Author Topic: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh  (Read 5482 times)

Offline Feareh

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A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« on: November 29, 2014, 01:58:07 am »
Message from Feareh

I want to apologize in advance that I had left without even telling you guys good-bye. :C But I come to you all with my tangerine love with a good bye/update thread.

   Over the years I have gotten older, and with that I had gotten more responsibilities to come along with it. At the moment I am a Junior about to be a Senior by this semester at University of the Incarnate Word. A very challenging University that demands so much of my attention. Almost done with my schooling in Graphic Design and minoring in Marketing, I am almost ready for the "real world" so to say. But coming to the realization of almost being done with school I had a time to reflect.

   I have been in FH for a very long time, then became more active over the years on forums and so on. And during my time in Feral Heart, I have to say that it was the best place in the world that I would have even been in. I've had my heart crushed, and also I had my heart overfilled with love from the people within this There were times where I would just get on game and cant wait for my friends to come on and just hang out and be goofy. I still even have screenshots of when I first played on this game the things I would do. Yes, back then I was young and stupid and got banned once for cursing but that is water under a bridge already and learned from my mistakes. There was also a time when I was fearful of staff, I laugh at it now cause the staff here are just as down to earth as me once you get the time to know them. I look back at all the screenshots ive kept that was FH related and just semi-cried from all the wonderful people that ive met. Honestly Feral Heart made me a better person, it made me see the value of alot of friendships that I still strongly have today with some people. If it wasn't for Feral Heart I would never have met people like Lord, Whitey, Del, Raz, Alpha, Shally, the people of TEC (Blu, Elo, Sky, BB, Shame and more)and many many more that will at least take half this entire thread xD. Again there are alot of people that I have met in this game that im very blessed to have ever shared my life with and I thank you my friends for making me a better person, and to just enjoy your company. Please fell free to contact me on Skype at anytime with anything. Like Shally, if you are doing music for here please send me the LS link and ill always listen to it. Again I would say so much stuff like Alpha being my Robin and me being her Batman, or When Ruby and I had a Hufflepuff vs Slytherin battle. Whitey and her Trumpet fetish and me being the crazy triangle person in her band. Shally and her huge coconuts -eyebrow wiggles) and Raz always sending me hilarious videos that just puts a smile on my face.Buffy and her making me jelly artwork xD. For all my friends in general, who showed me love and always just been there for me for laughs or to cheer me up, I tell you all now..Thank you for the time you all have given me, and hopefully you will still keep in contact with me and don't forget me, cause I will never forget each and every one of you guys.

Little section for Lord:

   My Sister from another mister Lord Suragaha, I love you so so much with all my heart and bootay soul. I pray for your health and happiness with your crazy hubby alot. Im saying this now cause I know you don't hear or see me much in Feral Heart anymore or random skype chats that Del makes,  but its true. Even though I haven't been on game to hang out with you or talk on skype as much, you hold a special place in my heart as a good, down to earth gal that I am bless to have in my life. Don't change for no one girl ;D
   Even when we both were on minecraft alone and we were making that "adult" spongebob sculpture and just laughed and laughed in skype call that will always be memorable to me, just thos little tiny derpy moments together made a sad day turn better. One day I hope to see you in person and we can just derp in NY or if you come to Texas I can show you all the hot spots. Or when you finally get married have me on facetime in a dress next to you XD (if i can afford to fly). Thank you for being part of my derpy life and sharing me your life as well. I got your back on anything girl and if you ever need a person to talk to when you are feeling down let me know. I hope we will still be in contact from here on out and still at least say hey once in a while on skype. Don't forget me hun, cause I will never forget you.

Work / Big Breaks for me
I've had alot of work this year, and its been amazing. Designing logos, branding looks, and making websites have been the highlight of my work or artwork over the years. For thos of you who fallow on my DA its always empty with no recent art. Well its because my focus has been on my school art that has been entered in competitions and won a few awards from them(in some cases some money). Recently this year I have been assigned to make a interface for a game, which is the biggest thing for me. Designing the health bars, interfaces, character illustration and anything graphic that will be presented. As a small group I am in, I have been appointed to lead designer for this game called "Rabbit Season" and helping others in my graphic team in how this interface should look like. I will show you some old versions of the game but not all of it since I do not have permission to post all special features of the game.

Start Screen:

New Game:

Character: Main Hero

Also along with the game interface itself, I have also been appointed to design the website as well. It's still in development ovcorse, but so far this is what I have of it.


So as a closing, Again I want to say thank you for everyone here and thank you for giving me the opportunity to at least help around this forums and or game when you ever asked me to do so. And trusting me well enough to even be considered a person to go to when you need help in presets or anything such as that. As I might not have been staff, you don't have to be staff to at least make a difference in Feral Heart. For people on the opposite side of the "staff are not friends" pool, keep this in mind that we are all human beings. We make mistakes, and learn from them. We are not all perfect people, even though we would like to think so. So think twice when sending that "hate" letter to a staffer or posting slander on other websites about them, cause this job in general isn't easy. Especially when they aren't getting paid for it they try there best to cater to you guys with there holiday parties, and just being that person you can go to when something is wrong. Cause if you've seen what i've seen on other games, the mods or staff in other games with paid service never show up, never help, and if they do help will respond in like 2 months. So be thankful Feral Heart has people who will do what it takes to make this place better.

I may not show myself in game as much, but I will frequently keep a eye on this forum for parties or get together events that might occur, news and such. There might be times I will have enough time to pop in game and see how things are too so this isn't the last you have seen of Feareh / Baku in game. Might be a few months, but I will pop in from time to time. Its been a honor serving this place, honor being in MOTS, and a blessing to have ever had you.

