble. The little rabbit stayed silent, as he and Damond awaited the female's reply.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2014, 06:37:23 pm »

The wolves didn't seem like they would harm her if she was found, but her mother was probably worried sick by now. With a slight huff, she trotted out from her hiding place past the wolves towards where she believed her mother was. "Mom, I'm back!" she announced, but Cetta was nowhere to be seen. "Mom? Come on now, uh, where are you?" Worry quickly came to her as she kept walking. "Did you seriously ditch me? It's me, Reporter, your daughter!" But no replies came. She could still smell Cetta and Boone, but not being the best tracker was unable to tell where they were coming from.
"Oh well. Might as well go hunt," she said to herself, calming down a bit. Reporter could see a mouse a few feet away, and she thought back to what Cetta had taught her about hunting. She crouched back, then leapt out and grabbed the mouse with the paws, and after a while was able to kill it.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2014, 09:42:29 pm »
"Good thank you for your help. My camp isn't to far from here, just keep following the scent of wolf til it's really strong. You will see our camp. Same with Max, but he is a lone wolf. Good luck." I saw her go back and I left her to get some rest. As I went back to camp they had already caught a deer. We ate and then I went to rest. ~soon I will be able to see what is so interesting about that wolf, soon.~

~I must escape without hurting them, or killing anyone.~ I was laying flat down on the floor with my eyes closed lightly. I saw the humans coming they put a muzzle on me and picked me up. I was put into a small square room the same size as my cage. But it was all cement and there was a small door that was also made out of cement. ~great. Somewhere else to be stuck.~ all I had was a small bucket and a piece of meat. I took the meat and ate it laying down. I finished it and fell asleep on the cold floor.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #35 on: August 26, 2014, 02:43:28 am »


"Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes."

At last Suitana had met another wolf, it had been a while since she had even seen never mind interacted with another one of her species so today must have been her lucky day - but it appeared to be a lot more stranger. She had been greeted by a much, much larger wolf who towered over her, but this masculine mutt seemed to be accompanied by a rabbit? One of her much loved foods if she had to admit however, she wasn't looking to attack this little guy. Suitana wasn't afraid of the larger wolf but if she decided to attack his little fluffed friend she wouldn't stand much of a chance against this wolf's size, but she didn't want to scare the little guy either, like she had probably already done eating one of his kind. Hazel eye's continued to brush over the two, but a bit more in depth now, not only looking at their appearance and body movements but she was also trying to work out their personality - but without time it wouldn't go so well. Allowing her lids to fall over her bright eye's she continued to watch the two, she had never seen them around nor came across their scents. Maybe they were new in these parts? Lost? Not been in this area? Or maybe they didn't tend to come near pack territories? What ever the reason was she wasn't one to ask many questions and instead just let it slip, they seemed like nice guys - well that was for the time being anyway's.

Hearing the gruff tone of the larger male she snapped out of examining the two and looked from the small rabbit up towards the brute who seemed to have a rather wide grin across his face. But at his comment her head tilted she had barely seen any food around for days, it was just now she had begun coming across smaller prey she could hunt which didn't hold much of a threat but also something she was guaranteed to catch. Furrowing her brows she shrugged "All this food around us? If you include the poisonous meat the humans left I guess you could count that, but it's hard to get a decent meal around here with the pack's hogging all the larger prey..." she growled with a role the her eye's - but to her this big guy seemed nice but a little frightening, it was just a feeling she seemed to get even though she guessed he wasn't. But to the rabbits sudden comment the females head straightened up from it's angled position and she stood up to her full stance allowing her tail to sway "Wait, he's a cannibal. So basically I'm about to be food?" she questioned with narrow brows, but she sent a more softer glance in the rabbits way, hoping to put him more at ease when being around her, she didn't want him to fell threatened. She didn't tend to kill those who didn't tempt her and this little guy seemed less skittish than the others. Looking around them her hazel eye's then darted between the brute and the rabbit, a questioning yet confident look sprawled across her face.

Seeing as the male lowered onto his haunches he was now basically at eye level with the she which made her feel a little more confident however, she wasn't about to dictate this guy - he was larger and by the rabbits comment of him being a 'cannibal' now she wan't all to sure about him, but as usual she decided to stick around and see what this extra time would bring - who knows maybe she would be mauled and killed by this 'cannibal' or maybe they could become at least friends for that matter. Before the white wolf could speak the rabbit seemed to pipe up again, he seemed rather agitated that they had bumped into her, lowering her ears she turned her head to look off behind her and letting out a sigh - soon she would shoot off probably. That fur ball didn't seem to want her here and if angered she would probably kill the bast. With a half smile now on her face she sighed and turned back towards the male, narrowing her eye's a little at the rabbit she then looked back at the dark pelted male "Do I look barren and lifeless to you?" she spoke with a grin, deciding to allow herself to be more comfortable she lowered onto her haunches - the mud patch on her side a little more visible now, that reminding her she needed to jump in a river or something later on. Coming back to the question she was asked "Not very fancy but the names Suitana, and your's?" she questioned looking at him with a cocked head.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #36 on: August 26, 2014, 09:09:06 pm »
D A M O N D & T H O K O

