Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 51236 times)

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #40 on: June 18, 2015, 12:05:47 am »

Thomas Gales

Eyes closed, and he a laid back, Tom's breathing slowed as the pain subsided to an irritating pulse shooting through his head. "Good luck." and for some reason throughout the other noises he chose to ignore a single voice caught his attention. He rolled his head over, glancing at the girl as she gave warning to the boy. What was her name..Rylee, it was. She was so innocent, which sparked curiosity in Tom's mind. How did such a seemingly kind girl end up here? He scoffed slightly at her 'luck'. Luck had nothing to do with anything..but nevertheless Tom kept his mouth shut. He was bitter in ways and this girl..this Rylee had nothing to do with that and didn't truly deserve to suffer the consequences of his harsh words. Sitting back up, Tom ran a hand down his face, before sliding a cigarette out of his pocket. Flipping his lighter on, he lit it just as the doctor returned for another, "Tom..You can't smoke in here you know tjat." Tom wasn't a heavy smoker, matter a fact he did it maybe three times a week. So when the doctor scolded him, he furrowed his brow, taking a hit of the cigarette before leaning on a single elbow and raising a brow. His eyes were cold and his skin had grown slightly pale, he was obviously still in pain. In a daring tone, he replied, "Are you going to take it from me?" The doctor slowly nodded, smiling in both disbelief and understanding. Tom wasn't particularly rude, and kept to himself. In fact, he was rather a gentleman when being social, but in pain he wasn't one to push. With that, the doctor retrieved his next patient, and Tom laid his face in his hands, breathing out deeply in an attempt to lessen the headache.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2015, 05:49:52 am »
I'm so sorry for my inactive-ness, I was taken on a surprise holiday without any internet so I had no way of posting. I understand if you want to kick me from the roleplay, but I'd love to catch up if anyone could give me a quick recap. I'm so sorry ^^
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2015, 10:08:49 am »
[You're fine, as long as you didnt purposefully neglect the roleplay! So far the doctors have begun giving shots out to activate the powers, and then returning the subjects to the waiting area where they'll wait to go to the courtyard to show off their powers for the doctors. ^-^]
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2015, 01:47:56 pm »
[I think people are waiting to post because you didn't announce that the doctors are taking us outside yet.]

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2015, 02:10:04 pm »
[I'm awaiting for Sherlolly to get the chance to post her shot scene, but the rest feel free to post going out to the courtyard. The doctors are going to come in an ask you to follow them an bring you out to a courtyard thats beautiful just describe how you'd imagine, and once I post ill describe what they'll say and what youre gonna do]
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #45 on: June 22, 2015, 04:30:47 pm »

{I'll wait for Sherlolly to post, if that's ok?}
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #46 on: June 22, 2015, 06:48:42 pm »

Jessamine Tarnberry

"Jess...?" A weak, trembling voice so familiar echoed through Jessamine's head. She tried desperately to console the crying little girl in her arms, the girl's soft blonde braids quivering with the rest of her body. "It'll be over soon, sweetie." She stroked the girl's head and gazed into those sparkling blue eyes that were full of love and fear, the eyes that she would never forget no matter how many drugs she was given. "They'll leave just like they always do." Jess' voice held the courage that she didn't know she possessed. The pair sat captured in the last moment of tranquility, clinging onto each other as if they were the only things the other had left in the world. A blinding white light tore that moment apart, dragging the girl's away from each other in a flurry of screams and tears.

Jessamine sat bolt-right up just as her lips formed her sister's name. She took a second to check the alarm clock situated on the small set of drawers next to her bed and sighed; she had been waking earlier every day thanks to the growing anxiety in the pit of her stomach for the events of this very day. Activation Day. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed to hop out, Jess took a deep breath inwards to clear her head. Just a dream. Although the girl knew it wasn't, the thought seemed to calm her racing heart.

As always, it took Jessamine a short time to get ready. Her unruly hair was difficult to tame, but after some time of brushing it she managed to fit a flower crown atop her head so that it looked somewhat presentable. The clothes she wore were her usual attire, on the more comfy side of things for the day ahead. Not like she had any idea what they were actually going to be doing in the first place. The scientists had given the subjects literally no information on what they would be going through during the activation, so everyone was basically left in the dark when it came to knowledge of the 'abilities' they would be given.

