Author Topic: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse  (Read 34572 times)

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #60 on: May 23, 2015, 08:18:35 am »
    The things we roleplayers have to endure!  :D
    I hope Taylor's doing well on her exams. We wouldn't want the zombie dogs to ruin her future! ;)
    P.S. Slaying a magical unicorn? You don't meant this little guy, do you?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 08:34:46 am by NovelsandChocolate »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #61 on: May 24, 2015, 12:08:22 am »

Daciana & Reima

"So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those stars will always be there to guide you. And so will I."

The two dogs continued to circle one another, grunting and growling, as if challenging one another. Dacis eyes remained focused on the canines every movement, taking in each gesture. If there was one thing she head learnt whilst being with these beasts, is how to predict their next move. However she didn't seem to use this to her advantage that much, seeing as some moved in different ways. Although, most of the big beasts she had thought did move in the same way, and judging by the way this one was moving, ending this bloody battle would be one much easier than most. Turning her attention on to the young feline and pup, a fain smile formed at her bloody lips. Reima had been hiding ever since the fight had begun, eyes widened as she watched the three dogs tear in to one anothers flesh. Piercing whines emitting from her maw as both would maul her mother and cause her to yelp. Until one was left. Flattening her ears against her head, she'd watch as Daci and the larger mutant began to circle one another. Stepping out from the alley, her attention soon turned on to Felix as he spoke. Standing upright, she looked at Daciana then back at Felix, quickly nodding as she followed after him and squeezed through the small gap "I hope so..." she'd whine, lowering herself on to her stomach and placing her head on her paws, continuing to whine helplessly, her ears flattened against her head.

However, the fight seemed to take a completely different turn. The Malinois' brows raised and her head tilted, stopping in her tracks the muscular female would raise a leg and eye the small, light hued feline which had now worked its way on to the mutants back. Was she really getting help from a cat? Daciana was one to help another, but felt somewhat useless when one was helping her. She'd feel weak. Although, she had already fought off a fair sized mutant, which was now plastered against the ground, still and lifeless. Two fights with these things was enough to tire one out, especially since she was battling alone, and had taken quite the beating whilst doing so. Deciding this wouldn't be too bad, she snapped out of her trance, giving her head a quick shake she'd snap back in to reality. A look of amusement seemed to fill her face as the canine reared back on its hind legs in order to get the feline off. Sure her claws would have pierced the skin causing it to yelp, but it didn't seem to be too bothered about the pain, and its main goal seemed to be to try and get the creature off of its back. And possibly slaughter it. Shaking her head, Daciana would attack. Taking A quick step forward, the brown pigmented canine would narrow her eyes, letting out low, rasped growls as she leapt forward. Pushing her hind legs against the ground, Daci would send herself souring through the air, front legs pushed out and her jaws slightly parted.

Letting out one last growl, the lass would smash in to the canines side, quickly wrapping her mouth against the creatures neck as it continued to trash around. Managing to avoid several of the creatures blows, it was still able to land a few on to her face and wounded body, causing her to whine slightly, however her grip remained. Tightening her grip, she'd bat at the creatures face as it made several attempted to bite at her. However, failing to grasp her face or neck, the canine managed to wrap its sharp teeth around her leg, tightening its grip firmly causing her to release hers and let out another yelp. Falling flat on to the ground she'd thrash to and fro, smacking at the creatures face to get it to let go. Growling, Daciana would lunge up in rage, ignoring the pain which ran through her leg. Smashing her shoulder in to the creatures face, she'd grasp its windpipe firmly. This time reluctant to let go. Each time the creature moved, her grip would grow tighter, thrashing her head to and fro as the creature yelped and fell to the ground. Loosening her grip, she'd lunge and the creatures face, tearing at its cheeks and muzzle, before moving back to its neck. Placing one paw on its neck, and grasping the mutants windpipe firmly, she ignored the struggles as it thrashed around. Slowly but surely the creatures body went limp, now still and lifeless like its companion. In order to make sure the creature was dead, she would keep her grip for a few more minutes, before releasing her paw from the mutants neck.

Panting heavily, Daciana would take a step back, taking a moment to pull herself together as she looked at the white feline, examining her. Well, she was safe to say that she wasn't a mutant, and looked clean unlike other cats she had seen, but her long, white fur would slowly grow matted. Like mosts fur did. Clearing her throat "Reima...Felix?" she'd call in a slight panic, before turning her attention back on to the new found feline. "Thank you, may I ask of your name?" her raspy tone now pulling through as she turned to look over her wounded pelt. Giving her head a shake, she turned back to the feline, her front left leg lifted from the ground, bleeding and gashed. Great. Just what she needed. Letting out a huff, the ex military canine would puff out her chest, looking down at the smaller feline awaiting her answer, now and then shooting a glance behind her as she waited for Reima and Felix to return.

