Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51215 times)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #90 on: June 29, 2015, 11:43:36 pm »

Remington Crosse

Status: Content
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

The young lad's head swayed back and forth a bit, humming a small tune under his breath as he kept his navy gaze content on the puck. The other team, which now consisted of Simone and Teddy, had been now tied with his own, Finn on his side. At Teddy's comment, a small chuckle escaped his lips. It was soaked in sarcasm. "This is going to sound crazy," Remington paused for a moment, knowing that well of everyone here thought he was odd anyways. Shaking his head a bit in disappointment, he continued, "but I sort of think they're just going to release us. Maybe. Hopefully. Kind of like when the zoo returns an animal to the wild. That could happen to us." He evaluated to see if anyone would comment, before returning his attention to the game. "It's just a thought. They have us in the palm of their hand, so literally- anything could happen." Remington's voice trailed off, deciding to keep his mouth shut for the time being. His opinions were always a bit more gloomy, rather than sunny. He was more of a realist.

Out of his peripheral vision, Remington noticed Finn; his body language screaming "uncomfortable" out at Rem. A small, displeased frown formed itself on his lips, perhaps a bit poutish. Backing away a bit to give Finn some more room, Rem let out a small grunt. Hopefully, to make this less uncomfortable and unbearable for Finn, Remington motioned towards his tattoos. "Do you have a favorite? I quite like the Batman one. It's a classic." Rem stated with a chuckle, his navy blue eyes wavering playfully. On his own chest was a scripted tattoo reading, 'the blood of a poet.' Meaning god know's what to anyone besides Remington Crosse.

At the sound of the intercom overhead, Remington paused, letting his paddle hover over the table for a minute. The doctor's voice rang in the game room, causing a small growl to form in his throat, Rem's eyebrows knitting in obvious irritation. However, as they reported orders, his features softened into their usual, mischievious expression.

"Guess that's the game. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Finn and I won." Remington teased with a smirk, outstretching his hand to pat Finn on the back, however, halfway through the motion, decided that it wouldn't be the best idea. Instead, he placed his hand behind his own neck, giving it a rub with a sheepish expression. Remington crouched down to retrieve his hat, holding it loosely in his hand.  As he approached the door, he held it open, awaiting for everyone to pass by. Simone was sweet, witty too. The first to approach Remington and play air hockey, so she had undoubtingly earned brownie points for that. Teddy, to Remington at least, reminded him of someone who will always be selfless; Remington could respect that, too. Last, Finn, someone who Remington couldn't really read, which was a little unsettling, but just made him more curious.  Lastly,he'd let himself out, closing the door behind him. "It's been a pleasure- really." Remington's sweet yet raspy tone said with a curt nod, before trudging to the seating area.

Once inside, he looked around for the most desolate location, before plopping himself down in a chair. Placing one elbow on his knee, his hand propped open to hold his chin in. A lazy expression washed over the lad; proper "socializing" was not his strong suit, and he only hoped that the other subjects in the game room didn't see that all too much. Placing his hat on the back of the chair, Remington's glasses remained atop his head, and curious navy eyes searched the room. Something was bound to happen..

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #91 on: June 30, 2015, 05:18:01 am »


Powers: Air Manipulation, Healing

Mykael shoved the last of his food into his mouth, rushing to dump his tray and get out of the cafeteria once he heard the announcement. Well, they didn't get too much of a resting time, but hey, Mykael still got some food. He adjusted his hoodie before running out into the hallway, quickly getting scolded by a nurse for running. Slowing his run down to a quick walk and yelling "Sorry!", he finally entered the dull waiting room. Seeing as Rylee and Remington were already there, he sent them both quick friendly smiles before sitting on one of the empty couches. Mykael watched the entrance to the sitting area boredly, waiting for the other subjects to arrive. He wondered what would be happening now, but he just hoped it wouldn't be more shots or pills---he had already had quite enough of those during his time here.

"Does anybody know what we'll be doing?" he asked, knowing that nobody knew the answer, but it still wouldn't hurt to actually socialize with the other subjects. Mykael didn't really know anyone here, he mostly stayed quiet and usually only spoke when saying 'thank you' to the nurses or doctors or whenever he absolutely had to, and rarely had conversations with the other subjects.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #92 on: June 30, 2015, 11:58:24 am »

Jessamine Tarnberry

Lives: 8/9 remaining

Frozen in place with shock, Jessamine's gaze followed Thomas as he exited the courtyard without a backward glance. She had shown him the picture so that at least someone could understand why she was here, but she had not been expecting the words he spoke to have such an effect on not only her, but himself as well. His normally hardened expression had softened into something that couldn't be put into words; the way he studied her as if she was some sort of specimen he had a particular interest in, the recognition the was noticeable in the way he furrowed his brows when he examined her precious photograph. It was a sad sort of recognition, one of lost hope and pity.