Before she knew it, Jessamine was sitting on the doctor's table with her legs dangling from the side awaiting whatever she would be given. The past hour or so had been a blur of anxious waiting that had gone by far too quickly. Now, a scientist was gently prodding and poking at her arm, assumably trying to find the best point of injection. "You feeling okay? You've not talked at all." One of the scientists looked up at her form his clipboard with a mild look of concern, but his gruff voice held little to no trace of emotion. "If you hadn't already noticed, this one doesn't talk." The doctor preparing a scary-looking needle barely even bothered to look up as he continued with his work. He approached her while testing the needle with a few squirts of a clear liquid. Raising an eyebrow at the harmless-looking substance, Jess willingly held out her arm. Without hesitation the needle was plunged into the flesh of her arm and the liquid injected into her veins.

The scientist with the clipboard started rambling on and on about side effects and unusual pains, but it was as if Jessamine's head was exploding. Her vision went blurry, the blood pounding painfully in her temples. With the colour draining from her face, she was given a bucket and lead to the waiting room. She was used to being given buckets due to her reactions with most of the medicines she was given. Luckily, this one didn't seem to have that effect on her but she still clung to the bucket as she was dumped in a chair next to some guy. It took her a few minutes to even bother to look up from the bright blue plastic of her bucket to look around the room, the warmth of tears threatening to spill over her brown eyes. Her expression was one of fear as her gaze rested on the person next to her that turned out to be Thomas Gale. Even he, being one of the tougher subjects in the sanctuary, was in obvious pain. Jessamine had the urge to comfort him, but she found no way in which she could so resorted to placing her head in her hands in a desperate attempt to make the pain go away.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2015, 07:01:45 pm by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #47 on: June 23, 2015, 02:23:18 am »
[[I'm sorry if waiting for others to respond made me disappear! I promise I'm still here!]]

Teddy Collins

Teddy smiled at Rylee, but the grin soon slipped off his face when she was called by the doctor. Now sitting by himself, he allowed his eyes to wander. Almost everyone had received their injections and were sitting about the room, radiating varying levels of discomfort. His eyes landed on his older brother, whom had finished his first lollipop and had shoved two more in his mouth. Teddy chuckled lightly at the sight of the grown man dressed in black, furiously sucking the lollipops, his eyes dark with could have been anger or pain. His giggles subsided when he realized how much pain Finn was actually in, gripping his hands so tightly that his knuckles turned white which was alarming given Finn's usually high pain tolerance. Teddy anxiously popped his knuckles and looked back to the door in which Rylee was returning. The girl's breathing was uneven and raggedy as she slumped down in her chair, barely managing to whisper "good luck". The doctor appeared at the doorway, calling his name, and Teddy reluctantly stood before following the man down the white hallway.

When he entered the room, he was met with the harsh smell of cleaning supplies and medicine, a distasteful combination that made him want to throw up. Various pieces of equipment hung on the wall, from the usual ear and eye tools to some the boy had never seen before, no matter where he looked, he couldn't ignore the syringes neatly lined up on the counter most of which had already been emptied of their contents. The doctor was a graying man in his late forties, with a gut and frown lines to match. Teddy shifted around the room before the nurse also in the room gave him a pointed glare, causing him to sit down hurriedly on the table. The old man droned on about side effects and pain that was to follow the injection, head aches, chest cramps, muscle spasms, the usual; Teddy however suddenly could not hear over the loud thumping of his heart. Too soon the doctor selected a needle and tugged on his arm, positioning the point over the veins in his elbow. The shot was a quick pinch and soon he felt the growing burn around the injection site. His breaths came out in short pants as he was escorted back down the hall towards the waiting room, through his blurry vision he could see the tall lamp post that was Finn, standing in the corner, waiting for them to be let into the court yard. Teddy stumbled over to him and wrapped his arms around his brother's chest, a few tears leaking from his eyes as Finn's hands pried him off an picked him up gently, like one would care a tired child.
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2015, 03:28:31 am »
[Glad to see everyone back!^-^]