(Thank you, I should be done with my exams soon.)
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #62 on: May 24, 2015, 02:56:00 am »

The dog thrashed wildly underneath her. She didn't know if it felt the pain of her claws digging into its skin, but it was acting like it. It was howling loudly, barking and snarling and thrashing this way and that in an attempt to get her off. It swung its head to and fro, gnashing its terrible teeth and shaking violently in the air. Ilirhaeya had hung on with all her might, but it was getting harder to stay on with all the movement. She could see, from the corner of her eye, the dog who she was intent on helping coming to her rescue, and also two other creatures who were running off to hide. Assuming they were with the Malinois, Ilirhaeya wasn't too concerned with the other cat and the puppy. If they were dangerous, she'd investigate later, but for now, she was more intent on taking down the larger demon.

When the large dog lunged for the demon, Ilirhaeya quickly dislodged her claws and jumped to the side. She rolled for a moment, dizzy, before quickly getting back on her paws and jumping into the fray. When the creature had fallen, and the dog began to bite at it, the cat did her best at getting in her own blows. She'd slash at the creature's skin whenever it came close, and nip at it when it tried to injure the other dog. She couldn't do much, since she had thrown her sword down, but she was still intent on helping wherever she could. When the demon had managed to knock the female to the ground, she had jumped to attack it but was shoved back when it thrashed its head in her direction.

She had struggled to get up after that, but when she did, she saw that the Malinois was more than capable of fighting off the demon. Ilirhaeya watched in amazement as the dog fought off the mutant by herself, sending it tumbling to the ground before sinking her teeth into its neck and holding until the beast was finished. She was amazing! While she was excited, Ilirhaeya was too tired to be enthusiastic, and with a huff she slumped to the ground immediately. The beast was done, but she was still suspicious. She hoped its souls was back in the depths of...wherever it came from, and that it wasn't a Body Hopper waiting to take over their weak bodies. Ilirhaeya decided to move away from it for that very reason.

Hearing the question fall from the woman's lips, the young cat looked up at her curiously. Giving a proud grin, the young cat pushed herself to her paws immediately despite being sore. It was time to introduce herself. "I'm Ilirhaeya, the knight." She said, raising a paw to her puffed out chest as she smiled. "And who are you? You were amazing! You must be a knight yourself!" It was obvious what age Ilirhaeya was. She was still quite young, but not at all a kitten. Just a mere young adult.

Location: Standing in front of Daciana away from the infected dog's body.
Status: Groomed and obviously not infected. Generally looks clean but of course is dirtied by the life of the streets. Appears a being young, but not that young.

OOC: Do you think your doing well on your exams? I wish you luck on them! c:

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #63 on: May 24, 2015, 03:48:29 pm »

(Well, I hope I am. Although, so far I think I've done well with my English, Business, Maths and maybe Science. Geography is just a no though... I use to be a B in the subject, and since I changed teachers my grades plummeted sadly. xD)
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #64 on: May 24, 2015, 08:28:15 pm »

"Just because I need you doesn't mean I trust you."[/color]