The mere words that flowed from this lass's maw made their way to his hearing holes in time for him to tune her out. The only real food that he had was the things he scavaged on his own. Though the usual response to his 'cannibal' nature was fear and disgust, it seemed as if the female was more curious -- to him at least. He had found enough reasons on why he was the way he was. It was as the white pelted said, the only food is the meat that became filthy by the human's wrenched hands. Any other meat was scooped up by the packs. In all the chaos, Damond found a way to ignore the ones who took from him. In the end, he'd get his revenge on the fools who made him starve for so long. Damond's trouble was Thoko's touble, knowing that the little rasscle was famished as well. He cut off his thoughts to come in contact with the dame's words, even though they were all too familiar to the two.
Thoko listened to the question, only shaking his skull slowly in response. The fact that she'd even ask about being food was a dull move, especially infront of his companion. Why would anyone want to put themselves in a position like that? Mentioning being prey in front of the one hunting was sure to end badly. Lifting his paw to clamp it against his face was all he could manage to do. A long, agitated sigh slithered out of the rabbit's mouth. "No. If Damond were going to scarf you down, he would of just snuck up on you and did it like usual." Those words caught Damond's stern look, knowing that his usual attempts were now put out by his own familiar. Only a fool, to Damond, would put any information out to a complete stranger.

The large brute's expression cleared itself, showing a more devilish look towards the fae. "Well let's just end it with I'm not very hungry right now.. or else I would be eating what you're having there, hm Thoko?"[/i] He diverted his gaze to the small rabbit that was almost glued to his side, making the remark about Thoko. Once as a pup, he had tried to chomp down on Thoko, knowing that he was considered food by other species. It was at that instant that Thoko fought back, leaving a very convincing bruise on little Damond's eye socket. It was that reason that Thoko was looked upon as a friend, other than the prey. The will to fight back was still in the brown bunny, even after knowing that he would eventually become someone else's food.
Thoko's pupils rolled over onto the side, fixing onto a strand of grass that poked out of the patch of dirt near them. He remained silent, seeing there was nothing else for him to nagg about. Damond, on the other hand, put his full attention on the damsel, hearing her answer his question with a question. He replied instantly, raising his brows upwards a bit. "Well lass,  a tree looks like it's full of life, but truely, it's slowly rotting on the inside. So, you would be the one to tell me whether those words match up to your status." He finished, grining and showing off his, suprisingly, pearly white canines.
When finally hearing her name, it made Damond's eye lids hover over his sockets half way. Suitana. It seemed so spicy and interesting -- which he liked. "Suitana, eh? It's a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Damond..." With that spoken, the tables were turned on Thoko, awaiting to hear him introduce himself as well. Instead, he just kept his deep stare on the ground, huffing a bit. The patience in Damond would of been expected to grow thin, but he was still calmer than ever. "My familiar here is named Thoko. So you mentioned something about packs? Would you happen to know where they are --- out of curiousity of course."[/b] The things he planned on doing to the packs were unimaginable. They kept the food to themselves, leaving Damond with rotting meat? Absolutely not.
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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #37 on: August 27, 2014, 01:15:28 pm »


"Be strong enough to stand alone, be yourself enough to stand apart, but be wise enough to stand together when the time comes."

White haunches pressed against the ground and her head tilted Suitana continued to glance at the two, her thick, white tail slowly trailing back and forth across the ground as her ears remained erect on top of her head - it was a surprise she was even interacting with these guys, usually she would get into an argument or even a fight because of the way she acted and how she was rather outspoken. However, for now, these two seemed to tolerate it considering she hadn't really made herself look like an complete idiot just yet, despite saying a few things she would probably get. Continuing to look over the two she wondered how such a strange friendship group met. Her kind would usually eat rabbits and to see a fairly large wolf with a small rabbit who tagged along it was rather strange to her, but she guessed the stranger the better. Snapping out of her trance she managed to catch the words the rabbit had suddenly spat, this causing her head to turn and her lips to curl back, but like earlier she managed to hold herself back, something she often found incredibly difficult to do. Clearing her throat she looked at the rabbit with narrowed eyes "It doesn't hurt to ask questions, does it? But I'm sure we could all be classed as cannibals with some shape or form..." she spoke with an irritative and raspy tone. Suitana allowed her brow to raise as she looked the rabbit direct into the eyes, her ears flicking now and then as she had a questioning look on her face for a split second, deciding to leave the rabbit be her eyes drifted back upon the large, dark pelted male that sat in front of her.