It wasn't until Jess was sure the man had left that she pushed herself up off of the ground, brushed herself off and advanced to the doors in which he had left through. She held her book in the crook of one arm, looking down at the ground where Tom's shoes had made indents in the grass far larger than hers did. At about three of his steps, a movement at the corner of the girl's eye just beside her in the grass caused her to stop. Tilting her head ever so slightly to the left, she crouched down and picked up the crumpled paper. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, Jessamine uncrumpled the paper, flattening it out to reveal that what she first thought was a piece of rubbish that Thomas had thrown away was actually a family photo. The people in it smiling and happy. One of the boys were familiar, and she soon came to the conclusion that this boy must of been the younger Tom. She felt surge of empathy, not quite pity, towards him and how much he must be missing his family. Folding the photo in half, she straightened up and slipped it into her pocket where, at least for now, it was safe.

Pushing through the double doors, Jessamine's gaze was drawn to the energy-efficient lights flickering above her. With a jolt of shock, she realised that she could feel the electricity running through them, urging her to take it for herself. She stood for a second, mesmerised by the amount of power she had under her control. Hearing the distant slamming of doors, she shook her head as if women from a dream and continued down to corridor that lead to the sitting area. What was wrong with her?

-sorry it's so short-
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 12:27:58 pm by Sherlolly »
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #93 on: June 30, 2015, 03:02:46 pm »

Thomas Gales

Health: 9/10

Despite the rushing waves of confusion and annoyance washing over him, Thomas' gaze remained calm, focused on the linoleum floors as he traversed the halls towards the sitting area. He didn't want these nostalgic emotions running through him, after all he'd done to rid himself of them. That girl was similar to jim in many ways, yet highky sifferent. He even found himself lacking the desire for a cigarette, something he hadnt gone a day without in four years. The smooth surface of the floor reflected the radiating white lights illuminating the hospital-like halls. With each passing light, his tolerance for this situation, these feelings, grew thinner and thinner. Finally, turning on his heels, he came face to face with the double doors to the sitting area.

He came to a hault, inches from the doors, his eyes sliding shut as he lowered his chin to his chest. Ridding himself of any sign of his previous outbursts and emotions, he peered up, straightened his business-like clothing, slicked his hair back into it's proper spot, and pushed his way through the doors. Lifting his head, Tom pushed past the fellow subjects, finding refuge in his usual spot on the end of a comforter. Plopping down, leaning his weight solely on his elbow, His mind began to race again as it came into contact with the quietness of the room. Quickly shaking that thought off, his eyes flicked up just as the doctor pushed through the double doors, clipboard in hand.

"Hello, I assume you all are feeling Better after an hour or two of rest. Hopefully you are..because it's time to move further in our plans." The doctor's words brought curiosity to Tom's mind, he truly thought all of this through. "You'll require a of you might be forced to work alone or in a group of three if you'd rather. Whatever you decide, choose your partners. Base your decisions off whether you believe you can trust this person, if you choose someone you dislike you'll regret it highly. Go ahead and sit beside your partners. When you are finished, I'll explain further."

Partners? That wasn't particularly something Thomas was fond of. To rely on another..was risky. It was a chance, one the risk taker wasn't sure he was willing to make. Nevertheless, he had his powers..whether he knew of them fully or not, no point in turning back now. Yet, who out of the group could he particularly trust? If he made the wrong choice, he knew the doctors words were true, he'd surely regret it.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #94 on: June 30, 2015, 09:32:08 pm »

Simone Howey

Her hand darted back and forth as she made many attempts to hit the puck, however not going over the top, pushing her competitive streak aside. She wanted to allow Teddy to have some fun too. A few times the puck would land in their goal, causing her to frown in disbelief, shaking her head and assuming it was a 'lucky shot' of some sort, a smirk remained across the lasses lips. Although, the puck seemed to fly in to Remington and Finns goal an equal amount of times, this causing her to smile like an over excited child slightly, giving the young lad at her side a gentle nudge as she smiled. Looking up she noticed that Finn didn't seem to comfortable near Rem, which caused the brunette to chuckle slightly; the two boys were so different, and in many ways. Maybe this was done on purpose by Teddy, he knew how much his brother and Remington didn't get along. Quite amusing if she had her say. Turning her attention back to the game, she'd look up once more, raising a brow at Finn as he glanced over, then offering the male a warming smile she'd nod her head, before concentrating once more. Listening to the two males talk to one another she'd shrug "Yeah, there's a possibility we'll be let out, they're more likely to keep us in and do more petty experiments, though" she'd sight, before eyeing the males tattoos as Rem asked a question "I like the sleeve" she'd shrug, before suddenly stopping at the sound of a booming voice.

It appeared that the subjects had to meet up in the waiting room once more, like they hadn't been in there enough within the past few days, they were now going there again. Looking around the room she'd let out a huff, patting Teddy gently on the top of his back near his shoulder with a smile, before turning and kneeling down slightly, grasping the jacket and leash which had fallen from the metal bar. Calling for the over grown feline, she'd smile a little, seeing as he hesitantly made his way over. Clipping the leash on she'd mess on with the felines cheek mane as if she was ruffling the side of a cats face. Chuckling quietly to herself she soon pushed herself up, looking at Remington with a furrowed brow "Round two you wouldn't be so lucky..." she'd wink playfully, before exiting the room, nodding a thanks to Rem "It certainly has" she'd smile, nodding her head at Rems comment. Slowly making her way up the corridor, stopping at a vending machine where she'd grab a quick can of Pepsi, then heading in to the room.

