Author Topic: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!  (Read 14787 times)

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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2014, 03:12:01 am »
((Application is accepted! ^^))

"Kirafiki..." a voice trailed off. Kirafiki looked up, realizing it was her turn. She had never had a last name, at least not one she had heard of. "C-coming!" she said, only realizing now that she was way too nervous. A woman handed her the Nectar, and as she drank it, she could taste such delicious foods. It tasted like all of the pies her mother made, only liquefied. She looked down, hoping for a spirit animal. There was nothing, and disappointment washed over her. That was until something tugged on her shoe. Turning around, she felt both relieved and even more disappointed at once, for she had summoned a turtle.

It stared up at her, and it looked like it was smiling. But Kirafiki was not as happy as he was. [I summoned a turtle. Not something I can ride into battle! Not something I can fight with! I can't even pet it. It's just a...] The turtle seemed to feel her disappointment and tried to force his head back into his shell. "It's okay," Kirafiki said, lifting her turtle up into the air so the people watching could see. They were squinting for a moment before they started to clap. It wasn't all too loud, more quiet and spread out. Kirafiki tried to look at the bright side-she had summoned a spirit animal, and was one of the first in her family to do so. She suddenly became much happier. "Nice to meet you... Toa. I'm Kirafiki." she said.

Name: Toa
Gender: Male
Age: 1 Year
Summoner: Kirafiki
Species: Western Painted Turtle
Personality: Find out in rp.
History: Find out in rp.
Side (Greencloaks, Conquerors, or none): Whatever his summoner chooses.
Other: CLOAK
The abilities he gives to Kirafiki are similar to Jhi's from the books, he can calm her down and make it seem like time has slowed.

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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2014, 03:32:46 am »
Saravi heard her name being called and quickly walked onto the stage. A woman handed her the nectar, Saravi took a drink of it. It tasted delicious like freshly baked cookies or maybe cake even. Saravi handed it back and looked around she heard clapping but didn't see anything until she turned around. There was a large sleek cheetah standing behind her. She blinked in surprise {I did it... I actually summoned a spirit animal?} she thought in disbelief. The cheetah seemed to nod in answer her question. Saravi took a step towards the cheetah and it nuzzled her affectionately.  "I'll call you... Kittanya." Saravi said quietly to her new companion. The cheetah purred in response.
(Welp Time to edit out my original apps because Kittanyas is there)

Krow watched as Saravi walked up onto the stage and drank something... She seemed to remember Saravi referring to it as Nectar. Then out of no where there was a cheetah on the stage with her Krow was puzzled but not that much. (Hey no one said Krow knew everything about what she is.)

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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2014, 03:58:35 am »
Life is just a loop, untill you get too tiered to continue

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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2014, 01:21:24 am »
Catalyst watched child after child drink the golden liquid, grey eyes noting every movement. He fidgeted in his seat, wondering how much longer he would have to sit and wait before he himself would be called up. The person calling out names paused and went over to the village elders. They spoke together for several long moments and a frown crossed Catalyst's face. Great, he thought. There's a problem. I'm stuck here even longer. He wished his sister was here with him. She'd always had some way to pass the time, usually by telling a story or playing some sort of game. But now that she was gone, Catalyst was on his own, and not nearly as creative when he was bored. A few people in the crowd of villagers behind him started to murmur among themselves about the delay. Somehow that made it even worse.

Finally, after what seemed like forever but was only a few minutes at most, the announcer returned to his position. He glanced at the woman serving the Nectar, said a few words to her, then turned to the crowd. "Catalyst," he announced. His vocal tone clearly showed he didn't think much of the name, or the person who answered to it.

Catalyst's hair brushed against the back of his neck as his head jerked up. When the man repeated his name, he got to his feet and started to walk up to the front of the crowd. He was aware of a few villagers staring at him, one or two whispering to their neighbors. He wanted to challenged them, to say, Why don't you talk to the orphaned freak, instead of just staring at me?. But he kept his mouth shut. Raising his chin and boldly looking the adults in the eyes, he walked straight up to them, his gait smooth and his footsteps barely audible. He wordlessly took the cup, drank its contents quickly, and waited for - something.

