Author Topic: Pandah's Fabulous Charries~ <3 WIP.  (Read 1029 times)

Offline Riggs

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Pandah's Fabulous Charries~ <3 WIP.
« on: December 31, 2014, 02:00:48 pm »
Welcome, Welcome!

Welcome to the little land of Pandah's Characters! Here you will learn there names, there pasts and possibly even there futures! you will feel that you have known them even longer then you have after reading the magical descriptions of each wonderful character.

There is one rule.. I ask you not to claim these characters as your own, Thank you ^^;

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I  N  K

Ink was given her name at birth because when ever she had hurt herself, causing herself to spill her own blood, a black gooey substance would drain out of the wound.
This creepy felines age is un-identified at the moment, though scientists say that she is around a few hundred years old.
This felines genitals were recognized as a females.
This feline is an unknown species, she is not like any other.
:Affiliated With:
Ink does not believe in joining organizations or 'clans', she does not like the fact of being ordered around when she can take care of herself, last time she was actually involved in a clan.. she attacked the leader and ripped his jugular vein out from his throat killing him. Yep, straight way to exile. But Ink does usually hang around the animatronics in Ficho Tunnel.
Like was stated before, Ink does not believe in organization or 'clans'. Nor' does she believe in there stupid ranks that put you low when you know you're much better than that.
Ink's personality is quite strange, she could be quiet one moment and then ripping her talons into your flesh. Ink is usually anti-social and quiet, but when you set her irritation off.. She goes straight for the 'carcass' [[ AKA Person. ]] When she is going through that insane moment, she's called demented, cruel, and messed up in the head.
Ink is a horrifying slender feline that is solid black, as known.. Ink does not have any organs inside of her body so she's pretty much lifeless. You're wrong, Ink has a hidden invisible heart inside of her body that isn't in the same place most felines hearts are. In Ink's body, her heart is hidden. She doesn't even know where it is, she knows it's in there though. Her eyes are dull and white, a star is her pupil and a sort of glow is given off of her eyes. As the feline walks, a white aura spreads from her eyes.  but it means no harm. Ink has a sewed smile stuck to her mouth so she's /always/ smiling no matter how hard you stare she will always be smiling. She has made it to the point she has stitched her skin together to give it off an amazing yet creepy effect, strings of skin hangs down from her lip to her lower lip. Ink also has this thing in the sides of her body.. Since she has no ribs she had made slices there in her organ-less body to give off a more intimidating look.