Most now seemed to be in the room and darted around, as usual she was late. Pushing her way in to the room she noticed one of the doctors, who had now turned and tilted his glasses slightly "Late again I see, Miss Howey?" he'd question, raising his brows and tilting his head slightly "You're lucky I even showed up ..." she'd mutter, allowing the doors to slam shut behind her. Walking in to the room she'd gently tug at the rope, the checked top hanging from her waste neatly as she made her way towards a seat, one she usually sat at, the tiger claws proving so. Patting at the felines side she'd listen carefully, her brows furrowing slightly at the thought of finding a 'partner' to team up with. No one in here would be trusted by her seeing as she hadn't really conversed with many others, apart from Remington, Finn and Teddy that was, If they'd be allowed to go as a four, she'd happily do so. Although, it'd be nice to get to know some of the others too. For now Sim would sit and wait, seeing if anyone would approach her. If nod she'd more than likely work alone, unless being willing to join another.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #95 on: July 01, 2015, 02:28:28 pm »

Finn Collins

As the air hockey game came to a close, Finn watched Simone and Remington leave the room before he turned to Teddy, smiling lightly. "Better go see what the white coats want eh Ted?" Together, they headed over to the all too familiar waiting room, Finn's bare feet making little noise against the cold tile. In the silence, he held a mental worry party; what was he going to do if Teddy got hurt in all these trials? What if they were forced to turn on each other? Groaning, he ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair. Finn gave him a weak smile "Stop worrying Finn," Teddy said quietly "We'll be alright. And honestly with the whole dark eye bags, bandages, and thinning frame thing you're starting to like Death himself." Finn grinned "Good that means it's working" he teased as they arrived at the waiting room.

Seeing that most everybody had already arrived, he went to go stand in a corner while Teddy went to go socialize again. The feeling of someone watching him raised goosebumps on his arms, and he looked up to find one of the nurses staring. This particular nurse he knew too well, she had made many advances on not only Finn, but almost every male subject. Her heated stare caused Finn's nose to wrinkle in distaste as he crossed his arms over his chest. Teddy picked up on the tensionHe had little time to grumble to himself when the doctor came into the room, saying something about partners. Thoughts and scenarios flashed through his mind, maybe by choosing someone they trust, the doctors would try to break down bonds between partners. Shaking his head, Finn decided it was safer not to ask Teddy to be his partner andinstead found himself making his way to Simone. "Care to be my partner milady?" He asked his voice dripping with playful sarcasm as he performed an exaggerated bow, like old time dancers as they greeted their partners.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 04:27:51 pm by PartyXPoison »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #96 on: July 01, 2015, 03:13:02 pm »

Remington Crosse

Status: Healthy
Clothing: The guy farthest to the right.

Remington returned Mykael's smile with a lopsided smirk, accompanied by a curt bob of his head. As the doctors gave their usual, boring sermon, Rem's navy blue eyes carelessly flickered around the room, lingering on a few subjects before dropping his gaze to the floor. Partners? What did they think this was? Elementary school where you needed a "safety buddy" on a field trip? The lad twirled a strand of black hair nervously between his fingers before tucking it behind his ear. Despite the "confident in his odd skin" upfront Remington put, he was actually quite insecure and lacking of such social skills, so the fact that a "partner up" task was involved made Remington go pale- well, paler than per usual.

However, he put up a front of bliss. Contentness. A soft, unamused sigh filtered out between his lips and he hoisted himself from the chair. Remington watched as the people began partnering up, Simone was snatched away by Finn. "Well, there goes my one and only plan." Remington murmured under his breath. Tilting his head softly, Remington narrowed his gaze on the floor. A confused look washed over the odd male's face, tilting his head downwards towards the floor. Looking up, Remington motioned towarss Teddy, offering him a sheepish expression. "Not going with your brother, huh?" He questioned in a quirky fashion, arching an eyebrow curiously. Maybe Teddy would see the silent pleading behind Remington's nervous blue eyes. Facing the trials alone was something that could be an option too, but being with someone felt more secure in some way. Actually, being alone didn't seem too bad, since anyone here he didn't particularly trust with his life.. How could they even ask us of that in the first place? A small scoff escaped Remington's lips and he decides that alone, for Rem, at least, would be for the best.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 02:24:11 am by -Killjoy- »

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #97 on: July 01, 2015, 04:08:27 pm »

{I'll wait to see if any of the others are going to post.
@-Killjoy- I think it was Finn that asked Simone, Teddy is without a partner I believe, unless I'm wrong? ^_^}
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #98 on: July 01, 2015, 04:29:47 pm »
[[@Taylor and @Killjoy My apologies, I've been on mobile for a few days now and I'm just copy/pasting these headers and it seems I used the wrong one, the post was meant to be in Finn's POV I just fixed it. Sorry!]]
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #99 on: July 01, 2015, 04:46:35 pm »
(( @PartyxPoison & @Taylor
Ohmygosh, I'm sorry! I misunderstood.
I'll scratch my post and remake a new one.
Sorry! ))