Nothing happened. The crowd had been staring at him in mixed anticipation and mistrust, but now most of them almost seemed relieved. Several turned away or started chatting with their friends again. Bitter disappointment filled Catalyst but he pushed it down. He'd been let down plenty of times before, and this was no different. He handed the cup back to the woman and turned away.

Someone in the crowd gasped, and a murmur raced through the ranks of people. The announcer gasped and the woman made a frightened little squeaking sound. Catalyst stared at the crowd, puzzled as to why they were all looking at him. Then he realized that they were looking behind him and he turned, wondering what kind of creature had gotten their attention. His reaction was the same as he saw the animal standing on the platform.

Its body was lithe and strong, the muscles rippling under the coat. Wide black bars streaked down the grey-blue sides in sinuous curves, and the undercoat was nearly white. Two bold hazel eyes gazed up straight into Catalyst's, and he was vaguely aware that its tailtip was twitching. It closed the distance between them in a few long-reaching strides and stared predatorily at him for several moments. Catalyst was almost certain it was about to try to maul him, but it simply sat in front of him. He realized with a shock that he had summoned it. His spirit animal.

Catalyst reached out a hand and let it hover just above the tiger's head. It stood and butted the top of its head against his head. Its coat was soft and smooth against his skin and he couldn't help but smile. The tiger roared, the guttural sound seeming to shake the ground under Catalyst's feet, then growled softly as its sandpaper-rough tongue crossed Catalyst's hand. A grin crossed Catalyst's face and his fingers dug into the fur between the tiger's shoulders. It stood and followed him when he started walking. He didn't go back to his former seat, choosing instead to sit to the side.
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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2014, 02:46:11 am »
Kirafiki brushed her hair out of her face, staring at the turtle in her hands. It tilted it's head as it stared at her, wondering what she was going to do next. Kirafiki was now just feeling embarrassed--out of all the animals she could get, a turtle. And the other people had gotten foxes, cheetahs, mountain lions... how stupid she looked compared to them! And Toa could get killed within seconds. Kirafiki thought that she would probably lose him somewhere.

Suddenly, she remembered her parents. They'd surely be proud of her getting a spirit animal, no matter what it was! None of her family had spirit animals, so she was special. "Come on, Toa," she said, a huge grin crossing her face. She slid through the crowd of people, quickly exiting the ceremony. Kirafiki raced down the streets, when she heard a voice behind her. "Ha! Hey look guys, little girl's got a turtle!" It laughed, which caused even more kids to laugh. [No, not the bullies again!] she thought, and continued walking as if the group of boys were invisible. But, the mud stain on her shirt from them pushing her into a puddle surely wasn't.

But, the boys decided to continue following her. They soon stepped in front of her, blocking Kirafiki from getting through the alleyway. The girl held Toa close to her chest, shaking as she stared up at them. "You call that a spirit animal, kid? Look at this!" the boy laughed, lifting up his sleeve and releasing a wolf. Kirafiki jumped at the size of it, clutching Toa even more. "Get away from me!" she whimpered, and ran the other direction. At the command of the boy, the wolf chased after her. "Stop!" she cried, but the wolf didn't even pause.


"Dala! You fool, get back here!" Eldu called, chasing after her all too hyper hyena companion. She was leaping through the crowds, sniffing them and causing them to panic. Dala stopped to sniff something on the ground when Eldu whistled, immediately getting Dala's attention. The hyena perked her rounded ears, and saw Eldu's outstretched arm. In a flash, she disappeared into a tattoo on Eldu's upper arm. Lowering her sleeve, the elder chuckled and started to walk towards the city. "Sorry hun, but someone's gettin' a little too hyper, eh? I'll let ye' play by the pond for a bit," Eldu said, arriving quickly at a small pond near the edge of the city. The woman was about the release her spirit animal after she had splashed some water on her face, when she interrupted by screams. "What in the world?" she muttered, looking up and seeing a girl being chased by a wolf.