Allowing her head to cock a little once again she began allowing her eye's to drift across the males body until her eye's met the males dark gaze, allowing a slight smile to form across her lips she listened to what the brute had to say. Turning her head she looked at the bones that lay near her side, then slowly her eye's drew up towards the male's companion - sterring for a little she allowed her eye's to blink several time's. To her, it seemed she had made quite the fool of herself and this duo would probably want to disperse from her soon - but it was a usual thing so she didn't worry about it to much. But at the male's comment towards the rabbit Suitana couldn't help but allow a quiet chuckle to escape her maw, he seemed like a rather secretive creature but he also seemed to be a pleasure to be around - this was just from first views, but like everyone he would probably have fault, but that would make him unique just like herself. As he spoke about a tree she took the moment to glance behind her at the large tree that towered over the area, it sure did seem rather healthy and what the male said caused her head to lightly nod. This brute seemed rather wise, like her in 'some' situations. Turning back to face the male she allowed her green tinted eyes to fall back over the male as they darted across his body and up towards his head "Well, I guess that does pretty much match up." she spoke with a sigh, she was rather unaware whether he was referring her to a tree -full of life on out and rotting inside- however, this didn't bother her in the slightest.

Suitana listened to the male repeat his name as he then spoke his own, she allowed his name to be repeated several time's in her head and that name surely seemed to fit him - she didn't really know how it just did. Smiling, she nodded her head a few seconds after and allowing a smile to form across her face revealing her sharp, white teeth. "Well what a lovely name, Damond. It has been a pleasure meeting you also" her tone was now a little more soft and her muscles loosened off, tail continued to brush to and fro across the foliage as she watched the males gaze turn to the rabbits, dropping her left ear a little she looked at the rabbit. He seemed rather agitated and seemed to be refusing to speak, shrugging she let out a sigh and looked at the brute she now knew as Damond. Again, she allowed the name 'Thoko' to play a few time's in her head to make sure she would remember this "Nice to meet you, Thoko. I see you don't feel the same way?" she questioned with a grin, it appeared to her that the rabbit wasn't to sure of her and had probably started to dislike her, but she wasn't here to make friends with the rabbit -even though it would be nice- she was more interested in the dark pelted wolf, who went on to ask another question.

For a few minutes Suitana remained quiet and hadn't answered the question the male had asked, but her head slowly turned to her right as she looked on through the forest for a minute or so - quietly listening to the tweets of the birds and the scent of creatures in the distance. A distant howl then sounded which caused a grin to form across her face. Slowly turned her head back towards Damond she nodded her head and gestured around the area they were sitting "Well, it's your lucky day. We happen to be on the edge of pack territory, the place I trespass to hunt. Where else would I have caught my food from?" she muttered tilting her head with a smile. As the humans became for interested in hunting the wolves and either killing them or doing tests food sources had begun to quickly run low along with the population of the wolf. Larger packs were now taking most of the food and storing it away, preventing their own species from eating at all - the proof of this being she hadn't eaten for at least 2/3 days until now. The only prey a lone wolf would manage to get was that of a rabbit or something a similar size, the packs seemed to hunt down most of the herds and take a wide range of land as their 'territory' and this sure angered the white she. "Through there is one of the largest packs around, they're fierce and usually chase you from the borders - well some of them. These scars on my body being results of fights and attacks" she spoke with a growl "They've already taken down a fairly sized caribou herd and are working on the remaining ones" she added shaking her head.

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #38 on: August 27, 2014, 02:04:18 pm »
I decided to go for a run. I went far away from my territory and past the large pack of 9 wolves. I stopped in a meadow and saw a fat squirrel. I crouched down and snuck up on it. I pounced and killed it instantly. I finished it fast and could smell a two wolves. A female and male. But the male smelled different than normal males. I could also smell a rabbit, but I don't eat them. Not enough fat. I trotted over to them and could hear them talking about the large pack. "Hello there. No mean to interrupt, but I have a pack and I was wondering if you would like to join? We aren't that big pack over there, or like them. We do catch fairly good sized meals. So how bout it?"

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Re: Fight for your life [wolf rp](open & accepting)
« Reply #39 on: August 27, 2014, 02:58:36 pm »

She did some more looking around and was able to see her mom and brother. She trotted over happily to them. "I'm back."
"Good, I was worried about you!" Cetta said, nuzzling her as they walked off away from the pack. Reporter looked up towards the sky a bit nervously.
"Where are we gonna live?" she asked.
"We'll try to find a den, if not we'll try finding a thick forest to sleep in..." she responded. Hopefully they would be able to find a den, they hadn't come across any yet so far..