   The battle had been brutal, but the honors had gone to Daciana and the knight. The  grotesque noises, the blood, and the thrashing mutant, its neck broken, were all just horrifying memories now.
    The street was quiet and peaceful, as if did not remember the battle, did not see the corpses.
     A gust of wind slipped under the porch, stirring up dust and ruffling his fur. The hiding place was wide, though not tall, but was also covered in thick cobwebs, dust, and who knew what else. Both he and Reima beside him were probably coated in filth.
    The thought made his stomach turn slightly. He was used to the dirt of the streets, but being practically mummified in cobwebs was something entirely different.
    He crawled to the hole in the wood, the only entrance, and slithered through it, trusting Reima to follow. Who would want to stay in that grimy place alone?
    The moment his paws touched the dead grass of the lawn, he dropped to the ground and began to roll vigorously, freeing most of the dust from his fur.
    Rolling on the ground was terribly undignified, of course, but it was the price he would have to pay for cleanliness.
    It wasn't as if anyone important was watching, after all. Daciana was focused on the white knight, and Felix felt she was entitled to mock him. She'd just saved his life.
    The white knight had probably rolled around dozens of times before, marking his territory.
    Another breeze swept over him, carrying the scent of the two victorious warriors to him. He froze.
    Both smelled of blood, and a hint of salty sweat from their paw glands, but beneath Daciana's canine musk he could smell something sweeter, more sugary.
    It was the smell of a female cat.
    That word, 'female' stirred up delicate hints of emotions, like feathers stroking his insides.
    She was a female. The only female she had seen in a very long time. A cat to parade in front of, to strut and yowl.
    And yet she was also a warrior, a cat who could sink her claws into a mutants back and not be shaken off. Someone to be treated with respect and caution.
    He slunk forward, his body long and tense, his tail a curving question mark.
    As he slowly approached Daciana and the cat from the behind, the white knight's features grew more distinct.
    The mass of silky white fur was strong, yet sinuous. She seemed even bigger up close, yet she didn't look elderly. Her fur was still fairly sleek, with no signs of grey, and she didn't seem slow. She probably belonged to a breed that was naturally large. If she was older than him, it was only by a month or two.
    Now only a few feet from her, he heard the sound of her voice as she chattered to Daciana. Her words spilled all over themselves in her quick, energetic speech, and her voice was as high and loud as a child's.
    The mysterious feelings all slipped away from him as he listened to her babble, replaced by annoyance. He suddenly felt as sour as a lemon, and he felt that it was all her fault.
    Dropping all caution, he sauntered into her vision, his tail hanging limply, and his ears thrust forward.
"What are you doing here?" he hissed.

    I'm not too good at it either. Luckily, most careers don't involve geography!  :D
« Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 08:42:38 pm by NovelsandChocolate »

Offline Lourdis

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #65 on: May 24, 2015, 11:47:18 pm »

Ilirhaeya had turned her head when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was someone who was with Malinois, or at least, she assumed they were with her. Her eyes lit up, noting that it was a cat, and she offered him a kind smile hoping he had heard her name. She was naturally friendly unless someone was rude to her, and when he did just that, her smile immediately fell from her face. What was his problem?! Her face was scrunched up in confusion for a moment before it immediately broke into a snarl, her pink nose wrinkling and her lips curling back. He had sauntered into her vision, so she thrust herself forward, getting into his face without caution as she gave a vicious hiss.

"Whats your problem?!" She said angrily, her voice losing its energetic tone and fading back into what it was before. "What am I doing here?!" She repeated, moving even closer, tail raised and lashing behind her. "I came here to help. I didn't see you doing anything to help her out!" Ilirhaeya said with a narrow of her eyes, wondering why he had suddenly lashed out at her. He was smaller than her, and he looked slightly younger than her, and already she was sizing him up. Maybe he was working with the demon! What if he wasn't with the Malinois?! Her eyes locked on him and she puffed out her fluffy chest, glaring at him. He had no right to be so rude to her. In an attempt to intimidate him, she rose to her full height, her hackles raised as well as the fur on her tail. "Who are you anyway?" Ilirhaeya questioned, narrowing her multi-colored eyes suspiciously.

Location: Standing in front of Felix, close to his face.
Status: Ilirhaeya is groomed and obviously not infected. She appears to be all fur, the soft and fluffy kind, the type that is thin enough to cause a sneeze if brushed too close to the nose. Generally, she looks clean, but of course she is dirtied by the life of the streets. Its obvious she grooms herself often, for her fur would be matted if it weren't for her constant grooming. She appears as being young, but not that young, just an adolescent.

OOC: Yay! I wish you luck on the rest of them. xD I'm pretty good at geography but I'm horrible at maths. ;-; Also, I hope to sneak this tiny post in here before you post Taylor, Its small enough that it isn't a full post, just a reply.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 01:14:29 am by Lourdis »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #66 on: May 25, 2015, 02:04:36 am »
Do you think it'd be alright for me to post now? Or do you it'd be better to wait for Taylor?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 02:08:31 am by NovelsandChocolate »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #67 on: May 25, 2015, 02:14:06 am »
I think little short posts inbetween would be fine, like replies to what the other character said, just nothing too major so its not like were moving on without her. c:

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #68 on: May 25, 2015, 02:41:39 am »
   Thanks! And don't worry, I wasn't planning on revealing an earth shaking plot twist or anything like that.

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #69 on: May 25, 2015, 02:56:07 am »
An earth shaking plot twist?!

Felix is a super secret scientist cat who is actually a mutant!
He created the whole disease!

And Daciana, Reima and Ilirhaeya are next...