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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #35 on: November 11, 2014, 03:02:54 am »
Saravi petted Kittanya as they walked towards the alleyway she heard screams aswell. She looked down at Kittanya "I think we should see what that is."Saravi said to her companion Kittanya made a slight nod. The two raced down the alleyway Kittanya just a bit ahead of Saravi {how am I running so fast} Saravi thought they pushed past the group of boys "Move it or lose it!"Saravi yelled as she ran past them. She saw Kirafiki being chased by a wolf. "C'mon Kittanya we gotta help!"Saravi said to the cheetah. Kittanya nodded and raced ahead of Saravi towards the wolf. (Lol this makes no sense XD)

Krow looked around seeing as Saravi had disappeared somehow. She figured she'd see her at home and made her way towards the alley to leave the ceremony area. She stopped seeing a group of boys. -short-

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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2014, 12:27:42 pm »
Sera wove through the crowds until she reached her family, and Dakota was beside her. Her mother and father have never been prouder, and her little brother was staring at Dakota in awe. "Momma! Momma, Daddy Look! This is Dakota! Dakota, this is Momma and daddy!" She said ecstaticly. Dakota just sat and looked at her father's spirit animal, which was a bull. The bull mooed warily, and her father took it back into dormant state. Suddenly, from atop her father's shoulders, her little brother gasp and pointed, "Look!" Everyone turned, and Sera gasped in awe. A boy, and orphan maybe, had summoned a beautiful, grey and black-striped tiger. Everyone seemed to stare for a moment until someone started cheering. Sera and her family joined in, until everyone was cheering and clapping, for it had been a while since someone summoned a tiger. When the boy and the tiger left, her father nudged her shoulder. Sera looked over at him, "What?"
"Go over there and meet him. You both have big cats for spirit animals."
"True.. Come on Dakota. Let's go meet him." She and Dakota pulled through the crowd, until she was standing next to the boy (Catalyst).
"Um.. hello!" Sera said in a cheerful tone, "I've never seen anyone summon a tiger." Dakota, her mountain lion, eagerly sniffed the tiger, and purred. "My name is Sera. What's your name?"
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 12:31:13 am by Dunasaur »

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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2014, 08:35:29 pm »
Catalyst stared at the girl like she was a three-headed dragon offering him a cup of tea. "My name's Catalyst," he said after a little pause, speaking cautiously. He had no idea why she would want to come over to talk to him until she mentioned his spirit animal. She'd never seen anyone summon a tiger - that seemed strange to him, but then again, just this morning summoning a tiger would have seemed impossible to him. "And I've never seen anyone summon a mountain lion," he said with a little shrug. "So I guess we're even, sort of. He looks really nice. What's his name?" he asked, gesturing toward the mountain lion. "Or is it a her?"

Valla cautiously nosed at the mountain lion, willing to make friends with it. He could sense Catalyst's caution but his instincts told him that neither the girl nor the feline were dangerous.
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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2014, 12:46:30 am »
"Her name is Dakota. My momma told me that Dakota means 'Friendly Companion'. I know shes my companion but I don't know if she is friendly yet." Sera laughed a little, and At this, the mountain lion huffed. She could swear Dakota would've rolled her eyes if she could.

Dakota huffed, {I'm friendly. I think..} She looked at tbe huge tiger. It was almost twice her size, and she had to look up to look it in the eyes. She sniffed the tiger, tail twitching. Her golden-green eyes were soft as she sniffed it.

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Re: The Bond | Spirit Animals Roleplay | Open and Accepting!
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2014, 10:42:21 pm »
A brief smile crossed Catalyst's face at Sera's words. "I'm sure if she wasn't friendly we would have figured it out by now." He glanced at his spirit animal. "Valla thinks she's fine. I mean, it looks like they're getting along. How about you? Do you live in this village, or did you just come here for the ceremony?"

Valla looked down at Dakota, his tailtip switching in curiosity. {I hope you are friendly} he answered. {Catalyst's welfare is my responsibility now}
"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." ~ Sarah Williams

My interests include art, reading, roleplaying, writing, Asssassin's Creed, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Marvel comics and movies, Merlin BBC, Once Upon A Time, Percy Jackson, Sherlock BBC, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, and Wolf's Rain.