Author Topic: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} [Inactive since 08/11/2014]  (Read 27383 times)

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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{The Hope of the Fallen Horse} [Inactive since 08/11/2014]
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:58:18 am »
The Hope of the Fallen Horse

The Story

You saw some beautiful horses grazing on their land. It was so calming, the wind, that flew true you, like it flew true your soul. It felt so good. It's like nothing could of gone wrong. Animals cheerful like never before, horses with little foals having fun. It was so calming and you felt calm, even at your heart.

Soon after, you heard something strangely familiar. You turnedand saw poacher. Thoes people who kill animals for fun and thropheys. You were disgused of them. They had guns with them, some powerful ones. You feared that if youy get in their way, you'll die. Soon after, you heard a shot. You turned tothe horses and saw one left behinde. Some wanted to get back, but the herd members didn't want youkilled. You ran away. You saw the horse trying to get up helplesly. You hoped for the fallen horse to get up and live o. But, it was very much injured and there was nothing you could of done. A tear rolled down your cheek, as you stood up and ran back home.

The Plot

It was said that soon their will be born a saver. More comanly refered to the one who will save us all.
Are you the one who will save us all?

The Rules

1. follow all FH rules and be nice!
2. No God-Modding, PowerPlaying, AutoHitting, Instant mating, etc. I will not tolerate, I will warn you once, but the second time, you will be kicked out of the Rp!
3. If you wish to kill off any character, please ask the permission of the character firstly, bfore killing it off!
4. Don't do drama! No one likes Drama King/Queen!
5. If you wish to be a leader of the horse herd or pocharse, PM me with the permission. Also. PM me a Rp sample! Thanks!
6. Have as many characters you want! As longast as you can handle them all! ;)
7. If you have read the rules, put horselover somewhere in your app!
8. I do not want anyone to have some super powers! This is a simple Rp! If you do not like it, you know how to leave.
9. If you want to be 'The One' (The Chosen One), Please PM me with a RP sample. Thank you. :)
10. Have Fun! ^-^


Code: [Select]
Image [img] IMAGE GOES HERE [/img]
Role (Human, Horse, Animal of some sord or a poacher?)
Pets (Only for pochers and humans!)
Gear (Only for pochers!)
Breed (Only for Animals!)
Family (Applies for humans and pochers only!)
Mate (For Animals)

Season - Autumn. Soon going to be Winter in a few months!
Time - 8:30 AM
Location - Anywhere where you are! :D

The Chosen One: Read The Rules on how to apply to be the chosen one. ;)

Hope Herd

Lead Stallion:  Lesharo {Taylor}
Lead Mare: N/A
Guard: N/A
Simple Horse: Polivino {TinyTail}, Michante {Taylor}, Leala (Concern),
Foals: Dichali (Anyone, who wishes to play this colt, contact Taylor! ^-^ )
Elders: N/A


Lead Poacher: N/A
Simple Poachers: N/A


Simple Humans: N/A

Other Animals

« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 01:40:26 pm by Scallywag »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Huma/Animal Rp| {WIP}
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 08:09:23 am »

"I run with the wind. Are you running with the wind?"




6 Y/O










Paint Horse




None at the moment {Will Change later}


None at the moment {Will Change later}




Ask Him In The Rp


In The Rp



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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Huma/Animal Rp| {WIP}
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2014, 08:13:43 am »

Profile picture by me! ^.^

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Offline sparticles

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Just in case Lesharo is accepted;

"You can do what I cannot do. I can do do what you cannot do. Together, we can do great things."

Name: Lesharo
Age: 5 years
Gender: Stallion ~Intact~
Role: Lead Stallion
Breed: Wild Mustang
Crush: Nope - Subject to change
Mate: Nope - Subject to change (open)
Foal(s): None - Subject to change
History: When he was younger Sharo grew up around the the area, with a large, well known herd who were native to these lands ever since the horse existed. He grew up peacefully with the herd until, humans became more and more eager to split up the herd and capture horses/foals to either sell on or break from themselves. During this the cold had gotten separated from his mother and the herd; for days he searched for them but it was no good. Spending his juvenile life alone, until adult hood. It was then he decided to make a herd; and so he did. After that he came in contact with his birth herd again, all appeared to be doing well and his mother was as healthy as ever; he still see's them from time to time. But now, Shero is a devoted leader to his herd.

Personality: Lesharo has always been a born leader; ever since being with his birth herd. Despite being a leader he does not strive on power, now does he over power others. Towards his herd members he is extremely fair; giving them a say in what goes on and he doesn't take advantage of the power he has being leader. Despite sometimes being a little stubborn and heard headed, he can also be kind, loving and respectful. Towards horses he knows; friends and family Shero is very loving, loyal and protective, risking life and limb if need be. When angered, he can take it out on others when he tries not to; if doing so he will apologise but having a short temper doesn't go a long way. Towards the mares of the herd he can be a bit of a flirt; but what stallion isn't? However, when being in a relationship he would be completely devoted, but relationships are something he rarely does as he likes to flirt. All in all, Lesharo is a worthy leader who will do his best to protect his herd.
- Several scars on his body
- Muscular exterior
- Stand's roughly between 15.8/16hh

Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending. Just a new beginning"

Name: Michante & Dichali
Age: 4 years & 3 months
Gender: Mare & Colt
Role: Simple horse/Mother & Foal
Breed: Both mustangs
Crush: No, subject to change & nope
Mate: No, subject to change & no, to young
Foal(s): Dichali is her foal
History: When she was a foal Michante was seperated from her birth herd at the age of 4 months; not long after being born. For at least a year she was kept in captivity at a large near by ranch where she had interacted with several humans; of course, all trying to break her spirit. As the months passed the humans tried harder to break her, and as time went on she only seemed to grow twice as difficult. It had gotten to a year and they decided they would get no where with her so decided to release her back into the wild; which they instantly done. After being released she wondered around for about a year, then ran into a small herd where she was quickly accepted. Not long after the chestnut mare fell pregnant and gave birth to her beautiful foal Dichali; ever since they have both remained in the herd.

Personality: Michante is rather a calm horse, despite sometimes having her moments of fun she is often the caring mother who worries to much. Often seen running around after Dichali; but she has loosened off a little. When push comes to shove she is no push over and will hold her ground no matter what; this showing her stubborn side and how she would risk anything to save the herd but especially her son. Despite most of the time being calm and caring sometime's she can be a little unpredictable and her mood will change. Towards guys she may be a flirt, but when it comes to a mate she will settle down. For her still young age she is rather mature.
Dichali is the complete opposite to his mother. Where she is a bit of a stress head and a worrier he is a complete dare devil who acts before he thinks; still being at that young age he has a lot to explore and learn. He's a very energetic colt who loves to be doing something which keeps him moving, rarely staying still unless it's night time or his mother or one of the older ones order him to do so. He is like a bundle of laughs; he can sometimes be clumsy and will often fall over his own hooves or say clueless things. Despite his cuteness this little guy is pretty daring and fearless; he seemed to look up to the lead stallion.

- Mother and son
- Some may apply to be Dichali

Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Accepted! ^-^ What lovely characters you made! :3 ))

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Offline sparticles

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Thank you floof! When may we start?
Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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We may now. Maybe others will join too, later? ;)
You start! ^-^ ))

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Offline RedRedRose

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"Trust my rage."

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Accepted! ^-^ Feel free to start guys! ^-^
Also, guys, I will be not allowing any more horse characters, since we need some poachers and some simple humans. Also, as well as other animals! ;) ))
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 06:57:43 pm by TinyTail »

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