Thomas Gales

The world had grown quiet around him as the pain subsided into a constant pounding in his head. Even with that, however, when the sense of the cushions beside him compressing beneath someone's weight caught his attention, he glanced up. It was Jeanine Tarnberry, a silent girl that most were kind to for the thought of her being mute.Tom wasn't one to judge another based on their situations or even change his treatment to them, but he knew better. This girl wasn't completely at least. He just wasn't sure, he never looked to far into it. He glanced away at the sight of her head in a bucket, vomiting wasn't his strong suit and his stomach already felt weak. "Alrighty, you all did well. The nausea and headaches will subside once you take these pills." The doctor stood in the hallway passed the double doors which were held open by a nurse carrying a platter of measuring cups filled with two pills each. "These will dissolve and pass through your blood stream and brain allowing us to see the parts of your brain that are newly lighting up helping us discover what exactly your abilities are." Which is why when you pass by you need to pick up a cup of pills and a sensor." there on the platter also laid a small line of circular, quarter sized sensors. "Stick them on your right temple. Now, follow me to the courtyard." the doctor turned, heading down the hallway, by even then, Tom remained seated. He felt a sudden rush of annoyance, he wanted to relax, to calm down but nevertheless, the pills offered salvation from his pain. Standing, he went to head for the door, but glanced down at Jess. Pausing, he reached down, gripping her bicep gently and lifting her to her feet. "Come on," he muttered, making sure she was steady before letting go. With that, he followed after the doctor, snatching up his pills and his sensor. Only once they reached the large double doors that remained propped open for access to the courtyard did he lift the cup to his mouth, swallowing the pills and tossing aside the cup. Quickly sticking the sensor to his temple, he stepped outside. It was large, massive even. Gravel covered the ground as flora of assorted varieties decorated the area. The doctor led them to a large clearing where him, a nurse, and a younger man stood. "This is Will. Will is a O.C.A.T.E. An omnipotent conjurer adaptable to enviorments. After years of research, he's become capable of not one ability, but several. Even more we have yet to discover, he will be your target for today. Now, your sensors have been telling us about your brain signals, we'll begin with.."
(Feel free for anyone to take the first spot.)

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2015, 04:17:52 pm »

Simone Howey

Simone had been seated for a while, not too relaxed however she remained silent. The dark haired woman watched as people continued to enter and exit the room, receiving their activation injections. The pain from her previous injection was still there, her vision blurred and shooting pains still running through her body, however her breathing remained stable for now and the pain had slightly died down from what it was before. Dropping the leash from Takhars collar, she'd run her hand up her arm, although this wouldn't do much in soothing the pain, it was still something which helped the lass relax slightly. Soon enough though the pain died down, her limbs now feeling more relaxed and her vision wasn't so blurred. Letting out a sigh of relief she'd place her hand on the large felines head, running her hand down then patting his side roughly. The long wait had caused the feline to grow rather impatient and somewhat irritated; being cooped up had left him clawing at the window trying to get out, trying to shred the sofas cushions and trying to wonder off. There was only so much she could do and hopefully they'd be let in to the court yard soon. Tugging at the leash she'd pull the tiger back, then using her hand to romp around with the large feline to keep him occupied, then using the leash; although he was larger than a regular cat, he'd still play in similar ways and be amused with similar things, but by far he'd be a lot more rough and wild. Hearing light tapping she'd stop and glance at the door.

Several figures soon entered the room, quickly swinging the door open. Most of the doctors seemed to just be following the 'head' doctor as he'd call himself and one appeared to be holding a tray with what seemed to be small shot cup type containers and small sensor type equipment. Furrowing her brows Simone would eye up the small group of people, unsure as to what was going on. Listening carefully to what the bloke had to say, she'd nod her head slightly as to what they had to say "Great, about time ..." she'd mutter, rolling her eyes slightly, they'd waited the majority of the day for this. Picking herself up off of the sofa, she grabbed the leash gentle and tugged it, leading herself and the feline out. Walking past the tray she'd grab one of the small cups and one of the sensors. Arching her arm she'd tip the tablet in to her mouth, swallowing them quickly and throwing the small cup away, moving her arm over she'd place the sensor on to her right temple. Massaging the area slightly she huffed, making her way down the corridor behind a few of the others. Once entering the courtyard she'd kneel down, un-clipping the leash from the felines leather collar, standing she'd smile as the feline shot off across the courtyard, letting out quiet, muffled groans. "I think it's best you keep that thing on a leash" a deep voice sounded. Raising a brow she turned "So I'm guessing you're going to catch him?" she'd question, watching the lad shake his head "Exactly what I thought" she smirked, following the leading doctor in to the middle of the courtyard.

What she's wearing, but without the bag;

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