Take Care guys, and Thank you for the memories~

-With Love, Feareh

Contact info:
Skype: Youshallfearme1 (let me know who you are if you don't have my skype)

Memory Screenshots:


All the artwork I will love and forever charish:
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 02:11:35 am by Feareh »
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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Bakujio 🐺#7358

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2014, 02:40:04 am »
Aww, it's so sad to see someone as well-known as you leave this community.
"It's something unpredictable, and in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life."

I hope that whatever you choose to do in life ends well.  I'm glad I was able to know(sorta :P) you in this community before you leave.  I'll never forget the Tangerine Jaguar named Feareh.  I'll have to Skype you sometime!

Good luck in the "real world", and maybe someday we'll all meet up again.
*hands you rainbows and unicorns* Bai my wonderful Feareh! *waves hanky*
« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 02:45:20 am by -.~River~.- »
DeviantArt: Riverthefluffybum
Minecraft: artsy_gamer906

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2014, 10:27:11 am »
Sad to see ya go, Feareh. I wish you luck in the future.

Signature by LuCiiPeR via dA ;D

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2014, 01:07:35 pm »
May the coffee forever flow. You were my secret coffee buddy. Cx
Well, I hope you have a big'n bright future and I'm sure you will.
*hugs and slobbery dog licks*
stinky dog coming through, don't mind me!

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2014, 10:21:27 pm »
Aww bye :( You were epic.
If this post was made before June 2015, STOP! My views have changed since then.
Ingame as Mayahzdog09, DancingWithDeath, or Midnight 12!

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2014, 12:02:55 am »
I'm really sad Feareh... What can I say.

-insert my Mabinogi jindo doggy sass here-

You've been my best friend on FH and the closest thing to a sister since I've met you. I'll never forget the day I first met you at the N/Z. That was one heck of a funny night. You & Ace xD <3. I stayed up so late back then and was so tired the next day but I had no regrets. I would never have imagined that that silly derp I met that day would be a FH user I would grow to love so much.

I can accept that life & age sometimes pulls us away from things. I'm there myself... So yeah I respect your choice to leave. This doesn't mean it will be any easier to say goodbye though especially since I know now that we'll probably have less contact. With time the closeness we had on FH will be just another memory of a time on FH...

And there are so many of the memories...  I'll miss doing "yoga" with you, and the excitement of seeing your user flash on to the "whose online" box. I'll miss attending official events with you or just cuddling some where in the Plains just talking about our lives. I'll miss bothering Delly with you. I'll miss our derpy movie roleplays... R.I.P Patata <3 lol. I'll miss calling you a tangerine butt baboon and all our derpy adventures... Even chewing on Baku's skull. I'll miss being a creeper with Morbid on you... or your obsession with Grotesque's shiney meat butt. I'll miss dat (rump, rear, word that rhymes with bass).

I'll miss everything about us on FH.

I know you'll be doing alright though. You're an incredibly bright and bubbly spirit and you'll touch so many other people's lives just as you have mine <3 Not to mention you're one heck of an artist. All that work you're doing on that game's interface etc is really impressive. You've got a lot of potential woman! So I wish you all the very best in the new adventures that await your life. Throughout it all though I hope you'll never forget this derpy little lion/wolf game called Feral Heart <3 Cause we'll never forget you here.

PS: If you don't show up at my wedding I'll ban u 4 kno r3ason! <3

But yeah I love you buddy. Even if we can't "see" each other as much anymore at least know I care about you and you can always still find me if you need me.

Take care of them nips too

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2014, 09:43:07 am »
Ah. I can't even imagine, that I missed to meet such an amazing floof like you. I wish you luck with your future planes and with school. We will miss you, Feareh! :( Bye!

Note: You are so cute with Sura! Such a lovely friends. <3

Signature art by Kynvuu

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2014, 10:20:38 am »
Dear Feareh,

this does makes me sad - but it also makes me happy that you seem pleased to get to move along, and with that get the chance to grow even more.

The things you've done here, for the community and just as a friend - the laughter, the less funny things but things we still managed to pull through. I hope it all have given you something, and that you can use it in the future - because you've done alot and been both a rolemodel and helping hand for us all.

I'm confident that you'll succeed in what you do, and that rabbit game looks like a great start (I hope I get to see some updates)! :D

I will miss you, but I hope I get to see that gorgeous jaguar butt at parties - you'll always be more then welcome!

Thank you, for giving us the pleasure of simply getting to know you!
Best luck to you!

Love// Shally

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2014, 10:08:11 pm »

To my lovely Feareh,

I honestly shed many tears while reading this and wanted to inform you I am sad to see you go, but I support your choices and hope you do well. You've been one of my best friends for as long as I remember, and I can't remember ever having anything other than fun and laughs with you around. I cherish these memories we've made together - dancing like fools with me on your head, roleplaying TLoU like we knew what we were doing - and I certainly won't forget them. I'm going to miss being your afro for a long time, and I hope we can talk to eachother once again. I wish you great luck with your studies and the game- it seems very interesting and I'd love to play it one day.
WEEOO WEEOO, -slowly puffs off Baba's head-. <'33
Love you, girl.

Afro mode, inactivated. (oractivatedyknowidk)

Offline Feareh

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Re: A Proper Tangerine Goodbye from Feareh
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2014, 11:33:48 pm »
You guys all made me literately cry T-T i feel so horrible leaving you all but its something that I was soon to cross here. Ill try to log in once a month or so, to just see how things are. I honestly love you guys will all my heart and soul. Thank you for your kind words and please don't be mad at me for leaving QQ
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
Add me on discord:
Bakujio 🐺#7358